Thursday, June 26, 2014

Please donate generously to Greenpeace

 It’s getting clear that we are in for a virulent form of development. The far right parties in West (specifically US) see nature as exploitable commodity, clearly it has semantic religion background to it – the one that seeks to dominate the earth. The economic model and patterns of ‘development’ is hinged and decided by these. It is therefore unfortunate that the incumbent government has sought to take this path that leads to wanton destruction and alienation in the name of development. 

Indian society, in its non brahmanical framework, has always given importance to Nature. Such was the reverence to the Nature that the elitist conception, the temple squatters, had to cleverly adapt to the need and be sensitive to the surroundings. The impetus of Jains and Buddhists, as also traditions of great souls and seers influenced Indians to see earth as Mother Nature and respect its myriad ways. This brought deep soulful understanding of surrounding and realities of existence. While the temple squatters saw only idols and pecking orders, devoid of any soul or any understanding to the realities, their grand views therefore became elaborate sick jokes. The temple squatters consumerism (read exploiting the devotees) was consistently devoid of these connections that bound societies and its culture, they saw it as commodity as much as what they saw in fellow human beings. This framework quite easily is in sync with exploiting market. The rabid grandness of civilization role of India as superpower hinges on this framework. Everything has to be subservient to goodness of nation. Previously it was some amazingly tawdry miracle stories of gods as saviors of nature while the people held nature as savior, the godly push to the conception was partially successful. So what started as prayer to nature forces (like tree, mountains so on) acquired brahmanical pointers, it opened the gates for charlatans. The mountains were codified for temples, the same happened to rivers, the places of worship of nature morphed into religious centers of exploitation. Though it seared the soul of the society and its people but thankfully the primacy of nature was maintained. Can you imagine that they cut the mountains at bellary (it’s only a small example in this nation of humungous exploitation) and also donated huge amount of gold to Thirupati temple, and quite understandably temple squatters wallowing in millions (in the name of god, of course) accepted it gleefully. What amazing debauchery.  

When environment is destroyed in the name of development, when mountains are flattened in the name of progress it is the common people who face the impact of the destruction. It is also disconnects their fragile relation with the surrounding that sustains them. It puts their lives at risk as also our biodiversity. It also puts the future of society at peril. The understanding that Nature sustains us and its wanton destruction will put the future at immense trouble is only beginning of an understanding of how earth functions.    

It is in this framework that the con work of pliable bureaucrats (steel frame my foot) who have come out with some wonderful notion on NGOs, specifically Greenpeace and other environment protection related organization that are doing job of sensitizing the people of the loot and destruction that is being unfolded in the name of development. The report by IB is a shoddy attempt to work out a threat, and it is also quite clear that some big money is making its move. The likes of Aggrawals (Vedanta) have been salivating for sometime now, in the meanwhile they branded themselves as socially concerned (it’s is a strategy to win over poor hapless people, it’s a invite to marginalized people to cannibalize themselves). Pronnoy & his angels have been ever gracious in the hypocrisy, with harebrained actors they have converted Vedanta into savior industry. Such is the power of money, and reach of erstwhile kabadiwala –the quintessential Indian rags to rich by manipulation and exploitation story. These type of exploitative development is a rather feeble feudal substitute for vibrant innovation oriented development that Indian elite lack. Indeed with rare exception this is the claim to riches of most, either service (english and superficial sophistication) or exploitation (feudal norms and crony capitalism). 

It is clear that things are going to get ugly from here. Any trampling with the environmental laws and laxing of its provision will be severely dealt. Any attempt to jostle people into submission will be replied with equal force. The development cannot be at the expense of natural wealth, and the greed of few and exploitation of nature and its people. This will resisted. Organization like Greenpeace is doing a wonderful job. This blogger requests everyone to contribute to these organizations and strengthen them. There seems to be renewed belligerence from the part of exploiters.  It is possible that if peaceful means are exhausted then things could get violent. One thing though is clear: development will not be at the expense of future. Nature will be represented and defended, it will not be left to hooligans to work out their exploitative model.