Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Wow what a movie!


The world created through Avatar movie is enchanting and precious. The second part is equally compelling. I am in love with this virtual world they so meticulously lovingly created. Though I must add the story was bit jarring -the usual Hollywood cliché so on nevertheless the intent and compassion was well placed, but my god the colorful wonderful world they conceptualized. Some of the scenes are quaintly sublime in its aesthetics. Please watch and feel alive in this captivating quaint world. Well done. As for James Cameron, ‘Terminator’ was one of my earliest English movies (most likely second English movie after James Bond), and just the right movie for my fertile early teen mind. I was blown away.

Footnote: meanwhile primitive Indians with big money are persistent to gate crash into Oscars. Crude despicable movie is being patronized by usual suspects as exotic and yes ‘representing’, the same old strategy to lower standards for mediocre to sneak in. Last I heard the third-rate crass movie is being shortlisted for song! An unintended gay moment. It would do well in LGBTQ festivals, nothing wrong just that it was unintended! And if they intended, they would mess it up. It’s a unique caliber. Please dump this appalling ‘work of art’ at the earliest. It’s an assault on sensibilities, an embarrassment. I as an Indian (unfortunately placed in same geographical entity) apologize for these mediocres and their lack of self-awareness. Or maybe give them a plastic replica of Oscars so that they can create PR narration back home for the herds to feel special brahmand blessing of unique talent that the world is incapable to comprehend. Nauseating.