The beginning of single Party dictatorship: Communist party of China under Mao Zedong established Peop le’s Republic of China, a new political and economic order modeled on the Soviet example was installed. The “Great Leap forward” disaster saw Chinese comrades parting way with Soviet Union. Under Mao China saw “cultural revolution” that was Mao’s ploy to strengthen his position in the Party, millions of people were massacred, and vast cultural heritage destroyed.The poignant lines from Soul Mountain by Nobel leaurate Gao Xingjian who escaped Chinese Dictators
“…….he said that hiding in the cabin he had witnessed a terrible massacre during Cultural revolution…. people were tied with wires at the wrists in groups of three and forced into the river by spraying them with machine gun fire, if one was hit all the three fell. They were like fish on the hook, they splashed and struggled for a while, then floated down like a dead dogs. Oddly, the more the people killed off the more people there are, whereas with the fish the more that are caught the fewer there are. Wouldn’t it be better if it were the other way around?...”
After Mao’s death sidelined leaders like Deng Xiapong were instrumental in initiating reforms and opening the economy. Deng and his supporters argued that managing the economy in a way that increased living standards should be
even if "capitalist" measures were adopted. Despite the reforms in economy the politics still remained under the tight clutches of Communists, the single party tyranny continued with crack down on any dissidence the most significant being the Tinnanmen square massacre of 1989.
The need for Democratizing China and freeing its citizen from repressive Communist dictators.
Communists mostly are ruthless people since they have one track mind and have difficulty in accepting variant views (this blogger has read Functionalist sociologists….there is a Marxian view on everything from marriage to history. They have theory for everything!!. It is a very interesting read, at extreme it is hilarious. As funny as Market panacea). The irony of China is that coterie of people have tight hold over the most populous nation on Earth and although Communists they work on Capitalism!!. The gist here is control by few and benefits of boom passed on to party cadre and rich, thus consolidating position and hold. Poor people are getting poorer and exploited, their voice suppressed (any other country there would protest- against say misguided Three Gorges dams, and massive dislocation of people in the name of development but in China it is about harmony!!. Paradoxically communist China doesn’t even allow unions!!).The current economic system favors cities, especially coastal cities, over countryside; state-owned enterprises (SOEs), communist officials (who comprise some 80 percent of private business owners, though a small fraction of the population), and foreigners over ordinary Chinese; and high technology over agricultural development. A democratic society would have made possible rural majority to probably force the government to give them greater economic opportunity and a larger voice in major projects.
Like any other forms of dictatorship, single party dictatorship in china looks for external enemies to divert the attention of its citizens, the reason why they are so manically upbeat about nationalism associated grandeur. Also note the brutality in dealing with any forms of dissidence or protest. It is a sign of supremely confident and egoistic leaders an eventuality in authoritarianism as they are not in touch with people, they loose connection with reality. Also note Chinese involvement in repressive regime around the world whether Burma or Sudan. A transparent China will help in stability of the world as also environment. It is estimated that the 2008 Beijing Olympics will cost more than $20 billion. The cost of launching first manned space mission in October 2003 was comparable. China is also spending massively on missiles, warships, and a new air force, much of which is imported. Democratization would almost certainly change Chinese policies.
The world needs to empathize with Chinese people particularly the majority who are exploited and have no voice, the economic benefit is going to a minor section as well as the Party. China is a significant nation, more than a nation it is a brilliant civilization, but is run by a set up that is not representing nor answerable to its people. It is shocking that authoritarian China is a permanent member of UNSC. In recent times China has gained credibility thanks to follies of Bush & Co. and seem to be aligning with “Islamic world” as a counterbalance against “prosecution of west”, the reason why constructive change in leadership of US will help call the bluff. The requirements of China’s increasingly well informed society (thanks to technology) and its dynamic economy, political change in the People’s Republic of China is a distinct possibility in near future, happenings in Taiwan and Honk Kong are indicators. The world needs to help the Chinese people against the repressive regime. It is one of the very few remaining communist dictatorships in the world: the overwhelming majority of the world’s nations are democratic or democratizing. Local elections do happen in China but it is decided by Party, even the choice of the candidates is dictated. Organized opposition is not tolerated.Chinese point to these elections as evidence of the development of democracy. Some argue that such experiments in democratization indicate major changes taking place in China today and reflect genuine political reform,other however, have charged that elections in rural China have little practical significance in China’s political process.
In recent times