Monday, August 28, 2006

Bushing the way to Armageddon

Rationality is integral part of Humanism. Humanism devoid of Rationality is expediency. It reduces to clever ploy for deceit. Religion may not be rational to atheists (who seem to have usurped rationality) but it is really not irrational, atleast, in its core intent. Religion caters to emotions and tribulations. A positive involvement leads to spiritualism that as a functionalist understanding: gives clarity on choices which is ethics. Irrationality is given to human exigencies and instability. Moral codes are an attempt to control, it’s a byproduct of power. Therefore moral framework necessarily changes with time and context unlike ethics. Morality is an agreement within the society on correctness. It is possible that it will militate with individuality. At an extreme, moral fiber within the religion may eulogize to kill or even martyr a follower, in horrendous perversity even an infant. Wherein the soul of religion, human- ethics is violated, proscribed. An example not distinct from religion is the construct of Nationhood and patriotism. People are ready to kill even innocent wherein it is ethically untenable. Rationality therefore needs to be seen as enlightened choices- ethics.

It is in this context and backdrop that we need to understand the issue of Evolution Vs Intelligent Design. Evolution is a scientifically documented fact, necessarily rational. Unless a contrary theory or examples is convincingly presented within the framework of rationality till then Darwinism remains the sole truth on these matters. Darwin was understanding enough to refer this as “provisional truth”. As of now it is a convincing theory on evolution of life, very highly probable. More than truth it is about attitude- a mindset defined by inquisitiveness, inquiry, search, learning, knowing…..if this space is not encouraged then it gives way to prejudices, biases, superstitions and narrow mindedness (with vote bank obsessed politicians and people as consumers we have a catastrophe waiting to happen or is it happening?). Intelligent Design advocates represent this regression. Some in US even suggest this as alternate theory. The ‘alternate’ of rationality is always irrationality. Teaching children that it is normal being irrational is where the problems start (the same danger in children being taught in exclusive religious institutions). Media mischief in this context is through ‘balanced’ reporting, ignoring ethical perspective.

Bush voted against Stem Cell Enhancement Act since “The bill” according to him “would support the taking of innocent life in the hope of finding medical benefits for others. It crosses a moral boundary that our decent society needs to respect”. This is the same ‘decent society’ which has no qualm in taking lives of thousands of innocent people in Baghdad or Beirut, to quote recent examples. Bush’s ‘moral boundary’ seems to confined to US neo cons. This is the same fellow who couldn’t protect (wasn’t bothered would be better way to describe it) his own marginalized people during hurricanes despite clear early warnings and all the equipments at disposal. It’s baffling how people in US elected him as the President not once but twice!!!. Irrationality seems to be institutionalized here- so naturally prejudices.

Writes,KarenArmstrong(inGuardianNewspaper..,,1833794,00.html) “…..the first chapter of Genesis was never intended as a liberal account of origin of life, it is a myth, a timeless story about the sanctity of world and everything in it…”. This is very much true and may be applied in case of Ayodhya issue or the way Islam is being misused by fundamentalists. He writes further “…the prophets did preach a stern message of social justice, however, and like all the major world faiths, Christianity sees charity and loving-kindness as the cardinal virtues. Fundamentalism nearly always distorts the tradition it is trying to defend”.

The photo of models of Evolution of Homo sapiens from primates was taken at Thirunelveli, District Science Centre (Tamil Nadu). Every districts like mandatory District Magistrate, District Health Centre…and so on need to also have District Information Centre (includes library, internet….also functioning as facilitating agency for RTI). It is also very important to have District Science Centre in each district, acting as nodal point for all schools in science related activities like projects, seminars, exhibition of innovations in the district as also dissemination on latest science inventions happening around the world. When I was visiting the Science Centre it was teeming with school children. A kind of sight one loves to see. It is not to say that science will give all answers. Scientific temper creates a mindset that encourages rational. Rationality is what makes us human.