Thursday, August 03, 2006

'Muslim' celebrities and 'modernity'

Modernity is defined in the dictionary as “relating to the history or period that you live in” “often showing approval”. In the contemporary world the understanding of modernity among the masses is dictated by mainstream media- by definition mediocre, by compulsion gross. In the Indian context because of colonial history and lack of egalitarianism- state policy on land reforms and education as also a tradition of filial oriented tradition, it is seen that the elite particularly from North India carry feudal mindset. A byproduct of the system based on exploitation they crave for space that pushes them further away from this tragic reality. This is where definition of modernity crystallizes. Something that makes them superior to others is necessarily where the scheme of things goes. Superior here is associated with western or American. Their lifestyle-what they speak (and how), what they do, is what epitomizes modernity in these circles. Aping these is what Modernity. In the globalised world with a population of more than a billion India is identified as a huge market. There is a stampede going on- if for genuine development one would have appreciated, but in most cases (with very rare exception like in IT) the rush is for open loot. But the loot is more sophisticated this time; they take the route of investments (the favorite word of Coke-Pepsi thugs). To sell their product is why they create lifestyle demands. And modernity gets reiterated by associating with lifestyle of western. Anyway Indian elite have been quite susceptible to western as a part of sycophancy, historically, as is well documented -what is referred to ‘westernisation’. Associating ‘westernisation’ to rational- logical approach that is scientific, to problems analysis is what is admirable. But that hardly in the mind of people when they refer ‘western’. And acute need for upper mobility in an inequitable society ensures that this is pursued in all its viciousness.
In contemporary mainstream media the ‘hang out’ and ‘chill out’ zone is where fledglings of modernity take it shape. Chaddi dancers are icons and anything spoken by movie actors (and ofcourse actress) the moment of truth. They will enlighten us on all burning issues like Mumbai blasts, Kashmir, charity, food, cricket, books….which they generally do if they have a movie to be released !!. The ‘modernity’ of media management- a very serious occupation (It doesn’t mean I am against popular figures for charity. In case of popular and successful actors this comes out as very genuine and has amazing effect like for instance polio campaign and the contribution of Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan….In the international level I can think of very genuine people like Bono, Richard gere…..These international figures need to be careful when dealing with poorer nations particularly India where many are squatting for big money international aid lick….spurious NGOs are there in every street corner).
Coming back, the so defined ‘Modernity’ in recent times is also the definitive feature of most movies- with characters more into defining ‘modernity’, eating out Piza or guzzling coke-pepsi, also help in these product placement and association with ‘modernity’. Till recently this space of modernity in movies was reserved for cigarettes. Few decades back a woman smoking cigarettes was defined as ‘ultra modern’ 'liberated' something we ‘backward’ people need to follow. Cancer and Modernity was quite a mismatch, they soon realized. So now it is Colas, Pizas, and all junk. The ads very often project product along these lines of modernity. The magazine and newspaper run by the very same people, and also in the ever acute reason of revenue, will propagate this image of ‘modernity’. Coca Cola –Pepsi drinking (even the way you carry it) becomes symbol of modernity so is eating fastfood, sipping Barista-only coffee, ….and god knows what. The ads necessarily need a society which is not knowledge run. After all why would anyone with right mind buy a product just because an actor or sportsmen or anyone says it so?. It needs people to be specifically demented or unintelligent. The construct of ‘modernity’ is a shrewd tactic to catch on the emotion. To feel ‘broadminded’ having associated with the product. Rest of the work is done by the peer pressure of the group.

So where does the ‘Muslim’ celebrities come in the issue of modernity?

In the recent times we have been facing serious identity crisis with profusion of so many things-ideas, culture,… as never before. The Muslims around the world have been troubled by the terrorism in the name of religion. Muslims around the world are being called to prove their alliance. There is also in recent time rise of fundamentalism in religion. More people are now identifying with medieval practices, chauvinism as tradition or culture. The religious fundamentalism is increasingly taking away the space for sane discourse. People are trapped in these vortexes. Against the religious chauvinism and feudal practice the market has constructed an understanding of ‘modernity’. More than anyone else it is easy for the Market to lure ‘Muslim’ celebrities into these, as they are desperate to show their ‘modernity’, so in the process want to move away from bigots. This also somewhere helps them to show their alliance to sane, interestingly or shall we say ironically, as Western. Not associating with these products of ‘modernity’ makes them susceptible to being non ‘modern’ which in turn may position them as fundamentalists or values we associate with bigots- a serious trap, in this increasingly polarized world -a hint of which can get into serious problems.

Coca Cola Pepsi (and other fast food chains) have somehow successfully managed to project themselves as intrinsic to Modernity. With a pliable media most of whom run by people who have done their education\training in West, have no qualm in propagating these balderdash. Since these products are also money bag-ads, there is a compulsion also. In this elaborate net of Modernity are trapped ‘Muslim’ celebrities (mostly willingly since there is huge money too with Modernity). Mirza kid after being chased by mullah sought rescue in this wonder world of modernity. Her performance on the field is nothing to write home about (with few exceptional games) though she is laughing into the bank with least of all effort….a feat you will never see in any other country. I guess making India proud is a huge job! Bas pyas bujaye or pesticide bhi dhe yaar.

Same story in Islamic Pakistan: General Musharaff is the most eager candidate for Modernity. It is a win-win situation for him. It is no surprising that his enthusiasm is shared by the sponsors of Pakistan Cricket team. Pepsi sponsoring Pakistan team does make the country look modern! I suggest Gen. Musharaff to remove his military stars from his shoulders and replace it with logo of Coca Cola-Pepsi or Piza Hut (modernity within half an hour. Mehtaji will vouch for it) that will surely make Bush bhai and others in West ecstatic.
I would definitely like to visit the sites in Pakistan where Coca Cola Pepsi suck and vandalize natural resources. Being under dictator and mostly feudal society….people protest in these places should be unheard of. Well people in Pakistan should pay the cost of Modernity, I guess. And every time Pakistani cricket team takes a wicket –as you see in the picture, it is a victory of Modernity.