Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Stormtroopers of narration control

 When atrocities are committed on humanity there is only one response that is possible to redeem collective conscience and that is through shock, anguish, and justice. Perpetrators of crime against humanity must face full force of the rule of law without any exception. Enlightened values, ideals of democracy and its institutions are hinged on retributive justice as also prevent such transgressions in future. When state is attacked -as has happened in recent times in Ukraine and Israel -and now Palestine, it is expected that multilateral agencies like UN take action through peace keeping force and restore order and justice through international courts so on. This is what civilized people do when faced with barbarity and crime against humanity. We unfortunately don’t live in ideal world, and most people are not civilized. So, what’s the deal?

It is always exhibition of power, and wanton greed, that use common people as fodder. There are no effective multilateral agencies nor efficient mechanism for synergic response to safeguard against transgressions, most countries are ruled by authoritarian leaders with almost no democracy while others are ruled by hereditary despots using religion or controlled by army or feudal ways to control the herd, and those that are democratic are mostly controlled by greedy psychopaths trying to amass their influence. In such scenario we can only be appalled and hope for better sense to prevail. We can only pray for unfortunate people who face worst of the world, and also feel fortunate for not being in such situation.  In the meanwhile, we can also respond by making every attempt at our disposal to see that power that sustains such dehumanizing systems are weakened, people presented with egalitarian choices and enlightened ways so that they can assert and protest against transgression on their liberty and freedom. They get educated and understand the importance of being a human and not reduce to herd. They become vigilant compassionate humans and not compliant segregated herd (snarling and vandalizing only for ‘our’ herd and ready to kill ‘other’ herd). There are devious forces trying to trap human being to frozen histories, fixed identities, and classify for benefits and control.

In the aftermath of barbaric attack on Israel -that saw massacring for more than thousand people within few hours, the scale of brutality should shudder any human being. But what we saw was appalling display of people in support of this horror. Primitive societies nurture brutal people, and that is the norm, and always a threat to the world, more they grow more is the threat. But what was shocking was  that these parades were happening in democratic societies that values liberty and freedom, and as always compromised Britain leading the way. These appalling celebrations of horror were also seen in many cities that pride in liberal values, accepting environment and egalitarian spaces. That some people, despite all the opportunities provided by open societies, think that brutalities against other humans is to be celebrated is a horrible statement on values nurtured. It is a caution and a lesson. Each and every person who supported/supports hamas must be weeded out and face full force of law (indeed in Australia -of all the place -indicating how things have degraded, some people were seen shouting ‘gas the jews’). There are videos available, liberal societies cannot nurture such people among its midst they are termites, they eat from inside. This was hours after innocent people were massacred and kidnapped by barbarians. Ofcourse now scene has changed. Brutal bombardment of Palestine and massacring of civilians has become serious concern, and those in support of plight of Palestinians -and against Israel state, are on the side of humanity. What also need to be understood is that terrorists have created massive underground network in gaza against Israel and are using civilians as shield. There are complexities but what cannot be denied is that civilians, specifically children, must be given safe passage to leave the area and extended all humanitarian aid. Meanwhile Israelis must revolt against state, and demand complete stoppage of war on Palestine. They can eradicate hamas but they leave vacuum for increasingly hostile people like what they did in Iraq and Afghanistan. Death of single innocent human being is a colossal tragedy on life. Netanyahu has no moral right to be the prime minister.   

There is another sinister presence that needs to be identified and dealt: The leftist intellectual. Let us make one thing very clear. Marxism is a powerful and liberating idea, and it has contributed much to the understanding of dynamics of society and power matrix within. It is an insightful presence and a check on crony/neocapitalism, wanton consumerism and feudal control through neo colonial agencies. Communism in a democratic society is a pitch towards socialism and distributive justice. It has nurtured and consolidated democracy through grassroot social movements all across the world. Grassroot consolidation leads to high level of literacy hence awareness of rights and progressive values, efficient public health and distribution system leading to better quality of life and possibilities. Kerala is an example of grassroot consolidation of democracy significantly through communist ideas and socialistic values (ofcourse entrenched feudal ways, corrupt values and lack of ethical contexts have severely limited the progressive intents). While Bengal is an example of failure of communism, a failure due to lack of grassroot democracy. Bengal remains low on social indices but high on left intellectuals and amazing level of hypocrisy that it breeds. There is a reason why communism in Bengal was uprooted without any trace. It is a study on depravities of left intellectualism. Abstraction into theories that alarmingly loses any connection with reality, essentially an ego ride, so much so that humans are abstracted for elitist indulgences -the kind that has roots in Britain. In some market driven circle it is also fashion statement, and with gandhian mix it becomes extremely virile power display for the sake of proletariats.  

So, although Marxism is an incisive understanding on society it is flawed as model for governance and can only complement within the democratic framework. Leftist intellectuals worked on binary narration of society as class, and as they abstracted these into spheres of dealing in their zeal (and characteristic indifference) they abstracted humans too. So in the absence of individuals empathy had no value. Theory and control over narration was the game. Unique context of human condition was systematically ignored in favour of the narration. Left thinkers are therefore perpetually trapped in the binary narration of historical dialectic. For them every contemporary event has to be controlled and evaluated through this narrative prism. They already have semantics abstracted to fill narration, carefully abstracted words that is used to compress class wars from history to the present, hence presenting a neat version of contemporary that they parrot devoid of the complexities. With this characteristic positioning, that essentially lack empathy, they can easily side with barbarity since it suits the leftist narration. Like capitalism, which only values humans as profitable cog in the system, communism has created binary of collective where human is lost in abstraction. This abstraction is now their only concern, to work their narration, and since leftist intellectuals almost always emerge from feudal frames with all the benefits and regressive values intact, a high level of sense of entitlement over fellow human being, they work their abstraction through comforts of debating clubs and increasingly narrower coterie of writings and dehumanized esoteric arguments dangerously disconnected from sense, this then is applauded by the group. Enthused they pretend to be in the pole position as moral arbitrators on all critical issues. They eventually get trapped in the hypocritical justification of their own loop of narration. Abstracted ideas and narrative control becomes more important than basic ethics or even decency. A normal human being will shudder at brutality on another human being but for leftist intellectual this is a paradigm justifying moment, they do suppress their winning smile though -a glimmer of humanity. Meanwhile any deviation from prescribed narration is taken as a personal failure, an affront on theory, and lacking compassion they hedge their emotion on ego. Thus, what we get is a boorishly rude person as left intellectual, lacking empathy or concern for contemporary or compassion for human predicament but ever ready to elaborate with high sounding words and exceeding articulate performance that do charm the youngsters. Idealist youngsters are susceptible, and by the time they unravel the layered chicanery they have already compromised their soul. Ofcourse, I do agree deeper involvement with ideas are important and a necessary stepping stone to understand world better. Or else there is always the herd hauling abyss of religion and mediocrity of market capitalism. Marxism is a compelling viewpoint to evaluate the world. It though is woefully limited and dangerously insidious like religion and neoliberal values. In the end it too is virulently dehumanizing and segregating. What is sinister is that it poses as an anti-thesis to market and religion, and glimpses a better world -that is a mirage. Communist atrocities that have led to mass killing and misery are rarely condemned by left intellectuals. It is not about compassion or reevaluating their worldview or position but a personal failure to communicate. Dead people could easily be explained with abstract words into abstract humans. Hence it is about chiseling the ideology, against the binary of imperialism. What they don’t realize is that they are increasingly the worst side of the coin. Leftist intellectuals have made Faustian deal with power. Be very concerned.                           

As thoughts get sophisticated words get evolved to express the nuance of the complex world we live in. Ideas get evolved and consolidated through words. The problem is when it loses connection with reality -importantly with humans and environment that are essential part of it. It is a passion devoid of humanity or habitat. It therefore becomes sinister manipulation to sustain their position in the argument. You will see how least concern left intellectuals are when some humans don’t fit their narration -even when they are brutalized or killed, concern is to articulate the logic. Since marxian world is a historical struggle of binary, they will also rarely show any concern for environment -it is not something that is factored, and like its adversary capitalism, nature is an exploitable means. Abstracted human as an agent is their concern everything else is usable for bigger cause. They see human as an abstraction in historical progress -struggle. This also makes them extremely sensitive about history. The use of abstract words and thoughts are therefore not for awareness of contemporary reality -the complexity of which has miniscule connection with history (past is exaggerated by devious forces to work the status quo of misery and trap humans for power struggle). There are therefore ‘colonial’ forces. If Israel-Palestine conflict is frozen as ‘colonizing’ -that is sought to go back to early last century, then there are many colonial angsts all across the world. Hindu herds will say it was colonizing forces that divided their land, it was an injustice that they would like to rectify. And they have ample history to prove their claim for pure land, extending from whole of south Asia and beyond. So why not invade Pakistan and rectify colonial injustice (some nutcases do hold this view, as an unfinished agenda). Vice versa, muslim herd from Pakistan would claim that India is part of their pure land, since muslim king ruled for centuries. So they have compelling reason to attack India and free their pure land. What kind of ridiculous arguments are these? Left intellectuals are notorious for working history to bring their besotted godforsaken dangerous narrations. Abstracted human herein is no longer struggling against historical exploitation but is a conduit to power that nurture herds into their pre assigned ascribed roles to repeat and replicate historical dialecticism. Intellectualism essentially boils down to ego ride of psychopaths who use humans as fodder for narration. 

It is through semantics of abstracted meaning that we try to understand, and then attempt to deal with the issue. Words helps us to understand the complexities of the world we are in. We really need to therefore critically analyze these crucial words that keys the issue as also the power play within. Most thinkers, in their growing phase atleast, are influenced or have engaged with left -since left had deeper involvement as their concern is collective struggle against power, so words gets accepted and with that the context. Now this is problematic. When you control the context of the word you also control the narration and intricacies of engagement. The narration of abstracted collective lacking humanistic concern, as a mass of people evolving in the binary struggle. History therefore is the lynchpin of context from marxian viewpoint. Historicity their weapon of choice to cleverly work into leftist narration of struggle against power. The problem here is history is always incomplete, manipulated, controlled, and significantly, has increasingly limited value (indeed nuisance) to understand the complexities of contemporary -we live in an increasingly complex world with catastrophic challenges that were inconceivable even few decades back. Since historical dialecticism is the foundation of marxian history, history is the wound that has to be kept festering. This is how you work the binary of us and them. The way left intellectual look at the world one would think human beings are divided into two unrelated species. And the one with which left intellectual sides are essentially human while the other has to be destroyed -far left doesn’t rule out violence the reason why they must be contained within democracy and strict rule of law. 

Since the world is complex, and with profusion of technology and comfort as also social media and easy access to global world, individuals have found their voice and have become assertive to express their reality. Simultaneously lacking deeper engagement, or nuanced approach, to whatever is there to deal. The world is increasingly attention seeking, superficialities rivet. This is where words become even more important. People are not reading long incisive articles and insightful understanding but throwing words at each other which carry deeper meaning -many a times without realizing it. Words that invoke history is what we need to be beware of since it brings in fracture of the past that surely has no, and must not have, relevance to contemporary. Systems that invoke these words are persistent threat to the world we live in. Communism and religion are systems that seek relevance from past. They really have nothing much to offer for the contemporary. The binary -us/them, segregation, dehumanizing values lacking compassion or concern is how these systems consolidate. They persistently bring words from the past to degrade the present. With words they bring the context of dead past as festering wound, and so the world loses much of humanity. So, eventhough communism steadily lost its influence across the world due to its incapacity to abstract human for their collective dialectic they are able to control the narration through the words used that percolate into common parlance and claims of historical wrongs and counter claims -that use same semantics of deal devoid of contemporary context.

Communism spread in 20th century and held hope for better world but very soon major flaws were apparent. In the last few decades, it has failed or had to morph from core ideology to garner support. Failure to abstract human for collective dialectics is a fall out of the changed world. Technology leading to individual assertion and increasing awareness of nuance of world we live in -individual context and human condition. Communism though has much left to offer against work place exploitation through unionizing collective voice against neoliberal neocolonial power structures spreading through market capitalism and their nefarious attempts to control through insidious technologies. Socialism remains a significant understanding for public policy. Technology, and easy access to world, has also led to lack depth in dealing and understanding. In this superficial, and increasingly fake and manipulated, world human seeks collective -being social animal as also dreading loneliness, isolation or incapacity to face frightening human condition and absurdities of life. Superficial values of unthinking minds find juvenile premise of religion comforting, its assured association with other compelling. There is also primal subconscious angst for known that get satisfied, as also fear of unknown assuaged through fantastical claims and grand stories. The reason why religion despite its anachronistic degrading values gets primacy. Laughable claims that don’t stand basic scrutiny is found acceptable, and in complete horrifying dehumanization are ready to kill another human to justify the absurd. Such absolute lack of connection to reality of existence and faith in fantasy is what religion presents. More the number of herds increases more it stands as a challenge to humanity.

The paradox of lacking followers but firm control over narration is where left intellectual workout their devious plan to establish their entitled self on the world. Instead of high stand of abstracting humans for collective struggle they now find readymade collective -albeit herd with entirely different concern but equally dehumanized and segregated. So, the left intellectual doesn’t have to dehumanize people into abstract human collective, herd is already dehumanized and incapable to think. The binary of imperial forces, colonial atrocities and fascist agenda are words that are freely used. Herd has to be a victim. While herd controlling state is the aggressor, indeed, imperial fascist force. There are no complexities. Period. Left intellectual has his or her work cut out. And in the luxuries of feudal trappings, they pronounce the verdict in spellbinding semantic flourish that encompass vistas of history to how we landed into the present. This is the danger we face.             

The essential and abiding identity of human being is to be a human, a vibrant life with all unique possibilities. There is providence of race and gender which shouldn’t matter if societies have evolved. Any other identity is a choice. It cannot be imposed on people, to classify and segregate. Ofcourse societies can be primitive, individuals insecure and crass, but that is not the reason to dilute progressive thoughts and evolved ideas. Being a social animal human being must have the all the option to associate into collective of their choice and identify as they wish. What matters is humanism and understanding, and a connection with reality of life. If you persistently classify people -and piece of land, under religion then you take away the choice of being a human -it is an assault, and ofcourse also the absurdity of branding land as a claim for religion. These absurdities are deviously worked into history, and then into contemporary to create recurring loops of misery and wasted future. It places humans as replication of past generations and as such lack faculties to think or express, or the capacity to identify with vibrant present. It is an attempt at negating human, and bracketing into preconceived identities. The reason why progressive societies must actively remove religion or its influence from education space that impress young minds. Education is meant to equip to be a human and assert one’s unique individuality.                  

To relegate crisis to past -the history, as definitive reference is to trap people in a sinister loop wherein devious narration control act as arbitrators and moral authority. The claim of history can easily be challenged since it is based barbarism of past -which shouldn’t be a reference for present. To claim victimhood from past is spurious attempt at obfuscating complexities of present. Victims were in context to time and space in which they lived. Their choice were denied. The claim of victimhood from history is based on the fallacy that you represent the victim and that you don’t have choice, or that past is about you. What is needed is to deny the past, and attempts to invoke it. What is needed is to see that systems that denied choice in past is relegated. Feudal structures and regressive values that denied humanity is dismantled. Democratic ideals and institutions are nurtured, freedom and liberty asserted.    

Recently there are calls made to apologize for colonial atrocities of past from british monarchy. This is precisely the ridiculous level to which narration are controlled, without any care for contemporary. Where do you draw the line of where history ends or begins? Or to whom do you apologize? Where the societies democratic with each individual enjoying freedom before western colonization? As we stretch history back in time the list of apologies will grow. Similarly, many religions and faiths controlled land over centuries, and much before that early human settlers from hunter gatherers. If anybody has claim on land then it should be early humans, much before any contemporary religions existed. Where do you freeze the line of history, and why? And who decides? This invoking of history is dangerous and futile. There is no doubt that monarchy is a regressive presence and sustains feudal values and carries the fractures of past and must be dismantled. Its continuation is an insult on each and every human being on earth. Colonialism is a source of festering wound across the world. It is however failure of society to blame the past, it shows incapacity to deal with the present. Many societies, specifically in east Asia, were poor swampy regions only a few decades back but through investment in education as also progressive values are able to reclaim. Britain need not apologize for its past, it is absurd. It must surely apologize for the present. 



Monday, October 30, 2023

    Antisemitic and Islamophobic cartoon 

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Let us play war
You bring your bodies. I bring mine 
Let us arrange them in neat rows
Head matching the torso. Arms matching the legs
What doesn’t match shouldn’t bother us
Whole number is the whole human
To exchange stories of how
Missiles, guns, bombs, machetes, stones…
Blasted, shot, blown, chopped, hit…
Our god in heaven obliterate satan to eternal burning hell
Our god gouge eyes of satan in hell
Let us now haggle on numbers and claim avenging for blessed martyrs
Let us yell our narration of morals through shrieks of pain
Dead people of your land dance in joy in our land
Dead people of our land dance in joy in your land
Do you hear the beat?

Wednesday, October 25, 2023


Failure of collective will


We are facing existential crises that needs collective global response. Technology has made it possible for global collective actions the kind never seen in human history. The possibilities this offer is tremendous. But there is a failure of intent. There is a failure of collective will. It’s a colossal failure of humanity. Consequences are dire. There is urgent collective action needed to prevent climate breakdown -indications are pointing to growing fracture, how fast this will cascade into runaway climate is to be seen. With this the collapse of biodiversity and resilience of habitats and all that we care.

This failure of collective will to tackle crisis is now apparent in middle east conflict. There is a crime against humanity unfolding in Gaza. It’s a failure of multilateral organizations like UN as also other powerful entities that control narration. Israel, like any other country, has right to defend itself particularly when barbarians intrude and assault conscience of humanity. It has all the right to pursue the terrorists, destroy and decimate the terror infrastructure. It is incumbent on international community to extend unconditional support. Collateral casualties could be contained by precision targeting and intelligence gathering. This is the sanest path. It avoids the sinister trap laid by terrorists for war of accretion and mayhem, as also breakdown of rule of law within the civilized society and collective conscience. When you kill innocent people part of you also dies. When society becomes avenging blood thirsty jingoistic nation democracy and civilized norms gets sidelined. This works for devious people and authoritarian leaders.  

If Bush hadn’t taken the megalomaniacal path of retribution world would be a better place. What was needed was precision targeting terrorist hideouts and infrastructure with intelligent input. Carpet bombing Iraq as a personal vengeance against Saddam Hussain and all the mass killing and mayhem led to an unsafe world. Netanyahu is playing the same text book of incompetent leader trying to redeem himself using crisis as an opportunity to consolidate. He is unhinged. His bravado has serious consequence. What Israel needs is a new leader who doesn’t take this as a personal failure but a collective failure and works this crisis as an occasion for transformation. Enough of bombing Gaza, message is communicated that such barbarianism against state has dire consequences. But this really cannot go on. It has well past the retributive intent. It is now a crime against humanity. Those supporting this military action by Israel in Gaza need to pull the plug. This will have to stop.

Meanwhile supporters of terrorist groups must face full extent of rule of law. What also need to be understood is that when we support Palestine against, what is now essentially a crime against humanity, assault by Israel we are not morphing this as trap of Islamic brotherhood nonsense and the vicious narrations that it spreads, nor supporting Israel earlier has to do with zionism or stand against antisemitism. Suffering humans anywhere is a concern for all and we extend our support. Some suffering, it seems, has more traction than others among opportunists because it has more number of herds. Religion should have no place in identifying what suffering to associate to. These kinds of easy narrations are dangerous and meant to segregate and dehumanize, and undermine complexities and essential human condition as also devious forces at play. Democratic countries should have space for protest against massacre unleased by Israel but if it is calling for annihilation of Israel -very much orchestrated by islamic radicals as some kind of medieval war against jews, then we have to be very cautious and weed these out. The call for ‘free palestine’ seems to be couched in euphemism for annihilation of Israel. People must really make it clear what this means, or is it like what they are shouting in Britain; to ‘remove’ jews. One would avoid using words like antisemitism or islamophobia since these are trigger words for wider narration and counter narration of grievances that has absolutely no relevance in contemporary, indeed it complicates and vitiates. Beware of those who use these terms. It is a criminal lack of context and complexities of contemporary and an attempt at easy narration of control. Left movement, which was expected to provide vibrant viable option against wanton market capitalism and cronyism with assertions of socialist values that strengthens democracy, is seen with suspicion for associating with worst of humans as victims hence playing into revivalist regressive right. You cannot use common people as fodder. Collective will need intent of sincerity and concern.   

What is urgently needed is to defuse the situation  in middle east. Israel must cease its military actions. Hostages must be released. Outside forces must stop its meddling and let civil society meet and work it out. Negotiate without falling into the semantics and pitfalls of the past. This is not about history. This is not about religion. It is about human beings. It is about the contemporary reality we live in, and only this awareness can help find some meaningful attempt at peace.   


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Israel need to stop


ENOUGH. Israel must cease its attack on Palestine. Message is conveyed. Terrorist will be pursued for their crime against humanity (ideally multilateral international agencies must be involved), their infrastructure and safe havens destroyed.  Israel has no reason to stretch it beyond this. This cannot becomes vendetta of failed leadership to justify its fringe element at home. This is akin to Bush's personal war against Iraq. It is now crime against humanity. Netanyahu has no reason to continue as decision maker. His government has catastrophically failed to protect Israel's border. Ofcourse Hamas is terrorist organisation and all its infrastructure must be destroyed and each and every supporter pursued and dealt severely under rule of law but that doesn't exonerate Israel of its amazing failure to protect its border and citizens.   

President Biden, and USA, is therefore now responsible for this continuation of attack on Palestine. This will have to stop immediately. Declare Palestine as separate country but with restriction to arm itself or right for defense force which should be strictly monitored by international agencies. Israel has existential fear from extremely hostile neighbors and from dangerous herd indoctrinated to see 'Jew'/other humans as eternal enemy, network of terror. There seems to be no other solution to this carnage perpetuated by worst of people against humanity. The world cannot sit back and ogle at 'viral videos' of death and misery that numb sense. This horror will have to stop.    

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Human misery and semantic traps


As war mongers trap ordinary people through devious systems and work the fracture for opportunities, to gather power and influence, what is being lost at an alarming rate is space of sanity, of liberal values and egalitarian contexts. Complacency of elites in open societies (that provided democratic progressive spaces, individual liberty and freedom) has become a significant source of this degradation. Their proprietorial authority over common people through medieval feudal structures, nepotistic association and neo colonial control has severely damaged the social contract. Their sense of entitlement has seen to it that they use common people as fodder to cover up their irresponsible ways for easy fixes. They let egalitarian values and democratic ideals to be diluted as they nurture primitive systems. Instead of letting humans thrive and reach their potential they authenticated systems that dehumanizes and degrades humans. They patronized religion and wanton consumption-based capitalism to play havoc while they used semantics of higher morals to consolidate their positions as representors of better world. They sold themselves as smart operators and aspirational figures. Democracy therefore is reduced to a conduit of brutal power plays. The reason why charlatans and psychopaths have such influence.

Democracy needs constant vigilance, it took centuries of effort to reach this stage of human progress, to consolidate this humanism based endeavor and value systems to take root in societies, into individuals and the way they think and influence their surrounding and world, and is therefore preferred across the world as optimal way of governance. It guarantees individual right and provides freedom to pursue one’s dream and aspirations. This is what progress means, this is the most significant and abiding achievement of humanity,  all scientific and technological achievements are byproducts, and this is where the future is hinged. This has come with great sacrifice and tribulations. The forces that sought to undermine were always active and still are. If we are not vigilant then this progress will wither away. There are grassroot movements that seek to consolidate the gains of democracy into individual relations and social institutions. They work under tremendous odd as obscurantist regressive forces gain across the world. Unfortunately, in the name of vigilance what we are increasingly having are rant rakers and activist opportunists who create the binary noise against the leaders without ever wondering why are certain type of people getting elected or that people are preferring them. These opportunist choose the easy narration and play local guardian to herds -as oppressed, without pointing out the reason. They failed to critically scrutinize systems that churn out these herds, whether religion herd or market herd or herds of circumstance who became incapacitated to apply their mind since they are too much coopted by the system. Vicious forms of religions are gaining control while some are searching viciousness in benign beliefs to match the threat and counter threat. These have severely eviscerated egalitarian intents and weaken democratic institutions. Regressive dehumanizing religions, feudal systems that nurture crony capitalism and consumption and provide base to neo capitalism have become serious threat to humanity. These are not accidents or providence; they are culmination of sinister forces working the fracture.  

It is matter of grave concern that egalitarian liberal values are confined to few spaces across the world, and in the last few years sought to be further reduced thus a significant setback to progressive values. With technology and awareness one would have thought liberal values will spread and world would be happier place with all possibilities. Unfortunately that is not what is happening. There are also efforts made to subjectify and degrade democratic institutions to let in primitive systems as a case for inclusiveness without scrutiny. West is severely compromised by its complacence and sense of entitlement. In the schizophrenia of self-assured superiority and self-loathing angst they don’t realize they are being eaten from inside. The rise of China doesn’t hold much hope, and will be a constant source of regressive consolidation across the world. This is not what China is -indeed could have been a source for progressive forces but is shackled by devious authoritarian forces making them a serious threat, so is the case of Russia -and opportunist elite in West have much to blame as they gained from crony capitalism and strategic influence with fall of USSR. NATO has no role in the contemporary and is invoking fractures of cold war. Instead of strengthening multilateral agencies like UN they made it ineffectual to deal with global challenges. Much of Arab world is barren land of medieval religion/values and competing feudal forces presenting not much hope. There is money and glitter, but nothing really progressive. Pathbreaking ideas comes from spaces that nurture excellence -it is necessarily based on liberal values that provide freedom to question. Inquisitiveness doesn’t thrive in closed society.

Humanity progresses by not falling into the traps of past or sustaining systems that nurtures these. As humanity gains more awareness meanings of the words used must assimilate the changing context, or else we need new words to factor the evolved awareness and stop using words of the past. We really cannot repeat the same words and expect the world to be different. Just like science, as the knowledge is updated meanings changes and therefore the reality changes. So, it is matter of serious concern that western leaders and commentators are falling into semantic trap of the past and thus nurturing fractures of past hence persisting the misery. Meanwhile authenticating vicious obscurantist forces seeking to segregate and trap humans into fixed narrations lacking any complexity or regard. We fall into the well-set trap and carry the burden of history, and keep looping the misery without much learning or any control over fate. Hence what shouldn’t repeat repeats with appalling frustrating regularity. Words are incapacitated to convey iterating understanding or awareness of contemporary. History can only repeat when societies are static and dead while humans are incapacitated as herd to be manipulated by devious forces and everyday charlatans. A world in status quo will necessarily repeat the tragedies of the past.

Words that are critical of religion cannot carry the burden of past. There is nothing wrong with anti-Semitic nor is there any problem with being a religiophobic -islamophobia or hinduphobia or whatever, these are western narration of compromise that is devoid of contemporary understanding and has dangerous ramifications. Anachronistic juvenile context of misery spreading religions must be critically scrutinized and ridiculed. Followers are not special, and indeed are major source of degradation all across the world. Recent scenes of support for horrendous violence of terrorist group Hamas (that surely has pattern of a religion which has not been scrutinized critically and is relativized with other religions. Clearly, large numbers spread across is holding some kind of blackmail call hence precious values are being compromised and common people fed as fodder) is not anti-semitic nor attack on innocent people in Israel anti-semitic. Nor does these horrible attack invoke history of genocide of jews. This horrible violence is not anti-semitic, giving into this narration is to prise open the wounds of history that has no comparison or relation with contemporary realities whatsoever. It is playing into the hands of devious forces who seek to control and segregate through religion and attaching sins of history. Attack on innocent people in Israel is an assault on humanity. It is a deep wound on collective psyche of humanity. It is not anti-semitic. To reduce it to attack on jews is an affront to the world we live in. These horrors are reflection of complexities that we face, and religion can only be given minor significance. Complexity of changing aspirations, of widespread technology and access, of toxic social media, of weapons with tremendous destruction power, of shifting geopolitical complexities and depravities so on. Complexities also include actions of Israel as also present reprisals that surely needs to stop.

It also needs to be pointed out, and firmly asserted, that the action of british newspaper The Guardian against cartoonist Steve Bell is deeply disturbing, it is an attempt to use this terrible occasion to expand the sphere of control of religion. There is really nothing wrong with the cartoon here. It is stark and appropriate. This is an assault on press freedom. It is censoring individual freedom. High moral posturing devious people posing as media are curtailing freedom of expression. As it is britishers are severely compromised and ensconced in feudal values and christianity grip, not knowing what to do their angst constantly shift between pandering to sycophancy to supplicating the exotic and religiophia, they end up feeding the worst that create misery across the world -because of their colonial legacy and semantic reach. They provide safe space for scums on earth including caste cannibals, monster mullahs among others. Meanwhile hamas, as also their supporters -specifically those in West who enjoy all the freedom and comfort, that millions of deserving people around the world do not, these depraved vicious herd must face full force of the rule of law. They must get lessons on evolved collective values. There are opportunists who want to work easy narration for benefits, as also lack of awareness of complexities, they have assigned human fancy identities and expect to barter their soul. Beware of those who use semantics of the dead past to control and degrade the present and influence future as if there is some game going on. Every attempt must be made to retrieve humans from herd. That is the deal of democracy and dealing of democratic institutions. That is the responsibility of egalitarian forces. To retrieve humanness and to establish humanity.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Indigenous voices need protection and representation


Democracy needs protection of vulnerable voices -voices that represent indigenous knowledge and understanding rooted in thousands of years of connection with land, least contaminated by ludicrous religions and arrogance that it breeds. Voices that have deep knowledge of the realities of world they live in. Voices that are voice of earth. Voices that were brutalized. Voices that have become important for the survival of humanity. In a disturbing usurping of democracy protection of minorities is ransacked by viciously competing religions and is posing as vulnerable. Segregating and dehumanizing religions not only isolate people from surrounding but also give them grander narrations of omniscience. These entitled worldview and intolerance that it breeds is a serious threat to democracy and egalitarian values.

Today’s rejection of referendum by Australia to give political rights to indigenous population is a serious setback. Some common pattern needs to be recognized here. Countries like Australia, New Zealand and Canada have conducted genocides against indigenous people, to decimate quaint cultures and enslaved them into their religion and way of life. While no real attempts were made to give political rights to voices of these oppressed uprooted vulnerable voices, they showed devious vehemence to showcase degrading religions and regressive values as exotic hence minority and showered with kindness -that these religions surely do not deserve while they usurp minority voices and ideas, weakening democracy and individual rights. Canada was, and continues to be, extremely violent towards indigenous population while they encourage worst of religions. What is significant is that these nations i.e. Australia, Canada and New Zealand are headed by british monarchy, white people/christianity. This should shudder the soul of humanity that this colonial legacy -that necessarily represent wanton exploitation of land and people, is still carried on without any irony while indigenous people are denied their voice. Compromised political system -that places centrality to feudal values and christianity, has led to misplaced and easy redemption seeking through feeding other religions -as minorities and exotic presence, for deviant compulsions of multiculturalism. Worst of people and values are being nurtured. It is not at all surprising that these nations are breeding ground for religious extremism and active source for misery across the world. Britain has done immense damage to the world, and continues to do so.   

Over the last few centuries indigenous people, tribes and aborigines were brutalized by powerful competing forces across the world, and sought to be decimated. These are original people of the land. They have deep connection to the world they live in. They carry the wisdom of centuries. They are soul of the land. They represent the entirety of biodiversity of the land as they are intricately connected to it unlike dehumanized people slaving for power and money while destroying their own habitat and nature with impunity. As earth is reaching a point of no return for human existence it is the indigenous voices that matter most. They are not exotic presence with colorful attire to fill in the gala of photoup. They need active representation not only at national level but at all international forums. Voice of indigenous people is the voice of earth. We need to listen. We need to listen carefully.  

*Many years back I spent time with various tribes across India, mostly trying to understand their world view as also language and poetry/oral traditions. There maybe bit of romanticism here, mundane and disappointments, but yes there is lot to learn. You could easily sense deeper connections through language, poetry, certain aspects of way of life and thoughts.

You may visit me for few of my visits (for Toda tribe) (for Irula tribes)     (for Warli tribes)...and for many more you can visit the blog (apologies for cringe typos)   

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Where do you hinge your soul? 
Is it in the memories of bright sky caught in latticed branches
Green etching the blue, all the delight of colours 
Or is it frolicking waves and crinkling fronds
Sights of scooping pelagic birds
Frenzied ghost crabs among ruckus of crow
Or is it kept safe in quieter recess of time
While you negotiate noisy traffic among careless drivers
Liberate it to pause passing skein into the setting sun
Take it as if it is the last breath     


Thursday, October 12, 2023

Sins of 20th century


Herd kill each other for the sins of the past. They kill because they are trapped in the systems of past controlled by sinister forces. They kill because they are incapable to be human. They are the sins of 20th century that raises its ugly face to shadow the hope of future. They are kept trapped in semantics of past as they are incapacitated to live the realities of present. Herd is a profound lost possibility of humanity. More they grow more they end up wasted.

Land is about power. The control changes with time. To claim that land eternally belongs to a particular religion doesn’t stand the scrutiny of time nor civilized expectation of contemporary reality. The claim of religion over land cannot be allowed to be normalized. There is no Islam land or Jew land or Hindu land. Land belongs to people who inhabit, and not of eternal control of religion. People have different identities and claims, to straight jacket identities of vibrant people into staid religion is the biggest racket orchestrated by sinister forces in the recent times, to divide, distract and control. There were sacred sites in the past and as the power control shifted the site became irrelevant. This has been the history of homo sapiens for thousands of years unlike blessed herd want to believe from the assumed security of their eternal trapholes. Invading marauders, religious nutcases, colonizing psychopaths captured land and claimed to be theirs. Narration controlling historians authenticated these simplistic versions and thus seeped it into common knowledge which now becomes rallying point for herd claims and counter claims, hilarious and horrible. History is much complex than what historians with limited access can perceive. Indeed, it is difficult to comprehend history, and is as difficult and meticulous as paleontology. Atleast paleontology doesn’t suffer as much conjecturing as history does. We need to be humble about our lack. At the most we can get a glimpse, and to claim the glimpse is the whole is  initiation of simplistic version leading to ever simplified occupation of herd mind. History is sought to control the present, the reason why narrow version of history is fed through control of medium. One would have thought that with dilution of control through social media they would acknowledge the humbling complexities hence work together but instead what we get is rabid ranting hawkers of little glimpses they carry arrogantly as their version of whole world while cheered by ever polarizing herd. They fight with each other to impose their superior glimpse of history over other hence control and claims. While sinister controllers evaluate the situation for opportunities.

If humans were humans, alive to the complexities of life, there wouldn’t be claims of ‘our land’ and ‘their land’ that juvenilities of religion feeds. So, people can move and settle wherever they want while adhering to rule of law and basic decency. This synergic involvement for evolved expression is what democracy proposes. The reason why herd has audacity to not only claim their unique sacredness but divine right to kill other humans, even children, is what sinister systems does to people. Human take the extreme step of killing another human being for possession, passion, to survive or is mentally ill. Human is no longer a human when they kill for system. They become herd, and gain potential to do worst atrocities. Since they are detached to what is to be a human, they objectify other into ugly version and abstract lessons of history. So, innocent children could be massacred, women are stripped of any individuality (and as pointed earlier primitiveness of religions vary, some haven’t really been scrutinized critically hence move around with their depravities intact while well placed opportunists use this as bartering tool for power and influence) and reduced to object of power display. In the meanwhile, nature is as much vandalized. Sacred life is violated in every possible way while herd claim sacredness of their land and their inviolable right to destroy. A human being realizes that to destroy life is to destroy oneself. Herd is incapable for such nuance. Herd is eviscerated of any human qualities hence works in the Manichean binaries of simple world of loyalties and punishments of horror.

Challenges of future can only be faced by human being aware to human condition and vibrantly alive to complexities. Juvenile fictions of holy hell books and anachronistic dehumanizing feudal systems have no space in the future dealing, at the most they can be warily tolerated, ridiculed and critically scrutinized. They cannot have any special ordained place. To give dehumanizing systems a special place is an assault to humanity. Semantics of 20th century cannot be allowed to be carried without scrutiny. These embed fractures of past, and are meant to trigger the herd into set pattern of actions and counter actions. Complexities of contemporary world cannot be confined to dreary patterns of the past.

Those who are nurturing dehumanizing systems and feudal values must be called out and held responsible. They don’t value nor respect human life. They infect every egalitarian effort for their sinister control. They know that religion can easily be used to trap and manipulate vulnerable people hence nurture these as identities for easy control. Every thread that weaves systems of control is responsible for degrading life on earth. They are responsible for each and every violation on humanity. They are responsible for recent attack on Israelis and now on Palestinians. This righteous posturing is sickening. As for godforsaken sacred land. The Israelis and Palestinians must learn to be humans, and yes if left to themselves they would easily find their humanity. There is more in common than systems like them to believe. This is difficult to achieve since there are sinister system controllers and depraved herd nurturers with laden semantics and loaded guns keenly evaluating the proceeding for opportunities. As long as religion claims identity and feudal values defines dealing people will be massacred with impunity -as semantics of past trigger horrifying pattern of brutal past, and while we watch in horror sinister posture for moral high grounds and opportunities. These patterns had it run in the past. This cannot be allowed to repeat. Hence looking at history for lesson or input is futile. Freeze the border as it is now. Declare Palestine as a country with specific safeguard for provocation against Israel -use of land for terrorism -since herd controllers have grand plans of depraved world. Meanwhile every attempt must be made to weaken herd controlling systems. Religion cannot be identity nor given any sacrosanct space, the more it encroaches more humanity loses. Not only religion must be critically scrutinized and denied central role in human dealing but also herd must face stringent rule of law to make them realize the importance of evolved collective will -any violation is violation of humanity. Also, dismantle feudal systems of West that has left these regions severely compromised and vulnerable to deviant value systems of high moral ground stampeding fattened fluffs. They have nurtured the worst and are persistent threat to the world as they wallow in their colonial luxuries while lazily seek angst guilt redemption from next exotic estimation.  

Meanwhile take a look at what could be possibly middle-east “sacred” region in few centuries from now   



Friday, October 06, 2023

A serious breach


So, Norwegian writer Jon Fosse is awarded the Nobel prize in literature. I look forward to these awards since these give reference to best in literature across the world. Not that the awards are only reference for perceptive writings. Over the years I found much quality in these writers hence became definitive reference for sophisticated literature and nuanced ideas and expressions herein. I do buy atleast one book of these writers to get the reference. And of all the Nobel laureate writers if I had to choose influence, I would pick Samuel Beckett’s fiction for stark relentless stare into human condition, Camus for his nonfiction writings of immense insight, Naipaul for skill with language and observation, and ofcourse Szymborska for poetry. I do have list of others too including those not awarded so on. Must add that in recent times I have shifted to nonfiction, reality has become too stark -luxury of long fiction is getting limited to few people. But I do keep an eye on literature since these are defining expressions. So, with much excitement of finding a new writer searched net (placed order online for the book ‘Morning and Evening’). I found a short story -that is removed from paywall for this occasion, and some interviews conducted few years back ( I am quite concerned. Ofcourse Fosse is a prominent writer but what is disturbing is his coopting to be part of dehumanizing system. For a perceptive empathy driven human being to make such a choice -however personal maybe, is truly distressing in the context of times we live in. This is a serious breach. Is it because of lack of biodiversity in Scandinavian region (unlike say India) that they are stuck in human created systems for redemption?

Fosse says in an interview “When I manage to write well, there is a second, silent language. This silent language says what it is all about. It’s not the story, but you can hear something behind it -a silent voice speaking”. I am really concerned about this silent voice -implication of Fosse, his ideas and expressions. He says “In my teens, I was a kind of stupid Marxist and atheist -it was the normal thing to be in those days for young, aspiring intellectuals. But in the process of writing, there was something I couldn’t quite understand, some mystery: where does it come from?” There is nothing really stupid about Marxism it has provided insight into society and is an abiding reference into understanding human condition. Ofcourse it is flawed but NOT stupid. Marxism is as flawed as capitalism in its practice, and is a necessary corollary to exploitation. Socialism has much influence from Marxism and communist thinkers, and democracy takes root and thrive with socialist values. Any perceptive human being will realize how much capitalism as a system -essentially controlled and defined by few, created the havoc that the future generation will heavily pay for. Much of nature works on mutualism, the myth of competition is outcome of this control unleashed by psychopaths with wanton greed and insatiable consumption onto hapless people. Church as “anti-capitalist theology” is more of wishful thinking, and doesn't pass historical scrutiny. Religion has always been in conduit with power (right from colonialism, slave trade and other horrendous past, also don’t forget church’s role during holocaust or recent revelation of child abuse), ossified in certainties, relegating humanity from humans. Even the idea of capitalism can be traced largely to Church -protestant ethics, so on. Those who are attempting to assign respectability to ridiculous are suspect. Take the example of Kerala -where I am located, church played a significant role in undermining initiatives to protect western ghats. They side with exploiters and normalize patriarchy. To assign religious systems some benign divine attribute, indeed spiritual, will be resisted. These don’t pass the basic scrutiny of realities of the world we live and the challenges we face. And yes, in the contemporary context atheism is a natural extension of humanism. This cannot be emphasized more. Humanism is an enlightened expression of what is to be a human that has long tradition across the world and has enthralled best of minds across centuries who made invaluable contribution in the progress of humanity. Humanism is necessarily being part of nature. Humans as free souls jiggling in collective euphoria of living. 

Fosse elaborates on his believes “In the mid-1980s, I went to a mass in a Catholic church…and I liked it, to the point that I even started to attend a course to become a Catholic…I decided to convert to the Catholic Church”. He mentions his encounter with near death experience, and how it became an influence. Well, I too had near death experience, and not once but few -and yes for people existing in congested hellholes of Delhi every day is skirting between death and living. As a human being how do you factor in these experiences defines you. For me it helped to work on the priorities, and in an overwhelmingly mediocrity thriving crass society it gave necessary perspective. This fact of living with constant awareness of absurd. Most become fatalist, but then most are unthinking herd incapacitated by powerful systems and easy options, they really don’t have choices nor the capacity to use their faculties to understand their condition. Indeed, if they are able to use their intellect to understand their condition isn’t fatalism better than hopelessness? There is lots of suffering in this world. And there are controlling systems that seeks to trap human being into its fold. Foss says that “I call myself a Christian, but it’s very hard for me. It’s so reductionist. In a way, I am a minimalist, of course, and in another way, I am a postmodernist — I was influenced by Jacques Derrida”. There is lot to untie here. Ofcourse to claim to be a Christian is to claim to be part of system based on miracles -of Jesus and holy book. It also means to be responsible for the misery that such dehumanizing systems spreads. To choose such a response to one’s tribulation is reflection of moral weakness and a deeply flawed understanding of human condition. A skilled writer placed in such dehumanizing value system and anachronistic narrations may impress but doesn’t really pass the scrutiny of being a human. The tribulations of the protagonist will be necessarily limited by restricted world view of writer. It’s a loss to humanity. 

Now, take the instance of Fosse’s remarkable short story ‘Dreamed in stone’, I like the style of writing here. It reminds of Beckett’s iconic ‘Waiting for Godot’. Read these concluding lines of the story.   

I go in, in behind the stones, and I sit down. I sit and look at the stones. I see that it’s me. I am the stones: it’s not like me, but like what is I in me. I go out between the stones and take my place, I stand there with outstretched hands, like a cross. I see a cross. I look down. I look up. I sit down. I look at the stones, so beautifully laid, stone on stone, in a wall. I get up. I stand.

And then you hold my hand. And the stones say that love exists, love is.

Weren’t you scared?

No, never.

But you almost died.

I wasn’t afraid to die.

I am not afraid to die either.



Clearly the implication here is of dying moment of the protagonist. There is a reference of cross, and holding of hand -essentially God -in the context of cross it has to be interpreted as Jesus, and Christian preaching of love, so on. A writer not restricted by religion would have worked to elevate into spiritual experience of universalistic timeless value resonating with eternal longing of reader hence leaving an abiding impression. The above, although extremely skilled, doesn’t resonate with me, nor with anyone who is not a practicing christian -to moved by this you need to be a devotee -a follower. The reason why Beckett’s ‘Waiting for Godot’ -located in time and space without any social or geographical reference is still brutally social and political rooted in every time and every space of human life, has such everlasting connection of emptiness and existential absurdity. 

Let me take another example that could be much relevant to context of Christianity. Raymond Carver was a brilliant writer. There is a short story titled ‘Cathedral’ -and those who have read it will never forget, it’s a deeply moving story that brings in the same framework of Christianity through the sacred building -cathedral, but swiftly move into realm of everlasting beauty of universalism of human angst and yearning. The sheer beauty of this story elevates much beyond restrictive views of religion into ephemeral moment of connection. This is how the story ends, and those who haven’t read it I am spoiling it, the condescending man is trying to show the blind man what a cathedral looks like by drawing it with both holding the pen. What happens is entirely unexpected…It takes a blind man to make this connection; to see beyond human eyes. 


“Keep them that way,” he said. He said, “Don’t stop now. Draw.”

So we kept on with it. His fingers rode my fingers as my hand went over the paper. It was like nothing else in my life up to now.

Then he said, “I think that’s it. I think you got it,” he said.

“Take a look. What do you think?”

But I had my eyes closed. I thought I’d keep them that way for a little longer. I thought it was something I ought to do.

“Well?” he said. “Are you looking?”

My eyes were still closed. I was in my house. I knew that. But I didn’t feel like I was inside anything.

“It’s really something,” I said.


This story left me bleary eyed. This wouldn’t have happened if there were references of Cross or Christ or whichever God, I dare say ‘silent voices’, indeed there is not even cathedral. It’s an open space that connects humans to their primal bearing and longing. That is why this story has so much compassion and deep awareness of human condition. One can also see this in Dostoevsky, especially The Karamazov Brothers (and let us be clear his context was limited world of 19th century, unlike sinister context of religion now), even questioning Jesus like figure (the grand inquisition discourse is best of world literature), "You didn't do well, there is suffering". The idea of god unable to fulfill basic needs -of food, security, while propounding high sounding virtue and freedom. Indeed people are ready to give up freedom and don't have problem to follow or somebody to tell what to do. This is failure of god and miracles -why not bread from stone every time? The devil is able to do much better. People will barter freedom for happiness -to reduce suffering, and for security. Dostoevsky was able to see human mind and what makes totalitarian forces rise to undermine freedom. It cannot happen without consent of people. This is where he places the blame on God -Jesus, abstractness of faith moved away from realities of life. This is what is expected from best of literature. The reason why I had such a bad taste when I started with Indian literature -trapped in its own self referral loops of self obsessed grandeur. Where the writer is incapable to see waterfall as waterfall and verdant nature but dreadlocks of god and divine designs. Where human condition is joke of fate, blessing, entitled position as writer hence arbitrators of sacred narration to correct and guide fellow humans and hapless people, pedantic righteousness and festering sickness of mind. There are ofcourse rare occasions where the soul of the sensibilities channelized through centuries sprout out. Kolatkar's Jejuri is one such occasion. There is so much compassion and awareness of predicament of people that is rooted in the land that effortlessly uproots for universal acknowledgment of human condition. The irony of lives of suffering fatalistic people makes ridiculous a portal of deeper understanding."...he popped a stone/in his mouth/and spat out god/what is god/and what is stone/the dividing line/if it exists/is very thin/at jejuri...scratch a rock/and a legend springs". When I first read it I was blown away (and told as many people to read. Visited the site few times and even took pictures working on the references of poems. You may visit me at I abandoned this blog about a decade back. I would like to correct few typos but forgot password/phone link hence no longer in my control). 

I am also upset since in the same line where Fosse claims to be christian (infact a “good christian”) he also identifies as post-modernist influenced by Derrida. O dear. How can a man -indeed a skilled writer, entrenched in primitive system claim to be postmodern? If there is no fixed meaning then how can there be a fixed system -that too hinged on ridiculous? There is an unbridgeable contradiction here. It’s insane. The fixed ideas of religions are persistent threat to humanity. 

Derrida had elemental influence on me, ofcourse I took it to extreme to work my context, indeed even my name. There was a time when I was really into Derrida, and took deconstruction as weapon of choice! What is neglected by systems and its dominance is where the worth is. There is a world beyond the neat solutions of religions. Nature thrives in chaos and entropy is the eternal reality. There is more to life in confused chaos than in clarity and quick fixes of religion. This attempt at using Derrida to create binary of respectability for religion is 20th century. I seethe in anger at this breach.                             


Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Attosecond: Real time vision


Nobel prize in science are reference for knowing about the best in scientific achievements. You come to know about significant steps in research that you never knew. Today’s Nobel prize in Physics is for methods to “…generate attosecond pulses of light for the study of electron dynamics…”. It’s about observing electron dynamics in real time thus providing insights into how electron move and interact at quantum level, timescales previously inaccessible. It is like having a new sense at attosecond level. This access to nature is quite similar to Gravitational Waves that gave us a new sight to observe space. The implication of attosecond is set to revolutionize fundamental science -imagine most people (including me, and I like to keep myself abreast with latest in science and technology) were not even aware of this, and numerous technological applications with this real time ability to control and harness properties of electron.

It also reminds me of some incredible examples from nature. For instance, Fire Chaser Beetles can sense fire at a whooping distance of 130Kms -imagine that! Their heat seeking pits are as sensitive as quantum detectors using much less energy. Another example that comes to mind is that of Killer Flies found in Mediterranean region that have ultrafast vision -indeed it could be quantum level real time. Eyes don’t perceive at speed of light. Eyes work at different speed, meaning, what we perceive as real time is much slow from insect’s perspective. For Killer flies it takes 6 to 9 milliseconds for its photoreceptors to react to incoming photons and then for the photons to send electrical signal to brain and to respond, that is, to send command to its muscles. All these three steps are achieved in mindboggling 6 to 9 milliseconds. For humans the first step -for photoreceptors to receive the signal, itself takes 30 to 60 milliseconds! Which means by the time we even perceive Killer fly has already caught the prey!

What would be interesting to know is whether species have evolved through the 3.8 billion years of evolution of life to tap the potential of attosecond (indeed, a question was asked about photosynthesis during the Q&A session today. Few years back I happen to see Prof. Jim Al Khalili's documentary that had reference of quantum level jiggling during photosynthesis. Or the process of mimicking by species). Will awareness of attosecond help us to study survival strategies of species better hence insight into potential applications and understanding nature?     

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Reading rooms


Reading rooms are common sight that you come across while walking around villages of Kerala. These I found the other day on my morning walks. Essentially it will have rudimentary desks, chairs, and many newspapers pursuing different political interests, sometimes there will be some magazines. Few decades back these used to have libraries attached and games room like chess, carroms so on. Libraries have vanished so have games. What you see now are some elderly people scanning through the newspaper. It becomes quite active in small towns and cities -public libraries. 

Kerala reached high rate of literacy due to various constructive forces coming together. Early advent of christianity, as early as 52AD, and the active involvement of missionaries for spreading awareness to common people through literacy, widespread assimilation of Buddhist values -that ofcourse attempted to create egalitarian space through libraries and humanistic concerns leaving indelible mark on collective memory of society (even the word pallikoodam -school in Malayalam, Tamil, Sinhalese, has Buddhist origin) and expressed through aesthetics of unique temple architecture so on, these though were sidelined by mediocrities of squatters and ensnared into primitive ways.  In the mid-20th century communism played a significant role to spread literacy as mass movement. Meanwhile HDI improved with knowledge and grassroot involvement hence strengthening primary health centers and public distribution systems. Practical eating habits rooted to the reality of surrounding helped to achieve high nutritional standards.

Literacy initiates reading and possibilities of education. Failure of literacy to evolve into education and enlightened worldview is incapacity of society and inability of individuals. It’s a failure of education system. These reading rooms are remnants of possibilities that are lost and trapped in lowest denominators of trashy newspapers vying for attention, market needs for consumers enticed through persistency of mediocre entertainers of middle-class minds, devious herd controllers and uncouth politicians salivating for next opportunity. It has created deviant consumerist society. What was once a possibility of vibrant society is now a putrefying pit with competing herds and self referential entitled worldview.     

Sunday, September 24, 2023

On Book weight


There was a time I used to collect bookmark, and I did have a collection of some wonderful bookmarks. Over the years it fizzled out. I have also seen fancy Paper weights in shops and movies but never took liking for them since these are too heavy. I prefer ‘book weights’, that hold pages open unlike bookmark. So, the book is kept open on the table so that you can peek into it while go about doing your chores. I realized, the content stays in mind for long since you repeat and leave it half way. This pic of ‘book weight’, these are lightweight artifacts mostly tribal in origin. I really don’t recall where I bought these from, it's been many years now. One is a bee in metal and another a crocodile in stone. The books are Tales from Ant World by Edward Wilson -the good thing about this book is that chapters are unrelated and so you can start from anywhere. The second book is The Invention of Nature (The adventure of Alexander Humboldt -The lost Hero of Science) by Andrea Wulf. I really cannot stop this without discussing Alexander Humboldt whom poet Emerson referred to as “one of those wonders of world”.  

I really don’t prefer biographies or autobiographies, read it quite young as utilitarian reading -what in primitive understanding called ‘motivational’ so on, pushed by mainstream onto younger generation, meant to consolidate ideas of success through ego ride of popular as the society deems. Autobiographies and biographies were prescribed reading. During those days reading was meant to be for purpose, and reading indeed was about studying. Otherwise, why would you read?! It is a simple question that hides amazingly deviant nature of society, and how herds are initiated. Most of the times I instinctively sought exactly the opposite of what was told, and being part of crass evaluation of education it worked for me in the long run. It didn’t get me any ‘marks’ or suggestions of ‘intelligence’ but I was quite satisfied with myself. The reason why I was keen on reading without any purpose, and as randomly and widely as possible. This I enjoyed thoroughly, particularly encyclopedias, is where the seeds of useless reading and purposeless learning got consolidated. In a degraded society autobiographies can acquire sinister meaning. The context is always about power, money, nepotic connections, and even in case of scientific achievement it is voyeurism of personal that degraded society craves to locate some lessons which suits its grand narrations and acceptance among herd.

Human beings are quite complex and cannot be really worked into two-dimensional narrow description for simple comprehension and sale. Located in primitive society I had to be very careful as to how I invest my time; since there is always pull by overwhelming mediocrity and active herd trapping systems. It is not surprise at all that sometime back Hitler’s Mein Kampf was quite popular among youngsters. I even interviewed few -mostly in corporate management, and the reasoning they gave still shocks me. They aren’t too much bothered about ethics when the learning is ‘organizational’ (imagine to value a person for his organizational skill for systematically exterminating millions of people) and the potent ‘leadership’ qualities that this world presents. These were articulate youngsters from extremely comfortable background located in posh colonies of Delhi, capitalizing on best of education, and yes, striving to take up leadership positions and surely must have.

    Humboldt: Our wonder of the world         

I rarely read biographies unless ofcourse it deals with something significant and not too much personal details of the person –a kind of voyeurism that market thrives on. This book is quite well written and is really about importance of Humboldt. I have read about Alexander Humboldt many years back, and few months back his writings on Gutenberg archives. He was arguably one the most fertile mind you can think of. A brilliant man in every conceivable sense. Humanity owes much to very few people (ofcourse some we don’t even know -those who strived for better world and vanished without leaving a trace of themselves nevertheless a better world -atleast an attempt) and Humboldt is there right at the top. His was a pathbreaking personality and influenced our understanding in more than many ways. Humboldt was a unique exciting figure in the annals of human history, and his ideas still shape our thinking. Aptly his name is associated with ocean current, rivers, lakes, waterfalls, counties, town, mountains, bay, glacier, parks…spread across Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Chile, Peru, Mexico, Ecuador, Columbia, China, south Africa, Germany, France, USA…infact Nevada was almost named Humboldt. 300 plants and 100 animals are named after him including squid, penguin so on. Interestingly Humboldtia lauriflora -a specie of plant, was one of the earliest to be named after him based on his early publication, much before he even undertook any voyage, and he was quite excited about it. This plant is found only in Kerala and Srilanka! Several minerals carry his name, there is a place in moon named after him. The man truly was one of his kind, a gift to humanity that an indebted world accepted with open arms.  

Humboldt is celebrated for his scientific thinking and immense knowledge but he was not the conventional cerebral scholar, he ventured into rainforests of Venezuela, crawled narrow ledges of Andes Mountain, and travelled into the remotest corners of Russia. Ecologists, environmentalists, nature writers, poets, across the world carry his vision. He influenced important figures like poet Goethe (indeed Faust was very much influenced by Humboldt), Bolivar (his writing had revolutionary impact), US President Thomas Jefferson (his maps were of immense help, USA would be much smaller country without him, and he used his immense understanding of nature as standpoint against racism and slavery “nature is domain of liberty”), Thoreau (Walden wouldn’t happen without Humboldt), Darwin (was inspired by expeditions of Humboldt hence undertook his own journey that gave him insights into nature of evolution, and carried Humboldt’s writings wherever he travelled), poet Emerson who referred to Humboldt as “one of those wonders of world”) so on.

Alexander Humboldt is someone each person in this world must be aware of. A visionary, who with his scientific mind meticulously studied -measured and analyzed, nature, created weather maps, understood climatic zones across continents, and with his poetic soul and sensibilities sensed the web of life. As the world is increasingly enveloped in climate disaster concerns it was Humboldt who first elaborated on human induced climate change and warned of unforeseeable impact for future generation.          

Friday, September 22, 2023

Immediate need for cooling centers


All indications point to a devastating summer approaching Indian subcontinent. Heat, floods and Putin have already ruined vast track of farm land and food growing regions. The agroclimatic system across the world is severely stressed. A malnourished society lacking egalitarian context is looking at death and misery. We are staring at climate disaster. Hopefully state has taken enough measures for storage and alternative ways of food production. 

Many countries around the world are taking initiatives to adapt to temperature rise. There are heat officers being appointed. Heat island affect in poorer congested sections of big cities are being addressed with climate compliant buildings, climate proofing and retrofitting to reduce temperature. India too initiated Ahmedabad plan for cool roof. These will be not enough. Earlier this year Kerala took steps to work out permanent cooling centers in high public activity zones like market so on. Last many years heat was dealt with temporary tents/shades that provided cold water, buttermilk so on. With temperature set to keep increasing, also dangers of high humidity, permanent airconditioned cooling centers are being built. How will it deal with stress on electricity supply as also increase of ambient temperature due to ac exhaust?

Hopefully heat vulnerable districts are identified across the country and concrete measures taken. Cooling centers that use sustainable innovative strategies of natural air-conditioning, climate adapted buildings suiting to local needs are built. As mentioned earlier, in context to sponge cities, big stadium like structures along the low-lying areas that stores water during flooding can be converted to cooling centers during summer. We are staring at an unprecedented climate disaster. If hindutva is intending to impress herd with big temples and tall statues… well it may have worked in normal times. We are living in a time when earth is “well outside the operating space for humanity”. India is extremely climate vulnerable. Policy makers cannot afford to play around this.

Election Commission must postpone the elections, or have it early next year, so that state can focus on emerging crisis. Diverting state machinery for elections is the last thing needed. It is very likely that the general elections are postponed. An early election though will be good for the ruling party since with delayed election they will have to take the blame for climate disaster and outrage. Unless they are fully prepared for unprecedented heat waves, drought, forest fires, food shortages…or else they will take castetva path of entitlements (unchallenged castetva normalized objectionable reference of Nehru as ‘pandit’ and sacred chenkol ‘touched’ by him was ominous and indicate hindutva attempt at capitalizing on castetva degradation), of blessing and fate, deviousness, and manipulate narration away from misery and package it for herd while thousands die.               


Wednesday, September 20, 2023


Years of rain fell in months 
Months of rain fell in days
Days of rain fell in hours
Now. Hereafter.
I have become snarling spirit
Every day
Every night
For more blood
More blood. 

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

To be young is a profound responsibility


When you have systems and values that create charlatan Trump as most powerful man on planet and dimwit Musk as richest man on the planet, and these are replicated across the world with thumping ferocity as ‘success’ then you know how much the rot has set in. The system has become so toxic that these people are just momentary embodiments of bubbling muck that acquire human form. They rise suck it up and vanish for next to rise. This amazing level of irresponsibility has reached a point of no return. To be young has therefore become a profound responsibility (to paraphrase Emily Dickinson). We are witnessing a generational experience that was never experienced in the 200000 years of Homo sapien history. We have reached a critical point where the young have become the very voice of life. They now embody all that life cares for and fragile world that sustains it. They had to. They have no choice.       

Nature is asking intensely probing questions for some time now. The viability of humans on the planet is being urgently sought. The irresponsible actions of humans are having debilitating consequences on other species. Life sustaining systems are collapsing. The young have ignited these questions, and now pursue it by searing the streets. What is seen as inconvenience is existential for them. They seek immediacy because they are aware that they will have to live the answers very soon. These answers by nature is going to be their everyday struggle to survive. The young will therefore drill each and every word of the question to wherever they can hit. This really cannot go on. They are asking to pause. They are asking you to come out of greed shell and dreadful systems of securities that has lulled senses into false retreats. They are asking you to open your eyes, to see and exhibit intellect and reasoning skills that has brought humans to such spectacular awareness. Above all, they are asking for simplest and most basic of human response: to care.