Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Human Rights is for all the people, at all the places and all the times

The recent news about Britain being criticized for making laws that is violative of human rights is very significant. Any operative mechanism to prevent the forces that are threat to the society and other values has to conform to basic standards of Human Rights. Otherwise the line between the terrorists and State gets blurred. Democracy is the best understanding we have that provides immense opportunities and freedom to all. Democracy provides individuals and groups to channelise and express their needs and aspirations. But this very democracy, which gave us the freedom, is also very fragile and can be turned into a threat. Because of its inclusive nature there is always a possibility that a group or individuals can easily sneak in and misuse this freedom. It is therefore very important to understand: What needed to be accepted and rejected by society. The benchmark for which can only be Human Rights. Any violation or threat to human rights in any form need not be accepted or tolerated. Quite clearly that applies to any definitions of “way of life”. Also there is nothing like our or their “way of life” as also presuming that our “way of life” is better than others so everyone should fall in line is a ridiculous understanding. To start with there is nothing like our or their “way of life”. Every “way of life” is overlapping since we are humans not set of different species or aliens whatever may be the social context. A common factor that can define “way of life” is adherence to respect for humans (and surroundings). This is a universal understanding. Any tradition or custom (which is classified as “culture”) has to necessarily adhere to this. Clearly the customs or traditions (in most case the capsulation or interpretation of dominant groups world view) that promotes regressive worldview, subjugates, objectify and coerce people, restricts their freedom should not be tolerated. These shouldn’t be mistaken for diversity. Diversities can only be different views and expressions of beauty. This is “multiculturalism”. There can never be a space for ugliness in this understanding of ‘culture”. What is done in Dark Ages cannot be carried into present age as Traditions. That will be an insult on people who sacrificed and strived to create a just society. This shouldn’t be allowed. There is no space for such “customs”(call it “culture”) in civilized society otherwise we need to redefine what is “civilized”, what is “human rights”. If these are tolerated in the name of Democracy then the society will have to pay a heavy price since ugliness can only breed and thrive on ugliness. Let’s not misuse the term “tolerance”. Tolerating ugliness in any form is not Tolerance, it is intolerance to Beauty. It is therefore important to NOT tolerate Human Rights abuses. It is important to NOT tolerate the intolerance to Democratic (necessarily civilized) values. Accepting these "culture" is not Tolerance, it is not being tolerant to Human Rights. Accepting these is not being responsible as a citizen of civilized society as also not respecting democratic values. Accepting these will be accepting tyrants who abuse people using religion (culture). Accepting these will be closing our eyes and covering our ears to screams of silence. So how many people who are now crying foul over State’s Human Rights abuses in Britain have raised their voice against Human Rights abuses that is being transported (and thriving thanks to imbecile understanding of “multiculturalism”) to the country for last so many decades now. They definitely will have to come clear. We at the “developing” world are appalled. This consternation is giving way to anger. Sometimes one wonders is this complacent “developed” world’s “traditional burden” of saving the world?. Tolerating and institutionalizing degrading practices and abuses will definitely sedate our senses into accepting it as some “exquisite” culture. It is not. And it will never be. Will they accept the heinous practice of Sati, which was practiced in this part of the world nearly a century back and classified as unique “exquisite” “way of life”. The dominant group during those times even threatened not to interfere in their “culture”. This is how uncouth people try to sneak in- the route of “way of life” and with a population to support their version of truth they also sneak into Parliament (and so casteism begin to look like some exotic culture). Once they are in, it’s difficult to dislodge them since they use all the opportunities provided by Democracy as a means to their dangerous ends. Democracy really is very weak from inside. It is crumbles quite easily by a threat from within. It is therefore important to plug the point of entry. And to severely deal with extra constitutional power centers and their authoritarian hold over the common people and individuals. It sometimes requires some ingenuity of local community to deal with such a threat. At least in India, sensibilities of majority in putting faith in democracy has weakened the hold of extra constitutional powers in their inability to “use” culture and tradition to consolidate their medieval worldview and has been definitive in preventing the institutionalizing of these "cultural" miseries. The rule of law is upheld albeit many of the regressive “way of life” still exist thanks to the indolence of elite or more appropriately, they allowed it to thrive since they stand to gain. Politicians play for the vote bank; the remorse is even the judiciary sometimes side with these exquisitiveness. “Cultural traditions” like sati is prevented since it amounts to murder what about practices that dehumanize and degrade humans?. There is horrible terror in some of these “peaceful” living in many of the societies which come to us as “ exquisite cultures”. For some it could be a source of get together for wine-dine-poem reading and other pervasive “hilarity” and back thumping photo sessions. But for many it’s a daily misery they have to live through. The misery that is transferred to next generation as hereditary legacy. Do we therefore associate heinousness only to killing like say for Dowry to point an example from India? The horror of peace has to be identified and in this “modern” world ignoring these is a collective shame. It’s a tragedy with no face. Its tragedy we see every day staring at us.
Quite obviously when abuses are accepted then the outcome will be emboldening of fundamentalist groups, whose undemocratic authoritarianism is now being accepted as part of “multiculturalism". This will lead to rise in reactionary groups within the “majority” people against the “minority” and so the cycle starts and then the “alienation” and so on. In such scenario the fundamentalists in “majority” group will also force traditional religion sanctioned abuses as “culture” and be accepted and their will be many to justify these even in the mainstream. The silent “majority” will then slowly but surely start to tolerate the Human Right abuses by the State on what they see as threat to their “way of life”. Hate crime will increase. Human right activists will become a joke. Democracy may very well be held hostage to the reactions in the societies, the paranoia of people will be capitalized by new sets of challenges. The cultures strongly influenced by religious concept of unknown “evil” force- the Satan, will be used by scoundrels to enter and consolidate their power. Local and immediate problem of people (like basic needs of food, shelter, infrastructure..) as also long term threats (like environmental degradations, note how Bush and cronies are trying to scuttle Kyoto) will be sidelined for spending the might on defeating the “evil”. At least Americans are prepared for this by some dubious neo con church leaders as also the Hollywood movies…mammoth insects,spiders, snakes,bats,humans,visible-invisible….multiplying cell masses,aliens,swarms of god-knows-what bend on destroying nice people(read Americans)….one wonders why UFO sighting happens only in America??!!. Enter Bush, enter dements like Robertson, enter all the warmongers, enter muck as culture…Democracy is thus successfully breached and so frustrated people will become cynical of democracy and then those who have “entered” will become new age icons, marketeers will jump in to cash the opportunity and so there will be more abuses and abuse becomes a common thing then it becomes culture then we will have another sets of saviors to protect this “exquisite” culture and so on…This breach therefore has to be stopped as early as possible before it’s too late. One sometimes wonders whether it’s already late. The other day I read a column by Mr. Hattersley in Guardian Newspaper. He writes, “….it is uncivilized to demand” anyone to abandon their “way of life”. Very true we completely agree with that. It is very crucial and civilized to demand what is right and severely condemn what is wrong. The wrong and right, the understanding of which we share, the understanding of which makes us civilized. The wrong and right we learn as we develop from centuries of barbarism into democratic values. The wrong and right in context to Human Rights and understandings that are universal. Therefore it is uncivilised and uncouth to tolerate a “way of life” which gives misery to people.
In parts of the world where democracy has not taken roots (not the kind Bush moron talks of, Nicaragua or south Africa could be a better example on initiating democracy) necessarily due to despotic few, actively supported by foreign powers who stand to gain from any system propagated, the regressive“way of life” is coerced on large section of population for ages so much so that they start to consider it as normal . This interpretation they carry abroad as “culture” and the society they leave behind gets capsulated in homes and ghettos. When we look back into the history of societies we learn that it is few enlightened people (thinkers) who helped in creating a system that is just and gives freedom to all. The thoughts that have provided individuals in societies to explore to their maximum. This is Development. This is culture. Respect for humans (extended to environment) being the lynchpin. Freedom for Expression and Equality….being just few of the rights people enjoy. Mr. Hattersley writes further “……at the beginning of the row over Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses, I told worshippers at the Birmingham Central mosque that they should be calm about their faith as most Christian are about theirs. A man …told me “you may not care about your religion, but that is no reason why we should not care about ours..”. Mr. Hattersley exclaims “..his logic was irrefutable…”. Note this, the “care for religion” here is supporting the killing of a writer. Also know this the Italian and Japanese translator of this book were killed. So “taking care” for religion is by “killing” others. So that means I can do anything(read anything) to “take care of my religion”(as I see it) Small query: Is it lawful?!!. Well if it is not they should be arrested. There are democratic ways of dealing with problems or grouse anyone has. Is this “way of life”?!!. The “irrefutable” fact here is that people like Hattersley are scoundrels and should be arrested for inciting violence. They don’t respect life and therefore shouldn’t be allowed to enjoy the benefits of civilised society, obviously they will feel "alienated". These people justify violence, which is seen as “different view” by sensational prone media and thus help them make a living from “writing columns” and other perks associated with intellectualism. Obviously the view from such world can nothing but ignorant. Ignorant in its condescending or patronizing nature, as may be the case. Ignorant in its complete lack of understanding of existential realities of people. Ignorance which no book nor any sophistication can remove. They also like to see the whole world out there as some kind of monolithic structure ready to be chiseled to their need. The people in it easily classifiable for whatever purpose. This kind of intellectual excursion immensely help them to prosper after all intellectualism is a cottage industry with a decent ROI !!. They really don’t have to loose anything. Its always a win-win game. More controversy means more public space, more columns to write, more talk shows, seminars to attend and that is how one becomes a “respectable figure” in society. These elites don’t realize nor do they have to ever experience the kind of misery the inhuman practices they endorse can create to common people, who are somehow trying to eke out a living. Such scum these. They use democracy (free society) to justify undemocratic norms (off course as exquisite culture). People like Hattersley might find it shocking that we can only “assimilate” (or integrate or whatever, English can really keep lots of people busy) what is beautiful. His idea of "taking care" is unacceptable. In more civilised societies such “alienated” people are send to reforming centers or put away in prison as social threat. Mr. Hattersley also mentions that it is this “…assault on islam-its culture as well as theology –that has alienated some muslim youth…”. One wonders where is this “assault on islam” in Britain in last few decades?!. There are more assault on other religion (as also on the weak within the religion) in many "islamic" states ("others" are kafir here), point me one church or temple in Saudi- the same nation that is giving huge amount of money to spread its kind of "religion and culture" to poorer part of the world (not that i am an admirer of building religious structures, there are other pressing problems) . There seem to be an attempt to channelise individual grievances as assault on a religion. If people from other Religions(or sect or group) are going to “take care” their religion then we will have serious problems or maybe they are not intolerant enough. So we have to appreciate intolerance and tolerate all muck that come as “culture”. In these pit holes germinate worms like Anjoum Choudhary (whose views I chance to hear in BBC Hard Talk as also CNN). He did his schooling in Britain so one can refer him as homegrown. His grievance and off course the reason for “alienation” is that “the sharia-as he interprets it- should be applied in whole world particularly America”. God knows (or probably Hattersley boy knows better) how is he going to “take care” this. And pray what is our role?. Is he alienated or is this fellow cause of alienation. What is the reason that such people are produced in Britain wherein there are many who have utilised the immense possibilities provided by the society to contribute to their best in the devlopment . Do such people have space in civilised societies??. If yes then violation of human rights by State is but expected. As mentioned earlier democracy is quite weak from inside. The muck (“religious” as also marketeer’s culture) has sneaked in. The lines of decency is blurred, dynamics of social dealing shifts. And when ideas of human rights are blurred disaster is breeding in the backyard.

Post script: The other day I was surfing TV channels and stopped on plachimada cokepepsi report this was followed by an interview with Zora teacher (as she is popularly referred to as) who migrated from iran some two decades back to settle in kerala and is working as a teacher in a school near thiruvananthapuram. Her views I thought were very significant. Women in kerala have no much freedom she says. Which is so very true when I was there I use to wonder where the women have vanished after sunset. There definitely is a sense of insecurity not only felt by women but also an average keralaite despite the so-called vibrant democracy, higher HDI and so on, feels very unsafe more unsafe than any crowded sometime lawless metros. So how do we define Freedom??. Do we need patronizing attitude towards “weaker” section so as to “allow” them to move freely and then refer to it as a better system?
Please condole the death of nearly 1000 Iraqis in a stampede today. The report says they were “shias”. Recently there has been a rise in sectarian violence in Iraq (as also by invaders). This is definitely the work of outsiders. People in this country have been living peacefully for centuries, offcourse democratic rights were curtailed but that struggle is different from what we see in TV these days. Innocent people are being massacred. Thanks to Bush moron the country has become rallying point for fundamentalists from all over the world. I feel very sorry for the people here. Bush is definitly responsible for this misery. He should have the guts to at least meet Ms. Cindy Sheehan.What a shame.