Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Lovely pig

Lovely pig 

The little book says pig is filthy 
Another says humans have dominion over all the creatures
Cow the holiest unlike the filthy dark buffalo
I look at the pig and the pig look at me
98% DNA spiral from me to him and him to me
Thymine, Guanine, Cytosine and Adenine flip the 2%
A human from a pig and a pig from a human
Mutational chance initiated 80m years ago
A pig is a pig and a human is a human
When human is no longer human and pig no longer pig
98% 2% seep to filthy pristine matters of world
Innately the chance and molecules weave the magic
The pig is me is the pig
And so the world rearrange to kindle a new life
A pig or a human or