Tuesday, April 04, 2017

Moral High Ground

These are the shortest of route to the top
From here all efforts looks easy and futile
There are sights of glitter pointing to direction of Hope Boulevard without going anywhere   
The Main Street of Manipulation is crisscrossed by gilded Rue de Good-natured Pretensions
The gravel filled rarely used Humanity backstreet evokes nostalgia but is a dead end
Honesty Highway is accident prone while Integrity Avenue is full of potholes   
Ethics Superfast Lane go round and round in bigger and bigger Semantic circles
confounding even the best intentions
There are half hearted attempts to carve out Path of Fact and semblance of dimly lit Truth tunnels
but the stunning beacons from Moral High Ground makes it all redundant
Meanwhile hidden in the background an escalator that zooms right up to the top of Moral High Ground
Seats specifically reserved for Quid pro quos, Camaraderie, Hypocrisy and Chicanery
Religion has a special mention in the Moral High Grounds and utterance taken with much significance and totality  
While the species that emerge from regressive confluence of Democracy, Market and Tradition take elevated position contemplating the future for unfortunate dwellers in the plains
They showcase best of behaviour for mass consumption but in private snarl and cannibalise each other at slightest of provocation
No breach seems to effect or impact their cosy settlement in Moral High Grounds
They consider themselves as specially blessed goodness, and
in their exaggerated estimate hold firmly in skills of flying like bird.
You could see them flapping their arms as if readying for flying,
leaving fine final footprints on the precarious edges of Moral High Grounds. 

(Ofcourse inspired! Once you read Syzymborska it starts to itch. Few days back I read ‘Utopia’)