Thursday, March 26, 2020

Fiction cannot tackle reality

Meanwhile, i read, there are rising number of cases of stigmatizing and ostracizing taking place. Fear of the dreaded virus is legitimate but the methods adopted in reaction by people wielding societal influence smacks of deep rooted depraved value system. Many doctors, nurses (even air hostesses) are being asked to vacate by despicable house owners and rent seekers. Imagine that these are the people who are putting their life on line to serve. Instead of providing moral support (that the PM so admirably initiated) some are being called "dirty". That is how they treat crucial and essential occupations. Dirty. Don't think these are coincidences. These are legacies from sanctum very much nurtured by purity seeking squatters and the ecosystem that thrived through castetva forces severely degrading this society. Corona is only a precursor to some serious cataclysmic challenges that the society is set to face as climate breakdown related changes gain momentum. This society is not really conceived to deal with these challenges. It lacks basic humanistic foundation of compassion and decency. One respite is that their influence is relatively less in the world than monster mullah's degradation that is spreading at an alarming rate and gun trotting life denying horrendous white racist Christians of US who wield immense power over the world.

Its amply clear that fiction minded (read religious) are constant threat to reality. These regressive values work to deny most of the crucial problems humanity face. When it is god's wish how can you take responsibility?! These segregation thriving fantastical fictions are going to be serious threat to communitarian response and humanitarian concerns. Further, these fiction minded who stick to the frame that deny reality in the garb of faith cannot be part of path breaking solutions (at the most they can be minor accretional contributors with all humbleness that religion inspires and denies). Innovative mindset needs a searing contact with reality and an openness to question and logically construct. Religions actively deny it, and is indeed a virus of mind that seeks to destroy humanness. Religions are freeloading on humanity, and its quite clear that its a dead weight nurtured and authenticated by some extremely devious section at the expense of all that defines humanity.