Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Seriously Tharoor? You must be kidding.

   Tharoor is someone one could have taken seriously a decade back, he had some enviable collection of books in his name, respected for his views and a high profile job at UN and so on. He was seen as a blue eyed boy of the establishment, he capitalised on it quite well, and must add may have exaggerated his spread and reach, he contested UN Secretary General’s election –intriguingly the Indian government decided to throw its weight in his support, predictably he lost to Ban Ki Moon. Since then he was parachuted as Congress candidate into election and won twice, meanwhile the cricket ka keeda got him enmeshed into opportunism for easy money, market media exaggerations saw him inflate himself (around the time when Crude woman nodded to ZK and ZK nodded back, con couple have sighted their next target!!) hence became an easy fodder for manipulators, thus began his compelling downfall. Happenings in his personal life seems murkier than lakes of Bengaluru, since it is under investigation it’s not right to comment, but there is something not quite right.

In the meanwhile his conduct, his views so on has given the measure of him. This blogger doesn’t really have to watch his viral video to conclude what it is all about. This questioning Britain over its colonial exploitations is a joke, on two accounts, one, colonial power is expected to colonise and exploit (is that a surprise?). Secondly, putting these exploitations into the depraved realities of Indian society makes it a study on irony if not hypocrisy. Meanwhile he has praise for Indian mercenary soldiers fighting the cause of colonial power but doesn’t have anything for INA is the reflection of pathetic attitude of these conniving people. They try to squiggle benefits from dominant narration that looks charming from western perspective. How to bulldoze these into Indian narration is the constant strive of this section, must add with considerable success. INA must be brought to its rightful position as creator and guide of Indian defence force. Subash Chandra Bose is undoubtedly the father of Indian Defence force, and should have his picture prominently placed in every defence establishment, indeed his statue should be erected at India gate.       
Tharoor, like his benevolence exuding bourgeoisie colleagues, follow the same pattern (Macaulay’s bastards), that is, fawning for British, suiting the narration to these dominating realities with semantic dexterity, and an obsessive liking for stupid game called cricket, as they seek to represent Indians from these high pedestals. They position themselves as gentlemen in their ways and dealings, always hitting the fairness pointers to consolidate these. This reparation issue is a clever political ploy to elevate oneself as voice of Indians, the aggrieved Indian (ofcourse holding on to his drink!), wherein it’s clear that his arguments are facetious when put in Indian context and debauched realities that he is undoubtedly part of. The problem here is those who preach like to stake their moral position as far away from social context as possible. This has been the constant endeavour of Indian elite, particularly those striving on sickularism liberal framework. They constantly hinge themselves on western pointers of egalitarian values and appear as kindred souls, concerned of wellbeing of suffering souls around the world so on. They therefore have compelling hold on western audience as Indian mystical representation of compassion.

The other day I caught some glimpse of his interview with Thappar, needless to say I don’t watch these more than few minutes. It needs immense patience as also once you got the measure of the fellow it falls into predictable pattern, hence a waste of time. I am writing these since it shows the mindset of these people, the claim of liberal and higher moral ground is so hilariously fallacious, as also a revelation on wider ways of the sickular society. In this context Tharoor is a meaty catch (pun intended). So Tharoor was asked about the meat ban. Being a vegetarian but having spent lots of time in West, he had the tutored nuance of taking high moral grounds that seek to accentuate the mistake his uncouth fundamentalist brethren’s make, meanwhile placing himself in desirable frame. Tharoor as expected hinged himself firmly on ‘choice’ framework. Though it sounds assertion of liberty but is a well-accepted code for market driven egalitarianism and wonderful hedonist world herein. An oxymoron anyway you look at it. That likes of Tharoor is not different from tradition seeking Hindu fundamentalist, and that both are firmly entrenched in squatter’s primitiveness is established as he unravels himself. Tharoor supports the discriminatory verdict of SC to declare Haridwar and Rishikesh as vegetarian zones. This ruling should be challenged; it clearly doesn’t stand the scrutiny of natural justice as also logic. Frankly I wasn’t aware of these but now that I am aware will make it a point to buy chicken tandoori from Dehradun or somewhere and take it to Haridwar. Tharoor says “you have to keep the sanctity of the place”. Really and who told our ever-purifying-seeking-man that vegetarianism is what defines a temple or sanctity herein, or that Hindus are vegetarian? And shockingly that it need to be imposed on whole town. This is imposition of squatter’s depraved puritanism on others and will be resisted. Most importantly the sanctity of the temple can only be restored if squatters are evicted from the premise. Who gave them these traditional rights? This is discrimination of human rights and will have to be stopped, and severely dealt by the rule of law. Few centuries back squatter temples were site of untold misery and barbarism on common people. That this debauchery is continued and the framework supported is what makes this a savage society. Evicting squatter from temple premise is an unfinished business. This is the root of the rot, it sustains and nourishes amazingly crude worldviews and attitude that has severely degraded this society. Temple, as is with any site that seeks to represent god, should be necessarily be site that reflect values of kindness and compassion, that is the least requirement of any religious site. That this is absent in temples, and is replicated as attitude and ways of life among hapless people is what makes Indians uniquely barbaric. The cannibalistic nature of Indian society and everything rotten that emanates from this can be traced to squatter’s temple. Any temple that doesn’t reflect egalitarian values should be demolished, that is how the sanctity can be restored, if sanctity is what matters. That Tharoor is firmly tethered to debauched world of squatters is clear from his nonsensical utterings, he takes it to the next level by comparing to crudest possible example that is of the Saudis, arguably the sickest society on the face of earth. If Saudis can impose sanctity in mecca then what is wrong if sanctity is imposed in haridwar is our man’s line of thought. This amazingly is his reference to sustain his argument, what a depraved view. Not surprisingly from a sickular liberal, all non-violently so. Also, put this in context to how Pope has opened the churches in Vatican to Syrian refugees while the cash rich oil sucking primitive Saudis have turned their face away to this human catastrophe. You will also very soon see how gun totting embryo savers of humanity -the far right in USA, react to Pope. These are set patterns, and yes reflection of crude form of religion.               

When push comes to shove liberal sickulars and fundamentalist squatters will reflect each other’s depravity, tethered to squatter as Siamese twin, they struggle to distinguish. They have kept the perception of separateness in their habitual semantic jugglery and clever manipulative ways, and usurp benefits in whatever possible manner in neat portions. The recent developments, as fundamentalist squatters gain in strength, have put them in existential quandary. The mask is slipping. Tharoor makes a valiant effort, he says “Yes we too had ban on meat, on occasions, but these were never imposed strictly”. How cute, the fellow is spilling beans on what made liberal sickular bourgeoisie function all these decades. You make laws (in most cases carried from where the britishers left) not to follow it seriously, these lackadaisical ways are what made the lives of people miserable while the elite went in for the loot. Crony capitalism, nepotism and general apathy over plight of people can be traced to these attitudes.

Government, for that matter anyone, has no business to decide what anyone should eat or shouldn’t eat (except ofcourse what is protected under wildlife protection act). Not even for a single day or a moment. Meanwhile animal rights laws should be followed stringently. This game between liberal sickular squatters and traditional squatters has severely degraded the society and made the mockery of democracy. The true and liberating nature of Hinduism has been suppressed, though it does exist away from these debaucheries, everything good about this society can be traced to this idea of India, but it is under tremendous threat. It is unfortunate that common people too have been trapped into squatter’s debauchery and seems to have accepted these as fate, as a way out from their miserable lives. They have dug themselves into pits and seek security within this ever putrefying world. That in short is what makes this society amazingly deviant and increasingly dangerous, proud in its own wretchedness, assured of its entitled world and elevated place in the universe. Clearly claims of high culture are nothing but belch of rot.