Sunday, July 27, 2014

Watch out for Chinese talent

Yu Hua is an amazing find and I strongly recommend. This Chinese writer is someone to watch out for. I stumbled upon him in some online article very soon was reading one of his short stories. Two paragraphs into it and was ordering his book “Stories of the Hidden China”, he is that riveting. He doesn’t take away the gaze as drivels into the horror with consummate talent and insight. Amazing writer, despite translation the writing is of high caliber. The readers of this blog must pick up Yu Hua, it is not a coincidence that china has become such a prominent nation, they have the history of valuing talents. Their contribution continues to be significant. Very soon you will see them in FIFA cup too.   

Thankfully they don’t have the pain of English writing, the one that inflicts Indians. With rare exception English attempts by Indians are so mediocre (including this blogger, I am acutely aware of it. That is why my creative indulgence is limited; I seem to lack the necessary tool. Writing is more like a cowboy act of herding words into meaningful sentence, English makes the effort hilarious). Attempts in English is mostly product of emasculated society, the elitism makes it poignant. The works in English borders ridiculous, whether writing, movies, plays so on but they get more coverage and money, it is as if English in itself is sign of competence. While some excellent works in other languages (NOT vernacular, careful chulbuli Pande) are ignored and find no good translation into English. Why can’t we have such good translation like the above Chinese book, or even the movies? I realize in this society writing too is a luxury, and the odds against are quite heavy.

In the meanwhile an international survey found that India is the second most racist country in the world (defeated by Jordan in a close fight. Bravo to that). Of course that doesn’t mean colonial-gained-comfortable Europeans are better (or for that matter primitive-hiding-behind-cloak-of-islam Arabs) as they are generally politically correct. So that makes Indians much brutal people, non violently so –definitely a unique attribute, as they don’t give a damn about even political correctness, nothing surprising among god ordained people. Indian elites have created such an amazingly primitive oppressive framework that social climbers display themselves much cruder in all relish they can muster. Look at the Member of Parliament, a ‘leader’, who stuffs food onto the waiter because doesn’t like the food, in a blatant act in front of camera. He relished the moment of attention not ever realizing anything amiss in his conduct. This is what makes Indians so very special, the moral vacuum. And the pseudo seculars are up in arms questioning how could he do this to a fasting Muslim, as if any other human is alright!. And the scoundrel’s counter is that he didn’t know the religion of the man. Thus the incident cleverly manipulated into communal matters with usual suspects baying for blood, and savior squatters stampeding and positioning with alacrity, trying to squeeze in with brownie points. And yes TRP conscious slaves fueling it further and make every attempt to worsen it. Importantly why isn’t the MP arrested for molesting an employee. Why is the law not followed? You can shout and scream, take all the grand positioning and ensuing get together for spoils but common people’s concerns will be: why are the laws not followed. That is the quantifiable reality on which common people’s lives hinge on, the rule of law that defines democracy. That is my concern too. What action has been taken on the MP?