Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Any threat to democracy is a threat to humanity


Democracy hinges on individual rights and liberty that synergize into society to assert the potential to progress as human being. It safeguards human rights that extends to other species and ecosystems. Democracy is an evolved conception that assures civilized dealings and accommodates dissent. A free mind is an assurance of humanity. Therefore, to push a narration that some societies are not fit or ready for democracy (in effect some humans of some regions are incapable to be free) is not only spacious but reflection of high-end patronizing mindset that comes with laziness of wallowing in hedonism and assured capacities. Afghanistan is a case study of misery on humanity orchestrated by competing systems and clever cold manipulators. Brutal gun totting religious primitives, suave suit wearing carpet bombing democracy spreaders for profit and narration controlling keyboard warriors holed up in comforts of western cities with well placed angst are all equally complicit. They are eating the souls of people. They regurgitate fictions that suits their deal. It’s the Rashomon effect in the bleakest of possibilities. The stampede to control narration to present themselves as saviors.                

Every lifeform thrives in freedom fully understanding the limits that life puts, the conditions they sense to survive and evolve. Every human on this earth strives to be free. Only a free human can gain the capacity to understand responsibilities and value living in daily absurdities of life. Primitive religions -the anachronistic regret, should be humored and tolerated with pity but what we see is vicious arbitrators using these as opportunity to control and haggle for power. Spiritual earnings and mounting insecurities of hapless people are trapped into systems of barter. Humans are commodities in this conception. They are to be bartered for religion as unthinking faithfuls, for democracy spreaders they are comfortable means to exploit for profit as also pointer of benign grace of powerful, for politicians these are pawns in the game of strategic depths and for angst driven fluffs they represent untold bottomless opportunity for angst positioning. Afghan people running scared and cowering in homes from gun wielding monster mullahs emblemizes common people all across the world. They are metaphor of tragedy. Fodder to the systems of control.

West in its arrogance think that they can blatantly attack any region for profit and then cover it up by feeding chosen few and work them to control the narration. They represent flawed arrogance of democracy whether US – with absurd gun freedom, systemic racism and deviance of Christianity, or UK – that wallows in supreme assurance of colonial loots and tries to define democracy through monarchy patriotism. Under the garb of spreading democracy they are controlled by wanton greed and supreme omniscience as overseers. Meanwhile Afghanistan is a flawed society that gnaws its people. Beleaguered people never really got the chance to consolidate humanity as the competing forces massacred. People of the region are trapped in the vice grip of religion and poverty hence last twenty years of Western attempts were superficial. The collapse of Afghanistan is a testament to flawed intervention that couldn’t percolate. Empathy driven institutions and free connection of humans is what roots institutions to consolidate democracy. Further, when the sinister states like US (under Trump), China, Russia so on had started to negotiate with Taliban and authenticated monster mullahs for their devilish control over the region as also international geopolitical ruse what could common people do? They were given hope without any means to achieve. They were given choices that had life at stake.          

Afghanistan is a tragedy on humanity that will unfold into the depths of depravity. Religion can but only create nuisance and when these fantastical fictions are means of governance there is denial of centuries of human progress and understanding. Those western fattened fluffs who are helping nurture these dehumanizing systems as identity and attempting to equate with race are equally dangerous and complicit with spreading misery. Religion cannot be identity nor it can define or usurp ideas of protecting minority. Diversity cannot be degradation. Humanity is paying heavy price for these flawed values. Secularism must be replaced with humanism. It’s about time to stop nurturing dehumanizing ridiculous systems like religion that has become threat to humanity. As also wanton consumption promoting systems like capitalism that is defining development at the expense of life.     

When wanton consumption driven western nation attack or occupy resource rich regions to further the deep state controlled capitalism and its neoliberal values, they create nepotistic corrupt ecosystem of exploitation and opportunism in the region. They try to assuage these by using common people as fodder back home who take the brunt of backlash through terrorism, xenophobic hate, fundamentalism, while unleashing angst driven narrators who pose as moral bearing of society. They create binary. Us vs Them. It’s the easiest way to control. Thus, dividing humans into strifing herds.