Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Primitive colonial spaces should be squatted out

 Even after seven decades of so called independence from colonial rule there are some people who have been carrying colonial mindset with relish. Goes without saying that they are mostly the elites who have gained immensely from supplicating to colonial power, since have made these as a tradition and passed on to their progenies. These are sometimes packaged in the pointers of modernity and diversity, and in the feudal nature of society carried out as aspirational lifestyle. These do exist with gusto in the primitive feudal lands of north India where elites are known to be blatant. That it is happening in the land of revolutionary leaders like Periyar is unacceptable. This should be squatted with necessary urgency and repeat of such practices shouldn’t be tolerated. 

Most of these clubs have colonial origin and Indians were allowed depending on their degree of obsequious and sycophantic attributes. So they emulated these traits and lifestyles to show their ‘civilized’ nature, in the meanwhile codified these as amazing expressions of civility. Common people therefore will have to catch up to these exalted attributes and defining characteristics of graciousness, it is an achievement. Ideally after independence these clubs should have been taken over and declared public property, but by then Congressmen had made hypocrisy an art with the transfer of power, they just fitted in. 

Judging a person by what they wear, from what community they belong, what language they speak, what food they eat…all these are primitive and smack of chauvinism, indeed it is violation of human rights. For Indians it has always been quite difficult to accept people as they are, even the least factor of humanness. Biases are deeply ingrained and elitizens adorn these as culture. The clubs therefore becomes anachronistic pits where these are relished. The idea that clubs (even private ones) should have dress code is reprehensible; people should have all the right to wear whatever they feel is decent and appropriate to the occasion. What is acceptable and not acceptable is matter of choice, provided there is a logical (has to be factual and not based on someone’s fancy ideas of civilized) explanation, like for instance, someone at swimming pool has to wear swimming suit which is not same as someone at dining has to wear coat and tie (??), here people will wear what is comfortable provided it is within the laws of the land as also hygiene factors. Which also means a clean 'bathroom slippers' should be and must be acceptable, importantly who defined what is bathroom slippers and who decided it is to be accepted as one? Indeed dark suit in hot climate is ridiculous and absurd, exalted selves splotched in colonial crave may not realize this but these outfits looks horrendous. A goose is a goose still, dress it as you will.  Karan Thappar, the club craver’s suitable boy, even comes in bow tie –the one that hangs around the necks of the waiters of cheap hotels in perpetual angst. The ridiculous is sought to be made sublime with straight face! 

With what people dress and not dress is not going to shatter the world, the fragile egos and their entitled lives may break. Indians are very good at valuing superficialities, close scrutiny will point to that this is the only thing that they have, maybe the nostalgia of grandness added. They always try to measure to colonial masters, consistently falling short they come out with wonderful conception that seek the legacy, hence competence. Amazingly mediocre elitizens conceive ridiculous to keep themselves ‘above’ common people, this also has traditional context –the making of thousands of years of misery. Colonial references give them feel of modernity but these are amazingly brutal and sick people. They should be dealt accordingly. This colonial relic has temple squatter’s haughtiness to keep common people away. This is a clever shifting of sanctum sanctorum to modern framework. Who is allowed in who is not, blacks, indians and dogs not allowed, local dress not allowed so on. These framing of rules and other inanities to keep people away is where Indians truly sparkle. It has so much culture and tradition, that it is a diversity milestone of incredible dimwits. 

The clubs cannot make any rules as they feel like it. They are located in this land, and don’t carry any diplomatic immunity (atleast for now!). And yes club rules are not twinkle of cultural diversity, by their action they stand against it. With tongue twisting capabilities and intellectual malleability some people have the unique ability to turn the argument into whosoever’s doorstep in giftwrap.  They should be aware of socio-historical realities. This kind of colonial club rules are an affront to common people’s way of living and attire they choose to wear, by placing decent attire to west they have degraded the society and challenged decency. Hopefully this will be squatted out at the earliest. 
That this incident came into light in Tamil Nadu Cricket Association Club in Chennai is not at all surprising. Cricket is very much an elitist occupation, their success being they were able to hook millions of zombies as audience and hallucinate about country’s pride. This is where the club values has succeeded and sucked in billions of easy money meanwhile degrading sports in the country as also awards (including Arjuna award) and even Bharat Ratna. Any wonder as most cricketers are from certain sections as also happens to be famously mediocre record grabbers rarely showing any wins or even talent for it. Sartorial sense doesn’t compensate for talent. Even the cash rich club with around why five odd nations seriously playing this game doesn’t have anything to show except some ‘big names’ and bigger money over the years. The loot is amazing. Now I hear they have won in London after decades, and yes that is now enough for next few years as they suck on money and awards! For some it is moment of reckoning. BCCI with money should help Indians win more, it’s good for the economy. Which country in the world has such talented people who make money from nothing? Well if squatters can convert a barren hill into abode of god (Tirupathi) and convert it into billion dollar enterprise then BCCI is child’s play. Pour the gold statues in butter and milk, to rub it in direct telecast it as more than half the population go hungry, and yes this travesty is been celebrated for ages. Amazing is it not. With much ease BCCI has also created a god and the little fella despite money and fame (including an undeserving Bharat ratna, that should have gone to much revered Vajpayee among others) humbly delves in earthy money making matters, like suggesting brand of water purifiers for common people so on. Some extra money squeeze in for herd sake, always helps. Charming indeed. The fella with his humbleness (that keeps dripping) has elevated cricket to religion among herds while BCCI club has acquired the exclusive rights for conduct and procedure of suck. The framework sounds familiar. We are back in business. 

Kasturi&Sons, who must be quite close to the Tamil Nadu Cricket Association Club in Chennai, the elite club (the sports club logo is even designed as a temple!), even they too are cricketers, the bourgeoisie passions and proletarian concerns, writes that “Clubs are private organisations where members have the right to set their own rules on their premises. It will be best if good sense prevails and the clubs change their rules”. Aha. As mentioned earlier the rules “members” set cannot go against the laws of the land, as also the socio-historical factors that govern these. Squatter’s rules in temples have been cut down by the constitution, these have shown as barbaric and violation of basic rights, the same hold good for clubs. This subtle shift from sanctum to clubs (to freedom of expression of media) will not work, quaintness of argument withstanding (Kasturi family are quite good at these, we have moved on from “banana republic” (Sainath). Oops that hurts! 'Pol pot!!!' (Swami) lip smackingly delectable). Wake up dear arrogant gentiles. Going going gone the Statesman way. Hurrah to that). And yes the Gandhian ruse of “good sense prevail” on the perpetrators will not work. They should be squatted out if they don’t fall in line. There is a possibility that violence could be resorted on to club members and they manhandled. Non violence and “good sense prevail” is acceptable when the society is egalitarian and based on equality, otherwise it is pandering. Even after seven decades “good sense prevail” has not happened means there is something sinister and entrenched bias mindset at work, which is not surprising at all it is only an extension of Indian tradition. If the government fails to apply rules (or make rules to prevent these bias mindset) then violence will have to be supported, non violence cannot be subterfuge for elitist misdemeanors that has thousands of years of bias and haughtiness to it. Non violence therefore becomes extreme form of violence. Asymmetry of power makes non violence a powerful weapon against weak as it seeks to maintain exploitative status quo as also masquerade egalitarianism and intention of peace wherein it is a sinister attempt to perpetuate inequity while looking suitably angst filled. Sorry Kasturi &Sons no more pandering to your higher worldview from primitive framework, no more of your “good sense prevail” to the horrible elites and their ways. They will have to fall in line, shocking that these exist even after so many decades.