Monday, May 19, 2014

An unopen letter to Gandhi’s grandson

The market liberals, right on money to save the nation, have this to offer from their backyard. please read this before you come to this column. 

Kasturi&Sons are incorrigible casteist buffoons is known, they run their legacy from holes of family burrow (which incidentally is by product of these advantage) is also quite known. That they quite blatantly aspire to be bigtime saviors is unpalatable, and should be exposed. Their feudal hold is rather weak, running a media house is nice substitute. I guess it comes with inbreeding, these higher nuances from primitive framework.   The world should know their true color. 

Incidentally Gandhi’s grandson also had something to say from the same space ironically on the same day. It’s understandable that his Gandhian angst will not see anything wrong in these caste propagating columns. It is what they call Idea of India. He is feeding on his grandfather’s name is not quite unclear, he has gained quite a lot from these subtleties and so has become an alibi for self serving do-gooders. Incidentally I don’t think even Nehru in the first election got 100% vote, despite crudely feudal setup, so his clever double edged views are rather trite. Nor did it prevent, much later, Rajiv Gandhi from playing communal card, that has since severely bruised Indian society. Mr. Modi has the mandate to rectify these mistakes, clearly feudal crap nonsense that has been imposed in the name of secularism should go. My concern though is crony capitalism and impact on fragile environment, which ofcourse Gandhi’s grandson will not find of utmost importance. 

Fatherhood of the nation cannot hide nor can deny Gandhian hypocrisy –that Indian elite found these as signs of mahatmahood is quite in place with the way the society is structured. It is therefore incumbent on Gandhi’s grandson to explain why he is writing articles in the newspaper which carries these blatantly casteist articles.  He must be aware of the history and crude world it hinges on, and untold miseries it spreads. I am quite aware why some Indian writers prefer international newspaper of repute, Indian media is mediocre and self serving with few exceptions here and there –who also work under constraints. Indian elite are quite average people, and the views of Indian intellectuals among the international community are also quite insignificant. Indeed India itself is quite insignificant in the world community, sucking the national resources and exporting therefore increasing GDP will not change this reality. It is skewing what is crude into vulgar. It is a society that lacks empathy, and every structure hinges on this. Kasturi&Sons are hypocrites but they shouldn’t be allowed to get away with these, and their subtle positioning (that comes with inbreeding) should be exposed. Studying in the best of educational institute in the world and exposed to best of what world has to offer has only made them cunning, this also very much an Indian idea. So as they learn they get more cunning, the new gadgets are used to spread these deviance and manipulative intent.  

Gandhi’s grandson has lots of explaining to do, his higher concerns can wait. If he is claiming Gandhian legacy (which ofcourse he is, otherwise I don’t know where does he figure in billion people) then he has to explain whether he is also party to furthering Gandhian hypocrisy. He must apologize for using this newspaper for expressing his views and so has become part of regressive mindset. Atleast his other sibling was better he was only peddling luxury pen. Gandhi’s grandsons are known to carry Gandhian legacy bit too far!!