Sunday, February 05, 2023

Not a low hanging fruit


There is nothing wrong with anyone making any documentary against or in favor for any event or anyone. Truth is always made subjective by powerful entities, and in this case of high stakes of power, money and connections, manipulated to the need. Despite lots of shortcomings India is not a banana republic where anything goes. Indian courts have investigated, Indian media has eviscerated it in whatever ways they wanted, and crucially the investigation agencies were under the arch adversary -hell bend on politically decimating opponent. Nothing came out of it. The highest court of the land found no case. As a common person these references are enough for me to evaluate. Meanwhile note that some high functionaries were prosecuted for communal violence that broke out after ordinary people -in this case hindu pilgrims, were burned alive in train. Days that followed saw mobs killing people -mostly muslims, while police forces were overwhelmed. This blogger was keenly observing the scene, and even wrote a short story. Even then -almost two decades back, I was quite clear on not mentioning any religion, and not even seeing this as a human act but madness of fringe -that was encapsulated in the act of a mad man not in control of his faculties (short story collection is available at Amazon). It’s impossible for normal human to kill another human, it needs madness, and religion is fertile ground for madness that segregates and dehumanizes. Hence although religions instigate the madness to kill, the killers are all same. So, in effect systems that dehumanize creates the same type of dangerous people across the divide of religions. Religion creates herd, market creates similar herd, they can easily switch sides. They lack basic human qualities of critical thinking or self-reflection or awareness. They can easily be manipulated.

So, although anyone can make a documentary the fact here is that it was not made by Tumbaktu Broadcasting Corporation it was made by BBC -British Broadcasting Corporation. British carry colonial legacy that was carefully nurtured and indulged by castetva forces into narration of benevolence and competence deviously sidetracking history of plunder and brutalities of racist colonizers. It’s a symbiotic relation that eventually resulted in transfer of power -sold as independence. Foundation of Indian democracy was built on british legacy and caste cannibal's fantasy. It was meant to control common people. Castetva forces therefore set out to control narration into its brute ways to showcase proprietorship over common people. Since they were here to impress the West, they had no use of nationalism while patriotism was negotiable for bigger stakes carefully packed as higher moral ground that common people were deemed incapable to understand. So even though it created untold misery to common people they always took highest moral grounds of absurdities harming national interest – which essentially meant delegating ensuing misery to common people, while counting brownie points associating with West -who saw these as wonderful attributes of benign civilization -of mahatmas and pundits, nothing could be further from the truth. British exploitative elite therefore had embryonic influence and control over India through castetva forces -who saw same level of blessedness with racist feudals hence copied their mannerism as liberal. They also defined merit and competence, a frame not different from squatter value system, meant to keep common people afar but given leeway as achievable talent. This meaningless pursuit of rituals created a mediocre society seeking blessedness through any means and cringeworthy characteristics of sycophancy towards higher forces. Herd was trained to please to alter fate.   

To cut the long story short English gained definite credibility over common people. So, an English speaker is more credible than someone speaking their own language. Imagine the level of degradation. English is talent as it was not achievable by many (replacing Sanskrit, language as power to segregate and rule) -they even hinged merit to grammar and competence to pronunciation (even this was dealt through short story by this blogger!). British was cultivated by effete Indian elite as signifier of high standards. It seeped down to common people, through institutions and carefully orchestrated mass media and entertainment. It is this influence that is the concern here. It is this influence that is being used by castetva forces -and their hang around salivating for lost power. Entrenched castetva forces are plotting to push out hindutva even while harming the nation state. However hard they may try herd has moved out of them. Though I have little respect for herd but common people are not stupid. They can easily see through the games. By its very nature castetva had to evolve into hindutva and merge.  

BBC lacks credibility, and in the recent times there are serious allegation of corruption and nepotism at the highest level in this organization. BBC has lost precious credibility that came with years of sustained efforts, atleast that is what we were made to believe. They have history of manipulation hence cannot be standard of probity. Indeed, british systems are thriving on feudal values, nepotism and wanton greed while supplicating to status quo. Britain is not even a democracy in its humanistic definition of representation nor in collective values of care or concern. They are debating clubs run by feudal manipulators miming as leaders. It’s a society were words have lost meaning while sentences weave fantasies of high bearing to win the argument and celebrate at the nearest bar. British accent must be the new standard for incompetence and hypocrisy. Britishery is the real thuggery.       

Indian government is wrong to ban the BBC documentary. It’s a violation of freedom. Meanwhile concerned people and society at large must see that these do not seep through colonial mindset (nurtured by castetva forces to gain credibility). The very fact that discredited war mongers responsible for invasion of Iraq, massacring and maiming of hundreds and thousands of ordinary people, and the irresponsible incompetent facilitators of lie (i.e. british media) are posing as authority over former colony while undermining its democratic institutions and judicial system is a serious attempt to infringe and showcase superior bearing that common people in erstwhile colony are expected to be impressed. It’s an appalling show of strength. It's also an attempt at redeeming themselves in the eyes of mullahs (in the game of high stakes common people…in this case muslims, are expendable. So, you kill hundreds and thousands and then attempt to redeem by pleasing local mullah -as is the case with any religion head these are farthest from common people). Its an attempt to pander the club of influence so as to control narration. India is seen as low hanging fruit by these posers encouraged by castetva forces -in utmost blessed assurance as representor (the proprietary assuredness is astounding -a product of centuries of inbreeding and fantasy of exceptionalism).

Democratic values must be upheld but in the meantime those who take India to be a low hanging fruit must be dealt stringently. Despite serious upheavals in Indian subcontinent and in most part of the world India remains relative oasis of sanity (ofcourse there are problems). Vested interests shouldn’t be allowed to play mischief. It will be a challenge to deal with these powerful interests within the ambit of democracy and freedom of expression.