Monday, September 09, 2019

The negotiators, puppets, and overwhelming mediocrity of degraded society

So what is an oxymoron? You add reference of degraded society to anything you revere in every likelihood it will be an oxymoron. Indian scientist is right there at the top…not that Indians lack but these are negated by the casteist feudal deep state to create a narration of exaggerated overseers of universe –essentially uncouth mediocres hinging on self-aggrandizing myth that seeks to control the narration and parasite on common people, as having an understanding that the world is incapable to even fathom. Hence nurture squatter ensconced negotiators who work out pliable puppets as inspirers/role models thus undermining ethical value system and rational humanistic ecosystem. So much so even “Indian society” is an oxymoron, it doesn’t fit in any understanding of civilized dealing. Trapped in prisoner’s dilemma they almost always end up cannibalizing. They have degraded even words like diversity, community, liberal…it seems that whatever comes in contact with this godforsaken society tends to find its lowest commonest denominator with much ease.

A society cannot produce top class scientists or technologists when it is enmeshed in crude value system, superstition and religious nonsense. They are just puppets replicating some ritual without any context, or just following orders same as in Islamic Iran using scientists to produce nuclear weapon or North Koreans working on bigger missiles under dictator. Immense possibilities of science is a natural extension of evolving mind. It cannot be really be confined to irrationality of religion or national border nor an alibi of jingoism. Humans are insecure, and those emerging from vulnerable section of society (like Dr.Sivan, Chairperson of ISRO) can easily be overwhelmed. Human beings are expected to evolve with education and must be acutely be aware and empathize with social context (inability to do so is failure of education). Anachronistic and crude concepts of religions are no space for spiritual valuation -these need much deeper insight. Likes of Dr.Sivan are puppets of deep state trying to work out its narration, wherein education is just a ritual that graduates into so-called scientists. He should have known better as he comes from a region with pronounced anti-caste egalitarian movements. His industrious and sincere mind couldn’t really fathom the immensity that knowledge brings and nuances it seeks hence was found wanting to evolve to egalitarian value system that is necessary outcome of higher education. It’s not his fault, it is the fault of the society that he is placed in. This society has cannibalized better minds and better humans. He became just a puppet for casteist feudal deep state to work out its narration. There is much bigger force working to control the narration, to authentic itself and work on its pride in the melee of jingoism. He wouldn’t have otherwise degraded himself and the organisation that he represents (indeed the setup is increasingly coming out as dubious). His seeking blessing from squatter wastrels (and the audacity to photograph the event as news) was deeply disturbing and indeed an assault on scientific temper and evolved value system herein. By doing so he placed himself and his organisation into ridicule, also significantly the success of mission was cunningly meant to authenticate deviant value system emerging from sanctum that has kept people in its uncouth grip while disseminating dehumanizing norms. It became another ongoing onslaught of crude ways meant to showcase and awe common people of miraculous power of sanctum by using state machinery and clever ways of casteist feudal working through deep state. These sinister therefore don’t bother nor understand the immense value and possibilities education provides and mistake it for scoring marks specifically to showcase blessing and designed to embolden deviant narrations. It is not meant to encourage critical thinking and inquisitive value system. The reason why Indian intellectual pursuits haven’t really extended boundaries of understanding and are woefully lacking to their international peers. They mostly settle as clever negotiator or benign overseer humbly denying special powers! These can only be replicators, the ritual zeal helps the matter but mistake aping as excellence. At the most these can do some clever incremental additions or cheaper replacements. Enthusiasm doesn’t matter when you don’t have the mindset nor work under an ecosystem that has any idea of excellence –that surely doesn’t exist in isolation (the connected world in recent time has immensely helped to undermine overwhelming consuming Indian mediocrity and access world class thoughts, ideas and talents). Ditto that violent cannibalistic society cannot understand nonviolence, indeed nonviolence is an assault in such a scenario.    

Also, a society cannot produce world class sportsperson when it finds it difficult to value physical activity and skills. I read in some credible international publication (you cannot trust Indians on these matters that needs critical authentication) that steel was first developed in Indian subcontinent few thousand years back, a very important development that had significant impact on daily life and defense tool. It took terrific Japanese to work it out into the subtleties of art and meditative skills. Japanese swords are not only work of art but are superior weapon. While in Indian subcontinent wastrel scrotum scratching squatters lacking even basic intelligence trapped common people into fancy dehumanizing worldviews (ofcourse with compelling narrative skills as negotiators) and reduced skilled blacksmith into the lowest rugs hence state of affair that percolated value system that undermines physical activities and skills (a context akin to cannibalizing oneself, such is the level of deprivation this society has achieved). There is a reason why wastrel’s colonial game cricket was judiciously worked to popularity; it fullfiled all the prophesy! As is the character of this society the nincompoop kings instead of defending people against colonial forces started to play cricket!! One nincompoop who went by the name “Sir” Ranjitsinhji even got medals (and ofcourse the title he craved for) from colonial Britain for his service! After retirement from “sports” this fellow manage to loose one of his eyes in hunting (what a joke this fellow) and returned to India and “attempted to unite his fellow princes against the advancement of democracy, the Independence Movement”. This scoundrel is so revered that casteist feudals who took control of nation after so called independence issued a stamp to celebrate him. His deviant legacy is blessed as “ranji trophy”, celebrated with much gusto by followers of this stupid game. Meanwhile negotiators as narrators worked to create aura of legends around these effete. People lacking even basic attributes of sportsperson were blessed legends, almost all cricketers were legends with more compelling stories woven with dexterity that sporting skills lacked. When I first came to know about cricket (indeed it was bludgeon in by state controlled media) there were only legends (most of these couldn’t even run few meters, and looked ridiculously out of shape). Now it is a testosterone pumped multibillion dollar enterprise that parasites on common people. As always they reduce the standards further but call it sports to factor in their limited skills. Cricket is amazingly useful work out that helps casteist feudal deep state –working with negotiators in the market, to manipulate narration. It doesn’t even stand minimum scrutiny and in the name of sport this game of wastrels have created pliable couch potatoes wallowing in their ridiculous conceptions to find some meaning. They stampede into the virtual world as trolls to defend the pride. Meanwhile negotiated through high end narrators, the same that worked to create mahatma out of casteist racist patriarch, these then fill gaps in stories of legends. This is also worked as space for liberal values for market to go in for the kill meanwhile squatter’s references are sought as constant encouragement. Quite a study on how dumb game is used to work out narration of greatness. The more money they make worst it becomes. There is one fellow who was given bharat ratna and he still comes in ads to earn few more. Pity that this millionaire can never be a billionaire. Pity the society that has such people as sports icons.      
Further, a society cannot produce high art or science without subtle value system, creative critical thinking ecosystem and empathetic bearing. The reason why amazing level of shoddiness in the name of art, science or entertainment that is nothing short of embarrassment meant to multiply money while keeping zombie population satisfied in the greatness of putrid pit. The herds without any reference to excellence nor any caliber to even fathom wallow in the muck while patting its own greatness. More money will produce bigger muck. The reason why Indian effort is almost always third rate shouldn’t be a surprise at all. Even the best attempt cannot be good enough or else cannibalised. These then works its way through deep state hence nurtured.  

Every occasion is an attempt to consolidate the narration by casteist feudal deep state (that is now evolving its natural course from castetva to hindutva) hence scientists, sportsperson, artists so on brought up in cleverly calibrated squatter’s value system are pliable recruits who are carefully worked out as role models. Most of these being semi-literate helps the matter. Afterall deviousness never worked in space that encouraged awareness or critical thinking.

If you think there is nothing in common in the above collage references then you will be shocked. These are very closely working for deep state to consolidate the devious narration and constantly feed each other to create a network of parasitism and vulgar display. There is a reason why ISRO is being promoted (where senior scientists seriously lack scientific temper and humanistic subtleties), it has much to do with constant craving claim of providentially possessing unfathomable knowledge that by connecting with space (entitlements of brahmand) is only authenticated. A society that lacks in any forms of scientific achievement indeed lacks basic education infrastructure, reeking in squatter ensconced fancy superstitious ridiculous rituals and conceptions,  a society that undermines teachers for negotiators is nowhere in reckoning. NASA may patronize but the truth is soft landing was done and humans have walked on moon five decades back. ISRO might claim as technology demonstration but the way it is being calibrated is much sinister and has nothing much to offer to humanity. As much as cricket is parasitising to create huge wealth by sucking wasted human populace working in its own fancy myth of warriors as cricketers hence extending the illusion to market glee and consumerism. It has nothing to do with sports, not in its skills or physical involvement nor value system. A team game where individual’s records are paramount suits indian deviousness quite well without even much physical effort (or even contact) whatsoever. Such a sanitized game that colonial masters never knew could fit in so well for mediocre Indians to work into money making degrading enterprise. This subjectified game didn't really allowed loosing, there are never any looser, it’s about controlling the narration to work on manipulation from the lowest denominator of skills. It even works well for casteist cannibals using market tools to create narration that showcase greedy mediocres as amazing sporting prodigy. In such degraded environment skilled sportsperson are rarity indeed exception. Herds have been fixated on cricket waste. BCCI is what deep state works to make out of Indian sports -world’s richest disgust without any caliber nor any ethics. This gets much murkier with art being reduced to market friendly space for movies. The more money they get worst they churn. The movie herein (bahubali) is what mediocre indians create, they connect with devious deep state to entertain zombie audience. Hence the expensive gala of cringe worthy garishness that habitually lacks subtleties and simply eases on regressive lowest common denominator parameters that keeps expanding with market. Meanwhile as individual's money is definitive indication of blessedness herd go to any extend to get these or emulate. Indeed sanctum is a constant reference to consolidate these regressive pointers. Temples are known for money and power while cunning casteist deep state nurture people who consolidate these (it is for no reason Pranab is a bharat ratna) to refurbish its standing among common people who donate expecting it to be doubled. Meanwhile knowledge is just a means for money and power making them easy target for manipulators. So when you have more money it is but natural to showcase, the vulgar display is a norm. The building herein is home of a billionaire, an example of amazing lack of concern, arguably one of the highest individual carbon footprint anywhere in the world. The sickening aspect here is that most Indians wouldn’t find anything wrong indeed see these as indicator of collective pride and given a chance wouldn’t mind replicating these. Shows how much the society is degraded. You will notice each example here is parasitising on common people to work its narration as overseer while deeply enmeshed in crude feudal deep state and actively furthering it. 

Wednesday, September 04, 2019

Dreams in colour

Dreams in colour

When the language you dream in
Is not the language you speak in
The language you speak in
Is not the language you write in
Do the dream survive?
Or does it drop down exhausted  
And dream its own dream
Without languages
Without thoughts
In moments 
In colours

                                                                                                            (painting by Belinda Nadwie)

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The scourge of negotiators

This beleaguered godforsaken society is for ages held hostage by deceitful negotiators. With no other discernable talents devious value system was worked out to control power and narration hence people, and constant source of big lick without much effort, the squatters comfortably posed as benign negotiators. It surreptitiously worked its way through faith, the negotiators of gods, of the past and future without as much as any inkling of present nor any talent or caliber to face the reality. This then percolated into the psyche of common people, a fatalistic bunch dehumanized and always readied to be exploited. It completely ransacked the soul of society into putrid pit while converting humans into tethered zombies. Creating, arguably, one of the most third rate inhuman society meanwhile cunningly fed with fiction of highest estimate of itself –indeed nothing short of overseers of the world. The plagiarized thoughts and appropriated values that is constantly dragged in to fill the ethical gaps while showcasing higher bearing for uncouth makes it’s a hilarious irony. Exploited and lacking even basic communitarian survival skills the society was open to any kind of passing invaders while the nincompoop rulers were fed fiction of greatness and unworldly power by negotiators of godly mysteries. Every invaders was pleased for negotiation –the plea for nonviolence was hence poised to be taken to stratospheric heights, while common people and natural resources were presented to be vandalised. They tangoed with colonizers as favorite negotiators, we were taught that these were freedom fighters. It was but natural that leap from uncouthness of sanctum was always to be favored as lawyers –the modern liberal negotiator, from divine arbitrator to mundane arbitrators was born to negotiate. It need to be asserted again that these nincompoops lacking any skills or ethical context cannibalised on common people. Hence always paying heavy price.

Everything and anything was readied to be negotiated. This was consuming occupation to gain upper hand in devious word play. It also meant everything was to be kept subjective, hence the wooliness of multiple truth and other nonsensical ideas gaining traction as philosophies. Outside the context these sounded amazingly enlightening philosophies (like gandhian deceit) this therefore was packed and played to hilt. The reality being the putrefying pit was oozing puss as they elaborated wonders of nonviolence in a quintessentially brutal society. As is the tradition they negotiated with every brutality while seeking to control the common people. The grip on society was the main concern, for which they could negotiate to any level (even if that meant licking the boots of colonial power, precisely what the nincompoop kings did while working as conduit of exploitation –now they posture as guardian patriarchs). It isn’t shocking at all that the lawyers have spread to all power centers as benign negotiators hence powerful entities deviously working behind the scene. There are many top leaders located in the power centers of the country without any mass base except as lawyers –the negotiators, who have corrupted the institutions. These multi-millionaire legal luminaries in a society known for tardiest legal system. 

The negotiators also come in the form of media and influencers, these are nurtured by casteist feudal deep state with strong market exigencies. They now negotiate for market (and flying angels as investors) as exploiters. They posture as guardians (and ofcourse trustees) with apparently no skills nor any passion or value system whatsoever except as entitled negotiator –the inbred subtleties get exchanged as camaraderie straightening any hiccups hence acing negotiation all the time with so much ease. A swift mix of patronizing and proprietorship where needed works to negotiate even better. The problem being this society has no depth on any matter, all dealing superficial and values heuristic. Youngsters therefore strive to be unhinged negotiators. Corporate call it service industry or management expertise or even entrepreneur while feudals in administration calls it civil service. There is no core. There is no attempt to deeper understanding or passion to explore, be inquisitive and empathize to context. That is precisely what happens when there are no ethical parameters. Since everything is negotiable it is but natural that more money is more blessing.   

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

All Hail The Lunar Tardigrade

All Hail The Lunar Tardigrade

There it stretch the limits of unfathomable life
The coldest and hottest
In the depth and height
Munching on the edge of time in sugary gel
Slow stepping all the space, vacuum and beyond
Learning the life lessons in the Cambrian soup
A witness to super volcanoes, crashing meteorites, runaway greenhouse
And all the dilly dally dealings of life on a threadbare.
Triumphant alien at the sweet spectator spot
To the earth shrivel and shrug its human bump.      

Tuesday, August 06, 2019

A progressive step

This blogger, a citizen of this country, who see people suffer, struggle and are exploited in every possible way while the entrenched feudals work out devious ways, thank the government for taking the bold progressive step. This should have been done many decades back. Keeping people segregated, vulnerable and then exploiting their misery while feeling blessed is an old trick. Kashmiris were easy target, so even when there were occasions to remove these discriminatory conceptions they continued with it, later lacked the temerity hence cunningly morphed it on high moral grounds. While people suffered, ordinary kashmiris were ghettoized, hindus (note all the disputing sides converge on casteist reference “pandit”, the infection is too deep) decimated and migrants discriminated the region was open to extreme religion elements and was easily radicalized without any restrictions with sufficient help from monsters across the border. Meanwhile many soldiers too have died, mostly from poor sections from across the country (quite concerned whether people and soldiers have access to post traumatic care). The wound was allowed to fester and gangrene while the high moral grounds were being taken by feeding few chosen families by the entrenched devious effete elite who quite easily even wriggled into liberal secular space to degrade. Then cunningly proposed these as delicate balance, and congratulated themselves for such uniquely clever ways, that can ofcourse come from direct blessing. People of Kashmir have suffered enough, and the ways things are conceived doesn’t see any positive outcome, indeed things can only go worse (when the frame is deviant nothing positive expected) while seriously compromising India’s security concerns of the region hence such steps were indeed necessary and Nation-state was duty bound.

While India got independence, wherein common people paid heavy price for egoistic ham handed ways of bunch of lawyers posturing as freedom fighters and colonial chicanery (who meanwhile were posturing in Europe as saviors of humanity), the nincompoops –read royals, were asking for their pound worth who had all along fattened while being conduit of colonial exploitation. These were able to blackmail a deal on the nascent vulnerable state, on this the nation’s foundation was laid.  When the nation-state found itself in better deal it sided with the common people and kicked these nincompoops out of their easy lick –privy purse (essentially hafta to thugs), that was a burden on the state. The same should have been done on Kashmir, but since it had potential to be milked by devious politicians it was kept festering. Common people are least of their concern, they are to be taken for granted, used and reused. Now add vicious religions into the mix which seeks to divide into them and us, while casteist feudal posturing as liberals fuels these with habitual entitled ease. Now ofcourse mischief is expected from radical elements and players at the loosing end of power struggle, while the devious casteist feudals fed and fattened for all these decades will try to twist liberal into cunning posturing and instigate from the comfort (the bunch incapable to even climb out of the putrid pit will now point to highest possible moral grounds and try wrest back proprietary control over narration). There is also a strong undercurrent of pride and humiliation that the present dispensation has taken to as a fine art to prick the egoistic entrenched entitled arbitrators.  Common people are being readied to sacrifice at the altar of power struggle of the devious.   
A society doesn’t progress by being kept ghettoized, it degrades the individuals while emboldening the devious and affirming entrenched power. It creates ecosystem of exploitation. Societies are mostly accumulation of varying interest groups preying on weak and vulnerable, as also working on consolidating systems that helps few to control. Progressive value system comes with openness. Humanity thrives on diversity which also adds to treasured cultures to be shared, it gives space to egalitarian values to thrive and progressive ideas to seep in. Progressive diversity helps synergize humans into highest potential while avoiding consolidation of deviant ideas and value systems.             

Saturday, August 03, 2019

Education as a ritual

To be literate opens up amazing possibility and then with education these possibilities are fructified. The more inquisitive you are more aware you become and with awareness comes understanding. Once you understand you are free. You are human. Now imagine a world where people are free humans. Education therefore has ushered in cataclysmic changes through heightened awareness of nature and natural laws, and channelizing these into products that augment sense and comfort. It has made us understand world much better and given us deeper insight into nature of things, and some societies have been able to nurture these possibilities into egalitarian space and seep these into individual conscience to make the world a better place. However these cannot be said of all the societies. Education was persistently targeted by entrenched barbarians to have control over narration, to morph their insecurities on to common people and use these to exploit. White christian racist, monster mullah’s barren world, casteist Indian’s putrefying pit, and now, inanities of market controlled irresponsible hedonists who coalesce these immorals into unethical to tap these as opportunities of sacred traditions, nurturing lowest denominator as successful traits to catch eyeballs into money making spin. All these are compelling contemporary examples of how to loose humanity into dreary minds of dead habits, these parasites are detrimental to potential of societies while demeaning each individuals. They are not only a threat to humanity but is increasingly clear survival of human race itself.       
For casteist feudal effete education became another ritual, devoid of any possibility it is inculcated with all the primitiveness intact and nuances appropriated. Values of education is cunningly undermined as vomit of answers to questions to earn marks with all the pointers of ritual placed. To earn marks is hence paralleled to earn money therefore blessing, everything else is incremental possibilities that education posits to this primitive society. In this putrefying pits the litters find their salvation, there are hundreds and thousands of educational institutions competing to take it to new levels of substandard (while those better attuned to rituals seek blessing through IITs, IIMs…at sniffing distance from all-encompassing greatness of Indian culture) while teachers with sick purifying minds survey the scene. Education is rarely seen as enhancing cognitive skills, ethical sensibilities or historical understanding. The stampede to seek blessing is emulated with each jostling without finding any reason to pause and contemplate the utter ludicrousness of it. Even if some rare souls, brought up in egalitarian value system that is persistently thrashed out, does use his/her faculties for critical look at the overwhelming degrading system (very much nurtured by mediocre effete elite, bunch of lawyers who negotiated power from british at a huge cost for common people) they will be isolated and dealt. There is a stampede for blessing that is being orchestrated by cunning crude cannibalizing on people. They prescribe auspicious time and occasion for zombies to stampede. They have decimated the immense possibilities of education and reduced it to another ritual, the nuances carefully worked to capitalize on the advantage.

It is this degraded context –that is meant to replicate rituals, which has reduced education to meaningless process. It is indeed cleverly meant that way, to remove any possibility or challenge. To be just literate and seek salvation within the pit, even that is devalued by least of investment or concern for education, decrepit schools, devious ritualistic teaching, and substandard teachers while hapless parents ardently hold education as salvation from misery. They are constantly failed and cheated, they get trapped in the inanities of mediocres. It is therefore not the matter or substance that is important but the way it said, indeed the language. Instead of education it is meant to dissuade and degrade. The ucharan shudhi has sought many squatters to show high level of scrotum scratching camaraderie as they hobnobbed with british to work out and establish English as not only competence but clear hint at liberal values. Hence the amazing surplus of competence that is in possession with liberalism as add on, all dealt in increasing expressions of humility and carefully inbred humbleness –that is a study in itself. The limited intellect that works on inanities constantly undervalues, hence the state of Indian education and the monstrosities it creates as successes. They have absolutely no understanding of meaning of education or the possibilities it offers. They see India as exploitable resource while Indians are to be consumers, like a pious devotee attuned to inanities of rituals with highest exaggeration as beholders of universal peace though incapable to even climb out of putrefying pit. Education in this part of the world only shifts the context (with all intention to appropriate) and the nuances are always alert to possibilities of blessing. It is how parasites value the prospect of education and ensnare to feed on common people.     

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The kind of atrocities humans could conceive and perpetuate...

...when it is on children humanity is lost. There is something surely terribly wrong with humans. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Devious word play to negate egalitarian value system

I thought i will deal with these scoundrels through twitter (already the framework is laid, so few tweets here and there as the situation and context would do), and really don’t have time for these manipulators. But problem is these high end vicious bunch have severely degraded and cannibalised the society while keeping firm control over narration, percolating it through herds (as Sant Ravish –specially nurtured to contain and control angst, says yeh hui na baath) this then is cleverly manipulated to work out benign narration indeed to a level where caste racist cheapskate give vision of mahatma. They also have spread across the world, and specifically to Europe –more specifically Britain, they thrived while degrading the surrounding –the Indian infection spread when there is an ecosystem of putrefaction, and with monarchical democracy, with entitled presences in the democratic institutions the caste feudals ensconce to comfortable breeding ground. The angst filled british fluffs have been nurturing these as beleaguered colonial victims –who in turn carry enlarged pupil so as to be fed. Since these caste feudal masquerading liberal secular don’t have any value system (mostly heuristic to manipulate) leapfrogging from squatter’s moral vacuum they sniff every opportunity for degradation meanwhile cleverly posing as benign liberal. The worst of islam through monster mullah is therefore a natural choice. The degradation of Britain through deviant multiculturalism has much to do with Indian infection carried by the cunning caste feudal expertising in nuances and semantics of deception. British fluffs fattened in their own muck and colonial angst have constantly nurtured these. This has become a threat to the world as xenophobic extreme forces gain ground at the expense of genuinely vulnerable exploited populace across the world. In the play of posturers the society is the looser.

 This precisely is how caste feudal have been negotiating their miserable world. So instead of defending and fighting or showing any signs of competence for the same against exploiters, invaders and colonisers these nincompoops were always ready to negotiate (and in the absence of any other choice these are sought to be morphed as nonviolence by a crude horrendously violent society, and then the audacity to position as overseer of the world), accepting lowest common denominator, to keep their control over hapless people through intellectually challenged self defeating conception. It’s no wonder that this region's contribution to the humanity is rather dismal, and whatever is the claim is appropriated and plagiarised from the common people -who were indeed connected to the reality for survival (even as basic as the values of non violence through Buddhism, what horrendously primitive this society must been that is still sought to be resuscitated). So, the so called kings paid ransom to the colonisers while keeping their kingdom, and ofcourse these were done through exploiting the rich natural resources and hapless people. While for colonisers and invaders nothing was so very easy. Meanwhile squatters were at work with grip over power structures to further degrade the society into fancy conceptions limited by their own limited minds. These laughable nonsenses are sometimes churned out as Indian philosophy. The world must thank that these caste cannibals with amazing self assuredness of intellectually challenged are confined to subcontinent, as they spread they will carry the infection.

Billions of dollar worth was transacted to the invaders and colonisers as a compensation for keeping the deviant structure alive. So while some posed as freedom fighters to get the control back, common people were being exploited through resource depletion by colonisers and value depletion by squatters –who constantly sought to cannibalise even the soul after the human such was the depth of depravation of putrefying pit that even colonisers had to intervene. As the region slipped into amazing levels of depravities the colonisers sucked in while the effete elite became conduit of exploitation –even exchanging finer aspect on these matters. One of the things that emerged from these sinister interactions was a game conceived, as is known as cricket, and now rivals religion in entrapping and exploiting common people into non thinking consumer wastrels ecstatic about illusionary pride while the reality is as usual neglected. The deviousness, that closely work with squatter value system, has quite logically opened up for market to create trump like successes and blessings.  

The worst was when common people were being exploited by colonial forces and squatter’s horrendous value systems while the exceedingly cunning nincompoop native rulers guided by sanctum vacuum became the conduit. When India got independence these very nincompoop staked their own claim, habituated to exploit the weak and lick the strong and with no concept of any empathetic value system or intellectual rigor. During the early phase of this fledgling nation when resources where limited the state was forced to pay ‘privy purse’ to these nincompoops. Look at the irony they paid ransom to colonial forces by exploiting people and natural resources and now after independence they seek the same from democratic government. This devious exploitation continued till 1971 (for almost 25years, that means billions of rupees were paid off to these blackmailers) until when Indira Gandhi kicked the butt of these suckers. These parasites now posture as benign carriers of traditions, indeed warriors!

Trapping common people and exploiting them, their body, their soul, their surrounding, has been the constant endeavor in this part of the world, and with no value system it worked out deviant euphemism of communities to cannibalise another. With modern thoughts percolating across the world there is a threat perception from these entitled sucking grounds. Cunning Kasturi&Sons have been right at the forefront (with purity mami –the inhouse b*, sniffing for editorial strategy) even deviously posturing as siding left –the nuanced variety you pick up from debating clubs of hedonist bleeder elites in London. So now they recruit a caste scoundrel with squatter reference to defend and not defend casteism! Smart. The wriggling carries all the talent passed through generational inbreeding and sniffing. The fellow uses brahmanism as an entry point carefully scuttling caste, as if brahmanism is some new deal. Brahmanism is a vicious subset of casteism that is used by cunning to negate the context and hence undermine the anti-caste frame. It is a cunning attempt to posit that only some aspect of putrid cannibalistic conception is problematic. It is a play of semantics in an attempt to hinge to higher moral grounds entrenched in rotten pit. The crude caste cunning fellow gets on to the business. He writes... 

For a start, opposing ‘Brahmanism’ does not entail being ‘anti-Brahmin’. To do so would imply that all Brahmins are responsible for these atrocities. This is as preposterous as ascribing blame to all Muslims for any wrong committed in, say, the reign of Alauddin Khilji, or all British people for the Jallianwala Bagh massacre or, for that matter, all Hindus for the lynching of an innocent Muslim. We should not fall prey to this crude notion of collective responsibility. In a society which is riven by caste, a person may belong to the caste of Brahmins but not adhere to the core ethic of Brahmanism. He may even have morally disassociated himself from it. The resolution to burn the Manusmriti and thereby oppose Brahmanism was taken by Ambedkar jointly with G.S. Sahasrabuddhe, a chitpavan Brahmin.      
Let’s make it very clear opposing casteism means very definitely opposing any forms and expressions of caste. It means anti-brahmin in no uncertain terms. It also means every person adhering to caste is responsible for every caste atrocity committed anywhere anytime (indeed past too). Not doing this will be denying the anti-caste humanist traditions across the ages through egalitarian saints and evolved value system that sought to remove the scrooge of caste and casteism herein and other related primitive value system from Hinduism. The cheapskates attempt at using Ambedkar is devious (they tried to ignore the great soul, then erase him, and now since there is no option misuse him). Ambedkar meeting a ghantapavan squatter means nothing. You see caste in him (because that is your concern) i don’t see his name carrying anything which is indicative. Being against brahmanism is also being anti-brahmin anti-caste which most likely he was. In any case Bose meeting Hitler doesn’t make him Nazi. Nor does admirable Mahatma Ambedkar meeting some insignificant squatter make him accepting the putrid value system. This is not only mischievous but casteist meant to denigrate.     

There is no casteism without caste. Caste means nothing without the framework in which it function and nurtures. Caste is the beginning and end of casteism. It's a dehumanizing segregatory conception that has nothing to do with any value system, least faith and very least hindu religion which it has viciously ensnared and parasites. This attempt to separate the inseparable is futile and a cunning diversion to avoid uncouth hometruth and gene donor's fantasy while trying to sneak onto high moral grounds. Also, the attempt at comparing and equating casteism with other religion is devious but yes if as a muslim i glorify acts of Khilji or whoever then ofcourse i would be responsible for the atrocities. And yes, for British loving Indians, if britishers attempt to glorify colonialism then they are also responsible for the atrocities committed by colonialists -as it is they are severely compromised by continuing with theatre of royals. The society has used the resources exploited to create luxury for itself and citizens who enjoys these. The source of 'development' can be questioned. Also, if the monarchy and religion was direct gainer of colonialism and if they carry the same structure and pride for it then it is problematic. If on the one side a society suffers in the aftermath of untold exploitation while another reaps benefits then the source cannot be negated. If you are part of the system and are benefiting from that system then you are responsible for it. There is a collective responsibility. No amount of semantics and clever posturing will work.

And so when push comes to shove the fellow shifts to and fro from caste to religion. Atrocities against muslim is therefore posited as against hindu, binary. This again is a cunning move, since the value system that make people do such atrocities come, very definitely, from caste system that places hideous ideas of purity hence meat eating falls for easy option lynching. White cow sacredness is part of that evolved purity that pushed the beleaguered society to absurdity. It has nothing to do with loving animals (a concept pushed in through egalitarian thoughts of Buddhism into the primitive society) it has much to do with caste primed mindsets. This society is severely degraded and the last many decades have seen these getting institutionalised through primitives masquerading as liberal secular playing to western nuances. Unless corrective actions are not taken to negate caste and uproot it, to start with from government machinery, it’s going to get worse. Meanwhile posturers trying to capitalise on the angst needed to be weeded out. The problem is these cunning set have severely degraded the social science field too. Most sociology and anthropology works are shoddy and is written by Indians with limited intellect and valueless context with specific intention to spread their infection. This fellow is nurtured as political theorist in the center for studying developing societies. The irony and pity of it. Kasturi&Sons recruit needs to put in more effort. Kuch jyada hi charbi chad gayi hai tum logon me. Use more grey matter, and finer argument skills. This will not do. Using words like preposterous and then leaning on to scrotum scratching camaraderie, nepotism and entitlements is quite lazy. Arguments are not a ritual nor cunning manipulation but ardent effort backed by awareness, inquisitive critical mind, working on empathetic value system. Indians are mostly incapable and incapacitated to use these.     


Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Pelosi problem

The Pelosi problem is an institutional problem. The variance of these you will find all across the world. Where the powerful entrenched group act as mediators of common people ticking all the boxes to posture as liberal, caring and value driven. They work on pointers to appear to be not only by the side of common people but also torchbearers of better egalitarian world.  They snarl at bigotry and extremism while showing well-rehearsed signs of being upset with human rights violations and abuse. They assume these with much self-obsessed relish without ever having to put their skin in any game. Now the problem starts when the reality start to strike and their cozy world is in line of attack. The benign mediators of institutions turn out to be well entrenched status quoists worrying about their little world into which they have stuffed their unsettling big egos. Very soon all the cunningness is shifted to protect their own turf, least bothered about paradoxical shifts or blatant hypocrisies. Such deviousness needs special attention and a deeper look. This becomes crucial as the world is shifting towards extreme views devoid of any facts or humane value system while religion, nation or other atavistic bonds are being used to segregate, brutalize and silence people. Myths of omnipotence of pristine past is played to allay fears as also pointing to glorious future from these regressive references. These are not surprisingly attracting a lot of people, hence a tilt in democracy towards demagogues, rabble rousers and revivalists. People are getting immensely insecure because of cascading urgencies, some exaggerations of media (it’s more psychological where people are constantly looking for excitement and are bombarded with information/titillation all the time hence lack deeper understanding. They move from moment to moment in high roller coaster leaving them frustrated and alienated from their reality. Never were humans exposed to so much that was devoid from their immediate needs of their existential reality or context), but most due to dwindling resources, degrading surroundings and constant exposure to rather violent, insular world with dire predictions.

The world of perceptions and exaggerations that market unleashed has been orchestrating the crescendos called news as entertainment. The unreal is becoming real. A semi-literate reality star is now a dangerous reality that is holding the most powerful office in the world. These are being nurtured and served all across the world as pointers of success and eminence. The crass and crude are attention holders hence eyeballs for money churning. Meanwhile people desperately seek sane options and resistance that put humane context in basic arbitration, but, alas, the traditional spaces are occupied by Pelosi problems. Pelosis are regrettable relics who live in sanitized bubble, senses dulled from the reality, pampered by power and luxury they have difficulty in letting go their easy ways. They seem delectably immune to the imminent disasters and grave concerns in their negotiated charms. They live in grand illusions of being ace negotiators and compelling raconteur wherein there is nobody to negotiate nor listen. They give the hint of old world order –the make believes of role plays and orchestrated outrages, in an increasingly chaotic world that is achievable if we rally around them. The reality they refuse to acknowledge is that the world has well moved past them and is heading to the precipice hence needs immediate intervention and appropriate actions. This vacuum is sought to be filled by street protests across the world. Many of these genuine voices and concerns are being silenced by entrenched powerful groups. There have been some breaches in recent times like brilliant articulate youngsters working against climate complacency. Meanwhile the manipulators work on fakes and myths to continue their onslaught on reality with market attuned skills to grab and capitalize on any opportunity with whatever means and wherewithal. This heuristic transactional market muck mind is what is Trump all about. Pelosi becomes a conduit and enthusiastic enabler who then cleverly positions to be compared as better. The problem is world doesn’t need better, or indeed best, they need leaders to understand, to take immediate appropriate actions and be acutely aware of gravity of fast changing and emerging realities.                 

Sunday, July 07, 2019

Pretentious and sinister II

...continuing from the last blog...

The reference of Rana pratap is not to justify war or killing but needs to be added that in the context of the time these were necessity and a responsible society was expected to protect its members. Nor was this squatter ensconced nincompoop seeking higher ideals like say Ashoka (another of compelling reference from the subcontinent albeit more than 2000years back who understood egalitarian nuances that Buddhism proposed). He ran away because he saw that as an opportunity. These third rate opportunistic with limited skills, very much blessed and exaggerated by sanctum scums, created much misery to the common people and to the land. Later wily colonial british exploiters saw value in exaggerating these buffoons (so called royals –essentially parasites, all across this country instead of fighting and resisting the exploiters the sanctum blessed effete became conduit for exploitation. The much valued framework of licking the masters and brutalizing the weak that this depraved society expertise in). The British in the early part of colonial rule were appalled by the primitive nature of this cannibalistic society hence initiated egalitarian measures (imagine the level brutality this society carried that even colonial exploiters –themselves racist uncouths, found it disturbing) but later worked to encourage these. These wastrels were given titles and ego satisfying feudal droppings which they quite judiciously showcased as signs of valor. Meanwhile colonizers way of life was sought to be copied to get nuance of civilized. Such was the level of depravity. They even enthusiastically accompanied in hunting expedition, played sanitized game of effeminate (also referred to as gentleman’s game, that now has worked to trap the herds into patriotic chest thumping consumer wastrels). This society quite easily finds the worst possible references for the cunning effete to feel competent so as to carry the exploitation. The market has solved all the problems. It is end of history, atleast for a society that doesn’t have any value system to hinge on except ofcourse few plagiarized and appropriated ideas quoted in sanskrit, that indeed make the scene much ridiculous. 

The harm Britain has done on Indians goes much beyond colonial exploitation. They encouraged and nurtured the worst kind of people who ofcourse helped their cause quite well. The cannibalistic value system nurtured devious bunch who while fighting colonial masters were besotted to them and kept the increasingly exploited and haggard people under check. They shared while people died in millions due to starvation and exploitation, much more drifted into waste. The reason why casteist racist Gandhi becomes a compelling reference and was so assiduously promoted. These posers were imprisoned in palaces, while brilliant young men with amazing courage like Bhagat Singh (note again, he wasn't squatter infected) were not only eliminated but sought to be relegated from history of the independent nation by the very cunning force that worked its devious nonviolence as some festering wound for pity. The ones who couldn’t see the exploitation and misery around sought to study law and went to England (imagine the depravity here, wherein as young men of colonized brutalized society they sought to work out career that ostensibly oversaw exploitation. Well one can forgive if you are interested in science or math and do research immune to surrounding, that mindset is understandable. But working to be lawyer has everything to do with the society. What kind of horrendous people were these?). One sprightly fellow, characteristically immune to surroundings, even went to South Africa to set up a career as a lawyer in a racist colonized region (imagine the value system that nurtured these) and even sought to be treated as equal to exploiters while smirking at the common people! A knuckle on the head and the great realization was beginning of misery for common people back in India who henceforth had to carry this burden as mahatma. This framework is still quite active and eagerly sought wherein the fellow “leaving a cozy MNC company job” to serve the country is a compelling reference. Why they chose that job? This is not something to be scrutinized. If you are making money then it is obvious that you are blessed. What can you say when even sanctum is known for its money and power indeed these depravities is pushed down to common people wherein if you have money and power you needn’t even stand in queue to get blessing, meaning you could pay for the blessing by breaking the queue. That is good foundation to start with. Such is the amazingly degraded society we live in and what makes it nauseating is this constant itch of exaggerated self-worth and persistent attempts to play benign humble arbitrators of mystical forces in universe that is sought to be directed to save the world with all humility.

Meanwhile knowledge and intelligence of this beleaguered society is dumbed down to clearing exams (indeed some are even showcased as ‘toughest in the world’ while herds not exposed to much of the world live in pride of putrefying pit). From these emerge the bureaucrats ready to be shining intelligent cogs attuned to power and prestige in staid government machinery pursuing day to day inanities as remnant of greatness of colonial masters and ofcourse awe inspiring intelligence. What this society needs is a collector who collects garbage (particularly plastics) and teach some basic lesson on cleanliness on bunch who understands purity but have no idea of hygiene, it is also a compelling metaphor on the value system and mindset. What this society needs is not feudal ‘intelligent’ police (that in itself is an oxymoron) but teachers of high caliber. Indeed the money and prestige must go to this profession. But then when you have sanctum scums stampeding for money and power where is the value system?

This same very bureaucrats, the dimwit cogs masquerading as carrier of society’s collective intelligence, were not only conduit to exploitation but were very much an instrument of castetva forces to work out the nature of deep state and value system that percolated into the society. The degradation of last many decades can be traced to these instruments of control. Meanwhile some were so besotted to British that they migrated to London while some compromised state secrets and used corrupt means to settle their litters in Britain (and Europe). People migrate due to desperation but the one who migrated from India to Britain were mostly caste feudals seeking bigger blessings while gaining from the exploitative system. The litter now move around with enlarged pupil to stun fluffs. Many of these caste brutes have found gainful employment as high end human rights anguish savers, as also ready made victim gravy (the irony of it). Some even like to guide hapless Indians back home on value system, and with competence as English, the turn of sentence tend to excite lot in angst circle.                              

Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Pretentious and sinister

I really don’t watch much of Indian movies, least Hindi, unless there are some strong compelling reasons. The regional movies are in its own category redefining bad to worse (with rarest of rare exceptions like for instance this malayalam movie 'Virus' was well made), meanwhile Telugu makes earnest attempts to take it to next level of degradation (not surprising, the nearer you get to the richest sanctum the worst it will get). Having attended enough international film festival in my 20s it took me not much time to realize that Indians are third rate bunch who prey on emotions and cheap manipulation to work out art. They rarely have any understanding of excellence nor awareness of subtleties. Since most are brought up in these limited fare it not only makes it difficult to develop or appreciate subtle values or crave for finesse as happens in evolved society, but dangerously these occupy better part of mind during growing phase thus making it difficult to break the mold hence becomes reference for nostalgia, further pushing into deep pit of crudeness. Mainstream Indian art is too mediocre while the subaltern, that is expected to provide necessary balance, too pretentious. USA churns out Hollywood hash but some are worth the effort and they do have the caliber, as is the case in Europe, Japan, Iran so on, they have indie movies that opens up amazing new vista. Indians with its nepotistic values and nuances deeply entrenched in sanctum scum lacks in every front. They valiantly muster varying degree of mediocre affair (that ofcourse is hailed in the pit as “world’s greatest” even as world may not be even aware) with the specific intention to titillate and squeeze the herd–who lacking any context of excellence, brought up as they are in crass and crude, give reference to mainstream art which is then closely worked with market to the sacred act of selling, to convert audience into buyers, the reason for living. Loud and exaggerated this society uniquely lack subtle values. Even the so called classical, say carnatic, with few riveting references here and there these generally sound like donkey braying in heat and then, as is the nature, even this is deemed as exclusive and dealt in sperm play. Dance forms like bharatanatyam was uprooted from its original context and sanitized into cringe worthy robotic exercise while the contemporary expression is ‘bollywood dance’ that seeks people into neat rows and gyrate to crude ridiculous. Songs and dance that originate from deep roots of this diverse land is what carries the unbridled joy (that is dexterously plagiarized and degraded into mainstream through movies) while the amazing juxtaposition of colours is another expression that truly touches subtle core of the society.

Egalitarian expressions found space through Buddhism in amazing subtle art work of Ajantha Ellora while inculcating meditative inquisitive value system through teaching centres at Nalanda and Takshishila, later finding expression in bhakti movement but these were rarely mainstream incapacitated by sanctum squatter’s limited intellect and caliber that had seeped into society. These woeful lack were compensated through appropriation and plagiarizing. Now though the market capitalizes these by monetizing hence these blatant appropriation into mainstream, in the meantime there is also attempt to naturalize these into caste feudal traditions hence Indian tradition and culture. The ideas of contemplation and meditative expressions were explored by enlightened seers and saints which was further consolidated by Buddha into unique value system that crude nature of caste cannibalised feudal society found woefully inadequate to deal. These were therefore fiercely dealt. 
Decimation of egalitarian and enlightened value systems espoused by Buddhism as also negation of humanitarian stream through the Indian society -that attempted at moral foundation for centuries, as Indian subcontinent slipped into dark ages. Any value based attempts were persistently quashed by castetva forces by aligning with state power. They preyed on superstition and insecurities while cunningly posturing as arbitrators of divine will the reason why Indian kings and their army were bunch of nincompoops, incapacitated and wasted. While the society cannibalized itself waiting for intruders for redemption. The handful exception of Indian kings include Ranjit Singh, Tipu sultan etc. were immune from sanctum infection. Rana pratap –no maha please, ran from the field -with ostensible cunning reasoned as strategy, while controlling little piece of land, later died during hunting! While Tipu despite heavy odds and fervent suggestions to escape decided to fight to the last. There is a difference here that showcases lot about value system. Also, while Tipu fought colonial British, who were colonizing Indians, and took help of French –in the aftermath of French revolution that gave everlasting ideas of liberty and equality, the porcine incompetent kings of mysore were ready to feed on the left over of british in desperation to maintain their blessed lineage control. While Tipu died fighting british the cunning wodeyar built palatial residence for british –which are now regrettably heritage buildings that is seen as proud part of history! They regularly paid handsome ransom to british to maintain their status, not to forget squabbling for gun salute (such a bunch of nincompoops), ofcourse all these collected by exploiting common people and the land. Such is the caliber of this beleaguered society that some try to trace as legacy handed over through miracle sperm –authenticated through scrotum scratcher’s zeal.

So, I happened to watch this movie (Article 15) the other day. This pretentious movie is another vain, indeed devious, attempt to disentangle the caste putrefied pit into acceptable narration and serve it to herd to squeeze some money. Indians are quite incapable to handle these, they lack the caliber, intellectual honesty and most importantly empathy -that is devoid of manipulative sentiment meant to work out devious narrations. Its a sinister attempt at using pointers to question casteism and then turn it around to normalize and trivialize it. Some scenes though were well done like the horrifying image of rape victims hung on tree shot through fog, it had quality of riveting horror (most likely inspired from Baduan rape case -in picture here). British created the bureaucrats to streamline the exploitation. The exploitative hierarchical structure with immense power was something cannibalistic castetva took natural liking to. Hence it was continued, with almost same value system, while devious Indians besotted to colonial exploiters posed these as agents of change meanwhile carried their nefarious corrupt ways and further degraded the society. They also simultaneously dumbed down the idea of education while attributing inane professions of bureaucrat as markers of intelligence. All the indicators of HDI and deviant value system can be traced to this craze for power and prestige. Qualified professionals compete for these as if waiting for redemption as glittering cogs in staid government machinery. Primitive society immediately claimed this as blessing. Even gandhi’s litter (given all the options he had in the world) took into bureaucracy and not quite coincidently placed in TN. With despicable Rajagopalachari (cunning fellow posed as freedom fighter but was trusted more by colonial british than indians!! Such was the level of depravity) at helm these went on to dismantle egalitarian attempts of Dravidian justice movement and cleverly turned the society into caste conundrum, while third rate corrupt politicians did the rest. Art expressions through movies promoted by castetva seeped in deeply disturbing value system thus further demeaning humanitarian attempts. Finally ending with MGR manipulating mass support at the top. The society now finds incapacitated to deal with natural calamities. With dwindling resources and natural disasters at the door the community that is so primitive that it is not even able to define as basic as a term ‘community’ will surely end up cannibalizing while the cunning usurp and move on. Meanwhile gandhi’s litter had uncommon luck –that no ordinary bureaucrat is presented with, he humbly eased himself into plum positions one after another that can only be due to miracles of sperm. It is also amply clear from the pretentious columns he writes that he is manipulative, and that living with immense opportunities and being exposed to amazing diversities across the world has not impacted his mindset.  

It is not at all a surprise that castetva were besotted to clever Gandhi since he provided the escape plan –to be caste cannibal but still claim highest moral ground, no wonder the clever fellow was elevated and pushed onto hapless people as mahatma. African countries, like Ghana, must take steps to dismantle this fellow. There should be no positive reference of Gandhi nor pointers of any reverence context anywhere in Africa. That is the next urgent step in the effort to dismantle caste.

In any society where hundreds of children regularly die, that too in a particular region, would be cause of grave concern. This argument of litchi as culprit sounds laughable. I heard that when I was in delhi (almost 20years ago, so imagine these deaths are happening for decades) and avoided it henceforth. The logic given at that time was that this fruit was washed in dirty water that seeps into the flesh of the fruit. That they are not able to pin point exact reason and find remedy for this long shows the value system that is incapable to prioritize as also caliber at work. Also, understanding that this is recurring the administration could have atleast worked to provide necessary infrastructure to deal with tragedy. Even that was not attempted. Bihar is a caste cannibals putrid pit (sadly this was much enlightened land 2000years ago when Buddhism took its root, see what the castetva have reduced it to) that languishes at the bottom of HDI –arguably the worst in the world, and will always find its putrefying base. The tragedies of hapless people are dismissed as fate. Malaria killed hundreds and thousands of people in this region for thousands of years yet they could not find a cure. There is no vaccine against malaria yet. If it was happening in some other society they would have taken it as utmost priority. Even the research on cause of malaria to mosquitoes (specifically anopheles female) was done by British doctor Ronald Ross working in India. Even the cure to malaria was done through Chinese traditional medicine (artemisinin by Tu Youyou). So where are the Indians? Pretentious and always carrying highest estimate of themselves as overseer of the world without even minimum caliber as much as to even define community! These lackadaisical attitude towards common people’s plight has definite pattern and that can be easily be traced to moral vacuum of sanctum and devious casteist gandhians who control the narration hence the value system and priorities.