Monday, July 23, 2012

some lives are just brilliant...

 Great work Mr. Khan
Aamir Khan is one of the hugely popular actors. Over the last two decades he has acted in some spectacularly popular movies. In the meantime he has also consciously sought to use his popularity to focus on issues that matters to common people, interestingly on popular platforms, and it has worked. Worked very well indeed!! The other day i was watching Sathyamev Jayathe, the issues related to water was handled in a manner that made common people aware of the problems and it was done sensitively without pontificating. 

I must add i haven’t watched all the episodes since last few weeks i have been travelling, and had to spent most Sundays on pressing issues (including Derby!!) but have watched some episodes for instance the one on alcohol related problems (also pesticides).  Aamir Khan must be aware that his program is popular and is taken quite seriously (it is unprecedented in Indian context) and therefore shouldn’t have resorted to cheap tricks of including “celebrities”. 

Though i am not against sale of liquor but promotion is unacceptable, of course there are rules against these but they circumvent it through surrogate ads like ‘sodas’. Undoubtedly it is unethical. Indeed after this episode articles start surfacing about the program being not very popular, as expected liquor lobby have dropped the biscuits for journalist poodles.  Crude woman says “aaj bhushan kal vibhushan parso kulbhushan!!”. Welcome to the world of wonderful Indian muslims...made just as ordered!!