Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The criminal act of Volkswagen

It’s amazing how people with huge amount of money and technical knowhow stoop to multiply money, in this case fully aware that these will lead further deterioration of air quality, resulting in serious health issues, causing deaths as also environmental degradation. Air pollution kills millions of people and maims many more. It is the direct and indirect cause for heart attacks, strokes, asthma, lung and bladder cancers, low birth weight, low verbal IQ, poor memory and attention among children, faster cognitive decline in older people and – recent studies suggest – a link with the earlier onset of dementia. This blogger too had started to face adverse effects of severe air quality deterioration (as also constantly exposed to high levels of noise), as I lived next to a crowded traffic junction (in pits of Delhi) as also later used to commute in two wheeler in one of the most bleak air quality condition (the notorious Bengaluru traffic) unleashed by ‘development’ through personal cars and traffic jams, thankfully I moved to cleaner town, in the last few years symptoms of being exposed to pollutants have subsided but I still get wheezing sometimes. In the last many years India has seen explosion of brands of cars. The kind of marketing strategy followed by these billion dollar companies clearly indicates that people who are getting the benefits of market driven economy are necessarily low on intelligence, hence these amazingly juveniles ads to make them take decisions on buying these luxury products in an essentially impoverished country. It is also conceivable that the high end manipulators get associated with these money bags, essentially these are innovative ways of transferring money among the elite and consolidate their hold over people. In return lax laws and adherence standards are worked out for convenience of the company. MNC are also known to encourage these ethical laxities as they seek to outdo their competition to multiply money, kickback is a common reference. In many instances MNCs have no option as the laws are kept subjective and manipulateable, it is a very special game played out by top level bureaucrats, politicians and marketers. Advertisement in this context is quite a harmless way of distribution of money, it also keeps the market media narration compelling and manipulateable as also helps sustain the development thrive in semblance of professionalism. It is therefore no at all surprising that some amazingly crude people get richer and richer, as the society in general degrades, prejudices and discrimination gets consolidated.

Germany is known for its excellence in engineering and high end machinery, when you have calibre to innovate and a mindset to excel it is rare to go for manipulation and short term gains. It is inconceivable, therefore, shocking that Volkswagen was caught rigging its pollution tests, and that too in a highly sophisticated manner. It reminds me of doping by top class athletes. It tends to break the trust, an utter disbelief to begin with turns into anger, why would anyone that too cash rich and extremely talented commit such criminal acts, to make it worse, put the lives of people at risk? It must be the arrogance of invincibility, as also the constant urge to stay ahead of competition, earn more than competitors –a reason for existence in some circle. Crude form of capitalism has brought in the worse among the best people. That is what is sad about this incident.

Now if a multibillion dollar and a reputed company like Volkswagen can do it in US, where the laws are stringent and punishment severe, then think what all they might be doing in countries like India where laws are kept lax, punishments in the realm of subjective perceptions as also easy availability of battery of high end manipulators ready to twist/divert the narration to the requirements (indeed the intense competition is in this ability to manipulate!! Sophistication herein is mistaken by some as signs of service industry gigantism). Now if Volkswagen is doing it then what prevents its competitors from not doing it? India is seen as a huge market for automobile industry, hence it is conceivable that unscrupulous practises could be used to stay ahead of the race and multiply money. This blogger has reason to suspect that these criminal acts (and negligence) must be common practice across the board. Having experienced severe forms of air pollution, caused by automobiles, I am not ready to believe that they are adhering to stringent standards.

My suspicion is further strengthened by the lackadaisical concern for Volkswagen case by Indian market media, it is not surprising since revenue from stupid car ads is their roji roti, even BBC was seen to be quite mild towards car manufacturers. This is a serious issue and has severe ramification on air quality standards therefore health concerns of citizens. Government should have immediately taken cognisance of these developments and asked for stringent testing of all the brands of four wheelers manufacturers in the market.

Post script: if Google was an Indian company how would it expand its market? To start with, it is difficult to conceive Google to be an Indian company, cutting edge innovations or the mindset needed for these rarely thrive in this part of the world. But still, Google would diversify into Google Mining & Property developer, Google jewelers, Google life insurance so on…it seems that Google, or for that matter Apple, doesn’t know how to multiply money!!                                                    

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Seriously Tharoor? You must be kidding.

   Tharoor is someone one could have taken seriously a decade back, he had some enviable collection of books in his name, respected for his views and a high profile job at UN and so on. He was seen as a blue eyed boy of the establishment, he capitalised on it quite well, and must add may have exaggerated his spread and reach, he contested UN Secretary General’s election –intriguingly the Indian government decided to throw its weight in his support, predictably he lost to Ban Ki Moon. Since then he was parachuted as Congress candidate into election and won twice, meanwhile the cricket ka keeda got him enmeshed into opportunism for easy money, market media exaggerations saw him inflate himself (around the time when Crude woman nodded to ZK and ZK nodded back, con couple have sighted their next target!!) hence became an easy fodder for manipulators, thus began his compelling downfall. Happenings in his personal life seems murkier than lakes of Bengaluru, since it is under investigation it’s not right to comment, but there is something not quite right.

In the meanwhile his conduct, his views so on has given the measure of him. This blogger doesn’t really have to watch his viral video to conclude what it is all about. This questioning Britain over its colonial exploitations is a joke, on two accounts, one, colonial power is expected to colonise and exploit (is that a surprise?). Secondly, putting these exploitations into the depraved realities of Indian society makes it a study on irony if not hypocrisy. Meanwhile he has praise for Indian mercenary soldiers fighting the cause of colonial power but doesn’t have anything for INA is the reflection of pathetic attitude of these conniving people. They try to squiggle benefits from dominant narration that looks charming from western perspective. How to bulldoze these into Indian narration is the constant strive of this section, must add with considerable success. INA must be brought to its rightful position as creator and guide of Indian defence force. Subash Chandra Bose is undoubtedly the father of Indian Defence force, and should have his picture prominently placed in every defence establishment, indeed his statue should be erected at India gate.       
Tharoor, like his benevolence exuding bourgeoisie colleagues, follow the same pattern (Macaulay’s bastards), that is, fawning for British, suiting the narration to these dominating realities with semantic dexterity, and an obsessive liking for stupid game called cricket, as they seek to represent Indians from these high pedestals. They position themselves as gentlemen in their ways and dealings, always hitting the fairness pointers to consolidate these. This reparation issue is a clever political ploy to elevate oneself as voice of Indians, the aggrieved Indian (ofcourse holding on to his drink!), wherein it’s clear that his arguments are facetious when put in Indian context and debauched realities that he is undoubtedly part of. The problem here is those who preach like to stake their moral position as far away from social context as possible. This has been the constant endeavour of Indian elite, particularly those striving on sickularism liberal framework. They constantly hinge themselves on western pointers of egalitarian values and appear as kindred souls, concerned of wellbeing of suffering souls around the world so on. They therefore have compelling hold on western audience as Indian mystical representation of compassion.

The other day I caught some glimpse of his interview with Thappar, needless to say I don’t watch these more than few minutes. It needs immense patience as also once you got the measure of the fellow it falls into predictable pattern, hence a waste of time. I am writing these since it shows the mindset of these people, the claim of liberal and higher moral ground is so hilariously fallacious, as also a revelation on wider ways of the sickular society. In this context Tharoor is a meaty catch (pun intended). So Tharoor was asked about the meat ban. Being a vegetarian but having spent lots of time in West, he had the tutored nuance of taking high moral grounds that seek to accentuate the mistake his uncouth fundamentalist brethren’s make, meanwhile placing himself in desirable frame. Tharoor as expected hinged himself firmly on ‘choice’ framework. Though it sounds assertion of liberty but is a well-accepted code for market driven egalitarianism and wonderful hedonist world herein. An oxymoron anyway you look at it. That likes of Tharoor is not different from tradition seeking Hindu fundamentalist, and that both are firmly entrenched in squatter’s primitiveness is established as he unravels himself. Tharoor supports the discriminatory verdict of SC to declare Haridwar and Rishikesh as vegetarian zones. This ruling should be challenged; it clearly doesn’t stand the scrutiny of natural justice as also logic. Frankly I wasn’t aware of these but now that I am aware will make it a point to buy chicken tandoori from Dehradun or somewhere and take it to Haridwar. Tharoor says “you have to keep the sanctity of the place”. Really and who told our ever-purifying-seeking-man that vegetarianism is what defines a temple or sanctity herein, or that Hindus are vegetarian? And shockingly that it need to be imposed on whole town. This is imposition of squatter’s depraved puritanism on others and will be resisted. Most importantly the sanctity of the temple can only be restored if squatters are evicted from the premise. Who gave them these traditional rights? This is discrimination of human rights and will have to be stopped, and severely dealt by the rule of law. Few centuries back squatter temples were site of untold misery and barbarism on common people. That this debauchery is continued and the framework supported is what makes this a savage society. Evicting squatter from temple premise is an unfinished business. This is the root of the rot, it sustains and nourishes amazingly crude worldviews and attitude that has severely degraded this society. Temple, as is with any site that seeks to represent god, should be necessarily be site that reflect values of kindness and compassion, that is the least requirement of any religious site. That this is absent in temples, and is replicated as attitude and ways of life among hapless people is what makes Indians uniquely barbaric. The cannibalistic nature of Indian society and everything rotten that emanates from this can be traced to squatter’s temple. Any temple that doesn’t reflect egalitarian values should be demolished, that is how the sanctity can be restored, if sanctity is what matters. That Tharoor is firmly tethered to debauched world of squatters is clear from his nonsensical utterings, he takes it to the next level by comparing to crudest possible example that is of the Saudis, arguably the sickest society on the face of earth. If Saudis can impose sanctity in mecca then what is wrong if sanctity is imposed in haridwar is our man’s line of thought. This amazingly is his reference to sustain his argument, what a depraved view. Not surprisingly from a sickular liberal, all non-violently so. Also, put this in context to how Pope has opened the churches in Vatican to Syrian refugees while the cash rich oil sucking primitive Saudis have turned their face away to this human catastrophe. You will also very soon see how gun totting embryo savers of humanity -the far right in USA, react to Pope. These are set patterns, and yes reflection of crude form of religion.               

When push comes to shove liberal sickulars and fundamentalist squatters will reflect each other’s depravity, tethered to squatter as Siamese twin, they struggle to distinguish. They have kept the perception of separateness in their habitual semantic jugglery and clever manipulative ways, and usurp benefits in whatever possible manner in neat portions. The recent developments, as fundamentalist squatters gain in strength, have put them in existential quandary. The mask is slipping. Tharoor makes a valiant effort, he says “Yes we too had ban on meat, on occasions, but these were never imposed strictly”. How cute, the fellow is spilling beans on what made liberal sickular bourgeoisie function all these decades. You make laws (in most cases carried from where the britishers left) not to follow it seriously, these lackadaisical ways are what made the lives of people miserable while the elite went in for the loot. Crony capitalism, nepotism and general apathy over plight of people can be traced to these attitudes.

Government, for that matter anyone, has no business to decide what anyone should eat or shouldn’t eat (except ofcourse what is protected under wildlife protection act). Not even for a single day or a moment. Meanwhile animal rights laws should be followed stringently. This game between liberal sickular squatters and traditional squatters has severely degraded the society and made the mockery of democracy. The true and liberating nature of Hinduism has been suppressed, though it does exist away from these debaucheries, everything good about this society can be traced to this idea of India, but it is under tremendous threat. It is unfortunate that common people too have been trapped into squatter’s debauchery and seems to have accepted these as fate, as a way out from their miserable lives. They have dug themselves into pits and seek security within this ever putrefying world. That in short is what makes this society amazingly deviant and increasingly dangerous, proud in its own wretchedness, assured of its entitled world and elevated place in the universe. Clearly claims of high culture are nothing but belch of rot.               


Monday, September 21, 2015

Winnowing in the start-up wind

There is a new revolution underway, it is being referred to as Start Ups, and Bengaluru seems to be the epicentre, atleast in India. Now if the startups are substantial in its idea and intent then it’s worth noting, otherwise this hoopla is misplaced. Some people are only trying to fill in the gaps that the new technological devices have unleashed. Those who are aware of these and have the wherewithal will work it out to multiply the money. It is true that some of them do create set ups that increase/improve convenience so on. These opportunities for easy money should be placed in its context. And I dare say many of these are but sophisticated touts, a rather sanitised jugaad. They can carry on but when meritorious engineers and research student shift their attentions to these then it need to be scrutinised. The culture of making money by whatever means, more money indications of god’s favour (hence some cut to temple) gets consolidated, money therefore is the indicator of merit, therefore easy mobility to respect and power. The reason why not many are interested in dedicated research or sustained inquisitiveness that education provides. Indeed education is seen as only a conduit to money making enterprises.  

Innovation is an essential feature of vibrant society but within the framework of seeking opportunities for easy money it is a rather limited concept. In an increasingly moribund society like India ideas of innovation falls into set pattern, it lacks passion or sustained interest in knowledge building, though it has constant claim of high culture of knowledge and enquiry. There is some truth to the claim but these were far and rare, as also there was no tradition of consolidating these nor were based on egalitarian values. Indeed one can assert that best of tradition worked with the Buddhist, and this is the cradle of Indian philosophy that carries a tradition that predates and persistently negates squatter manipulation. The reason why Nalanda, Takshashila, as also worthy scholars of ancient India, were mostly part of Buddhist framework, as also there began a tradition of consolidation and dissemination of knowledge and thoughts. This was an attempt on framework of excellence in a society that was slipping into primitiveness and crassness. What is paraded as contemporary Hinduism is negation of these egalitarian values, it is squatter’s degraded world that is being sought to be consolidated and equated with other religions, hence clever claim for religious rights and expression. Wherein, these were constant threat to Hinduism itself and product of feudal power. Secularism, as is understood by Indians is strident negation of squatter, and strive for a compassionate and encompassing world view. It is to be noted that in the last many decades these ideas have weakened as squatter sickularists –hinging on market liberalism, and right wing –hinging on squatter traditions, have been tail spinning the society for power grab. The general deterioration in society can be traced to these manipulations; it lacks egalitarian or ethical values.       
Innovations therefore are for short term gains and hinges on bigger changes that is unleashed from, as it is for an observer, an alien world; hence these startups are only minor novelties, scrambling akin to gold rush of the Wild West. Very soon the gold in cave is depleted and rush is over, what we are left is a ghost town, akin to dot com bubble burst. Startups are refreshing additions but my concern here is that in the rush for these short term easy money some people with huge potential for research and intelligence, for developing path breaking theories and ideas are squandering, and seeking these incremental roles/gains firmly hinged on short term money and gains. This is celebrated, and excited commentary, brings in skewed understanding of success in this mediocre thriving society. Money greed is overwhelming as it comes with ideas of being blessed, hence mobility and power, therefore the mindset for somehow grab is internalised. The situation becomes grievous since unique problems of India need innovative solutions, and not replication of west or waiting for ideas from contexts that has nothing in common. Innovation needs not only an exceptional technical expertise that constantly seeks to improve but more importantly an awareness and empathetic connection to the surrounding. Startups rarely, are exhibitions of these intents. It is a collective loss to society when people who could have utilised their talent for better use are reduced to these indulgences and manipulations. It becomes rather acute when we are aware of the desperation that inflicts the society, educated section have a huge responsibility, in the context of things to aim for multiplying money is pathetic if not deeply unethical. It took some bright western technologists to work out gravity as source of renewable energy (GravityLight by UK engineers). This simple, elegant but sturdy device, functions in the poor and remote areas of Bihar. Another startup I came up recently is based in Lagos, Nigeria, where this fellow observed fish skin being wasted, hence worked out converting fish skin into leather products and marketed online, giving employment to women of impoverished fishing community but also converting into affordable product from what was considered waste.

Such innovations are rare from Indians, enmeshed in squatter crude worldview as tradition and attitude. These crudeness are so entrenched and overwhelming that they are in denial, accepting would collapse their well camouflaged world, that is cleverly mimicking western liberalism, and expose their primitive ways. Shocking statistics of Indian deprivation when put in context to civilised world is an eye opener to this entrenched crudeness. When I was out of college and roaming around I got few opportunities to make big money (people were rushing to USA for Y2K issue and making pots of money, i recall going to the gate of the training center with few friends and then decided 'no this not what i am going to do') as also nepotism favoured jobs with good steady income, somehow it didn’t excite me, worst I was interested doing part time jobs (for me it gave lot of time to do nothing, precisely what I wanted) that didn't need any certificates, that seemed like taking me nowhere, incidentally it never did, not the least I wasn’t aiming going anywhere!. Frustrated by my nonchalant attitude one elderly fellow tried to guide me with some Malayalam sayings, the one I recall, “kaat adikimbol morom veeshanum”, winnow when there is a wind. Startups are winnowing in the favourable wind. The wind that is controlled by some smart people, somewhere else, that this society lacks the calibre to initiate or sustain. The best can only function when they migrate, escape is the right word.  

That the society puts premium on these attitudes creates aspirations that are amazingly trivial, hence the mediocre nature of the society. Capitalism seems to have consolidated these attitudes hence these successes are celebrated. Not surprising from a society that has success written all over, indeed considered an epitome of marvellous success (and blessing, ofcourse) when the miserable fellow scrambles through IIT and then sniffs IIM and then drivels through as finance consultants or whatever that fetches (now startups), keeps using all avenues with the single most aim to multiply money. Winnowing in the favourable wind. This unscrupulous fellow is the ideal of Indian success, indeed seen with reverence, a role model. Meanwhile less fortunate are scrambling for job security, a peon post has attracted lakhs of applicants many even holding PhDs. Is it such a surprise that none of the thousands of universities, of this second largest populated country in the world, find mention anywhere near top hundred in the world?

It is not really a providence that I decided not to follow any conventional pattern of jobs, nor was keen on structured education and certificates herein. Though I started with a specific intention of deconstructing education (and did spent few years reading about pedagogical methods, philosophies herein and visiting educational institutions) I never thought this would become so all-encompassing thought and spread so wide.  The reason for DePalan is also not a coincidence. That millions of people are trapped in squatter’s worldview as also market created inane jobs, that keeps them occupied all day (and night too if you are Amazonian!!) and create spurious path to upper mobility and further richness. When you deconstruct these, or read someone at it, it is an amazing feeling. That I kept myself unoccupied most of the time brought me in direct conflict with traditional elite, and their entitled worldview, this head-on with depraved bourgeoisie is no doubt in line with two worlds collapsing in its contradictions, irony . Elite sections have nothing much to do except manipulations, creating perceptions and consolidating power structure and benefits herein, while common people are occupied in their daily dungeon, unaware or most likely incapable to question these bourgeoisie charades. These charades and consumption are placed as liberal values. The elite section is very much assured of their immoral ways as liberal, as much as common people try adhering to moral values as religious favour. What is moral in here is debatable except that it has very strong control mechanism. What is clear is that this tacit connection helps elite section to work out their profligate ways and have control. That I was able to come out of it and look at these functioning as an observer is what makes it amazing for me. It is unlike common people, it is not something that was part of the bargain, that could be manipulated. “Gentleman with independent means” (as my intro reads in this blog) is not something that is in line with where I am placed. It is mocking the entitled and their worldview.  

Targeting Rehman, con couple at work:  Rehman has serious reason to worry, not because of some excited mullah (fatwa mullah should be arrested as immediately as the scoundrel utters the death threat, clearly some find it difficult to functions in democratic ways. Criminals should be punished, right wing threats to rationalist should be dealt severely), but con couple. Instead of worrying about fatwa mullah he should keep track of con couple, they are much dangerous. Rehman has been on a high target list of our con couple. It is not unknown that Crude woman has fatwa mullah in her emergency call list. Anyone connected to bollywood are known to give them wide berth. More these people create noise –ostensibly for Rehman sake, more they are taunting the mullah to make the move. They are furiously branding themselves at Rehman’s expense. ZK explained to me “budiya ko lusaka ke pani wallon ne hakal diya, bola isme trustworthy brand ka dum nahi hai”. Rehman must understand that people support him, he is universally liked, but after con couple hooliganism and ransacking people are embarrassed, hence quiet.

I asked them “thum logon ko aajkal call back athe hai kya?”
Arre jiski dukan bandh ho gayi unse humko kya lena dena?” Crude woman countered, as she chiselled her huge claw like thick toe nails with a large hammer like contraption. ZK flinched at the sight, but came back into his self as soon “Isko aajkal Hollywood se callback athe hai” “budiya ke sab topz classz rishthedar holywood meh settled hai
“How so?” I enquired.
wo jo Streep haina wo iski chacheri behen legthi hai, Clooney mua iska fufaji ka muh bola beta hai. Oprah mue ko iska baap ka sthan hai after sexz changingz”  

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Demographic damage, frogs in the well called India

Prime Minister, in an essential role of communicator, is focusing on possibilities and potential of huge population that is substantially young. He does his job well, indeed that is the reason why he so popular, and people throng to listen to him. But ofcourse, he needs to work on creeping Congress like arrogance as also omniscient squatter framework that seeks to seize the entrants to power. The entrants are elevated as miracles, god’s special favour. The conniving squatter weaves the effect, this framework is too entrenched, hence reflected in the attitude. Very soon the entrant starts to feel entitled and start to behave accordingly. 

Mr. Kejriwal is a good example of it, he had given early indications of being entrenched in squatter. The  references were flaunted, and cleverly manipulated for votes, strategies to trap ‘minorities’ were revealed in sickularism detail. He gave enough evidence of not being any different from the flock. Ofcourse market media and amazingly mediocre commentators let it pass as they had mission to handle, as also this realisation is rare when they themselves are no different. Obnoxious ritual symbols and havans were conducted by the family, Kejriwal the miracle was being canonised into his rightful place. He even mentioned during his inauguration speech that this is a ‘message from god’, ofcourse directly to him, he therefore has been chosen by forces beyond, very much guided by squatters and the clever self-serving world view herein. The fact that he has been elected by people, through their representatives in a democratic manner was soon downplayed to superior forces at work. Entitlement is a special feature of this worldview, as also feigning humbleness in exaggerated mannerism and semantic correctness. As always, very soon mask slips and arrogance is what is left, left unchecked the leader will spent most time seeking special godly commune. Kejriwal has started temple hopping; he was recently in Karnataka (specifically for temple), ofcourse to ward off threats to his dwindling world. He, being a blessed individual, gods will have to relent; squatters are always there to help. If he keeps up with his temple hopping he may very soon bump into Mukherjees of the netherworld or Kasturi&Sons carefully working out their mullah concerns (read Sickularism) from pits of Thirupati!! (If corporate decisions are taken in golf courses –all for service industry gigantism, the crucial political decisions must be taken in cash rich misery exuding debauched temples. The camaraderie is what gels the deal. Manipulators masking different political persuasions and competing spaces find common grounds in this camaraderie). That said, there is a serious attempt by the Union Government through the Lt Governor to scuttle the democratically elected Delhi government. Ideally the Supreme Court should have taken a suo moto on this and cautioned the erring Lt. Governor. Our man seem to have forgotten his place, the exaggerated deference to Governor (essentially a political appointee, and mostly severely compromised individuals. Another example of seriously degraded institution by Congress) is a british monarchy inspired framework that speaks volume of intent of ‘freedom fighters’. Another threat to Kejriwal is from the clever bureaucracy, the steel framework status quoist, a prestigious colonial inheritance that expertise in the art of scuttling, as also abiding sincerity towards masters and shared contempt towards masses. The reason for Kejriwal seeking divine intervention and claiming to be blessed has also to do with attempting to supersede minor gods in bureaucracy. In an extremely sensitive to hierarchy and crude worldviews driven world herein, he still is seen as a gate-crasher. People like TSR (who retired as topmost bureaucrat) embodies all that is wrong in bureaucracy, his recent antics being hurriedly submitted report on ‘exploiting resources for development’, as was ordered by master, he provided compelling gravitas with bureaucratic word jugglery and enviable skulduggery. Thankfully it was dumped into the dustbin by Parliamentary committee, that doesn’t seem to have reduced the enthusiasm of our man. Damning of Kejriwal by TSR & Co. has a context that is quite complex.

It is in this context there is a new leader who has emerged from the demographic damage of ever mediocre thriving India. In any other society youth is seen as refreshing, and young leader would be celebrated. Not in this godforsaken society. Instead of hope this is sign of the rotten world. It is the worms of decaying society staking its claim. These kinds of degradation will increase as squatter ensconced generation get deviant values as traditions, cruelty as culture while modernity is hinged to market consumption pointers, liberalism in transactions. Gender issues therefore get unhinged from ethics (how they deal Indrani case and aftermath), as reckless bourgeoisie seeks its traction to match the international narration on discrimination. The stampede to represent Indians is furiously fought, some regularly visiting TV channels/Columns to leave their scent mark or claw signs to defend their turf. Nothing substantial is expected from the frogs of deep muck well called India. The youngsters, rather than demographic dividend, are mostly demographic damages with serious ethical ambiguities and moral vacuousness that they inherit as part of family legacy and replicate with relish. A society that incessantly cannibalises itself and has no understanding of excellence, can only thrive in miracle manipulations, myth making and stories of providence.       

Not to be left behind is the market media, ever scrounging the traditional puss for traction. Likes of Sardesai (this fellow is as insignificant but a pointer to market sickularism that they expertise) should be functioning under strict control of the proprietors. But then “Bania-Squatter” nexus is stuff of legend, I am told it brings good omen (if sufficiently nourished could even be taken to mahatma-pandit stratosphere). This sprightly frog of the putrid well (as a representation of his wider ilk and matching arrogance) has habit of unhinging at opportune moment. During the Memon hanging he made some extremely inflammatory remark, that could be as much as an attempt to incite muslims, furiously trying to weave his sickularism web. People of his ilk also have a virus in their brain that triggers something (so far unexplained) the moment they encounter anyone with muslim name, the tongue tends to role up to something that sounds like saab after the name. These are path breaking moment of sickularism camaraderie and gravy points herein. He had a terrific run with congress sycophants as they share the same debauched ways. Ideally people like him should be kicked out, as has been done by other TVchannels. His assuredness comes from playing the sickularism card well, that includes rubbing it into the brethren, and that he is admittedly entrenched in squatters gives him the elevated worldview and necessary contacts. The fellow is now a celebrity journalist, a brand, so can even get away with his awkward Hindi and stupid questions, as if there is no one competent to do these. Now this scoundrel was at his characteristic self while asking “As a proud patel what do you think?” and a matching conceit to boot. This was during vandalism unleashed by “patel community”, he was asking to a fellow with the ‘proud surname’, which only depraved scums like Sardesai understands. Now this Patel fellow moonwalks as a journalist, recent enlightened write up includes debauched attempts to hinge Azim Premji’s philanthropy to ‘patel’ pit. Even a great man like Premji is not spared by these scoundrels, ofcourse his grouse meanwhile was falling standards of TV debates!! So Sardesai should be impressed, the mediocre fellow knows the art of branding and licking up to the right people (deceit of embedded journalist for Aggrawal billionaires). 

Sometime back I saw him walking with Tendulkar (successfully branded as a god, pop spiritual gurus are also there to lend helping hand) in a stadium that had Tendulkar banner hung all around, to the licking delight of Sardesai and extreme embarrassment of discerning viewers. Ideally Tendulkar should have restrained and walked out, but he is no ideal nor like, any other cricketer, a gentleman. Cringing to fawning is not part of the tradition, on the contrary it is encouraged some even bless (I recall seeing a Gandhian extending his blessing to obsequious followers, he was remarkably immune to stampeding jostling crowd awe struck by his purity exuding presence).  Faking humbleness is an art. So they walked hand in hand, Sardesai being master of inane talk (as also can use his fist if need be), informed him that this is where he saw him break the record as a teenager and knew it was something special. Tendulkar known for his humbleness decided to personify it. A discerning viewer would have pointed to the talent with the bat and skills, but Sardesai knows the value of records so does Tendulkar. The reason why there are too many records by these mediocre sportsmen of amazingly stupid game. Recently they somehow managed to defeat Sri Lanka (a small island nation not known for sporting achievements), after twenty odd years!! Of course within the country manipulating pitch does the trick, now what is left is winning the toss. How stupid can it get? During last two decades these mediocre have earned so much with minimum effort that could put GDP of many nations to shame. Now after ‘historic’ win the suck is in full swing. With one millionth of talent compared to Messi or Federer they now compete on earning. Market media inflates it while seeking to cover up the mediocre sportsmen. Clearly they are gestating on Indian population, these inflated earning with minimum of talent is manipulation to trap people. Not surprisingly the original sucker Shastri –Audi  mascot, is clawing up all the time, from twelfth man to captain to…sky is the limit for our fellow. Srinivasan is always there as a margdarshak to the gentlemen gentle in their ways. Meanwhile the "Bengal tiger" (it is a disgrace) is now back with Coca cola, hence will be sought after for expert opinion henceforth. As a marketer wisely elaborates "He's on prime-time news. Brands want names that are visible and in the news. The move makes a lot of sense for Coca-Cola".These manipulations have become so desultorily easy. So it is chicken-egg scene for market media: is it icons who create news or news that create icons, or is it icons that create icons. To be begin with if somebody could elaborate on what is an icon? There is too much conning going on. As for our fellow is concerned he is now shifting to football, hence automatically football icon. Footballers can now take a break. In this mediocrity thriving nation Bolt showcases his cricket skills and media goes gaga. It doesn't cross anybody's mind that these are degradation. But then actors can sing, singers can dance, cricketers can act...gosh. This is one society where once you cross the threshold of market desirability then you can do anything, they go berserk. Its the market created framework of entitlement, the invincibility and arrogance. Most significantly, a complete disregard for propriety, such unconcern is baffling. The reason why excellence is never achieved as the new entrants are co opted by market and stacked with money. They become brand for selling products, and that becomes their occupation and reason.     

They can carry on and likes of Sardesai can fawn but I have two specific suggestions for readers: Please don’t watch this stupid game called cricket, there are too many moneybags working to trap people so as to multiply money, as they work compelling narration of ‘playing for the nation’. Children should never be encouraged in these, it is a step towards couch potatoes and consumers of junk, as Tendulkar will vouch. Parents should be careful of this danger; they must know that it’s a network to ensnare consumers from young age. Childhood is too precious to be wasted in these market nonsenses, there is lot to observe and learn, wasting it on cricket stupidity (that teaches manipulative mediocrity) is criminal. Secondly, and most importantly people must take decision not to buy things that are hawked through ads. There should zero tolerance to these. Children should be very vary of coco cola uncles and aunties who drop in once in a while for hugging. Market slave journalist was mentioning that ads are the reason why we can watch programs in TV. Wow, I thought it was because of some smart people who invented all these amazing technology, and not some cheap hawker. Well these kinds of views can only emerge from worms of putrid well called India.

Thankfully the new government is immune to few English/Hindi channels and their exaggerations, that till recently seem directly influencing the policy makers. One fellow even had the audacity to inform, as they discuss the latest TRP buster crime event involving psychopath former media head (even money minded, we are told, as if all other media heads are compassionate charity dispensing souls!!), that these issues have overshadowed OROP!!. The world still functions quite well despite media, so do people. The government shouldn’t be overtly be taken by the media, that too few self-serving English media. Corruption charges will have to be proved in court, unfortunately the police and judiciary competence itself is questioned (the Indrani case has gone cold the moment it touched money trail, fixers have pressed the breaks). The new government of this vast nation with myriad problems and issues have rightly put few TV channels (exaggerated as voice of nation) in their place, and that it is just an evening entertainer, nothing more. Precisely, what these channels themselves strive for. It is very rare to see informed discussions (not intriguingly actors, entertainers, dubious people are part of discussion on serious issues, as some try to distinguish itself as subtle, the pretensions of superior while being equally crude dimwits). Personally, I don’t watch these, if ever prefer where people are shouted down. It is a great watch, since we know what they are going to speak!! Hence the humiliation of being shouted down, the desperation to speak, the pleading to be heard is what we enjoy. It’s primal and compelling watch (once in a while), indeed these also quite ironically reduce space for ploy, people are put in their place firmly as cleverness sulk. The issues are ruse as emotions are stark.    

What else to expect from this American market vassal state, as they prepare consumers in tune with American reality. We are reduced to Hollywood churns in the name entertainment. With amazing biodiversity and myriad artforms they cannot even produce good informative programs, it is the Americans who will have to show it to us. This society has been trashed by its mediocre elite, that is precisely what happens when entitled people are asked to prove their competence, they can only manipulate. That is the defining characteristic of this godforsaken society. In the meanwhile they also elect their leaders and call themselves democratic.    

Banning meat nonsense: The meat ban issue has been blown beyond recognition! The framework was already in place for last many decades. I recall during one October 2nd (Gandhi birthday) about a decade back I was stranded inside a fish shop, as the fellow feared raid by official who were out to impose the ban. So in panic, as rumours spread, he pulled the shutter. Sickulars ensconced in squatters have already placed this framework of purity, with Gandhi being an ever purifying presence. Hence eating non vegetarians has to be stopped atleast on Gandhi’s day. The framework being eating non vegetarian is impure and low, imposing is victory of hierarchy and morality herein. It comes with traditional ease. Hindu/Jain fundamentalists are only trying to extend it further. Uncouth sickularist liberals cannot create a spectre of horror when they themselves are part of creations of these miseries.

Not to harm other living things is part of evolving, as one enlightens to the pains in the surroundings one may shun away from killing animals for food. That ofcourse is not a rule, as the occasion arises due to nutritional needs, cost factors or other exigencies, non vegetarian maybe a better option. Being vegetarian by birth and not by choice is not part of this process; it is an inherited idea without much thought, hence zombies. Indeed in Indian context the vegetarians are probably the most brutal set of people. It is also a well-known fact how animals are brutalised to produce milk, as also chemicals in vegetables causing havoc to the ecosystem. Being vegetarian have not prodded them to think on these nor better farming techniques. Vegetarianism, in Indian context, is rarely about compassion or health concern, it is about squatter’s purity and crap herein that Jains are trying to work out for upper mobility in this depraved framework. For these people potatoes could be as good as chicken wings or dog meat. How about banning potatoes for a week? (I cannot imagine dilli without allu!!)

I have huge respect for vegans, and it is my constant strive to be as sensitive, atleast most of the time! Also as population increases it is putting too much strain on the ecosystem hence reducing meat intake is logical. That doesn’t give Indian vegetarians any high moral grounds, nor are they any part of this narration of logic. They are part of fate, through vaginal superhighways (very much helped by Kasturi&Sons) into the entitlement suck. Western people, who choose vegetarian as choice, must be cautious dealing with Indian vegetarians, don’t mistake them for compassion or any subtle thoughts. These are crudest people you can come across.                        

Monday, September 07, 2015

The truth should be out

It seems that the truth behind the disappearance of one of the foremost freedom fighter is a concern only of immediate family members, and that Indians seem less bothered. It is sad to see the plight of family trying to extricate whatever little information, for more than six decades, on the untimely, indeed suspicious, death of one of the most admired Indian. This is what the manipulative and mediocre elite are capable of to reduce an iconic Indian into the dustbin of history, the proud family into pitiable rants. The government should release all the documents it has that deals with Subhash Chandra Bose at the earliest. It is nothing less than a crime to withhold these information from public about a person they adore and have high regards for, whatever maybe the cost. The government will not be forgiven if it chooses to withhold the information and disregard public opinion. Ideally, Army day should have been observed on the formation day of INA or Bose’ birthday. This blogger questions the credibility of people who decided these. Since each branch of defence has its day and is well entrenched, it is possible to have a Defence day wherein all uniformed services are celebrated. It is important to give due respect to Subhash Chandra Bose, he should be recognized for his service to the cause of the nation, as also for anti-british colonial movement. His logic of enemy's enemy is a friend is tenable in the context of times. Also as an oppressed country, Indians were not at all in a position to rate Britian over Germany or Japan. Or for that matter colonialism over fascism. Churchill was very much responsible for Bengal famine as much as Hitler was for Holocaust. Secondly, during his lifetime Bose wasn't really aware of the full impact of Nazi. Bose' intent was to bring in discipline and courage into the reality of struggle, hence his focus on military. This he successfully executed as INA. It was a disruptive idea in an overwhelmingly safe haven that Indian elite had comfortably ensconced in. This blogger will always support these.       

Subhash Chandra Bose was freedom fighter in the true sense, unlike feudal elite playing the manipulative game meanwhile attempting to extract gains and broadly giving the perception of fighting for freedom, he didn't play safe. Bose took personal risks and understood the realities of the situations and responded according to the need of the hour. He didn’t have the arrogance of experimenting with truth (wherein one was nowhere near any truth to begin with on the contrary the overwhelming reality was primitive structures that one was enmeshed in and the haughty feudal lords as leaders). These idiosyncrasies and habitual egotism of those masquerading as leaders led to bloodshed and untold miseries during partition. It’s people like Subhash Chandra Bose and Bhagat Singh (who have been reduced to “terrorists” in school books) that Indians owe their freedom, the mahatmas and pundits were compelling sideshows. A compassionate society, as much as individuals, must respond to the situation as and when it arises, which means during medieval times when invaders were marauding, they should have organised themselves and fought. That was the need of the hour. During colonial period freedom was curtailed and exploitation rampant they should therefore resist these and fight, that is the moral obligation. That the society is incapable of and that only few individuals are capable of taking the risk speaks volume of the deceitful and mediocre ways that shackled the people, hence exploited and faced untold misery. It also shows a complete break down in the society, as also the individuals, when the exploited lose the reason to resist. Mahatmas and religion herein necessarily must be on the foundation of egalitarian values, there is no spiritual claim otherwise, hence this high moral ground is deceptive. It can be easily understood that you cannot be obsessive about means when the ends doesn't change anything, worse if accentuate exploitative status quo.   This may find traction among self-serving mediocre elites as they try to cover up their home truths and appear civilized. 

The way in which Bose was evicted out of Congress is an instance of high Machiavellianism in action, as they wrestled to control over common people. The reason why India got independence has more to do with weakening of colonial Britain as also vehement threat posed by ideologies and ideas created by Bose, that emboldened Indians working under colonial army, threatened mutiny and cessation. It is this threat of violence unleashed by millions controlled by minuscule number of British army men that did it. Bose had awakened the Armymen, he made them aware of their strength. Army must fight for its people and not exploiters of its people. He gave them the confidence, the courage, the means to organise and face the enemy, the exploiters who were controlling them. Meanwhile in the parallel narration of freedom, the mahatmas have firmly brought in the religion into political space and discourse, not as a spiritual understanding but in pivotal role as pointers of religious identities and differences. Unity in diversity was in full force, as human beings quite aware of their degrading differences, grudgingly came together. Moral foundation was sought to be constructed on the primitive structure. It very well served the needs of mediocre and status quo driven elite, it had the least likely reason to rattle their power and immoral world. Peace was at premium as it suited them just fine, hence wonderful ideas on nonviolence were pushed into hapless people –whose had/have never known any form peace in their miserable world, nor this one to do with any absence of violence. Nonviolence was compelling arsenal that kept the mediocre elite on the top of the game, this dreadful world was broken by occasional invaders and temple breakers, a welcome respite and new addition into the idea of miserable India. As new rulers dropped in, the mediocre elite negotiated the milieu with the essential attribute of fawning to the powerful and viciously subjugating the weak. They worked in tolerance and moral high ground in compelling narration. This art was at full swing as they dealt colonial Britain.

 As with any artificial conception that seeks to divide people and subjugate. It didn’t work, very soon as the pressure build up, it started to crumble. ‘Do or die’ became the craven call, as the elite scampered to grapple the spoil. They pushed the hapless people into the mouth of partition, the horror that followed is well known in the annals of history. Never was in the human history so many millions of people massacred, maimed and displaced. This is the result of diluting humans into identities, most significantly on religion, as if human beings don’t have any other selves or individuality. The machiavellian and incredibly mediocre elite claims for nonviolence is bogus. Religion, if ever, can only be a minor, if not regrettable, identity. This exaggeration of human being into religion is a clever ploy by arbitrators who seek control; the minority rights herein should be reevaluated. Most significantly each religion should be closely scrutinized and stringently questioned. Too much is lost in this nonsense. And yes beware of peace pouting clever Indians and their shrewd semantic jugglery, they are the worst of the lot and should be taken to task, firmly put into their debauched reality with some plain home truths. 

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Ominous of things to come

The mass exodus towards Europe from conflict regions is a stark reminder of things to come. The sights of vulnerable people scampering for life, perilous journeys, ensuing terrible tragedies –that once made people feel guilty, mortified, the empathy loses its way as these get repeated, becomes common. The numbness to other’s misery gives way to atavistic response to outsiders; this disgust translates into expressions that could range from xenophobia to racist attitude. The common people therefore pay the price of avarice of few, the insatiable urge for power of some as they use all kinds of ideology including faith to achieve it. ISIS is an opportune creations of fractures between the arbitrators, as the ecosystem become terrible hence these vicious species. The internet has accentuated the macabre as also the danger of common place. The complacency that follows with shifting mediums and images is now a mainstay further numbed by distracting market. About 70odd people suffocating to death inside a container truck as they escape for better life would have deeply scythed the soul, it no longer does, as the images shifts to new scenes of ghastly meanwhile market breaks in with constant reminders of choices to buy. If it is not absurd then it must surreal, this really cannot be accepted as the new normal. It is also becoming increasingly clear that political faith and expression of religion in public is an anti-thesis to rational values and concept of modernity, this new low cannot be the arbitration point of democracy hence defining expression of human right. These kinds of exhibitionist ways of faith is causing miseries, dividing people and objectifying humans.

As human population increases the newly added consumers are celebrated by market based philosophy, the deterioration is least of concern, meanwhile the richer sections have insulated themselves and have strategically positioned to gain from the misery, hence this unconcern for increasing population and deteriorating environment. In India this unconcern gets consolidated by traditional apathy and habits of clever reasoning devoid of rationale or ethics. As the climate change impact is felt it is the most vulnerable who will pay the price. Not Murdoch, this wonder of market media, a system that invariably places premium on buffoons. There are many billionaires and millionaires like him, who gained from market buffoonery and slick manipulation. They are burgeoning all around as the symbols of market driven prosperity. India being a vassal state for American market is dumped with these warped notions, therefore the millionaires multiply as the degradation continues. The consumption based economy celebrates consumption, and is devoid of any rational thoughts except maybe clever ways to multiply money. Even wasting is celebrated as it fuels more demand. What kind of demented system is this? With clear scientific evidences on fossil fuel related carbon increase warming they don’t seem concerned. A more responsible society would have stopped events like car racing and unnecessary fuel consumption, to start with, indeed a crime that is carried on as if some people are living in parallel universe. If only these irresponsibilities could be contained with feeling appalled, but we are beyond it. It has started to affect us directly.  Market led by billionaires like Murdoch and Trump have established that Homo sapiens are money sucking brutes devoid of any logic except maybe self-aggrandisement. A world centred around them and for them.  

Climate change is going to displace millions of people. India being a vulnerable country exposed to vagaries of nature as vast population is exposed as well as dependent. Food security, livelihood vulnerabilities, exposed to nature’s vagaries and fury, diseases...all adds to vulnerable section resorting to mass migration. Thickly populated and extremely vulnerable countries like Bangladesh will have an impact on India too. Climate migrants is the new crisis that is not very far.  

Chickens are coming home to roost: Hindu fundamentalists are always on the lookout for rallying point, as the religion in itself doesn’t give that grip. Semitic religion, specifically Islam, have mostly rallied successfully to reduce the space for expression and values of liberty as twisted understanding of minority and rights herein gain credence. They have been quite successful in recent times, the degraded world is much celebrated as vicious patriarchy finds space, child rights are non-existent, societies are forced to take steps backward to accommodate these primitive worlds in the guise of protecting minority. It is a collective lose to humanity. The recent support for killers of Charlie Hebdo brings in this deceptive framework that thrives on hypocrisy. As voices of sanity get killed in Bangladesh, in a systematic and brutal manner, the protest is limited. These are lessons for Hindu fundamentalists. Now if you support, even remotely, the slick argument that justifies the perpetrators of Charlie Hebdo, then you have lost your credibility to protest against killing of rationalist by Hindu fundamentalists. Some highbrow elites tend to play this clever game; the habit of positioning themselves as voice of peace at international level but have no qualms in being the brutal local guardians comfortably espousing freedom of expression to showcase liberal values. In Indian context as mentioned earlier this is fight of brethren to tighten the grip over common people. Sickular liberals give an underhand push to fundamentalist; this gives them the consolidation as also the international pointers of liberalism, much needed credibility. In this sleight the primitive Indian elite come out as kindred souls. These games have been played quite successfully over the years. Now that the Hindu fundamentalist are gaining ground, assiduously following the Islamic fundamentalism, it is an easy journey as sickulars have cleared the path well with amazing hypocrisy.

Nothing explains why a depraved scoundrel like Aurangzeb was chosen as a name of a road right in the middle of Delhi. This is a well thought out plan, it seeks to showcase thyself in the rarefied field of secularism and beacon of extreme tolerance. This kind of extremes can be easily be observed in behaviour patterns of Indian sickularism, it comes not from heightened egalitarian ways but is a product of clever manipulations, an amazing lack of compassion or empathy is exhibited. In this dangerous game they also push the society into extremes, and seek to extract benefits from miseries. It is also not a coincidence that feudal societies like Pakistan which celebrate these barbarians have firmly moved towards pits, indeed not surprisingly Pakistan itself has become quite a brutal place on earth churning religious fundamentalism all around (ofcourse it is a different matter that when Indian elite visit Pakistan they meet people like thyself, feudal and equally depraved but high on sheen, perfect hosts and a great evening of subtle words ensconced in barbarity that Indian elite so well understands that it compliments. It is a second home, as also amazing world of easy sickularism. They also share same enthusiasm for british monarchy), not to forget inhuman blasphemy laws.. 
Not quite coincidentally at the junction of erstwhile Aurangzeb road, next to Lodhi gardens, you will find roads named after fathers of some powerful congress leaders. All within the turf of sickularism, I believe. Sarmad would have been an ideal choice. It is people like Sarmad Shaheed who have defined Indian society over the ages, and have been constant presence in ideas of secularism as Indian people understands it. He maybe finally rested as a Sufi saint, but it is difficult to classify whether he was a Jew or a Hindu or Muslim.  He falls into a space that defines Indian secularism. Squatters masquerading liberals, tethered to primitive world as they are, can reach till sickularism. Sarmad requires understanding, it needs subtlety and risk, both unknown to mediocre elites, and importantly it also doesn’t fall into mullah appeasement, the staple of Indian sickularism that quite suits the feudal power structures which Indian elite so well understands.  

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

On speaking, walking and writing

On speaking: People speak lots of crap these days; probably it is a market need to keep the titillation going, the attention seekers galore. I am rarely finding any interesting or sensible talks nowadays; it is becoming far and few. There aren’t many people whom when you hear you take notice, that there is an indication of something deeper, substantial. Such speaking has become quite rare. There are ofcourse some riveting stuff online so on, some of the TED talks really are worth the time. Some of the talks by Osho, that I got hooked to in my 20s really stands out (need to emphasis, there are crap too), J.Krishnamurthy so on and yes, followers can only be followers, cheap replications. Recently I happen to listen to Jayant Narlikar, quite an amazing man (ofcourse I already mentioned about Ted Turner, in context to recent listening experience). 

 What does it take for people to speak some sense? I am reminded of a movie I saw long time back that I took out to watch again recently, from my pirated video stock. My Life to Live is a quintessential Godard stuff, hence a customary philosophical interlude is always on card, that adds to the charm I guess. There is a scene where a woman, who is into prostitution, has a rendezvous with a philosopher (Brice Parain, playing himself). The woman says “It’s odd. Suddenly I don’t know what to say; it often happens with me. I know what I want to say. I think about whether it is what I mean. But when the moment comes to speak, I can’t say it”. The philosopher addresses the issue with an interesting take from a fiction work “You’ve read The Three Musketeers?” he asks, expectantly the woman has not read it and she queries “Why”.
“Because, in it there is a character named Porthos…tall, strong and little stupid. He never thought in his life. He has to place a bomb in a cellar to blow it up. He does it. He places the bomb, lights the fuse, then he runs away, ofcourse. But suddenly he begins to think”. And this one is really terrific, he starts to thinks about “How is it possible to put one foot before the other?!” “So he stops running. He can’t go on, he can’t move forward. The bomb explodes and the cellar falls on him…and he is crushed to death. The first time he thought in his life and it killed him”
The woman, evidently not getting the drift, says “Why are you telling me this story?”
“No reason. Just to talk”
The woman takes it from there, into an archetypal Godard loop, “Why must one always talk? Often one shouldn’t talk, but live in silence. The more one talks the less the words mean”
“Perhaps but can one?...I have found that we cannot live without talking” says the philosopher.
“I would like to live without talking”
“Yes it would be nice wouldn’t it?...but it is impossible”
“But why words should express just what one wants to say…Do they betray us?”
The philosopher explains “But we betray them too. One should be able to express oneself. It has been done in writing. Think someone like Plato, can still be understood…he can. Yet he wrote in Greek, 2500years ago…we should be able to express ourselves. And we must”
“Why must we? To understand each other?” asks the woman.
“We must think, and for thought we need words. There is no other way to think” (this blogger holds that you can think in images, and then use appropriate words to bring it out). He adds “To communicate, one must talk; that is our life”
“Yes, but it’s very difficult” the woman confesses, that she is a prostitute makes it stark, as also that she is killed in a senseless violence later adds to the irony. She adds after some thought “I think life should be easy”
Now here the philosopher says something that brings in the gist “I think one learns to talk well only when one has renounced life for a time. That is the price. So, to speak is fatal. Speaking is almost a resurrection in relation to life. Speech is another life from when one does not speak. So, to live in speech one pass through the death of life without speech…there is a kind of ascetic rule that stops one from talking well, until one sees life with detachment”
“But I cannot live everyday life with…I don’t know”
 “With detachment?...We balance, that is why we pass from silence to words. We swing between the two because it’s the movement of life. From everyday life one rises to a life we call superior. The thinking life. But this life presupposes one has killed the everyday, too elementary life”
“Then thinking and talking are the same?”
“I think so. Plato said so, it’s an old idea. One cannot distinguish the thought from the words that expresses it. An instance of thought can only be grasped through words”
(this blogger avers that it remains an idea with Indian elite who have expertise on detaching thoughts from speech, it is quite effortless around here, achieved by centuries of inbreeding and deceitful ways. Indeed they have taken to the next level, the nuances of semantics adds to the absurdity of speaking, as also writing –an occupation that guarantees scholastic attributes, whatever nonsense one may write).

On walking: “No wealth can buy the requisite leisure, freedom, and independence which are the capital in this profession. It comes only by the grace of God. It requires a direct dispensation from Heaven to become a walker”. That is Thoreau writing exclusively on walking. I really don’t want to burden it with my thoughts, except I have been quite a walker, so I leave some views of Thoreau. 
“The walking of which I speak has nothing in it akin to taking exercise, as it is called, as the sick take medicine at stated hours”
“I am alarmed when it happens that I have walked a mile into the woods bodily, without getting there in spirit…The thought of some work will run in my head and I am not where my body is –I am out of my senses. In my walks I would fain return to my senses. What business have I in the woods, if I am thinking of something out of the woods?”

 “My desire for knowledge is intermittent, but my desire to bathe my head in atmospheres unknown to my feet is perennial and constant. The highest that we can attain to is not Knowledge, but Sympathy with Intelligence. I do not know that this higher knowledge amounts to anything more definite than a novel and grand surprise on a sudden revelation of the insufficiency of all that we called Knowledge before—a discovery that there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of in our philosophy. It is the lighting up of the mist by the sun. Man cannot KNOW in any higher sense than this, any more than he can look serenely and with impunity in the face of the sun: "You will not perceive that, as perceiving a particular thing," say the Chaldean Oracles”

“I am astonished at the power of endurance, to say nothing of the moral insensibility, of my neighbours who confine themselves to shops and offices the whole day for weeks and months, aye, and years almost together”.

On writing: I started reading things seriously only in my mid20s, before that mostly confined to comics. When I say seriously I mean not under any duress or compulsion but choosing books as I thought appropriate without any intent or reason, just that I got to read and nothing much.  Three to four years of consistent reading, and then one morning as I saw this man walking across the street in Karol Bagh on a cold morning, I thought I should attempt on writing. Haven’t ever written even a paragraph properly it didn’t really pan out the way I thought. It was messy and regrettable venture but I kept at it, as and when it occurred to me that I should write. In last many years I have written more than I ever thought I would, writing still is quite a complicated task. When the thought is to be converted into English words, it comes out like a bunch of horses out of starting gate; there is a stampede of words, some words move here and there, some move faster than others. In the meanwhile some words have their own problems, the appropriateness, the texture, the spelling so on. The task is to reign in, streamline it into something logical, into an Indian line, steadily moving towards sentence, despite these eventual calm stray words do jut out like a surprise longer odds at the wining post. Causing much irritation, a steward’s enquiry, some probing, rechecking so on.