Thursday, December 20, 2007

Use Mozilla Firefox !!

This blog seems to open better with Firefox than Internet Explorer. With Explorer the whole page comes out quite distorted. Till recently I was thinking it is because of internet café !!. In some internet cafe it opens properly in some it doesn’t. I was not aware of different type of Web browser (geez I am quite seriously tech challenged), and was told about this by a teenager in a café!!. Finally I have got old enough to look at things in terms of generation gap!!. So in the same café where the Explorer opened my blog distorted, Firefox opened it normal!!. It must be the competition between these, he tried to explain, even Google doesn’t open properly in Explorer. If he is right then is it not unfair trade practice??.

Whatever techies may say, blogger may please download Firefox, it is quite easy and takes only few minutes. I though am still not very convinced sometimes my blog opens normal in Explorer in some café!!. I guess I have to acquaint myself with basics of internet, which I think I am woefully lacking!!