Monday, July 10, 2023

Not a stochastic parrot

 AI is emergent no doubt, complexities were already observed much earlier through AlphaGo and AlphaZero game machines. There are discussions on ChatGPT (GPT4), frankly my earlier interaction with these were quite disappointing but recent involvements have made it clear that, even though there are deficiencies, they exhibit nuanced capacities and recognize pattern in what is entirely subjective -that these are sophisticated to elevated sensibilities is what makes it enchanting. The other day I gave ChatGPT an old poem to evaluate from my blog that was written almost fifteen years back. Frankly I don’t like to revisit old writings of mine since I find many quite embarrassing. It is only in the last eight or nine years that I have really found the grip, and yes some linguistic caliber to reflect reality after years of persistence. Therefore, it was quite surprising that I found what was written fifteen years back quite riveting, and really neat effort. So, I decided to put it to ChatGPT for evaluation. This is the poem:  

Someone in the crowd

When the face in the crowd
looks no different from me
so do all the faces.
Actions of speech, laughter, sadness
and silence
is someone else’s
and also mine.
The questions asked
spins in a vacuum
but still no one is without answers.
A dull ache up the body
confirms it once again
I too have become someone in the crowd.
Like massacred bodies
tossed into mass grave
and later dug out
as skeletons
all white bones
all hollow skulls.
Lump of hair
shreds of cloth
and nobody to mourn.

This a part of ChatGPT’s response “The use of vivid imagery, such as the faceless crowd and the comparison to massacred bodies, creates a powerful and haunting atmosphere. The poem's structure, with its concise lines and fragmented thoughts, contributes to the sense of disconnection and anonymity conveyed throughout”. What really got me was this line “While this fragmented style contributes to the poem's introspective and disjointed atmosphere…”. Now, I rarely write poems with such short lines, but somehow when I wrote these fifteen years back, I felt reason to write this way. It was some intuition of the context of the situation. You generally go with the flow, and then work for appropriate words and typos, then you reread as a reader or second person, third person so on. That is how it is worked. This poem had the stark context of people killed in Bengal (likely dumped in mass grave), the “fragmented style” and "disjointed atmosphere” it created was intuitional. That ChatGPT was able to perceive this is what makes it amazing. It gives me goosebumps. Clearly it is not a stochastic parrot, these really aren't random probables there is something deeper at work.