Before getting into this let’s point
out that there is an ever strong attempt at classifying as Dalit in the
mainstream narration wherein this is a reference used in context of discrimination,
hence in a machiavellian twist, by giving identities squatter’s template is
sought to not only authenticated but seen as compassionate. Meanwhile in another
compelling scuffle, that determines these primitive frontiers, Guhaji’s tweets express
angst for Kashmiri ‘pandits’. The matrix is well defined only the playact
differ, the narration strongly focussed on showcasing as civilised. Kasturi&Sons,
with blessing showered from debauchery, have been in the forefront of providing
intellectual solace. The reason why you need to target them, they also pose as
left leaning intellectuals in an attempt at copying the enlightened sections in
Europe. Valiant attempts at ‘social grouping’ ‘pride, prejudice and preference’
are attributed as a legacy of some kind of exotic culture to hide brutal realities.
There is also an attempt by elitist left to give a communal angle to what is
essentially brutal casteist acts, it’s a habitual attempt at obfuscating boundaries
and bring in legitimacy to their nefarious angst. Meanwhile, as always, feeding crude mullahs is
showcased as defining moment of tolerance, how much these have degraded society
doesn’t even need any study but what needs study is how much debouched indian
elites have degraded countries like Britain with their conceptions. The regressive
multiculturalism is quite clearly spiralling down Britain and is indeed constant
threat to the world. Progressiveness is much enlightened thought that really
cannot come from primitive crude settings, the least from Indians. To start
with Britain needs to answer a basic question: why it is allowing spaces for discriminations
in the name of faith? If a mosque perpetuates gender discrimination in its religious
space, if temples allow discriminations in the name of ‘fatal accidents’ of
birth (to quote Rohit Vermula) as in the credential of priests as also primitive
identities …then these should be demolished. Meanwhile gandhians are on the
lookout for non-existent harijans from their deepening caste pits for immediate patronizing and claw their way to high moral grandstanding.
Indians have much freedom compared to
other countries but that doesn’t translate to any form of responsibility,
empathy or excellence, indeed it has become outlet for all kinds of regressiveness
and pathetic ways, outsiders are fed on exotic cosmic chaos. Truth is much humbling
and devastating. Indians are constantly meshed in their own crude conceptions meanwhile
having high estimate about themselves. This crudeness controls all the institutions that attempts at giving high moral narrations while treading crap. Indian media,
who tends to play some kind of benign intellectuals, should be severely censured for perpetuating
caste cannibalism in crude ways of reporting, matrimonial columns so on. The worst is
the judiciary (that have been elevated by market media as saviours) who play
super squatter’s, and indeed very much susceptible to debouched influence and camaraderie.
The reason why Kasturi&Sons and higher judiciary constantly fed and
nurtured buffoons like Subramanium Swamy, there is a dangerous pattern to this.
If far right in US have guns as defining identity then crude Indians have their
caste, they both have high estimate about oneself and ready with dubious god ordained reasoning. In
the US they kill here they cannibalise. In US they are simplistic while in India
they are so cunning that they constantly, and with much ease, shift all
spectrums of thoughts, in camaraderie, in high moral jubilance. They could be left,
right, gandhian or marketers or what not that makes it sinister. This cannibalistic society is going nowhere
despite high inspiring good intentioned talks by the PM.
This is the suicide letter by Rohit Vemula,
a poignant final act of defiance and yes Indian elite shouldn’t be allowed to latch on with their habitual angst. Meanwhile this blogger again call upon international community to
classify India as a racist country and severely stricture this primitive society.
Good morning,
I would not be around when you
read this letter. Don’t get angry on me. I know some of you truly cared for me,
loved me and treated me very well. I have no complaints on anyone. It was
always with myself I had problems. I feel a growing gap between my soul and my
body. And I have become a monster. I always wanted to be a writer. A writer of
science, like Carl Sagan. At last, this is the only letter I am getting to
I loved Science, Stars, Nature,
but then I loved people without knowing that people have long since divorced
from nature. Our feelings are second handed. Our love is constructed. Our
beliefs colored. Our originality valid through artificial art. It has become
truly difficult to love without getting hurt.
The value of a man was reduced to
his immediate identity and nearest possibility. To a vote. To a number. To a
thing. Never was a man treated as a mind. As a glorious thing made up of star
dust. In very field, in studies, in streets, in politics, and in dying and
I am writing this kind of letter
for the first time. My first time of a final letter. Forgive me if I fail to
make sense.
May be I was wrong, all the
while, in understanding world. In understanding love, pain, life, death. There
was no urgency. But I always was rushing. Desperate to start a life. All the
while, some people, for them, life itself is curse. My birth is my fatal
accident. I can never recover from my childhood loneliness. The unappreciated
child from my past.
I am not hurt at this moment. I
am not sad. I am just empty. Unconcerned about myself. That’s pathetic. And
that’s why I am doing this.
People may dub me as a coward.
And selfish, or stupid once I am gone. I am not bothered about what I am
called. I don’t believe in after-death stories, ghosts, or spirits. If there is
anything at all I believe, I believe that I can travel to the stars. And know
about the other worlds.
If you, who is reading this
letter can do anything for me, I have to get 7 months of my fellowship, one
lakh and seventy five thousand rupees. Please see to it that my family is paid
that. I have to give some 40 thousand to Ramji. He never asked them back. But
please pay that to him from that.
Let my funeral be silent and
smooth. Behave like I just appeared and gone. Do not shed tears for me. Know
that I am happy dead than being alive.
“From shadows to the stars.”
Uma anna, sorry for using your room
for this thing.
To ASA family, sorry for
disappointing all of you. You loved me very much. I wish all the very best for
the future.
For one last time,
Jai Bheem
I forgot to write the
formalities. No one is responsible for my this act of killing myself. No one
has instigated me, whether by their acts or by their words to this act. This is
my decision and I am the only one responsible for this. Do not trouble my
friends and enemies on this after I am gone