As war mongers trap ordinary
people through devious systems and work the fracture for opportunities, to
gather power and influence, what is being lost at an alarming rate is space of
sanity, of liberal values and egalitarian contexts. Complacency of elites in open
societies (that provided democratic progressive spaces, individual liberty and
freedom) has become a significant source of this degradation. Their proprietorial
authority over common people through medieval feudal structures, nepotistic
association and neo colonial control has severely damaged the social contract.
Their sense of entitlement has seen to it that they use common people as fodder
to cover up their irresponsible ways for easy fixes. They let egalitarian
values and democratic ideals to be diluted as they nurture primitive systems. Instead of letting humans thrive and reach their potential they
authenticated systems that dehumanizes and degrades humans. They patronized religion
and wanton consumption-based capitalism to play havoc while they used semantics
of higher morals to consolidate their positions as representors of better
world. They sold themselves as smart operators and aspirational figures.
Democracy therefore is reduced to a conduit of brutal power plays. The reason
why charlatans and psychopaths have such influence.
Democracy needs constant
vigilance, it took centuries of effort to reach this stage of human progress,
to consolidate this humanism based endeavor and value systems to take root in
societies, into individuals and the way they think and influence their
surrounding and world, and is therefore preferred across the world as optimal
way of governance. It guarantees individual right and provides freedom to pursue
one’s dream and aspirations. This is what progress means, this is the most significant and abiding achievement of
humanity, all scientific and technological achievements are byproducts, and
this is where the future is hinged. This has come with great sacrifice and tribulations. The
forces that sought to undermine were always active and still are. If we are not vigilant then
this progress will wither away. There are grassroot movements that seek to
consolidate the gains of democracy into individual relations and social
institutions. They work under tremendous odd as obscurantist regressive forces
gain across the world. Unfortunately, in the name of vigilance what we are increasingly
having are rant rakers and activist opportunists who create the binary noise
against the leaders without ever wondering why are certain type of people getting
elected or that people are preferring them. These opportunist choose the easy narration and play local guardian to herds -as oppressed, without pointing out the reason. They failed to critically
scrutinize systems that churn out these herds, whether religion herd or market
herd or herds of circumstance who became incapacitated to apply their mind
since they are too much coopted by the system. Vicious forms of religions are
gaining control while some are searching viciousness in benign beliefs to match
the threat and counter threat. These have severely eviscerated egalitarian intents and weaken
democratic institutions. Regressive dehumanizing religions, feudal systems that
nurture crony capitalism and consumption and provide base to neo capitalism
have become serious threat to humanity. These are not accidents or providence;
they are culmination of sinister forces working the fracture.
It is matter of grave concern
that egalitarian liberal values are confined to few spaces across the world,
and in the last few years sought to be further reduced thus a significant setback to
progressive values. With technology and awareness one would have thought liberal values will spread and world would be happier place with all possibilities. Unfortunately that is not what is happening. There are also efforts made to subjectify and degrade democratic
institutions to let in primitive systems as a case for inclusiveness without scrutiny. West is severely
compromised by its complacence and sense of entitlement. In the schizophrenia
of self-assured superiority and self-loathing angst they don’t realize
they are being eaten from inside. The rise of China doesn’t hold much hope, and
will be a constant source of regressive consolidation across the world. This is
not what China is -indeed could have been a source for progressive forces but
is shackled by devious authoritarian forces making them a serious threat, so is the case of Russia -and opportunist elite
in West have much to blame as they gained from crony capitalism and strategic influence with fall of USSR. NATO has no role in the contemporary and is invoking fractures of cold war. Instead of strengthening multilateral agencies like UN they made it ineffectual to deal with global challenges. Much of Arab
world is barren land of medieval religion/values and competing feudal forces presenting
not much hope. There is money and glitter, but nothing really progressive.
Pathbreaking ideas comes from spaces that nurture excellence -it is necessarily
based on liberal values that provide freedom to question. Inquisitiveness
doesn’t thrive in closed society.
Humanity progresses by not
falling into the traps of past or sustaining systems that nurtures these. As
humanity gains more awareness meanings of the words used must assimilate the changing
context, or else we need new words to factor the evolved awareness and stop using words of the past. We really cannot repeat the same words and expect the
world to be different. Just like science, as the knowledge is updated meanings
changes and therefore the reality changes. So, it is matter of serious concern
that western leaders and commentators are falling into semantic trap of the
past and thus nurturing fractures of past hence persisting the misery. Meanwhile
authenticating vicious obscurantist forces seeking to segregate and trap humans into fixed narrations lacking any complexity or regard.
We fall into the well-set trap and carry the burden of history, and keep
looping the misery without much learning or any control over fate. Hence what shouldn’t repeat
repeats with appalling frustrating regularity. Words are incapacitated to convey iterating understanding or awareness
of contemporary. History can only repeat when societies are static and dead
while humans are incapacitated as herd to be manipulated by devious forces and
everyday charlatans. A world in status quo will necessarily repeat the tragedies of the
Words that are critical of religion
cannot carry the burden of past. There is nothing wrong with anti-Semitic nor
is there any problem with being a religiophobic -islamophobia or hinduphobia or
whatever, these are western narration of compromise that is devoid of contemporary
understanding and has dangerous ramifications. Anachronistic juvenile context
of misery spreading religions must be critically scrutinized and ridiculed. Followers
are not special, and indeed are major source of degradation all across the
world. Recent scenes of support for horrendous violence of terrorist group Hamas
(that surely has pattern of a religion which has not been scrutinized critically
and is relativized with other religions. Clearly, large numbers spread across
is holding some kind of blackmail call hence precious values are being
compromised and common people fed as fodder) is not anti-semitic nor attack on
innocent people in Israel anti-semitic. Nor does these horrible attack invoke history of genocide of jews. This
horrible violence is not anti-semitic, giving into this narration is to prise
open the wounds of history that has no comparison or relation with contemporary
realities whatsoever. It is playing into the hands of devious forces who seek
to control and segregate through religion and attaching sins of history. Attack on innocent people in Israel
is an assault on humanity. It is a deep wound on collective psyche of humanity.
It is not anti-semitic. To reduce it to attack on jews is an affront to the
world we live in. These horrors are reflection of complexities that we face,
and religion can only be given minor significance. Complexity of changing aspirations,
of widespread technology and access, of toxic social media, of weapons with tremendous
destruction power, of shifting geopolitical complexities and depravities so on. Complexities
also include actions of Israel as also present reprisals that surely needs to