Monday, September 21, 2015

Winnowing in the start-up wind

There is a new revolution underway, it is being referred to as Start Ups, and Bengaluru seems to be the epicentre, atleast in India. Now if the startups are substantial in its idea and intent then it’s worth noting, otherwise this hoopla is misplaced. Some people are only trying to fill in the gaps that the new technological devices have unleashed. Those who are aware of these and have the wherewithal will work it out to multiply the money. It is true that some of them do create set ups that increase/improve convenience so on. These opportunities for easy money should be placed in its context. And I dare say many of these are but sophisticated touts, a rather sanitised jugaad. They can carry on but when meritorious engineers and research student shift their attentions to these then it need to be scrutinised. The culture of making money by whatever means, more money indications of god’s favour (hence some cut to temple) gets consolidated, money therefore is the indicator of merit, therefore easy mobility to respect and power. The reason why not many are interested in dedicated research or sustained inquisitiveness that education provides. Indeed education is seen as only a conduit to money making enterprises.  

Innovation is an essential feature of vibrant society but within the framework of seeking opportunities for easy money it is a rather limited concept. In an increasingly moribund society like India ideas of innovation falls into set pattern, it lacks passion or sustained interest in knowledge building, though it has constant claim of high culture of knowledge and enquiry. There is some truth to the claim but these were far and rare, as also there was no tradition of consolidating these nor were based on egalitarian values. Indeed one can assert that best of tradition worked with the Buddhist, and this is the cradle of Indian philosophy that carries a tradition that predates and persistently negates squatter manipulation. The reason why Nalanda, Takshashila, as also worthy scholars of ancient India, were mostly part of Buddhist framework, as also there began a tradition of consolidation and dissemination of knowledge and thoughts. This was an attempt on framework of excellence in a society that was slipping into primitiveness and crassness. What is paraded as contemporary Hinduism is negation of these egalitarian values, it is squatter’s degraded world that is being sought to be consolidated and equated with other religions, hence clever claim for religious rights and expression. Wherein, these were constant threat to Hinduism itself and product of feudal power. Secularism, as is understood by Indians is strident negation of squatter, and strive for a compassionate and encompassing world view. It is to be noted that in the last many decades these ideas have weakened as squatter sickularists –hinging on market liberalism, and right wing –hinging on squatter traditions, have been tail spinning the society for power grab. The general deterioration in society can be traced to these manipulations; it lacks egalitarian or ethical values.       
Innovations therefore are for short term gains and hinges on bigger changes that is unleashed from, as it is for an observer, an alien world; hence these startups are only minor novelties, scrambling akin to gold rush of the Wild West. Very soon the gold in cave is depleted and rush is over, what we are left is a ghost town, akin to dot com bubble burst. Startups are refreshing additions but my concern here is that in the rush for these short term easy money some people with huge potential for research and intelligence, for developing path breaking theories and ideas are squandering, and seeking these incremental roles/gains firmly hinged on short term money and gains. This is celebrated, and excited commentary, brings in skewed understanding of success in this mediocre thriving society. Money greed is overwhelming as it comes with ideas of being blessed, hence mobility and power, therefore the mindset for somehow grab is internalised. The situation becomes grievous since unique problems of India need innovative solutions, and not replication of west or waiting for ideas from contexts that has nothing in common. Innovation needs not only an exceptional technical expertise that constantly seeks to improve but more importantly an awareness and empathetic connection to the surrounding. Startups rarely, are exhibitions of these intents. It is a collective loss to society when people who could have utilised their talent for better use are reduced to these indulgences and manipulations. It becomes rather acute when we are aware of the desperation that inflicts the society, educated section have a huge responsibility, in the context of things to aim for multiplying money is pathetic if not deeply unethical. It took some bright western technologists to work out gravity as source of renewable energy (GravityLight by UK engineers). This simple, elegant but sturdy device, functions in the poor and remote areas of Bihar. Another startup I came up recently is based in Lagos, Nigeria, where this fellow observed fish skin being wasted, hence worked out converting fish skin into leather products and marketed online, giving employment to women of impoverished fishing community but also converting into affordable product from what was considered waste.

Such innovations are rare from Indians, enmeshed in squatter crude worldview as tradition and attitude. These crudeness are so entrenched and overwhelming that they are in denial, accepting would collapse their well camouflaged world, that is cleverly mimicking western liberalism, and expose their primitive ways. Shocking statistics of Indian deprivation when put in context to civilised world is an eye opener to this entrenched crudeness. When I was out of college and roaming around I got few opportunities to make big money (people were rushing to USA for Y2K issue and making pots of money, i recall going to the gate of the training center with few friends and then decided 'no this not what i am going to do') as also nepotism favoured jobs with good steady income, somehow it didn’t excite me, worst I was interested doing part time jobs (for me it gave lot of time to do nothing, precisely what I wanted) that didn't need any certificates, that seemed like taking me nowhere, incidentally it never did, not the least I wasn’t aiming going anywhere!. Frustrated by my nonchalant attitude one elderly fellow tried to guide me with some Malayalam sayings, the one I recall, “kaat adikimbol morom veeshanum”, winnow when there is a wind. Startups are winnowing in the favourable wind. The wind that is controlled by some smart people, somewhere else, that this society lacks the calibre to initiate or sustain. The best can only function when they migrate, escape is the right word.  

That the society puts premium on these attitudes creates aspirations that are amazingly trivial, hence the mediocre nature of the society. Capitalism seems to have consolidated these attitudes hence these successes are celebrated. Not surprising from a society that has success written all over, indeed considered an epitome of marvellous success (and blessing, ofcourse) when the miserable fellow scrambles through IIT and then sniffs IIM and then drivels through as finance consultants or whatever that fetches (now startups), keeps using all avenues with the single most aim to multiply money. Winnowing in the favourable wind. This unscrupulous fellow is the ideal of Indian success, indeed seen with reverence, a role model. Meanwhile less fortunate are scrambling for job security, a peon post has attracted lakhs of applicants many even holding PhDs. Is it such a surprise that none of the thousands of universities, of this second largest populated country in the world, find mention anywhere near top hundred in the world?

It is not really a providence that I decided not to follow any conventional pattern of jobs, nor was keen on structured education and certificates herein. Though I started with a specific intention of deconstructing education (and did spent few years reading about pedagogical methods, philosophies herein and visiting educational institutions) I never thought this would become so all-encompassing thought and spread so wide.  The reason for DePalan is also not a coincidence. That millions of people are trapped in squatter’s worldview as also market created inane jobs, that keeps them occupied all day (and night too if you are Amazonian!!) and create spurious path to upper mobility and further richness. When you deconstruct these, or read someone at it, it is an amazing feeling. That I kept myself unoccupied most of the time brought me in direct conflict with traditional elite, and their entitled worldview, this head-on with depraved bourgeoisie is no doubt in line with two worlds collapsing in its contradictions, irony . Elite sections have nothing much to do except manipulations, creating perceptions and consolidating power structure and benefits herein, while common people are occupied in their daily dungeon, unaware or most likely incapable to question these bourgeoisie charades. These charades and consumption are placed as liberal values. The elite section is very much assured of their immoral ways as liberal, as much as common people try adhering to moral values as religious favour. What is moral in here is debatable except that it has very strong control mechanism. What is clear is that this tacit connection helps elite section to work out their profligate ways and have control. That I was able to come out of it and look at these functioning as an observer is what makes it amazing for me. It is unlike common people, it is not something that was part of the bargain, that could be manipulated. “Gentleman with independent means” (as my intro reads in this blog) is not something that is in line with where I am placed. It is mocking the entitled and their worldview.  

Targeting Rehman, con couple at work:  Rehman has serious reason to worry, not because of some excited mullah (fatwa mullah should be arrested as immediately as the scoundrel utters the death threat, clearly some find it difficult to functions in democratic ways. Criminals should be punished, right wing threats to rationalist should be dealt severely), but con couple. Instead of worrying about fatwa mullah he should keep track of con couple, they are much dangerous. Rehman has been on a high target list of our con couple. It is not unknown that Crude woman has fatwa mullah in her emergency call list. Anyone connected to bollywood are known to give them wide berth. More these people create noise –ostensibly for Rehman sake, more they are taunting the mullah to make the move. They are furiously branding themselves at Rehman’s expense. ZK explained to me “budiya ko lusaka ke pani wallon ne hakal diya, bola isme trustworthy brand ka dum nahi hai”. Rehman must understand that people support him, he is universally liked, but after con couple hooliganism and ransacking people are embarrassed, hence quiet.

I asked them “thum logon ko aajkal call back athe hai kya?”
Arre jiski dukan bandh ho gayi unse humko kya lena dena?” Crude woman countered, as she chiselled her huge claw like thick toe nails with a large hammer like contraption. ZK flinched at the sight, but came back into his self as soon “Isko aajkal Hollywood se callback athe hai” “budiya ke sab topz classz rishthedar holywood meh settled hai
“How so?” I enquired.
wo jo Streep haina wo iski chacheri behen legthi hai, Clooney mua iska fufaji ka muh bola beta hai. Oprah mue ko iska baap ka sthan hai after sexz changingz”