Friday, January 08, 2016

At Indian Science Congress, matter of forward looking imaginations

This blogger had the opportunity to attend Indian Science Congress, for layman like me it was quite an interesting experience. Visited stalls exhibiting the latest achievements of premier institutes of the country like DRDO, CSIR, ISRO so on as also attended few talks. The number of talks and the topics dealt were mindboggling. The children’s innovation section was quite interesting. Unlike last year in Mumbai this year care was taken to see that the squatter inspired pseudo-science is not given space. These nonsenses should be dealt severely. But unfortunately it cannot be avoided as it is part of the psyche of this mediocre society that has high estimate about itself, while adeptly playing high moral liberal game cleverly reminding our jagath guru status. The playact of couching arrogance in humility is spell binding performance. With rare exception the calibre is quite low, they just replicate things and dedicate themselves as part of ritual, mostly emerging from entitled worldview they also see themselves as scientists, without even basic aptitude of inquisitiveness or the context. When the ISRO head is busy with voodoo act at Tirupathi before an important space mission, instead of being responsible to the situation, we know the extent of appalling degradation. It needs to be pointed out that since independence, with transfer of power, the squatter hold over Hinduism has been incrementally overwhelming. Till recently it was nod and wink with western sophistication now it is open and on your face squatter. The former therefore accuse the later of betrayal, of intolerance. The authority ordained and through hold over democratic process, money and the feudal nature of society had played to consolidate this power structure, cementing hold over democratic institutions, extending through market and entertainment. The egalitarian ways, quaint culture, have been consistently side lined. The degradation of democracy and consolidation of mediocrity has been the constant narration in the last many decades. Meanwhile the narration of progress is mostly hinged on replicating modernity through acquisitions and copying west facilitated by entitled ways, patronages, hereditary transactions and nepotism. These largely remains the framework for upper mobility, hence entrenched uncouthness and manipulations. The reason why Indian attempts mostly lack the depth, authenticity or requisite competence. The sheen is shallow and no amount of self-congratulation and patting oneself can improve these. Fortunately this society’s pit is not the reference there are some extremely smart and excellence driven frames that values rigour and is stridently scrutinised. The squatter nonsense cannot pass the crap test. It cannot even hide behind the garb of religion as it isn’t one nor can they mullah feed their way to enlightened values. Indian elite stands exposed as they cling on to their primitive identities simultaneously defending turfs of modernity. It’s a predicament that deserves no sympathy and indeed should be dealt with all righteous ferocity. No amount of intellectual posturing nor defecating arguments or felicity with words is going to help. Mishras and Chaudharis needs to pause and give a long look into the mirror, the blighted home truth that they seek to intellectualise, before they venture into another well-meaning moral hike.       
The squatter’s uncouthness spread through feudal leaders, elitist bureaucracy, confirmed by medieval judiciary.  Meanwhile these crude ways were mainstreamed by market instigated media hence becomes the mainstay of entertainment (this blogger suggests FTII should be privatised).  Deviant squatter culture and traditions were consolidated and mainstreamed as Hinduism and even ways of life. Since these were patently primitive the egalitarian nature and compassion driven values that resisted squatter’s deviance were appropriated to give a narration of moral consonance. The reason why even while they discuss science and rational ways, they just cannot stop showing signs of entitlement, the superior selves as carrier of grander tradition that no science can possibly even attempt to evaluate, indeed understand. Some kind of enigmatic access to mystical ways that the world will understand only in some later date. It is so pristine and pure, hence by extension themselves -an indication of self as possessor of superior knowledge that no science can reach or logic can pursue, it is ordained as special gift. Primitive squatter sometimes try Zen master ways, the obvious contemplative lack and practical deficiency makes it a hilarious effort. This blessed haughtiness is what defines this putrid pit. It predates and concludes all the worldviews in its condescending sweep, that includes science. Here a talk at Indian Science Congress on renewable energy, specifically gobar gas, ends with holy cow and a shloka, hence by implication a claim of greatness of prescient tradition that the speaker represents. Reality check here being gobar could be even be from buffaloes or organic waste, as also there is no shloka on gobar gas or that it is methane. A scientist should strictly avoid these references but then that is asking for bit too much. That in short are existential challenges faced by Indian scientist.

I was reading this brilliant book The Ascent of Man (by Jacob Bronowski), there is an interesting take on Art and Science, the cave paintings as 'power of anticipation', 'forward looking imagination', the ability to visualize future. I reckon this is beginning of great art of science fiction, that many a times preceded the actual invention. The reason why I am referring this book is the critical cultural foundation of giving primacy to ‘grasping the world by action’, hands being more important than eyes. These are not fickle foundation that ‘believed that the world has only to be seen and thought about –and who practiced no science’. This blogger thinks this is quite strongly linked to egalitarian ways and practices that becomes basis for ethical ways in society. “We are more than a symbolic accident in the evolution of man, that it is the hand that drives the subsequent evolution of brain. We find tools today made by man before he became man. Benjamin Franklin in 1771 called man ‘a tool making animal’, and that is right”. Interestingly steel was first invented in Indian subcontinent 10,000years back. It is a remarkable achievement, but as the squatter spread their tentacles these were reduced to degradation, shockingly blacksmith is seen as 'lowest' hence humiliated and exploited. While Japanese were able to take steel to high caliber weapon in an amazing amalgamation of art form and science: The samurai swords. The same was done by Chinese on bronze metal. Meanwhile Indian degradation was compelling, there were sparks of brilliance here and there, but these were despite squatters. The suffering and torment of mathematicians like Ramanjum is a clear reference that if he was born in some other society he would have contributed much more significantly and systematically. And yes there have been many like him in societies across the world the reason why Homo sapiens are able to land probe onto comet. So it is nothing unique to this part of the world as is being spread by squatter enthused as some kind of divine happening that only some have access to. Also one need to point out the brilliant loses over the centuries as primitive world spread. As Ramakrishna Venkataraman (scientist, Nobel laureate in Medicine, on his work on ribosomes) said in a talk, that I attended a month back, ‘observation has to go with speculation’. Unfortunately lacking observation skills speculation became basis of understanding in this part of the world. It gives an all-encompassing feeling of jagath guru to what is essentially a mediocre bunch of people enmeshed in primitive ways. It is a desperate attempt to bridge the entitled, the ordained selves, and the realities. In the last many centuries there were egalitarian spaces that resisted degradation of squatters, providing ethical context for common people. These have been significantly reduced in the last many decades as power structure gets consolidated and squatter worldview acquires primacy. It is a putrefying society that has achieved unique unity in diversity despite ‘different castes’. It is an amazing achievement; it should keep the world amused. 
Post script: this blogger has nothing against cows, indeed loves them as much as I love dogs, cats or aquarium fishes, all animals, but squatters will not be allowed to weave their cunning little world of compassion.

Bull and Dog story: giving humanly attributes to animals would be anthropomorphizing them, but I really don’t know how to define these two. I have been observing them for about two years. They are mostly seen together. First I thought it was a coincidence but realised that there is something more to it. The bull may look intimidating but is gentle, sometimes even snooping into the house to get some grub. The dog meanwhile waits, acts as an escort, keep an eye on the bull, while the bull too sometimes looks out for the dog. The dog is different from other dogs around he has a distinct wolfish face and rarely interacts with other dogs. It’s an unlikely friendship that seems to be made out of choice as they both live on the streets, quite rare to see these two species get along like this.