Wednesday, September 23, 2009

When Macaulay’s bastards come home to roost

Shashi Tharoor is one of the better known English writers, he is now Union Minister. I have read many of his books (some of them well written one need say), most of his interviews and articles follow the pattern of selling India to the world: the thali analogy is repeated so often that it nauseates. His book “The great Indian novel” was probably my first few English contemporary fiction (it was those heady days when I had taken the decision of committing myself to reading, someone handed this book). I could understand the book since Mahabharata is one story I knew very well and Indian history I had studied, thus I could finish the book. I enjoyed it though, one guy whom I tried to tell about the book was appalled he thought it was insulting Hindus by twisting the story, he believed it was in a very bad taste. I somehow wasn’t convinced, years later as I understand these people there is a realization that maybe the guy was right. This section that thinks and interact in English live in a different world that I find difficult to understand, a world that seems cocooned in trappings of exploitative past. It is the world that is vacated by the colonial masters. The realization is startling. It may sound simplistic but is generally true. They have acquired the skill of commenting and judging about common people but living their life is a quite a different proposition. It is the world they like feeling good about but find difficulty in associating. Frankly they cannot really relate, the reason why keeping the distance is critical. The ego also makes others/nature look servile or existing for one’s comfort (He won the election because he contested on congress ticket, frankly anyone could have won, CPM infighting and kerala two party system).

In this cocooned world the lexicon used tends to demean majority of common people, their tribulations are part of the humor. It is no surprising that “cattle class” although funny for some is not at all humorous for millions of people eking out their living in horrible condition, when used by a union minister is shocking. Ever wondered why these words when used in English is not considered offensive but when translated becomes derogatory. The same reason why slumdogs, underdogs …works well in elite section (I never came across the word corporate dog. Am I surprised?!. The possibility of these words in English language is remote, it was a language of a country that was once referred to as land of shopkeepers. And even if these enter English language I don’t think it will be considered funny). Yes this blogger has travelled many times in “cattle class” no not in any aircrafts (how many do that?!!!) but in buses and trains, it is worst than cattles to be frank but to be made fun of by a Union Minister is appallingly insensitive. He can blame his English I guess. Our man need be careful he is a Union Minister and not TV chatterati or in some drawing room talk. Given a chance this blogger would love to travel in luxury but will find it difficult to make fun of millions of people’s existential predicaments.

English media (a very insignificant influence one need say) though is trying to make a martyr out of him. It is understandable, it is their bastard. It is their reality, they have to protect and yes try making it into common Indian reality. I absolutely don’t understand “holy cow”, if its an Indian joke then why is that such reference are not found in Indian languages!!. It is the legacy of colonial scoundrels. They try demeaning everything that was “native” (of course exception are there and yes they wont be using these insensitive references). Macaulay was guru on these matters. The exotic Indian stuff that these English minded section expertise in, also works wonders with western, equally pretentious crowd, who are exasperated trying to understand this complex country.

Years later the bastards have some home to roost. But presto now these demeaning references has secular context, so if you make fun of majority people’s faith and tribulations chances are you could be secularist. In a market driven world the elite find these justifying themselves, reasons its excesses. In this wonderful world the steps are easy: create controversy, try dividing people and be in the news, particularly when it seems the person concerned really doesn’t have much to do.

This blogger doesn’t find anything wrong in the way people spent money, it is their choice. If Shashi Tharoor is a millionaire then he can live in five star hotels rest of his life. The question however is of propriety as Union Minister of a country like India a little bit of sensitivity is no big deal to begin with we can also talk about his competence later. I found that his total asset is 15crore, he made his money is the argument. But if he staying in a hotel that charges 1 lakh per day (that makes it 100 lakh in hundred days, that is 1crore!!), one wonders how is he balancing it?. Or is the corporate or other influential people taking care of his expense. That is corruption as I know. I read somewhere that he having worked in UN is quite used to these luxuries. Is this how UN functions?????. I am shocked; incidentally how much this 5star organization been effective in recent times is a question worth asking.

Last but not the least the English media is also celebrating the fact he has about 1lakh followers in tweeter, for a union minister of more than one billion nation that is the joke (in case anyone is trying to locate where the joke is). Thankfully media decide nothing much, unlike America where even the war is fought for TV audience. I read somewhere white house is costliest TV studio!!.

PS. This piece written few weeks back, thought of putting once the issue is done with. These days I don’t find it necessary to take up issues as it happens unless of course it is serious. Tharoor is someone I admired few years back, unfortunately he turned out to be manipulative small timer with big ego. Or in all probability he has too many trash people around who are trying to exaggerate him (it mostly backfires) but whatever the metamorphosis is shocking. It must be the effect of misplaced euphoria, juvenile premise market creates, you got to play dumb to be noticed (and yes lower the dignity of the office to match), it’s about connecting with dimwits!!. And yes if he keeps up with it then you can expect him to come out with many more nonsense very soon, talk about people becoming liability. Are we tweeting?!!