Saturday, December 23, 2017

Bharat Ratna for Bhagat Singh

Castetva forces have denied this honour to one the greatest and most admired Indian (of undivided India). That there are cases of regrettable and disgraceful people –casteist and manipulative politicians, been bestowed this highest honour of the land while amazing humans are scripted out is a matter of grievous concern. This wrong has to be rectified, not that these honour matters to someone who sacrificed his life at his prime almost hundred years back, and who was known for his sensitive erudite understandings (that pseudo leftist patriarchs shouldn’t be allowed to usurp, indeed they woefully fall short), but it is least the society can do. He must be in the forefront of collective psyche of Indian society as an example for youthful idealism and to stand for what is right despite overwhelming odds and threat to life. He was a true humanist, with amazing level of humanity in him that is rare. Castetva forces have attempted to push him down the rug as ‘terrorist’ (this is how “neech” get defined, ofcourse in an entirely different context but the thought process and intent is same) while fervently elevating casteist. It’s deeply disturbing. Ironical, considering that when they threw bombs in assembly, against violent colonials who had perpetrated Jallianwala massacre among other atrocities, they didn't intend to kill anyone but send a loud message. 
Bhagat Singh must get his due and rightful place in India’s history, any more delay is unfortunate. He deserves to be the youngest Bharat Ratna for eternity. 

Imposing vegetarianism by Castetva forces

KasturiSons, yes the patriarchs at TheHindu –the dynasty media, take high moral grounds at every conceivable occasion. They fancy themselves to be superior to others in the media, as also place themselves as local guardians –I guess the nauseating gandhian leeway of trustees was well fated (indeed Gandhi was nurtured to streamline these cringeworthy matters of fate and construct a benign nature of entitlement). Ideally once India got the so-called independence these family businesses should have been dismantled or atleast the property taken away by the government as part of land reforms. These sections have been occupying prime property all across the country, and with this ill-gotten collateral the litters have been defining merit, success, trickle down tricks so on to the society while some in the hunt for assured returns on high moral grounds investment play kindred souls in western gaze liberal posture. Almost all of them go abroad for ‘higher studies’ –essentially to attune themselves to masquerading tricks that is held at good stead back home.

A decade or so back I used to keep a keen eye on these despicables (now ofcourse it’s cursory, and I sincerely wish they close down and shift their business to selling undergarments or so –which I am told is lucrative) and used to, in my naïve earnestness, wonder as to what was the reason that Subramaniam Swamy was given so much importance that whatever he blurted was news for Kasturi&sons. Now though it is quite clear, also an irrefutable instance of castetva force cleverly egging on hindutva forces to take it forward. Meanwhile, as part of woman’s emancipation they even enthusiastically maintain KanyaKendra for assured employment in high moral grounds for squatter female litters. You could spot them soaring effortlessly, from swamis, to aiyers to vajpeis…as also their own litters to perpetuate fine tradition of dynasty media. It is in continuation of this elevated family tradition, wherein rear end plugs are exchanged and find perfect match, that they found Malini Parthasarthy as natural carrier of blessed legacy. This woman was the editor for some time, and during her role as presiding deity an employee leaked an internal circular “asking staff members not to bring non-vegetarian food into the office dining area”. Prompted by complaints from some employees about the norm being flouted, was a reiteration of the fact that “non-veg food is strictly prohibited” inside the dining hall. This would mean that if staff members want to eat meat from their own lunch boxes, they would have to eat it outside the dining hall. The logic provided by the organisation was that non-vegetarian food “causes discomfort to the majority of the employees who are vegetarian” (source There is a case for creating separate section within the canteen for non-vegetarian (must clarify not separate canteen, that will be forced segregation) instead of asking employees exercising their food choice to literally get out, that is how civilized people deal with such innocuous situations. And this by an organization that is prone to take highest possible moral ground as local guardians, but then these subtle matters or empathetic considerations don’t register when rear end plug makes it impossible (I am told there is a folklore, now part of well-established myth even finding mention in private scriptures, that is ofcourse almost fact, of how gods themselves conspired to personally drop down from heavenly abode to place these limited editions of rear end plugs into blessed porcine rear ends. I am also told that Kasturi&Sons got the extra large ones with extra wriggle). Further, I find it extremely disagreeable the way some people eat food, eating with hand is alright but even in here some level of decency must be maintained but the messy way some of these blessed ones deliver the divine food to belly can leave you nauseated for a long time, ‘thayir sadam’ (curd rice) can take it to next level of disgustful display and when it happens in camaraderie bonhomie it can be a disturbing sight (can make Freddie Krueger look benign!). And living in lower strata you do end up sharing table with these, and you have to tolerate or drop out as early without creating any fuss. Ideally you shouldn’t be concerned about what others eat but the way anything is eaten can be problematic. Amazingly in this blessed society among specially blessed people it is just the opposite! It must be noted that Guru Nanak insisted on communal dining in response to, and with specific intention to curb, brute nature of segregation consolidated and deviously spread by castetva forces. That these vibrant egalitarian values have been coopted, and made ineffective, by sinister castetva forces as just another case of wonderful diversity exhibiting its depravity.

Ms. Parthasarthy, placed in decision making capacity, was expected to take a balanced and nuanced view, also considering that Chennai is a coastal region and fish is a staple diet of common people. Indeed it is absurd, if not sign of low intelligence, not to partake in this abundantly available fresh and cheap source of nutrition, protein. But as is the wont, even when it comes to these simple matters of choice, the woman chose to take high moral grounds and in the process reflected her depraved mindset, she responds arrogantly “Vegetarianism is a part of an increased sensitivity to animals and other species. Crazy to link this to secularism debate”. So non vegetarianism is being declared from sanctum moral vacuum perch as being insensitivity to animals, it is therefore not about food habits or other practical nutritional consideration, that too in a country which suffers severe malnutrition. Even Buddhism from where these compassion driven thoughts are coopted doesn’t insist, nor castigate, because they are connected to reality and do not need exaggerated valuation of themselves nor are habituated with the psychopathic urge to use everything and anything as potent weapon for segregation and domination. Emerging from sanctum moral vacuum the devious mind elaborates that non vegetarians are insensitive people. Incidentally this is how prejudiced mindset gets exhibited. This is the same context for racism and fascism, that black people are inferior, latinos are rapists, jews are impure so on emerge. The pertinent question here would be: How do these people reach such important positions? What are the systems that nurture these? And you will get answers for most problems that Indians face. Morons, and the depraved framework –the demeaning wasteful rituals hinged on puerile worldviews and self-centered logic, that has now acquired modern pointers, sustain these. These have been trying to create aspirational context for common people for ages, in the process not only isolating individuals from their surrounding but also from themselves, from their own soul. Absolutely sane and well meaning people end up cursing, hating themselves and their surrounding, while fate becomes a clear concept and redemption matter. It’s the beginning of alienation, and then it is further burdened by societal level segregations that works its tentacles replacing basic decency that defines humans. They therefore are readied to become fodder to all kinds of exploitations. It is not shocking nor is it a coincidence that in this 21st century India has largest number of people as bonded labours, even little children are exploited. Religio-feudal deceitful ways are now taken over by investment friendly market. Most degrading and dehumanizing jobs are seen as natural advantage for Indians. No wonder India has been reduced to such appalling standards, meanwhile lacking in basic humanitarian level unity or unifying egalitarian thoughts as a progressive society nor are there any values to nurture context for competence.

  We need to also consider that these high moral posturing scoundrels haven’t taken to these food choices as ‘increased sensitivity’ but due to traditions that have depraved context. That this sensitivity doesn’t extend to basic consideration for fellow humans is also telling, indeed as expected it is at the expense. It is carefully choreographed with all traditional pointers to humiliate and degrade fellow humans as also feel morally superior. This is where you slickly move from vegetarian to pure vegetarian to foreseer of brahmand. Conscious intends have unconscious attitudes and in Indian context issues related to vegetarianism (or vegan, that is increasingly favoured lifestyle choice to rationally consciously deal with increased carbon footprint, as also depleting ocean resources and diversity) or gender issues must be closely scrutinized and shouldn’t be allowed to attach to international narration to ransack into moral high grounds. Significantly, look out for zombies with enlarged pupils, quivering lips and salivating mouth readying for nonviolent lick. They have capacity to mutilate any egalitarian context. 

As irresponsible vicious castetva forces consolidated Indians fell woefully short of expectation, they have been made incapable by the putrefying garbage at the top. These deviant aspirational contexts and self defeating alienating traits that it construes are constantly pushed in and tends to consolidate onto mindsets of hapless people, becomes traditions and mainstream cultural expressions that are now normalized by nepotistic market. It requires constant vigil and heightened level of immunity to be not influenced by these overwhelming presences. You have to constantly strive and create egalitarian frame from wherever it is available, and unfortunately may have to isolate from society, to study and understand these. It is an ardent task


The other day I happen to visit RK Narayan’s house which has been converted into a museum, it’s about hundred meters from Dasaprakash were I drop in for coffee sometimes, must add it is a charming little house tucked in the peaceful part of the town and his room –oval shaped with lots of windows overlooking breadfruit trees and fragrant plumerias, is what a room should be. RK Narayan’s is a master raconteur and his writings carry old world charm but unfortunately these I have come to understand, over the years, is disturbingly isolated from realities of this society. It is a carefully constructed cleansed world that seeks to instill nostalgia among a narrow, but influential, section who vociferously promoted him, or that he was incapable to comprehend the social realities –damning indictment being a writer, ensconced in the charm of pit. Or most likely willfully scripted these to suit influential section to further himself, atleast ‘Waiting for mahatma’ is clear attempt in that direction. Displaying gandhian is always an intention of higher ambition and loudest hint to lutyen’s litter. Nevertheless he remains one of my favourite writers provided you put on some blinkers or need to be transported to distant fictional land that has no bigger overarching super structural problems, or overwhelming ugliness that pervades, but everyday shortcomings and charming lapses of the moment brilliantly captured.  

I was quite late into reading, and being dyslexic –that I came to know about much later, words tend to float all the time and makes it a messy deal to comprehend. It leads to hilarious situations for oneself. Adding to the fact English was a new language that remained for a long time in the periphery. Mostly confined to comics, books came very late, and I was truly determined to focus on reading when I was about 26, and RK was my early pick. About three to four years of continuous reading, intermittent with needs for earning and other hiccups, I was trying out writing for the simple reason that I thought I should write something long, most of the time I was scribbling one thing or other on the backpages of notebook since I could remember, also pretentiously held that I could write better stories than these! Indeed highly exaggerated self-worth that too from someone who hasn’t even written two sentence correctly all his life. I tend to collect words that focus on the idea and then work out into comprehensible, taking reference from what I read for sentence construction, obviously this is a major handicap in fiction writing where emotion and characterization is a major concern. I guess short stories works out well since it is short spurts, indeed unbelievably exhausting but astoundingly elevating and fulfilling experience. But to be consistent I need to keep reminding myself that I am also a writer, which many times I forget altogether. Writing blog like this is about communicating something urgent and critical, in here writing skills is a peripheral matter. It’s about understanding and deciphering the issue while expressing it as truthfully and incisively as possible. I believe I got quite good at it over the years, as also it is lots of fun particularly when taking a well-placed potshot at high end postures.

RK Narayan, quite appropriately, found an “enthusiastic patronage” in KasturiSons, the camaraderie saw to it that RK was presented as major Indian fiction writer (which surely he was, whatever disenchantment one may have) but also as an enlightened caretaker (which surely he wasn’t, and this blogger has extreme reservation about these cunning manipulative attempts. His collection of essay carries characteristic arrogance and cringeworthy disconnect). Some of the exhibits at the museum are an extension of amazing level of disengagement to propriety that understandably the exhibitors fail to comprehend. RK has said and written so many stuff, some quite beautiful and worth replicating, but look at this quote that was chosen by these dimwits to display on the wall, that was seen not once but twice, it reads: But you are not my wife. You are a woman who will go to bed with anyone who flatters your antics. That’s      –R.K.Narayan. Now apart from being sexist it is shoddy piece of English. It makes you puke. That they lacked the mental caliber or social context, to understand its appropriateness, or to even have basic concern, while they framed and hung these not once but twice is symptomatic. These thinking rarely occur when you are trying to impress garbage at the top. Not at all surprisingly N Ram as an authenticator was a constant presence in the museum. Another of the despicable display reads “Narayan was lovable man, but his humility was deceptive. Once when All India Radio invited a group of Indian writers to give talks and offered them fees far in excess of their usual rates, while all others accepted the offer Narayan made it a condition that he should be paid at least one rupee more than others.” Hmm deceptive humility. Worth considering.