Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Why do we fear Racism? A lesson to Black community in USA from India

Some apologist seems to have taken the cudgel to defend their clan and the very way of life that demeans others. Foot soldiers of casteist heinous are defending the fort –the regressive degrading framework – that each temple across the region and over the centuries have fine tuned and spread it across as culture. That seeks to embed every modern expression. Indians are unique in this non violent barbarity. That it has ensconced in matters of god, therefore delicate matters of life, death, so on, has trapped the common people in a serious deviant mesh, that they find it difficult to come out. In the sense it became an aspirational model. The soul of Hinduism therefore delves into darkness, the lack of moral ethical compass was telling. With manipulations and other crude exigencies taking over all forms of dealings, while egalitarian values and enlightened expressions become subaltern references that common people rallied and cherished. This therefore became the basis of common people’s understanding of world, their tolerance and enlightenment herein. The power/elite were always exploitative and nepotistic that defended squatter’s heinous practices as culture and traditions. It is always the powerful seeking control who acquiesced to squatter’s degradations. So far Gandhi was convenient alibi, now Market seeks to redefine primitiveness in the garb of modernity. 

 Lack of much innovations or manufacturing competence/ability (except maybe following the orders) has seen to that extractive exploitative mindset was extended to corporates that plunder and suck natural resources, while manipulative and gift for gab in influencing emotions have seen to that they became agent for selling, as marketer and PR. With loads of money being spent on pushing products from across the world, India turns into business destination, a large market, and Indians reduced to consumers and cheap labors. The manipulators became sort after, clearly squatters had the advantage they began to ransack, while artisans and other talented people’s role diminished. Feudalism was consolidated in modern garb. Market manipulators have become the single source of corruption, therefore mediocrity and exploitation. The art of deceit became a sort after characteristic. They relentlessly degrade institutions and public pointers. Politicians are trapped in these game of PR manipulators, thus serious inroads in policy making and favoritism. If Snowden was an Indian he would most likely negotiate or blackmail than become a whistle blower. Latest technologies have only become an arsenal of manipulations.Sports bodies are also invaded by these fixers, thus sports is reduced to deceit and as sports suffer (indeed attracting sponsors seems to be their raison de entre) mediocre players with range of histrionics have an easy walk over (therefore more easy money through ads and so on) while much talented players, including world class badminton players, will have to now contact the PR to get some branding. This is what this society is reduced to. There is no system for nurturing talent, it is being ransacked by fly by night operators. Srinivasan boy is just a minor example, you observe him carefully and you realize the nuances that are perfectly attuned, if he goes, salivating Shastri or some equally crude fellow will go for the grab. Market/PR manipulators have tremendous say in movies and other culture references too, actor’s worth is decided by ads, indeed they start their career not in some systematic training over this art but by nepotism and market manipulation. Cricket and movies are the most mediocre, over exaggerated, they degrade in every possible manner. Thus they short sell Indians, meanwhile American rehash invade as entertainment all day long in TV, and English becomes a beacon of modern values. It’s a market liberalism initiated primitive world, no wonder the world doesn’t give damn about Indians, while Indians gloat in self pride. These manipulators are the single most source of corruption, they peddle in black money much more than any Swiss can hold. They are the fixers that oil deals and any twists that are needed in the narrations. The reason why India will remain trapped under this mediocrity. Squatters have shifted the base, historical prejudices have metamorphosised according to market needs and convenience. The mediocrity flourishes and grows in appetite, it looks for causes to be seen nice.        

Jain bandhus are back with their market triumph, squatter turned marketer has gone on defensive. My earlier blog had pointed these manipulators. Desaiji is back. I am quoting relevant paragraphs from his column and adding the word ‘race’ with caste. This must be read by the black community in USA as call from a white supremacist. Likes of Klu Klux Klan Desaiji works in their compelling mannerism (indeed I was reading an interview with Gandhi’s personal assistant. He says he was attracted to Gandhi for his ‘cleanliness and simplicity’. People get motivated by ideology or cause but here it is a different ball game. Amazing this society! Also considering that act of cleanliness in itself is much loaded with muck) and devious non violence discourse wrapped in deviant values that they wallow in as tradition. Please read, it would have been hilarious if not for miseries these people spread. Every act of prejudice and caste violence happening anywhere in this godforsaken society has the imprint and haughtiness of likes of Desaiji, and ofcourse Sardesaiji, the self proclaimed guardian –essentially one of the many little scoundrels who fish in muck water. Bracketed views in the below paragraph are mine…

But there is another side of Race/Caste that appears in a lower case version, and resides in a certain way of life. For most people of Sardesaiji’s generation and mine, Race/Caste did play an important role, particularly in the formative years of life. Whether overtly or otherwise, it was part of what was seen as everyday family life, it influenced the food cooked at home and the rituals, religious or otherwise that were practiced (replace ‘rituals’ as hunting). The sense of community that one belonged to, the feeling of a shared way of life (replace ‘shared way of life’ as possessing guns and shooting blacks, the intent heinousness is same) and overall sense of where one came was shaped by Race/Caste (very truly spoken by a supremacist). At a time when most people tended to live in their hometowns, within their communities, Race/Caste was the most natural source of identity. The absence of economic and social mobility meant that in most cases, competing sources of identity were absent (meaning other people don’t exist, very much reflected by even in the fiction written by some well known writers. It’s as if people other than like us don’t exist. This insular world is reflected in policies and structures herein, it is also in this world Gandhi acquired status of Mahatma, an apology). For this generation Race/Caste continues to be an idea that evokes a sense of belongingness, for it was a real part of their lives (Truly, every white supremacist will absolutely agree. The ‘real part of belongingness’ happens when gun fire at an unarmed black kid on the street. Since Indians are sedately non violent people the scene shifts to schools where children –demographic dividend orangutans, refuse food prepared by dalits, nor would like to share their food).

…In this construct, Race/Caste is one among many factors that shape identity. So far, the dominant liberal reaction to the idea of Race/Caste has been to combat its apparently insidious influence by denying it a place in our public utterances (yes dear in civilized societies these ‘utterances’ are regarded as racism. In India these vulgarism is manipulated as culture. Precisely the point I am trying to make. Thanks). This denial of reality has created a schism between the public and the private, the professed and the practiced, and alienated a large part of India who have felt detached from their past (thus spoke Klu Klux Klan. Desaiji should ask the Dalit the same, and place his past realities in this world. As much as a white supremacist will suffer from terrible schism of “public and the private, the professed and the practiced” and face severe ‘alienation’ from the civilized world. These racist will be referred to psychiatrist but in India these people are torchbearers of tradition!). Rather than shut out the past, and make Race/Caste a towering absence in our lives, it is time to put it in its place. As one of the many sources of identity and influences that shape us.

People in USA, in particular the black community, have so much to learn from Indians, wonder what the big deal about Racism is? Black people must learn to live in tolerance, if they are being discriminated it is for them to change and understand. They must help white supremacist cherish ‘their sources of identity and influences that shape them’. There is a cosmic law at play, it will ultimately take care of things. They must focus on next life benefits. In the meantime they can fix some appointments to clarify on their future, providence that await, the rituals to rectify any problems or planetary interferences. We do have experts who share common ‘identity and influences’ on these heavenly matters.

Ideally I wouldn’t be wasting my time on these nonsense people but some of these market manipulators having tasted some big money have been quite self assured about their invincibility.