Sunday, January 01, 2023

Let's celebrate


Why would someone ‘celebrate’ with noise, flash of intense light and loads of toxic fumes into the air? What will it take people to be aware and responsible? Why are most people compelled to mark passing of time with air, sound and light pollution, and all the ugly? Aren’t they aware how much dire air pollution is? Or that millions of species are being impacted with light as never before? Aren’t they aware that there are millions of other species too that we share this planet with who are being pushed out of existence? Is it decent way to celebrate? Is it necessary to create such ruckus as mark of celebration?

This lack of deeper connection is extension of utilitarian values and crass ways. It’s a crude way to inflate oneself to feel happy. It’s a collective expression of a deep flaw. There are aesthetics of life and there are effortless ways to attune to it. It’s what we are all made up of, and seeks connection with other life forms into intricate expressions. Everything in this world is deeply connected. This noise, flash light and toxic fumes is killing us. What kind of celebration is this? Isn’t there any quainter way to make one’s presence felt? Ways to celebrate that cares and embraces the surrounding to mark our insignificance in passing of time.    

So here we are in 2023. Let us get ready for another spin around sun with care and concern. Let us celebrate in ever diminishing time we are left with on this remarkable planet.