Thursday, October 04, 2018

Beleaguered society evaluates itself

This picture is that of women marching in small town of Deorala (in Rajasthan) in 1987 against sati crime as also religious rituals and celebration that followed wherein attempts were made to convert the site into temple as has been the tradition for centuries. Many of temples around here have such gory depraved foundations and traditions percolated as values. We needn’t elaborate on traditions and rituals associated with these sites of faith across the subcontinent, it’s been locations of amazing level of discriminations and debauchery. What is amazing in this picture is that most woman in this region are illiterate and face oppressive patriarchy add to it one of the lowest HDI index that makes it worst for women. But they understand what is wrong and stood to fight against it. Meanwhile men, the socalled rajput (a caste reference that was very much supported by post-colonial British angst -hence a source for credibility for Indian mediocre minions in the constant quest to salvage pride (arguably the only meaning in life for third rate people who unfortunately have usurped the narration), into some kind of carriers of bravery and valour. It happens only in this primitive society -these genetic transfer of human characteristics, that too for select few within the society!! No wonder it remains wasted pit, and has been an easy outing for invaders, not to forget few british merchants who sucked out for two centuries while mythical warriors scratched crotch and morphed into excellent masseurs of colonial masters meanwhile tightly holding on to fictions of fierce, that arguably exhibited itself through sterile sadistic pleasures on weaker -this ably facilitated by shloka spewing squatters delving deeper into moral vacuum of humanity. As is the case every reference of grandeur that one hallucinates falls flat in the face of reality. The spectre of delusions of omnipotence, fed and nurtured by deviant nature of social construct, that thrived after independence, is now producing its little chickens that are ready for cockfights in the fertile delusions of market media at the expense of common people and egalitarian values. 

That this society always scraps the bottom is clear from this picture of few hundred women protesting against verdict of SC to end discrimination of women in temple. They are beyond irony. In psychology when you identify with oppressor it is referred to as Stockholm syndrome. What do you do when you have large numbers identifying with discriminators?  It’s a failure of society. In contrast to Rajasthan this is Kerala where HDI is quite high and is proudly showcased as redemption in itself. Again proving that Indian society, unlike war torn regions around the world, is limited by its own limitations. It is almost impossible for literacy to become education, just a means to ensure easy earning. Surfeit nutrition needn’t produce healthy individuals but virile to breed. To mask their limitations, they dig themselves to deepest pits known to human societies, all the egalitarian values will be taken to its lowest possible limits for mediocres to evaluate themselves. Lacking compassion and any known talent these conspire to downgrade standards, and human values. Religion therefore will be moral vacuum devoid of compassion or understanding meanwhile safe pits for fragile egos to nurture into brutes. Sports will be stupid game of cricket with superficial anecdotes binding lack of skills. Art will be third rate movies that keeps digging, meanwhile churning icons of greed that set to trap people into buying as also market driven aspirational standards. Market charlatans tang with sycophantic leaders (in the last many decades these were airdropped onto hapless people, without any mass base except feudal atavistic connections) to severely undermine the democracy, while valued attitudes were selectively cultivated for patronages. Nepotism can be liberal as also socialistic suiting the heuristic of loot. 

In short you can do whatever but still home stretch to high moral grounds at your pace while people suffer. While they negotiated with colonial forces and awe struck with ideas of nonviolence it was common people who suffered, and now they negotiate globalised world for GDP its again common people who suffer while Ambani adds one more storey to Attila emblematising Indian mindset. It's on the cushion of bodies of millions of people that they have created their edifice of grandeur. Grand ancient temples are not benign space but source of power struggle and depravities, to segregate, to exploit and nurture depraved value system. For centuries these very forces denied common people entry to temple, and needed egalitarian compassionate narrations to break this sinister depraved sanctum semantics. If these were stringently dealt and these wasted squatters smoked out at the onset it wouldn't have putrefied to this, it's a sickness that has overwhelmed the society (picture herein of legendary Periyar leading temple entry movement in 1930s).    
More than two decades back I would write many exams. One of them had essay writing. I recall writing about a comparison between Rajasthan and Kerala, arguing that Kerala’s HDI hides sickness.  Rajasthan, I saw, had more potential and vibrancy than stagnant pit of Kerala (it was also the time when ISRO scientist -essentially replicators, participated in all humbleness in rituals to personally please gods for boychild miracles to enter their respective wife’s womb -imagine the horror if the blessing decide to enter neighbor's wife! Poor Radhakrishnan was only following hallowed traditions of Indian scientific mind, as also connecting to aspirational behaviour demanded by sycophants and primitives as political masters). But I guess I was naïve, eventhough stagnant pit is an ever-expanding reality as Indians negotiate literacy and become healthier, still one can but admire women in Rajasthan who came out to protest thirty years ago against what is essentially hopeless situation with overwhelming odds. This in contrast to these women in Kerala who negate their own reality. What can be more tragic than this? It’s an amazing failure of society, only points to deeper malaise that thrive as modern amenities land as if by miracle. Meanwhile the elephant dung in the room is misogynist world of monster mullah and modesty sacks transported by Saudi barbarians to across the world, that is now fed with much care by munchausen syndrome by proxy fattened fluffs in West (this surely cannot end well). With such low reference uncouth around the world have ready reference to fall back on, hence this belligerence that is by-product of competing zealous patriarchy unleashed by sinister nature of religion, isolated from the egalitarian roots of faith, and you can see this very soon playing out in Kerala ably assisted by market media and its insecure cunning power structures. One sincerely hopes these will not negate the ideas of equality and liberty that common marginalised people fought for to assert their rights, the ruffians at the door must be dealt with law and order. They make valiant attempts as market choice but truth must prevail. Faith cannot be conduit to exploitations, discriminations and prejudices. Instead of source of compassion, egalitarian values and open minded understanding anachronistic religions are becoming a nuisance.