Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Pretentious and sinister

I really don’t watch much of Indian movies, least Hindi, unless there are some strong compelling reasons. The regional movies are in its own category redefining bad to worse (with rarest of rare exceptions like for instance this malayalam movie 'Virus' was well made), meanwhile Telugu makes earnest attempts to take it to next level of degradation (not surprising, the nearer you get to the richest sanctum the worst it will get). Having attended enough international film festival in my 20s it took me not much time to realize that Indians are third rate bunch who prey on emotions and cheap manipulation to work out art. They rarely have any understanding of excellence nor awareness of subtleties. Since most are brought up in these limited fare it not only makes it difficult to develop or appreciate subtle values or crave for finesse as happens in evolved society, but dangerously these occupy better part of mind during growing phase thus making it difficult to break the mold hence becomes reference for nostalgia, further pushing into deep pit of crudeness. Mainstream Indian art is too mediocre while the subaltern, that is expected to provide necessary balance, too pretentious. USA churns out Hollywood hash but some are worth the effort and they do have the caliber, as is the case in Europe, Japan, Iran so on, they have indie movies that opens up amazing new vista. Indians with its nepotistic values and nuances deeply entrenched in sanctum scum lacks in every front. They valiantly muster varying degree of mediocre affair (that ofcourse is hailed in the pit as “world’s greatest” even as world may not be even aware) with the specific intention to titillate and squeeze the herd–who lacking any context of excellence, brought up as they are in crass and crude, give reference to mainstream art which is then closely worked with market to the sacred act of selling, to convert audience into buyers, the reason for living. Loud and exaggerated this society uniquely lack subtle values. Even the so called classical, say carnatic, with few riveting references here and there these generally sound like donkey braying in heat and then, as is the nature, even this is deemed as exclusive and dealt in sperm play. Dance forms like bharatanatyam was uprooted from its original context and sanitized into cringe worthy robotic exercise while the contemporary expression is ‘bollywood dance’ that seeks people into neat rows and gyrate to crude ridiculous. Songs and dance that originate from deep roots of this diverse land is what carries the unbridled joy (that is dexterously plagiarized and degraded into mainstream through movies) while the amazing juxtaposition of colours is another expression that truly touches subtle core of the society.

Egalitarian expressions found space through Buddhism in amazing subtle art work of Ajantha Ellora while inculcating meditative inquisitive value system through teaching centres at Nalanda and Takshishila, later finding expression in bhakti movement but these were rarely mainstream incapacitated by sanctum squatter’s limited intellect and caliber that had seeped into society. These woeful lack were compensated through appropriation and plagiarizing. Now though the market capitalizes these by monetizing hence these blatant appropriation into mainstream, in the meantime there is also attempt to naturalize these into caste feudal traditions hence Indian tradition and culture. The ideas of contemplation and meditative expressions were explored by enlightened seers and saints which was further consolidated by Buddha into unique value system that crude nature of caste cannibalised feudal society found woefully inadequate to deal. These were therefore fiercely dealt. 
Decimation of egalitarian and enlightened value systems espoused by Buddhism as also negation of humanitarian stream through the Indian society -that attempted at moral foundation for centuries, as Indian subcontinent slipped into dark ages. Any value based attempts were persistently quashed by castetva forces by aligning with state power. They preyed on superstition and insecurities while cunningly posturing as arbitrators of divine will the reason why Indian kings and their army were bunch of nincompoops, incapacitated and wasted. While the society cannibalized itself waiting for intruders for redemption. The handful exception of Indian kings include Ranjit Singh, Tipu sultan etc. were immune from sanctum infection. Rana pratap –no maha please, ran from the field -with ostensible cunning reasoned as strategy, while controlling little piece of land, later died during hunting! While Tipu despite heavy odds and fervent suggestions to escape decided to fight to the last. There is a difference here that showcases lot about value system. Also, while Tipu fought colonial British, who were colonizing Indians, and took help of French –in the aftermath of French revolution that gave everlasting ideas of liberty and equality, the porcine incompetent kings of mysore were ready to feed on the left over of british in desperation to maintain their blessed lineage control. While Tipu died fighting british the cunning wodeyar built palatial residence for british –which are now regrettably heritage buildings that is seen as proud part of history! They regularly paid handsome ransom to british to maintain their status, not to forget squabbling for gun salute (such a bunch of nincompoops), ofcourse all these collected by exploiting common people and the land. Such is the caliber of this beleaguered society that some try to trace as legacy handed over through miracle sperm –authenticated through scrotum scratcher’s zeal.

So, I happened to watch this movie (Article 15) the other day. This pretentious movie is another vain, indeed devious, attempt to disentangle the caste putrefied pit into acceptable narration and serve it to herd to squeeze some money. Indians are quite incapable to handle these, they lack the caliber, intellectual honesty and most importantly empathy -that is devoid of manipulative sentiment meant to work out devious narrations. Its a sinister attempt at using pointers to question casteism and then turn it around to normalize and trivialize it. Some scenes though were well done like the horrifying image of rape victims hung on tree shot through fog, it had quality of riveting horror (most likely inspired from Baduan rape case -in picture here). British created the bureaucrats to streamline the exploitation. The exploitative hierarchical structure with immense power was something cannibalistic castetva took natural liking to. Hence it was continued, with almost same value system, while devious Indians besotted to colonial exploiters posed these as agents of change meanwhile carried their nefarious corrupt ways and further degraded the society. They also simultaneously dumbed down the idea of education while attributing inane professions of bureaucrat as markers of intelligence. All the indicators of HDI and deviant value system can be traced to this craze for power and prestige. Qualified professionals compete for these as if waiting for redemption as glittering cogs in staid government machinery. Primitive society immediately claimed this as blessing. Even gandhi’s litter (given all the options he had in the world) took into bureaucracy and not quite coincidently placed in TN. With despicable Rajagopalachari (cunning fellow posed as freedom fighter but was trusted more by colonial british than indians!! Such was the level of depravity) at helm these went on to dismantle egalitarian attempts of Dravidian justice movement and cleverly turned the society into caste conundrum, while third rate corrupt politicians did the rest. Art expressions through movies promoted by castetva seeped in deeply disturbing value system thus further demeaning humanitarian attempts. Finally ending with MGR manipulating mass support at the top. The society now finds incapacitated to deal with natural calamities. With dwindling resources and natural disasters at the door the community that is so primitive that it is not even able to define as basic as a term ‘community’ will surely end up cannibalizing while the cunning usurp and move on. Meanwhile gandhi’s litter had uncommon luck –that no ordinary bureaucrat is presented with, he humbly eased himself into plum positions one after another that can only be due to miracles of sperm. It is also amply clear from the pretentious columns he writes that he is manipulative, and that living with immense opportunities and being exposed to amazing diversities across the world has not impacted his mindset.  

It is not at all a surprise that castetva were besotted to clever Gandhi since he provided the escape plan –to be caste cannibal but still claim highest moral ground, no wonder the clever fellow was elevated and pushed onto hapless people as mahatma. African countries, like Ghana, must take steps to dismantle this fellow. There should be no positive reference of Gandhi nor pointers of any reverence context anywhere in Africa. That is the next urgent step in the effort to dismantle caste.

In any society where hundreds of children regularly die, that too in a particular region, would be cause of grave concern. This argument of litchi as culprit sounds laughable. I heard that when I was in delhi (almost 20years ago, so imagine these deaths are happening for decades) and avoided it henceforth. The logic given at that time was that this fruit was washed in dirty water that seeps into the flesh of the fruit. That they are not able to pin point exact reason and find remedy for this long shows the value system that is incapable to prioritize as also caliber at work. Also, understanding that this is recurring the administration could have atleast worked to provide necessary infrastructure to deal with tragedy. Even that was not attempted. Bihar is a caste cannibals putrid pit (sadly this was much enlightened land 2000years ago when Buddhism took its root, see what the castetva have reduced it to) that languishes at the bottom of HDI –arguably the worst in the world, and will always find its putrefying base. The tragedies of hapless people are dismissed as fate. Malaria killed hundreds and thousands of people in this region for thousands of years yet they could not find a cure. There is no vaccine against malaria yet. If it was happening in some other society they would have taken it as utmost priority. Even the research on cause of malaria to mosquitoes (specifically anopheles female) was done by British doctor Ronald Ross working in India. Even the cure to malaria was done through Chinese traditional medicine (artemisinin by Tu Youyou). So where are the Indians? Pretentious and always carrying highest estimate of themselves as overseer of the world without even minimum caliber as much as to even define community! These lackadaisical attitude towards common people’s plight has definite pattern and that can be easily be traced to moral vacuum of sanctum and devious casteist gandhians who control the narration hence the value system and priorities.