Thursday, October 12, 2023

Sins of 20th century


Herd kill each other for the sins of the past. They kill because they are trapped in the systems of past controlled by sinister forces. They kill because they are incapable to be human. They are the sins of 20th century that raises its ugly face to shadow the hope of future. They are kept trapped in semantics of past as they are incapacitated to live the realities of present. Herd is a profound lost possibility of humanity. More they grow more they end up wasted.

Land is about power. The control changes with time. To claim that land eternally belongs to a particular religion doesn’t stand the scrutiny of time nor civilized expectation of contemporary reality. The claim of religion over land cannot be allowed to be normalized. There is no Islam land or Jew land or Hindu land. Land belongs to people who inhabit, and not of eternal control of religion. People have different identities and claims, to straight jacket identities of vibrant people into staid religion is the biggest racket orchestrated by sinister forces in the recent times, to divide, distract and control. There were sacred sites in the past and as the power control shifted the site became irrelevant. This has been the history of homo sapiens for thousands of years unlike blessed herd want to believe from the assumed security of their eternal trapholes. Invading marauders, religious nutcases, colonizing psychopaths captured land and claimed to be theirs. Narration controlling historians authenticated these simplistic versions and thus seeped it into common knowledge which now becomes rallying point for herd claims and counter claims, hilarious and horrible. History is much complex than what historians with limited access can perceive. Indeed, it is difficult to comprehend history, and is as difficult and meticulous as paleontology. Atleast paleontology doesn’t suffer as much conjecturing as history does. We need to be humble about our lack. At the most we can get a glimpse, and to claim the glimpse is the whole is  initiation of simplistic version leading to ever simplified occupation of herd mind. History is sought to control the present, the reason why narrow version of history is fed through control of medium. One would have thought that with dilution of control through social media they would acknowledge the humbling complexities hence work together but instead what we get is rabid ranting hawkers of little glimpses they carry arrogantly as their version of whole world while cheered by ever polarizing herd. They fight with each other to impose their superior glimpse of history over other hence control and claims. While sinister controllers evaluate the situation for opportunities.

If humans were humans, alive to the complexities of life, there wouldn’t be claims of ‘our land’ and ‘their land’ that juvenilities of religion feeds. So, people can move and settle wherever they want while adhering to rule of law and basic decency. This synergic involvement for evolved expression is what democracy proposes. The reason why herd has audacity to not only claim their unique sacredness but divine right to kill other humans, even children, is what sinister systems does to people. Human take the extreme step of killing another human being for possession, passion, to survive or is mentally ill. Human is no longer a human when they kill for system. They become herd, and gain potential to do worst atrocities. Since they are detached to what is to be a human, they objectify other into ugly version and abstract lessons of history. So, innocent children could be massacred, women are stripped of any individuality (and as pointed earlier primitiveness of religions vary, some haven’t really been scrutinized critically hence move around with their depravities intact while well placed opportunists use this as bartering tool for power and influence) and reduced to object of power display. In the meanwhile, nature is as much vandalized. Sacred life is violated in every possible way while herd claim sacredness of their land and their inviolable right to destroy. A human being realizes that to destroy life is to destroy oneself. Herd is incapable for such nuance. Herd is eviscerated of any human qualities hence works in the Manichean binaries of simple world of loyalties and punishments of horror.

Challenges of future can only be faced by human being aware to human condition and vibrantly alive to complexities. Juvenile fictions of holy hell books and anachronistic dehumanizing feudal systems have no space in the future dealing, at the most they can be warily tolerated, ridiculed and critically scrutinized. They cannot have any special ordained place. To give dehumanizing systems a special place is an assault to humanity. Semantics of 20th century cannot be allowed to be carried without scrutiny. These embed fractures of past, and are meant to trigger the herd into set pattern of actions and counter actions. Complexities of contemporary world cannot be confined to dreary patterns of the past.

Those who are nurturing dehumanizing systems and feudal values must be called out and held responsible. They don’t value nor respect human life. They infect every egalitarian effort for their sinister control. They know that religion can easily be used to trap and manipulate vulnerable people hence nurture these as identities for easy control. Every thread that weaves systems of control is responsible for degrading life on earth. They are responsible for each and every violation on humanity. They are responsible for recent attack on Israelis and now on Palestinians. This righteous posturing is sickening. As for godforsaken sacred land. The Israelis and Palestinians must learn to be humans, and yes if left to themselves they would easily find their humanity. There is more in common than systems like them to believe. This is difficult to achieve since there are sinister system controllers and depraved herd nurturers with laden semantics and loaded guns keenly evaluating the proceeding for opportunities. As long as religion claims identity and feudal values defines dealing people will be massacred with impunity -as semantics of past trigger horrifying pattern of brutal past, and while we watch in horror sinister posture for moral high grounds and opportunities. These patterns had it run in the past. This cannot be allowed to repeat. Hence looking at history for lesson or input is futile. Freeze the border as it is now. Declare Palestine as a country with specific safeguard for provocation against Israel -use of land for terrorism -since herd controllers have grand plans of depraved world. Meanwhile every attempt must be made to weaken herd controlling systems. Religion cannot be identity nor given any sacrosanct space, the more it encroaches more humanity loses. Not only religion must be critically scrutinized and denied central role in human dealing but also herd must face stringent rule of law to make them realize the importance of evolved collective will -any violation is violation of humanity. Also, dismantle feudal systems of West that has left these regions severely compromised and vulnerable to deviant value systems of high moral ground stampeding fattened fluffs. They have nurtured the worst and are persistent threat to the world as they wallow in their colonial luxuries while lazily seek angst guilt redemption from next exotic estimation.  

Meanwhile take a look at what could be possibly middle-east “sacred” region in few centuries from now