Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Monkey jumping from caste to community

In the tradition of chicanery, as the world closes in on the primitives, they now churn out new definitions. Cleaving words like 'community' from egalitarian contexts to fill up their degraded realities, in effect their identities, and insistently seeking to refurbish themselves as kindred souls with high intent of acting as agent (indeed nothing short of jagath guru!! such arrogance) of universal peace and tolerance. Western world uses words like community in an effort to assuage and prevent discriminations as in these societies migration from other part of the world is high as also values of liberty and equality can be effectively disseminated from these understanding. Primitive India though is a different ball game, the clever use of 'community' to morph casteism is a valiant effort, and indeed it has become an existential effort as they desperately try to cling on to the claim of higher estimate of oneself. The dictionary meaning of community is “group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common”. It is amazing that people living as neighbours for centuries, indeed for thousands of years, belonging to same social frame, same realities of life, same racial/ethnic/linguistic indeed same faith have been able to maintain demarcations of different ‘community’. It’s an amazing feat, surely the word 'community' now needs to be redefined, when it comes to uncouth people, definitions do loose credence. The world will have to be redesigned. So this is the latest effort with debauched blessing and camaraderie, the humbleness exhibited here in accommodating values and tolerance is breathtaking. In the meanwhile another kindred soul (Guptaji, the reigning sociologist, is negotiating debouched intellectual credence and faithfully attuning it to market’s compulsive needs. That reminds, the so called sociology and anthropology books emerging from this part of world are degrading crap and lacks any sense, no serious sociologists can give authority to these juvenile scholarships. These are counterparts of Indian scientists in its intent, quality and competence.  In an attempt to study Indian society it regales squatter’s pit, therefore steps must be taken to evict these from libraries. MN Srinivas’s progenies shouldn’t be given state protection, however excellent their english maybe) rues that caste was not meant to be in ‘public space’, yes it is a private fester that needs to be scratched in private, in the comfort of private putrid pits. It is amazing that the world of Guptajis that has serious social implication, and ofcourse all the ills and degradations, is expected to be private. Wherein it forms the basis of diseased identity and his source of dealing with the world! Probably he is expounding the timeless Indian hypocrisy that the itchy fester should be scratched in the commune of closed door and then come out smelling fresh with a beatific expression, almost a mahatma. Caste can have reference only in context to discrimination, any other attempt to project caste is nothing but casteism, much worse than racism, hence anyone trying this subterfuge should be dealt severely. Likes of Guptajis and his private casteist world has thrived in its pit, since the narration is controlled by camaraderie therefore they will fatten themselves but the moment they attempt to crawl out and gloat in civilized world they will be smacked.  In a civilised world fellows like him don’t pass the cut to be even considered for teaching, forget as professors, clearly a symptom of bigger malice of India’s trashy education system, not to mention market conceived public intellectuals and the camaraderie herein.  

Indian elites are known to have high sounding enlightening views on almost everything on the face of the earth, that includes the market exalted freedom of expression, their view would make western souls pout in glory of Indian democracy and have chimera of egalitarian society based on equality and fraternity, little are they aware that the debauched blessings and camaraderie has consistently censored and actively condoned the worst forms of atrocities, to an extend that it is very much seen as normal realities of this society, indeed diversity, yes multicultural 'community'!! With huge amount of money dumped into India by moneybags in their attempt to multiply it, they drop much to the facilitators, who range from market manipulators, opinion makers to policy initiators. This coterie therefore has enough power to twist and threaten the narration to the purpose. If Zuckerberg thought he could get away with his emotion evoking nonsense then this confidence was assured by the fixers, ditto Volkswagen and Nestle. It is not what is right but what is the perception is what matters, more than billion people are being worked out from this reasoning by these scoundrels who have parked themselves around the gravy train called development and modernity. These moneybags controling the narration are serious threat to Indian democracy –that indeed is flimsiest, and consistently degrade the society as they ready to barter. It’s not the victorian prurience (as colonial british hobnobbed and attempted on civilising, squatter being up on mobility hierarchy acquiesced these, absorbed and claimed as squatter high tradition) that is the threat by censor but context of script and dialogue, even high tolerance humour, is problematic. One wonders whether this primitive society does even have calibre to understand humour; condoning crudeness cannot really have the frame to appreciate better things in life. The reason why it degrades as it celebrates. Meanwhile the squatter spread is very much riding on entertainment and dystopian market driven modernity, the angst of enlightening thoughts tugged to debauchery constantly emerges as opinion. The censorship and cunningness adopted by market media, squatter ensconced intellectuals and policy makers is consistently hiding the crude realities of the society, if probed then horrendously presented as benign tradition of 'communities'. In this disgraceful world every mind, every door, every house and every village is beginning of 'community' that claims high entitlements and direct blessing for itself as they ransack and cannibalise every form of civilized ways. If a man is killed for eating the food he prefers then pursuing the killers is not the priority but find out (indeed forensic test) whether the meat was beef. If a student from severely marginalised and horribly discriminated section suicides and writes his angst in no telling terms then forget what he writes in his dying statement (which indeed is a common knowledge, home truth, of this society) question his background. Even the claims of the person who suicides in the most discriminating of circumstances is questioned (travesty attempted by none other than the Foreign Minister of the country). The private fester has gangrened, the stench cannot be kept away from the ‘public space’, misplaced intellectual snobbery nor defecating high sounding words hide this putrefaction of conscience of this society. It is becoming clear that the people in this part of the world are stuck in the lower half of Darwinian evolutionary scale, and instead of understanding the reality they cleverly try to upturn the scale and claim that monkeys evolve from humans, and monkey jump from caste to 'community'. It is an embarrassment to the monkeys.