Wednesday, September 07, 2022

On studying useless thing


Market with active support from religion -as signs of blessing, have nurtured aspects of usefulness for herd to be kept occupied and controlled. Hence whatsoever doesn’t fall into this matrix of usefulness is deemed useless pursuit. Usefulness is clearly about extractive mindset -that market capitalism sustains on; it is quantified by money and power of control over herd. This then is showcased as success for which we are expected to strive for. Primitive religions authenticate these as outcome of specific blessings that is being granted. So, more money, power and godforsaken fame is to be latched with god returning the favor to obedient devotee. Hence the stampede to please and obey. 

It is in this context education is qualified by usefulness. Thus, we have younger herd members prepared to replicate the template of success by carefully regurgitating useful education into money churning enterprise. They compete and waste, and essentially become threat to all that is cherished. Market defines usefulness in education hence create goals to be attained. Religion works to authenticates these as god’s will. The more the young mind is goal oriented more extractive mindset settles in destroying the potential and capacity of the human. They become a cog in the competition to prove their worth in the extractive system. The existential impasse we are in can easily be traced to these devious ways of control. TedCruz is an American embarrassment on humanity. His extractive mind emblemizes the threat. Extractive mind essentially lacks qualities that define human, compassion being one. No one anywhere anyplace in the world should be taking loan to learn. Education must be free, if ever it should be minimally charged. Student in debt is a failure of society. Most importantly education must strive to create self-aware individuals, inquisitive to learn for knowing and using latest advancements to understand. Whether what they find interesting to be pursued or researched further must be decided by individuals and their aptitude. Society is expected to nurture the minds as presences to probe and sense the reality and subtleties. Awareness increases depth to observation. Fields of expertise are just tools. Only an evolved society produces such presences which therefore becomes common place, a norm. In primitive societies such presences are exceptions hence claims of blessedness or great souls. In these presences there are no binaries of usefulness and uselessness. These presences are excitements of life expressing what it means to be alive. It is these presences over the centuries that carried humans from caves to the sophisticated comforts and value systems to explore. Education is being conscious to all that connects lifeforms and systems at work. What is useless in extractive system is useful in life nurturing systems. In nature there is nothing useless. That ofcourse doesn’t mean carbon trapped in likes of TedCruz is in useful state.