Friday, September 08, 2023



I am a keen follower of cartoons. Ajit Ninan was right there. In those bleak years in Delhi Ajit Ninan's cartoons was fun respite and the reason why I bought newspaper. Each line was a masterstroke -absolutely charming, that you could spent hours looking at. A good cartoonist has nuanced sensibility and heightened awareness of present. Many a times I tried to copy his cartoons into my notepad and kept cutting of things I found interesting. 

*In recent times I too have start to post few "cartoons" -not good at all, these are exigencies where words fall short so one has to use some other means to express.    

The Coming Wave

This is arguably one of the significant non fiction book on AI to come out in recent times. Mustafa Suleyman is an AI insider (cofounder of DeepMind). Two things disappoint me. Firstly, why is it available only in hardcover and not paperback? Why do these people have to do these cheap market tricks to make few more money when they already have enough? Hardcover is not only unwieldy but unnecessary spending as also high carbon footprint. Within few months paperback will be available so what is the need for this? Why are they forcing people? Secondly, even at this age why is the waiting period one month?! Ofcourse kindle version is available but most may not be comfortable staring at screen.