Thursday, December 01, 2022

Lady Hussey Tho Phassey!


Not really this is not the title of some third rate bollywood movie (or dubbed tollywood, or pollywood or whatever despicable wood) that is meant to titillate the herd to part with some money while the mediocres scramble in to pose as artists, the gateway to play for the market, it is a stampede into whatever goes in whatever matters except that they are only limited by their own limitations which ofcourse they are not aware of – a severe case of Dunning Kruger effect that is so spectacularly embodied by likes of Rajamoulis emerging from putrefying pit as a redemption for mediocre society and its delusionary claims of highest possible acclaim!  They could therefore be now actors, directors, singers, dancers, influencers, repository of culture, psychologists for all occasions, experts on all matters that herd joyously seek and what not. They exude positivest purest whitest energy while carrying crass as a precious legacy into wherever blessed fate take them in the perilous journey of entitlements. In these churning grandiosities, with them at the very center, they survey the world and also wonder on nature of universe while an inexplicable itch works into pus filled laceration that can only be remedied as moral overseers to the world. The -mahatma- to humanity. Incidentally this is how caste cannibals refer to gandhi in western media these days, creating an aura of purity through - -. They also migrate to West to appropriate and to play victim, as also to represent us with desultory ease among patronizing whites, monarchists and angst gatherers.   

So, when the godmother (seriously, wtf is that?) of british monarchy turns out to be racist to the core there is masturbatory consternation among the audience -the ever charming witnesses to medieval theatre of absurdities. White men and women hanging onto grandiosities of entitlements as kings and princes while being indulged by decent intelligent adult human beings as if they are in some elaborate trance as they perform their part. Come on Mr. Charles stop this nonsense. Abdicate and abolish monarchy and ask them to elect a titular leader as they do it in India, ofcourse with less feudal pomp. Probably because you are surrounded with sycophants and knuckleheads that you don’t realize how embarrassing this whole charade is. Continuation of monarchy is detrimental to progressive egalitarian effort all across the world, it’s a glaring anachronism that acts to undermine democratic institutions. It’s a compromise that degrades as also allows leeway for other degrading systems to enter without scrutiny.

So, when an African origin (or black person) anywhere in West is asked pointedly about “where you come from” it’s an attempt at purposefully ignoring the horrible history of slavery and inhuman exploitations that brought them to West. It’s an attempt to establish proprietorial right as also to put ‘them’ in their place by reminding of their lowly status despite they having encroached into proposedly civilized space, now all these words are as understood from the point of racist West and perpetuated through narrative control. What is also implied in this racist scrutiny is the psychopathic sly. From your skin color we know where you came from. We know that despite your attempt to be like us you were (indeed, are) brainless slaves who were tied and bundled to West for our service. Don’t you ever forget that. You can claim to be british citizen but you will still be from somewhere in jungles of Africa. This is exactly what it is to be effortlessly racist, and it comes quite easy for someone nurtured in theatrics of monarchy. It will be shocking if it doesn’t.

This also brings into question the clever appropriation of black narration by Asians, specifically south Asians in West. These gross attempts to obfuscate black experience -intrinsically connected to the horrendous history that is not even a century old, must be stringently dealt. Most Asians are racist, it is part of most cultures, so primitive they don’t even realize. Even when they realize they don’t acknowledge. In case of caste cannibals, they deal it with inbred dexterity of myths and meaningless collections of words devoid of its original meaning and contexts that some in west are susceptible to and find compelling. Caste cannibals carry it in their name hence the question ‘where you from’ becomes meaningless, as everything is settled in order in the satisfying waft of putrefying pit (and yes if the stench is not as expected then sniffing mami will be activated into the scene!). In desperation to establish pecking order that satisfy primal urge of primitives they ask “where are you from” in uncouth big cities to classify your economic class so as to immediately estimate the worth (so if you are located in congested shitholes you will be dropped halfway through the conversation, as it is name depalan burned a deep hole in their pus filled soul).  Therefore these attempts to bracket black with ‘color’ people must be closely scrutinized. To put it in perspective most south Asian in West (particularly in UK) are byproduct of feudal values, caste cannibalism and yes corruption, greed and nepotism. They weren’t exploited at all, indeed during colonialism most of them were conduit to exploitation even those posturing as freedom fighters. They identified much with racist exploiters and strived to match with them, and were appalled to be equated with Africans. Hierarchical minded primitives sought pecking order from racist colonial masters, indeed that truly was their struggle. If you look at grainy videos of colonial atrocities against Indians it was mostly done by Indians. Britishers wouldn’t have controlled such vast land with large population without active support of Indians. The embryonic ties of racist colonizers with caste cannibals, and how it degraded society, as also how feudal values perpetuated by monarchy indelibly infected the foundation of fledgling democracy and sidelined egalitarian native values across the world is understandably not studied much. History is only used to control narration.

Importantly, monarchy degraded democracy, Christianity infected secularism, and feudal entrenched parliament, of Britain doesn’t really inspire much confidence on its deals with egalitarian intends and progressive paths to challenges of future. It is in this same context that juvenile debating club patronized ideas of religions as race finds traction hence must be resisted. Religion is not race, and can never be. Race cannot be ridiculed. Religion can be, and must be, ridiculed. Black African is a negroid race that faced centuries of brutal atrocities and discrimination that is difficult to even imagine, and cannot be compared or even attempted to be equated with anything else. Western monarchy actively captured Africa and committed heinous crimes (indeed the phrase 'crimes against humanity' originates from Belgium king Leopold II massacre of millions of people in Congo). This is recent history. Therefore these attempts at presenting monarchy as benign benevolent presence is a cruel joke on humanity.