Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Deconstructing secularism, the people living beyond the river Indus

Secularism is the most misused term in this part of the world, there is an attempt made to take the definitions and understandings of the western societies and somehow coalesce it into Indian reality. This superimposition goes well with the elitist notions and requirements. It’s a Faustian deal by the Indian elite –masquerading liberal, that this society suffers, as primitive identities are sought to be hidden in cloak of civilised. The West gawking elite have tutored themselves the values of modernity and notions of democracy. This fake sophistication as identity is sought to be further chiselled and practised in the form of their visceral dislike for brethren, the erstwhile collaborators of brutal atrocities. This opposing, the conflict, acts as a means to consolidate position, posited as beacon of values, thus copyright over idioms of culture and egalitarianism that is packaged herein is the easiest route chosen to connect to the vagaries of modernity, with immense success. It keeps primitive frameworks intact, feudalistic norms static and exploitative minds in constant hunt for greener pastures that could be cleverly morphed as modern. The grip over narration has created these debased anachronism to persist as culture as traditions. Hence they position themselves as compassionate souls concerned about the wellbeing of the society. Nothing could be farthest from the truth, and there is no irony in this audacity that comes with the feudal ease of being tethered to the brutal framework, that has degraded the society and continues to cause untold miseries. 

Hinduism is not a religion as is understood from the western framework, it doesn’t fall into definitions that has origin in Semitic religion. Indeed under such framework it cannot even be classified as a religion. It is not an irony that even the reference of the word Hinduism has alien origin and was meant to describe people living in certain geographical region, i.e. beyond the river Sindhu (or Indus). The ‘believers’ carrying the burden of semitic worldview when came in contact with this part of the world, were most likely bewildered by the way of life here, and had to assign some meaning. The reference was to a set of people, and began as a secular allusion devoid of religion but that didn’t stick for long. They had to ascribe based on the faith, any other understanding of a society and people was beyond their understanding, hence Hindus. A set of people with myriad number of gods/goddesses –that could be living or dead, animals, trees or stones, thoughts, counter thoughts and what not. Amazingly fertile and crazily polytheist, with no specific references of single holy text or scripture that can take primacy over different views. Nor was there any god that is supreme, that guides all values, morals so on. Indeed god was just a convenience to suit the occasion. They found solace in amalgamation of enlightened saints, stories, myths, hearsay and superstitions, that sought to consolidate the moral fibres in the meanwhile kept them connected to the natural forces. The forces of Nature were ready reference for superior forces hence respect, hence reverence and fear, therefore god. For people of this region everything had the potential of greatness, that which glimpsed the superior power of nature was worthy of reverence, hence god. This god wasn’t something beyond but part of everyday reference, so shouldn’t be mistaken for god as understood by semitic faiths. It needed no miracles or special messages. The understanding of god and expression of faith is entirely different.

Since Hindu religion in itself is in different premise it is but natural that the ideas of secularism, essentially tolerance or acceptance of different versions of faith, will be quite different from what is understood by the West through the influence of Christianity or other semitic ways that forms the basis of liberal values and democracy herein. To understand that we need to look much deeper into the process of Hinduism. If you were placed in Indian subcontinent about two thousand years back or more you wouldn’t even know that the ideas of faith you carry will soon be referred to as Hinduism. In the myriad ways of life that accommodated different views and thoughts something sinister was taking its roots. The power structures were being consolidated, rituals were being refined for manipulation. Places of worships were being sanitised and taken away from the sites of common people. You can see that even now: A huge tree that is rallying point of villagers very soon acquires a shed, later a structure, then the tree vanishes and you have a temple. Hence the connection with nature is removed and becomes a scene for greed, egos and petty politics. As these aligned with rulers and created a self-servicing system they spread with the reach of state machinery. The primitive system as it percolated brought in savages among ordinary well meaning people while the elite negotiated these by being the arbitrators of this cannibalism. It was the worst known system of society in human history. This then the motif of how common people’s understanding of faith was slowly gobbled by bigger and powerful mechanism. Myths were reworked to include bigger gods, as the local faiths and gods were sought to be subjugated and streamlined into mainstream narrations. In the meanwhile the depraved elite further sought to consolidate their gain by hereditary perpetuations of their deviant views. Toxic ideas rapidly infected what was once coalescing of people to deal with their own god in their own way. Poisonous thoughts consolidated in the forms of caste, egalitarian values were now modified to fit in this addition, and very cunningly ideas of faith were being consolidated for perpetuating a sickness that slowly pushed this society into degradation. What was once exalted thoughts of sages were now being accumulated by squatters to fit in their devious ways. As the structures consolidated, rituals started to gain primacy as it perpetuated a system of control and power. It turned cannibalistic and as absurd. More crudeness were included as they got pointers from semitic exposure; that even now seeks to define the Hindu fundamentalists, this search for fundamentals to cling on, an enthusiasm for monotheistic streamlining, search for definitive scripture and intolerance. Bhagvad Gita is only one of the texts but was shown as superior in response to semitic challenges, the elite was choosing pointers to fill in the gaps that semitic posited. Hence the constructed core was now established as religion ie Hinduism, and quite viciously occupied by crude people (squatters) with firm grip on narration henceforth. They created a religion hence eased as the arbitrators and controllers of common people who were now Hindus (it’s the same audacity Gandhi showed in Poona). Exalted selves, specially blessed from above, the exaggeration that seeks to differentiate, classify and degrade humans. It is also becoming increasingly clear that ideas of monotheism has had a deleterious effect on human society in the long run, it has trampled varied understandings and thoughts on faith, and beautiful expressions and cultures herein. It is a source of easy control over lives and squats potential to be different and meaningful.  

As Hinduism was being consolidated into power structures by depraved vested interests, grand philosophies were being eloquently proposed that sought to take the experience away from the common people. Faith was being ripped away from the premise of common people and closeted in elevated pedestals. The decadence was couched in languages and nuances that perpetuated amazing level of cruelty. The elite was slowly cocooning itself into spiteful crafty ways that could even baffle modern day psychiatrists, meanwhile the society slipped into incredible levels of mediocrity, indeed temples became site of debauchery. They hobnobbed with power, and included divine blessings in their repertory. Kings and sundry queued up for blessings. Gods started to acquire characteristics of crudeness, devious ways were now divinely attributes, hence squatters opened the field for myths that perpetuated heaven in their own justification. The appalling nature, indeed unethical in most cases, of divinely figures will deeply disturb any sane person. Therefore now in a clever sleight God was perpetuating squatter’s worldview. Deceitful acts were sought to be put in broader perspective of goodness in clever interpretations that became mainstay of squatter’s storytelling and myth building. In the process ethics was kept ambiguous and hinged on context, thus easily manipulatable entity. This therefore acquired the core of Hinduism, hence a way of life among the elites. Now compare the Hindu mythology, the stories herein, deceitful ways of even gods that will leave you appalled, and the charming stories of Jataka. The Buddhism exhibited its compassion by using animals and nature as tellers and consolidators of morals. I need to point here that the much quoted king Ashoka –as torchbearer of secularism, is flawed, it wasn’t secularism it was compassion. Some vested interests have created a narration of Ashoka to work out their narrow end. Compassion is a way of life in an enlightened surrounding, hence respect for myriad ways, it is not to be mistaken for a structure that sought to oversee other faiths, hence secularism. This compassion is where values that defined morals, hence secularism, emerged. Ashoka is not and cannot be a secular icon, for the simple reason secularism has no meaning without compassion, and secondly, pushing the western framework to find one’s traction among civilised will be resisted. Those tethered to primitive framework with burden of mahatmas on their back shouldn’t be allowed to usurp these legacies.        

It need be noted that all the while enlightened saints and sages, as also common people protested against this decadence and depraved ways that was being consolidated as Hinduism. And one can assert that all the egalitarian thoughts and values can be traced to this tradition of protest and enlightenment herein that existed much before the squatters (or even the temples) and has carried on guiding common people through the ages. This is space for compassion and benevolence. This is the tradition of tolerance that has come to be defined as secularism as people know and have ingrained as a way of life. This is what binds the society. It was not complementing squatter’s world, it was defending and resisting this negative pull. In the meanwhile in these protests sects were created, some even acquired status of religions. Common people associated with these without any thought of otherness or superiority.  It is the same way they negotiated semitic religions, although the terms of reference of these were harsh, but they amalgamated it well. Some even converted but carried these characteristics of leniency in matter of faith, a space untouched by competing forces. The degree of fracture is what separates Bangladesh from Pakistan, and prevents radicalisation instigated by crude semitism. It need be pointed out that common people constantly sought to resist the attempts by ritual driven squatters as they were exploited. But were increasingly sucked in and trapped into the crude squatter’s framework, as it dealt with tribulation of life, matters of death so on, they capitulated. Squatters grip was tight, with acknowledgement and patronage of rulers they gained credibility and prospered as temples became pits of depravity. In the feudal nature of the society these were grievous, as exploitations reached heinous level.   

Saints and egalitarian souls were not in a complementary role to squatters, indeed it was very definitively a role that was antagonistic. It was a strident opposition to squatter’s depravity and the crude world they pursued. They sided with the truth and ethical values, that were vacated from religious precincts. They brought in sanity into the society that was being cannibalised. In the meanwhile the debauched squatters dealt these with characteristic ease, instead of comforting the gravity of issue, they obfuscated the matter by questioning the credentials of the accusers, and went on constructing the most inhuman sort of worldviews. Credentials here meant the identity, the status in pecking order, the degree of ordain. This is so ingrained that this is now replicated as Indians appetite for status and position. It is not what you do that is important but what is your position, the ego and sensitivities around it defines the everyday work scenarios, whatever maybe one’s professional competence. It is not what is said but who is saying? Since it is not what you do but the position you hold there is a stampede for fancier meaningless designations. Unfortunately they fail to distinguish between identity and reference. As they are not able to shirk their entitled world hence mistake position for identity and bring in squatter’s deviant pattern and debauched value system. Their main aim being to consolidate the position and accrue benefits. It is this constant strive that defines jobs and aspirations. Qualifications can be acquired by mugging up or even be bought but attitude cannot be. The despicable attitude that emerges severely handicapped from the squatter's framework, it is shocking that it is being connected to god. Such unenlightened self-assured people. The arrogance and pretension of high culture in savage surroundings is what gets me.  

Hinduism therefore shouldn’t be taken in context to other religion. What is being defined as Hinduism is the degenerated part that is consolidated through feudal power and elaborate structure of control through cash rich temples and compelling narrations. Traditions herein are expressions of decadence and unfortunate prominence of these due to firm grip on narration that they manipulated at their will. People tethered with these are part of debauchery. Now we see them espousing values and in the name of western framework of secularism they seek credibility. ‘We must respect religion’ is being posited as egalitarian value hence secularism. Hinduism is not a religion nor what we see are expressions of Hinduism, these are coalesce of inhuman crudity that seeks credibility through modern nuances and power structures. Ironically what is being pushed as secularism, from the evolutionary aspect of ideas of Hinduism –hence the idea of India to a larger extend, isn’t even considered secularism at all. Anything that emerges from squatter’s framework is being rejected in this tradition that is foundation of this society. Indian secularism establishes and flourishes in rejecting squatter (i.e. caste cannibal) traditions; it was and is inimical to these expressions. Secularism in Indian context emerges from the expression of compassion; it was not about state versus religion paradigm. Indeed it is so secular that it doesn’t even recognise religion nor distinguish gods. The way Hinduism finds its expression and has consolidated now under the tutelage of power is the puss that is collected over the centuries from the gangrene of this society, the places of worship hence temples are putrid pits and people safeguarding these or tethered to these in anyway are dangerously decadent. It is no surprise that these decadents when they espouse secularism it makes us puke. And that they invariably come out as arrogant, cunning and corrupt. So by adhering to western understanding of secularism they shrewdly classify Hinduism as religion for their own benefits, while seeking credibility for their primitive conceptions. In the meanwhile, in the tradition of Indian compassion and tolerance, people kept away from these deceits, they bow to whatever god and move on. There is nothing to theorise or pontificate, nor do they have tricks to save the world. If a stone serves purpose, god so be it! The tradition of Jejuri is what defines it, Kolatkar caught it so well (unfortunately on my recent visit I see signs of squatters moving in, slow but relentless push of the power structure and exploitative mechanisms, now being replaced by market). In the best of bhakti tradition that defines this society, and is indeed core of Hinduism or whatever one may refer it, away from squatters and temples, they sing, dance, drop some food for the animals and move on.  I guess that does really explains it.           

Friday, July 17, 2015

1.27 billion? Way to go dude

Indians are multiplying like never before, they are set to ransack the planet. In the year 1900 human population on planet earth was about 1.7 billion now only Indians are 1.27.  What is matter of concern or a serious shame is now celebrated as market takes centre stage and everything is seen from this vantage point, hence the chest thumping of demographic dividend. While it is different matter that trickle down never trickles, but people matters as numbers while elite sections tidy up to represent and exploit the mass. India’s skewed social system as also some really pretentious leaders and pernicious privileged class have attempted minimal social reforms, hence had easy run with the exploitative status quo. They are on personal basis with each other, also referred to as nepotism that works into cronyism, but refuse to get personal. It is a gentlemen’s code that they got acquainted from colonial masters. It is clever ruse since they know the home truths. Further, for common people these codes and procedures are sometimes matter of life and death. These personal matters and choices of careless entitled sections have tragic consequences as it gets into the realities of common people. While the religious heads want humans belonging to their faith multiply more than ever, indeed some even have inbuilt systems like polygamy (what an amazing patriarchal foresight,  for pretenders these are touchstone of secularism). In the dwindling resources and increasingly bleak surroundings of deteriorating environment it is poorest who suffer. Conservative estimate put India’s abjectly poor at about 30% and that is out of 1.27billion people, astounding number of people who don’t get enough to eat, you can add few millions more who slip in and out of poverty in the vagaries of their situations and surroundings. And you can also be quite sure that majority of these people come from sections that are traditionally exploited. That the feudal norms were consolidated, no attempts on land reforms as also tardy law machinery made democracy virtual trap for most people. It is the reason why elite don’t get personal in their attempts at nuance, the british conduct in the hand of clever ‘natives’, ditto they did to everything they could lay their hands on, including the wastrel’s sport called cricket. In the case of skewed society with exploitative mindset demographic dividend can mean only one thing: brutal exploitation of cheap labour. Recently the government relaxed  child labour laws, the intend is clear. 

That market could celebrate something as bleak as population growth puts it in positive framework, as constructive participant of human predicaments, hence stories of prudence and heroism that cloaks material success. The wealth creation strategies that produce likes of  Donald Trump, listening to him you can be sure that money making is a juvenile trick (that this blogger was never really excited about). It is something that American media drivels in as most desired way meanwhile complaint mediocre Indian elite sidestep in awe concomitantly grabbing falling crumbs –and that is the beginning of service industry gigantism. Anyone with some sense will tell that a society that bases itself on service sector has more deceit and manipulation in it, is superficial and slick, really not lasting. These are chimeras of market. So much energy is spent on consuming as malls spread, goods brightly lit up and smiling gracious people, everything and everyone readies for promoting sales. Precious resources, and yes environment destroying consequences, are attuned to help us buy and help personal consumption. Please buy ours, Please see us; that seems to be the main use for human life. We could live affluently with minuscule of what is consumed. But market greed doesn’t allow it, as it hinges our aspirations on consumption and creates idols who promote these.

While religious heads fight with their divisive agenda, market seeks to bind hence population growth is a secular expression from this hallowed worldview. Both consider population growth as inevitable. Inevitability is something Vaclav Smil sees of carbon emission, ofcourse with convincing and compelling logic. He also adds that if US doesn’t do the emission Chinese and Indians are going to do it. Practical, but not really logical. I sincerely hope they break that nuclear fusion mechanism, that seems to be the only hope at the moment. Reducing and prudent consumptions are viable options. In the meanwhile it doesn’t really exonerate Mr Gates. One Indian market columnist is celebratory on India’s population increase, “Let millions of Indians migrate; let many little India’s bloom”.  Aw. Probably they should be bundled into Mars. Indians are almost 18% of world population while India occupies only 2.4% of land area. That is nothing short of imposing oneself on to the world. But not Indian elite, they now seek to represent our pride, the market has fed them so much that they seemed to have lost touch of the reality. He writes, of course as a spokesperson of market goodness “Japan will sell more geriatric diapers than baby diapers by 2020, a sorry tale of its aging population”. Sorry tale? I am wondering is it plain stupidity or lack of understanding that infects this man to write these. Then I realise consumption driven society’s value juvenilities. When market takes over prudence everyone becomes a little more like Donald Trump.  Japan, a little island nation’s contributions is significant, it is that evolved understanding that seeks to reduce, to miniaturise. Reducing population is part of that evolution that seeks to balance (I am under no illusion that market has not ransacked Japanese culture too, but there is overwhelming element of subtlety that has presence in mainstream), it is something natural in a society that seeks refinement and delicate connection with nature. Humans need to reduce. This blogger is quite careful these days on reducing as much as possible, some are compulsions but most are conscious choices. Though this blogger is nowhere near it but has experienced that when one is meditative, mindful, things shed, you reduce and get into rhythm of the elements. Market works on opposite, by creating cruder understandings and surroundings that seeks consumptions. It takes you away from realities.        

Market incentivises young, it is a lifeline, there is placement of energy, newness, possibilities so on attached exclusively to this demography. Ironically market itself diffuses these early enthusiasms into its own gains and pattern that seeks to consume. Younger only seems to make them vulnerable hence easily manipulated, fodders. If you can make a chocolate actor to sell whatever, you need to be quite stupid or novice to fall into. Hence market celebrates population (i.e. numbers=consumers) as also youth (i.e. high chance of entrapping into buying). There is no doubt though that from the consumer point of view India is a ‘big market’ as there are more people but Indians need to be treated with contempt for imposing themselves on to the world hence severely putting stress on natural resources. Population growth is a serious matter, more number shouldn’t be an incentive. If the fictional reality i.e. democracy, religion and economic growth model don’t match with objective reality i.e. humans increasing in an unsustainable numbers, then it will fracture quite badly. Fictional reality being a human construct will have to give way to laws of nature unless ofcourse it attune itself.     


Monday, July 13, 2015

Art fart, manipulative craft, gobbledegook and scoundrel Mani

The less said about India’s popular mainstream art the better, it is very meticulously spread and channelized through market and used as convenient carriers of products and services, hence easy money and profits. Movies are the most exaggerated artform, and probably I have written this earlier too, something any random guy on the street can pick up with few days of involvement. These therefore are the artists who seemed to have donned the mantle of India’s art, hence cleverly spokesperson of freedom, expressions and so on. It is the most mundane and laughable creations. I am not even going to the popular writers, journalists, cricketers…who have hold on amazingly malleable form “creativity” –hence art, in varying degree of intensity and persuasion. They gather around big cities with single most aim of help the sale, and push in their valued contribution towards this end. Everyone is assiduously cultivated as dispenser of products, retail therapy is a term that is catching up in this circle. The competition for grabbing ‘endorsements’ is rather intense, art is incidental, indeed a nuisance. Art is therefore a convenience and artist easily harvested, a minimum talent (that in itself is too much, better understanding will be a presence in manner that you get reminded, it’s about parking the mind space hence recall value). An assortment of amazingly mediocre people have insidiously crept into the system. 

This manipulation works at two levels: Money and Power, not at all surprising for a society that establishes itself in entitlements and deviant norms, the elite firmly tethered to primitive framework and usurping benefits with much simplicity. Nepotism, corruption and manipulations infect democratic structures and egalitarian institutions with characteristic ease. Apart from feudal and hereditary entitlements slick money now comes in the form of servicing the corporate, the market. This money comes in the garb of professionalism and sophistication, with a hint on liberal values. Big money, mostly unaccounted, flows in the name of investment, and the service providers are the new caretakers, they will help you multiply money with minimum of hiccups and ethical concerns, art is a conduit here. Political power is easy to cultivate, greedy for money as they are to perpetuate their clout, they fall for money bags. The easiest are the politicians with no mass base. In the last few decades, under Congress party as also non electable facilitators in other parties, these came in varied creepiness of sycophancy, caretakers of human values and sophisticated socialites, motor mouths assured of their invincibility ensconced as they are in a heady mix of fawning, markers of feudalism, arrogance and association with primitive framework. Service providers (incidentally also pushing India towards service industry gigantism) land up as opportunities, so sycophantic politicians find traction and credibility with market media and other avenues. They willy-nilly form a clique as dispensers of perceptions and so make inroads into highest levels of policy making, in the meanwhile degrading institutions. It is good to note that NDA government has reduced this unethical influx. Party spokesperson need to be party functionary whose position and brief should be clear, they are not Minsters, nor key figures or small time celebrities. Last many years this was one of the loopholes through which manipulators were parking in. MNCs have spread easy to coterie and hobnobbing through power corridors as problem solvers, greasing money, and thus getting into cosy relations. Money and perception creators using media as convenient conduit sought out power through cronyism thus severely denting democratic institutions. Everyone was on a first name basis here, as they went in for the loot. They also created narrations as saviours of democracy. Emergency was the worst period, and as people suffered immensely, it is also when this coterie ‘crawled when asked to bend’, a special characteristic that has become the most desired attribute. With influx of market these have been crudely upgraded, only that it also fits in market narration. LSBT issue falls write in there, as was AIDS, gender issues so on, hence issues of primitive framework/casteism/feudal benefits that severely degrades as also elite women as major perpetrators gets relegated, indeed climate issues are shooed out with alacrity.          
While they divided the booty, largely carving out natural resources, manipulating policies to benefit, corrupting the system so on, there was another heist going on the name of art. The one in which money is never exchanged, it is fine art of quid pro quo. Since art in itself was subjective, pushing in mediocrity was easily done (ZK habitually works his quid pro quo bit, afterall it is a god send gift for easy clout building, as the glare was on money guzzling by others he quietly went on with his clout building and nepotism. This is only the tip of iceberg). This is done in sports too, massive amount of money is looted, but unfortunately for the manipulators sports is objective reality, results were key, abysmal performance at international meets help glimpsed the deceitful ways of the people at the top. Art on the other hand is an easy game, as perceptions could be easily manipulated.

Intense lobbying at FTII is part of this, the coterie works within a parameters of either nepotism or This Vs That narration, both ways they try to accrue benefits. In the last many decades they were manipulating at the highest levels, now being pushed out of cosiness and perks they are clinging on whatever is left, meanwhile giving images of dire consequences if not apocalypse awaiting common people. Ridiculous. Nothing can be worse than the period of Emergency, and the protagonist of this reaped benefits till recently shows their intent. Indeed in all impartiality, almost all the Congress leaders, indeed the previous I&B Minister should have been rotting in jail. In the context of things Youth congress of 1970s was nothing short of murderous mafia, that should have been banned outright. That they carried on business as usual shows how the system was insidiously infected. The rampant corruption of the bureaucracy, market media and henchmen role of these can be traced to this period. The role of another I&B minister during Sikh riots is well known. Clout was used to pry on others and be on the top, market and technological innovations has only made this easier. Any innovative technology is manipulative technology in their hand. Power therefore helped Money to multiply as also acquire veneer of sophistication. This complicity is projected as saviors for bigger cause, against fascist agenda so on. In this hallowed tradition Mr.Gajendra is a rank outsiders and that has rankled the cosy joint. 

In the scheme of things FTII is a small matter, some well-known people have opened their mouth has to do with their compulsion and skewed narration, as for actors they open their mouth when they have movie on release or some big lick on the line (ZK was frothing before RS election). And yes “Who is Rishi Kapoor?” I too have that question. This papa’s boy would be very likely be selling vada pav at borivilli if not for his father’s clout. So he should better keep shut and not be used by manipulators. I have nothing against him but he is treading on murky grounds and will be dealt accordingly. There are millions of youngsters who have wasted their life trying to get a foothold in film industry. They were exploited because their father was not Raj Kapoor. Talent is easily manipulated commodity when there are no parameters or subjective. This framework is replicated in all other fields too in this godforsaken society, and the audacity of family values takes it to the next level. And even if a rank outsider makes it they easily supplicate to nepotism and corruption, indeed insecure novae can only establish by promoting these.  

 If need be FTII should be closed down for few months, there are too many backlogs and mismanagement. What brings out the absurdity of the protest and devious people herein is that in the name of art so many significant transgressions have happened in last many decades that doesn't seem to bother anyone. Crude woman manipulating awards is a smaller matter when you realise the kind of people who barge into Rajya Sabha in the name of “literature, science, art and social service”, a gross misuse of Article 80 of the Constitution. Mani Shankar Aiyer, the regrettable scoundrel, his swagger seems to be his only talent, is the latest ‘artist’ exemplifying ‘literature and social work’. Even a rickshaw puller can speak sickeningly pretentious English if he spends some time in London. So what is Mani’s deal? Absolutely nothing, there is nothing about this fellow, except a vicious form of sycophancy which ofcourse is an art. To start with this arrogant fellow is not even decent, he exhibits all markers of feudalism and characteristics of tethered to primitive. This atrocious family retainer has been clinging to the notion of ‘secularism’ essentially sickularism (and yes this blogger has broken the code of secularism as practised in India, very soon will be opening this cosy crap too, of course for my own understanding). Secularism yelling henchmen rounding up minorities as saviours tumble down from heaven is a narration that has worked for long. FTII is insignificant matter, as much as this exaggerated institute is and should be put in its place. When at the highest echelons of power –that are essentially symbols of democracy, is so crudely degraded then we know how grievous the matter is. The rot is too deep and those positioning as saviours were fed in this rot, the whining should be seen as symptoms of loss. If Mani is Shakespeare (as for me I am not even able to get the spelling of Shakespeare right. Never gave a damn never will) then ZK is Picasso. Replacing a word of what Nietzsche said “When you stare at turd for too long the turd starts to stare back at you”. And that in short is the story of Indian art, from the point of view of manipulators. Mani is only the beginning of the unravelling. If Gajendra has to go then Mani should be kicked out.

In each State of India there are known and not so known artists, practitioners and connoisseurs of art form that is on the verge of extinctions. There are some brilliant artists who need support, as also recognition so that they inspire these artform. Market needs carriers of their goods, they choose medium that is popular, hence the exaggerated presence of bollywood and cricket. They have become conduit for easy money and power. Art is much broader understanding; unfortunately the policy makers, surrounded by manipulative and viciously competing interest groups, have not been able to further the cause of marginalised. They have succumbed to the grease and froth.   

Post script: ZK was furious “Arre ye beti bachao veti bachoa kya laga rakha hai? Budiya ko kon bachayega?” “Ajkal isko koi role tho kya cream role bhi nahi detha” “Mahol karab kar diya”. Crude woman looks down and try to extricate grime from her talon like nails, nothing much to do. She could be manipulating at the highest level, poor thing was reduced to manipulating for kindergarten fancy dress competitions as I gathered from queue of parents at their door. Talentz wazted, says ZK and insists that I join budiya bachao andolan and take a selfie with budiya.   

Monday, July 06, 2015

Mr Gates will have to take the responsibility

Bill Gates is a well-known name, he is a pioneer in many ways and known for his contribution in technology, that was harbinger of information technology revolution and internet so on. For people who keep records, on matters of money, he is counted among the richest. Since his retirement he, that is, he being man "man and his wife" (courtesy Kasturi&Sons) has been contributing to mitigate health related problems, to tackle polio, HIV, malaria, sanitation, and much more...among the most marginalised and poor, much focus on India with some success. Recently the Gate foundation –world’s largest charitable foundation, Bill and Melinda Gate were also awarded by the Indian government for their contributions. So far so good.

In the meanwhile it has transpired that Mr Gates has $1.4bn invested in fossil fuel companies, including BP, responsible for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. There is an urgent call being made to divest from coal, oil and gas companies. It is crucial that between two-thirds and four-fifths of existing fossil fuel reserves must remain in the ground if the world is to remain within a 2C rise in global temperatures, the level agreed on to avoid irreversible and catastrophic climate change. The former editor of The Guardian newspaper, Alan Rusbridger, has been making admirable efforts on this front, with others like 350.org pitching in. The fossil fuel divestment movement has already persuaded more than 220 institutions worldwide to divest. They have been appealing to Mr Gates for some time now, even there is a petition signed by hundreds and thousands of readers of Guardian, and many like this blogger who support this cause.

Mr Gates has recently announced that he will invest $2bn in renewable technologies initiatives. He has ignored the calls to divest from the fossil fuel companies that are burning carbon at a rate that ignores international agreements to limit global warming. It is clear that fossil fuel companies are influential people with powerful lobby and big money that can easily quash any dissent or opposition, through intimidations, misinformation, media control and creating fictitious realities and myths through popular mediums. It is well orchestrated machine, that has caused immense misery to people and has potential to cause catastrophes. Of course it needs courage to take on these big money greed and the vested interests. Divestment from fossil fuel is the first step to discourage unbridled exploitations that perils the environment, in the meanwhile there will be urgent efforts made to search for viable sustainable alternatives. So far these efforts for renewable energy sources have been scuttled by fossil fuel industry. Mr. Gates will have to take the responsibility, the ball is firmly in his court.

Here is the part of the petition that is addressed to Bill Gates, he is studiously avoiding it. He needs to respond, and answer the disagreement on the logic of demands. He is a sensible man, and surely knows the risk fossil fuel companies pose. His position is untenable. He really cannot avoid this one and maintain a straight face. The “high risk” investments in breakthrough technologies is avoiding the issue since it doesn’t reply his investment in fossil fuel companies and damage these are causing as we discuss. As mentioned in the last blog reckless Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson plans to spend $100 million a day to plunder.

“…we’re asking Bill Gates for leadership on a global problem where leaders are in short supply.
The Keep it in the Ground campaign is a collection of over 190,000 voices from over 170 countries. When we asked those supporters to make a personal message to Bill, the result was an impassioned plea for leadership from around the world.

If the Gates Foundation were to divest, it would send a powerful signal to fossil fuel companies and to governments that business as usual is not acceptable. It would also have a huge snowball effect on other organisations currently considering whether to move their own money. In short it would be real climate leadership.

Will you lead us Bill?”

Thursday, July 02, 2015

ExxonMobil: a case of self-assured protozoa in the petri dish of corporate greed…

Continuing on the grievous matter of dumping of dangerous lead into the atmosphere, that has killed and maimed millions of people across the world in the last many decades thanks to the ingenious greed of three of Americas largest corporations General Motors, Du Pont and Standard Oil, I have since gathered that Texas based Standard Oil has morphed into ExxonMobil (like Union Carbide morphs into Dow Chemicals). Interestingly the blatant corporate greed of Standard Oil began much earlier, in the scheme of things Lead was only an added incentive in their gargantuan appetite for money.  The History of the Standard Oil Company is a book written by journalist Ida Tarbell in 1904 was an expose’ of the wily ways of this corporate, subsequently the SC of US found the company in serious violations of rules. All these under a fellow who went by the name Rockefeller, he amassed amazing amount of money, and I gather is still a record for people who keep records on these matters. It is baffling. To be fair with our man he did contribute a lot for charity (and that is so unlike Indians, who are self-assured of vaginal superhighway past life regressional benefits and entitlements. Converting these crudeness and arrogance into an art form of humbleness and peace is their major occupation; consolidating camaraderie meanwhile is valued as compassion! Thankfully due to limited intelligence and preoccupations with crass the degradation is limited to Indian subcontinent, not without intent). Whatever maybe his latter part contribution it is clear that Rockefeller was a dubious fellow, and as any successful profit sucking specie he shared same characteristic of a psychopath. It need be reiterated though that his contribution towards philanthropy is significant, and really cannot be brushed aside. However the whole ideology of furiously sucking in as corporate greed, meanwhile causing immense damage to surrounding and then regurgitating as philanthropy is rather trite, and seems like balancing for religious brownie points.   

In 1989, the Exxon owned oil tanker struck Bligh Reef in Alaska and spilled more than 11 million US gallons of crude oil. It is considered to be one of the most devastating human caused environmental disasters. In the aftermath of the Exxon Valdez incident, the U.S. Congress passed the Oil Pollution Act of 1990. So you can see Standard Oil aka Exxon had a role that galvanised society against them to pass stringent laws to protect environment first through Clean Air Act of 1971 and later through Oil Pollution Act of 1990. These meant to protect precious environment, human beings, other life forms and ecosystems from wayward ways of greedy corporates and instill in some sense of responsibility. It seems these greedy corporates haven’t really learned anything much.    

I was reading online Rolling Stone magazine the other day, Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson told Wall Street analysts that the company plans to spend $37 billion a year through 2016 (about $100 million a day) searching for yet more oil and gas. Meanwhile to put it context Germany has taken bold steps to shift to renewable source of energy. This blogger thinks that tourists from Germany should be given discounts while Australians and Americans should be carbon taxed. The writer continues “There's not a more reckless man on the planet than Tillerson. Late last month, on the same day the Colorado fires reached their height, he told a New York audience that global warming is real, but dismissed it as an "engineering problem" that has "engineering solutions." Such as? "Changes to weather patterns that move crop-production areas around – we'll adapt to that." This in a week when Kentucky farmers were reporting that corn kernels were "aborting" in record heat, threatening a spike in global food prices. "The fear factor that people want to throw out there to say, 'We just have to stop this,' I do not accept," Tillerson said. Of course not – if he did accept it, he'd have to keep his reserves in the ground. Which would cost him money. It's not an engineering problem, in other words – it's a greed problem”

The problem here is that these moneybags influence policy makers and hence jeopardise the long term interests. The present crisis is the result of exaggerated concerns of moneybags, and the outcomes of diktats of these greedy coteries who orchestrate thoughts and values through jargons of economics, intellectual plausibilities of wanton greediness, seeping pliable mechanism as market media, manipulated democratic institutions and ethical dexterity adds to make it an enthralling mix. The sham show really cannot go on for ever, there is a limit to which a system can take. All the pretensions will surely be exposed as the truth marches in. Nature doesn’t lie. Even the fig leaf of religion, that some are waving, cannot deny these except as fatalists, hence crudely irresponsible. Already carbon level is touching 400ppm…

I was reading a riveting article in Orion Magazine (by Charles Mann) “... As a relatively young species, we have an adolescent propensity to make a mess: we pollute the air we breathe and the water we drink, and appear stalled in an age of carbon dumping and nuclear experimentation that is putting countless species at risk including our own. But we are making undeniable progress nonetheless. No European in 1800 could have imagined that in 2000 Europe would have no legal slavery, women would be able to vote, and gay people would be able to marry. No one could have guessed a continent that had been tearing itself apart for centuries would be free of armed conflict, even amid terrible economic times”
“Preventing Homo sapiens from destroying itself would require a still greater transformation—behavioural plasticity of the highest order—because we would be pushing against biological nature itself. The Japanese have an expression, hara hachi bu, which means, roughly speaking, “belly 80 percent full.” Hara hachi bu is shorthand for an ancient injunction to stop eating before feeling full. Nutritionally, the command makes a great deal of sense. When people eat, their stomachs produce peptides that signal fullness to the nervous system. Unfortunately, the mechanism is so slow that eaters frequently perceive satiety only after they have consumed too much—hence the all-too-common condition of feeling bloated or sick from overeating. Japan—actually, the Japanese island of Okinawa—is the only place on earth where large numbers of people are known to restrict their own calorie intake systematically and routinely. Some researchers claim that hara hachi bu is responsible for Okinawans’ long life spans. But I think of it as a metaphor for stopping before the second inflection point, voluntarily forswearing short-term consumption to obtain a long-term benefit.
Evolutionarily speaking, a species-wide adoption of hara hachi bu would be unprecedented. But is it so unlikely that our species would be able to do exactly that before we round that fateful curve of the second inflection point and nature does it for us?”

“Our record of success is not that long. In any case, past successes are no guarantee of the future. But it is terrible to suppose that we could get so many other things right and get this one wrong. To have the imagination to see our potential end, but not have the imagination to avoid it. To send humankind to the moon but fail to pay attention to the earth. To have the potential but to be unable to use it—to be, in the end, no different from the protozoa in the petri dish. For all our speed and voraciousness, our changeable sparkle and flash, we would be, at last count, not an especially interesting species”

Agreed, after all the big talks and what not we are not much different from the self-assured protozoa in the petri dish of corporate greed…    

Friday, June 26, 2015

Republish Shah Commission report

The full details of atrocities committed under Emergency is not much known, since in last many decades attempts were made to downplay it, except in States like Kerala where it is part of folklore. Most Indians are born after this horrendous event, and hence would like to know more. Justice JC Shah was an amazing man, and unlike other small time opportunists and sycophants (whose progenies have reaped since then) he didn’t buckle, and for that people of this country are grateful. Shah commission report should be published again, this becomes important since every attempt was made to erase it by the powers that be. Not only Shah Commission report all other references which were sought to be erased should be brought out. We want the details of the darkest moments in India’s history… 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The issue of lead contamination, and a tribute to Clair Patterson

Market facilitators and their cronies are trying their best to obfuscate the deadly contamination in food as general degradation of environment and hence by this warped logic poor multibillion dollar companies shouldn’t be held responsible, one crony even suggests why don’t we feed these to poor people instead of wasting. There is intense jockeying going on get into the right book of moneybags and hence benefits. Let’s make things clear: food contaminated with lead beyond permissible level is dangerous for human health, whatever may be the logic. Secondly it is expected from the rich companies to use technologies to remove these dangerous contaminants rather than blaming polluted environment, and yes if they are not able to make more profit then try something else to multiply money. At the end of the day it is about doubling the money (whatever is the charade of investment and other compelling jargons). The other day I was reading an article by Madhav Gadgil, these lines, that is attributed to World Bank (Vice President) in 1991, were striking and should help put things in perspective “The measurements of the costs of health impairing pollution depends on the foregone earnings from increased morbidity and mortality. From this point of view, a given amount of health impairing pollution should be done in the country with the lowest cost, which will be the country with the lowest wages. I think the economic logic behind dumping a load of toxic waste in the lowest wage country is impeccable and we should face up to that.”

This article by Mr. Madhav is quite interesting (to read it in regrettable newspaper being the only hiccup, maybe few years down the line these arbitrators will be obsolete, as a reader I wouldn’t mind paying him directly. Miniscule amounts will add on). I was aware of TEL and how it was pushed, but I wasn’t aware that “…It is now definitely established that alcohol can be blended with gasoline to produce a suitable motor fuel…concluded that alcohol-gasoline blends can ‘withstand high compression without producing knock.’ But alcohol cannot be patented and cannot bring large profits to companies. So, all discussion of its potential was deliberately suppressed, and TEL pushed with vigour”. But there is more to it, apart from Surgeon-General Robert Kehoe who undertook forceful advocacy of TEL despite awareness of dangers, there was another fellow named Thomas Midgley –the inventor of TEL (the godforsaken fellow also invented CFCs –ozone depleting and major green house gas). Midgley conducted live demonstration of inhaling TEL in front of reporters, it need be noted that he was seriously ill due to exposure only a few months back, and was fully aware of perilous effect of lead.

Lead was ‘embarrassingly profitable to produce industrially’. So in 1923 three of Americas largest corporations General Motors, Du Pont and Standard Oil formed a joint enterprise called the Ethyl Gasoline Corporation with a view to making as much tetraethyl lead as the world was willing to buy…they called their additive ‘ethyl’ because it sounded friendlier and less than lead, and introduced it for public consumption. It should also be noted that production workers, almost immediately began to experience the effects of poisoning, irreversible delusions, and deaths were reported. But the spokesman of company blandly informed the reporters “These men probably went insane because they worked too hard” (as documented by Sharon Mcgaryne in Prometheans in the Lab, a book on history of industrial chemistry). This background should help us understand the complicity of big corporation and their greed.

Madhav writes about one Clair Patterson, a brilliant young geochemist who “systematically investigated levels of lead in rocks, rivers and sea water, ocean sediments, the atmosphere and the biosphere. He demonstrated that over the last few centuries, the levels of lead in the remains of marine organisms incorporated in sediments had gone up a hundredfold. The obvious conclusion was that the prevailing levels of lead in the human body were a result of pollution, and were not natural levels at all, as Kehoe had been claiming so far. Patterson provided clinching evidence of this when human teeth and bones from ancient burials turned out to have just one-thousandth the amount of lead as teeth and bones of modern-day humans”. It took full 20 years after the publication of his paper that the U.S. government was finally forced to ban TEL. In the meanwhile they tried everything to discredit Patterson.

Clair Patterson’s contribution is significant and it needs to be told in its entirety. Though his intent was to find the definitive age of Earth, which he did succeed and that in itself was remarkable effort. He was using a new method of ‘lead isotope measurement’, and that is what led him to the atmospheric lead. Patterson found that before 1923 there was almost no lead in the atmosphere, and that since then lead has climbed steadily and dangerously. Readers will note that 1923 was also the year when Ethyl Gasoline Corporation was set up. Patterson made his life’s quest to get lead out of petrol, he became a constant and often vocal critic of lead industry.  Ethyl Gasoline Corporation was a powerful global corporation with many friends in high places. Patterson suddenly found research funding withdrawn. The American Petroleum Institute cancelled research contract with him, so did Union States Public Health Service, a supposedly neutral government body. Ethyl Gasoline Corporation even offered to endow a chair at Caltech ‘if Patterson was sent packing’ (as reported by Jamie Kitman in The Nation). He was excluded from National research council panel appointed to investigate atmospheric lead poisoning, though he was a leading expert in this field. To his credit Patterson never wavered, and eventually because of his efforts Clean Air Act of 1971 was introduced, and finally to the removal of leaded petrol from US in 1986. It took many more years for it to be applied in chronically corrupt countries like India. The lead in paints was removed only recently.

All the above information is input from a remarkable book A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson I was reading a month back. This is one book that is strongly suggested. I wanted to buy it almost a decade back when it was published, but somehow couldn’t and then the thought fettered. Few months back I was watching Fareed Zakaria ‘GPS’ wherein he suggested this book. Couldn’t get it in Mysore or Bangalore (?) and finally bought it from Khan Market Delhi, worth the effort and the read. Bill Bryson definitely has the way of explaining things, and it is compelling to read the stories behind the inventions, discoveries so on. Bryson writes “Clair Patterson died in 1995. He didn’t win a Nobel Prize for his work. Geologists never do. Nor, more puzzlingly, did he gain any fame or even much attention from half a century of consistent and increasingly selfless achievement. A good case could be made that he was the most influential geologist of the twentieth century. Yet who has ever heard of Clair Patterson? Most geology textbooks don’t mention him. Two recent popular books on the history of the dating of the Earth actually manage to misspell his name. In early 2001, a reviewer of one of these books in the journal Nature made the additional, rather astounding error of thinking Patterson was woman”. Apart from being an outstanding geologist his effort to remove lead from atmosphere in itself makes this man a prodigious soul.                  

Friday, June 19, 2015

Incorrigible rogues as journalists

Journalists cannot be expected to show competence in an overwhelmingly mediocre society nor are they expected to exhibit qualities of concern, tethered as they are to crude framework. Exceptions are always there but you can be sure in market media these are rare. This news piece could be from any newspaper (that it happens to be from Kasthuri&Sons is a coincidence, probably a tribute to their forefathers and family vaginas for former life deed pathways). Their promotion of obnoxious views is given but that they are able to squiggle in crudeness in news snippet, where space for prejudice is limited, is undoubtedly a talent. Now market friendly Crude woman would react by “Woman, and her husband…” crap, if men smoke then women smoking is about gender equality. That’s how you become darling of market, and work out service industry gigantism. The more you sell more merrier is the world, and yes richer you are intelligent you are. In this melee some even come out as ‘senior journalists’, something not quite unique in a society that expertise in grading people, sensitive about hierarchy.

Mr. Gajendra is an admirable man: As a citizen I am troubled by the protest of FTII students, it is quite unbecoming. As long as statutes don’t put in any qualification (why haven’t they?), a political appointee is deemed qualified. If they haven’t protested all these decades why are they now? Clearly it is politically motivated. Are all the political appointee of high caliber? How are people appointed to the RS? (if Mr. Gajendra has acted in cheap movies then ZK has written some serious crap in the name of art that will embarrass anyone). Undoubtedly these appointments are obnoxious mix of nepotism, sycophancy, manipulation, corrupt practices, political expediency so on. It is in this context one has to admit that Gajendra Chauhan is an apt choice to head FTII, though I have serious issue with a man with squatter framework surname to head any institution. His role in Mahabharata was well appreciated (indeed benchmark in some ways), further a head of the institution is not for inspiration but to run the institution properly. This blogger would like to know the attendance record of previous “inspiration invoking” heads. Most significantly despite their claim for high reputation, Indian film industry is quite mediocre. This also put in focus on nepotism, as to how do people get into such institution, the selection committee so on. Crude Woman can get in but Mr.Gajendra cannot is not because of lack of talent, nor that Mr. Gajendra was stuck with low grade movies (which doesn’t take away his artistic skills or potential) while Crude woman hobnobbed with the best and expertised her quid pro quo skills, due to lack of talent. Crude Woman was in a position to manipulate awards while Mr. Gajendra had to negotiate existential demands, part timing in hospitals so on, as he worked hard to get foothold in a manipulative and nepotism driven mediocre film ‘industry’.
These pretentious people cannot decide who is talented or can they veto a political appointee, nor does the student have prerogative to decide who should head them. Snobbish elitism and high level manipulators may have problems but they just have to gulp it. Take it on the chin and move on, times are changing. Decades of fattening thyself in the name of art is over, now it’s the turn of the other side. For common people these are just jokes. And yes FTII has been the looser for long, the lackadaisical approach and least concern for competence has taken the toll. I read that it is so badly managed that it has become horrible. 

The only thing that goes against Mr. Gajendra is his pedalling of stuff that promotes superstition. One wonders why promoting superstition not against law, the channel owners looking for easy money should be held responsible. But then how is it different from pedalling Coca cola Pepsi or whatnot, or matrimonial columns? …water purifiers or detergents, what is Crude woman (or small time bharat ratna fellow, he really cannot avoid these. What a cheapskate) connection to these, that she pedal to suck up money? All the products (some crudely exploitative) seeks to capitalise on manipulation. Mr. Gajendra, like many political appointees, is selected by the government in its own intelligence and reasons. He therefore must be given chance, and must be judged on his performance as an administrator, for which he is appointed. It is here that he should be keenly observed, and students protest herein, in case of transgressions, will make sense. In the meanwhile any student having problems must be dealt with disciplinary actions or rusticated, as is deemed fit under the rules. Arrogance, highbrow egotism shouldn’t have space. Indeed these students are known for their notoriety (all in the name of art and freedom of expression, i suppose, before having produced anything at all!!). One of the earlier directors of FTII, Mohan Agashe, had to go following students’ protests over his attempt to restructure some courses. FTII suffers from serious mismanagement, and interference from powerful interest groups/people. Mr. Gajendra’s appointment is only a continuation of that, it got stuck this time as the powerful coterie who were arbitrating benefits in the name of art/culture have been ignored/shunted out or are aware of losing ground and easy sucks, hence the viciousness. It only shows their depravity. Mr. Gajendra has survived in the industry despite trying circumstances and has clawed his way to head a premier institute is in itself something to admire despite his alleged shortcomings. He must carry on…  

PS: Crude Woman says “we don’t discriminate, hum log bhaisaab gender sensitive type ke log hai”. ZK adds “murga ho ya murgi biriyani sabki banegi” “it iz naturalz lawz”.    

Friday, June 12, 2015

Creator of Rock garden is dead

It is one of the most amazing creations you can witness. Millions and millions of mosaic, glasses, bangles ceramic pieces, broken pots, other 'waste' even electric sockets etc. aesthetically arranged in shapes, images and immaculate sculptures that transport you into some faraway fantasy land. First few moments as I entered the rock garden I was disappointed but then as you go further and further in, you wonder and gasp ‘this is impossible’, for a single person to conjure and execute this is nothing short of miracle. It’s brilliant.

I have visited Rock Garden many years back as an itinerant cheap backpacker, early this January I was back in Chandigarh, ofcourse with ubiquitous and irritatingly intrusive conception called camera. I spent more than an hour and as I was exiting I stopped at the curio shop and bought a rock garden inspired keychain that has a rather interesting peacock (I now use for my cycle, kind of interesting to look at it every time you take the cycle out) and then for a fresh pomegranate juice (O they make it so well, the khatta metta thing is lip smacking and yes healthy) and that is when I got lucky. I was talking to the juicer seller, marvelling about the rock garden and then enquiring about Nek Chand as I had seen a banner celebrating his 90th birthday so on. The seller said “You are quite a lucky man” (translated) and pointed to an elderly man in the crowd and said “That is NekChand!!”. Mr. NekChand is rarely seen and this was in one of his rare outing, and to see him next to his creations was truly fortunate. I found him quite agile, reserved to the point of shy and observant to the surrounding. He couldn’t be more than sixty, I thought. Few minutes later he got in his car and left. He hid the rock garden for almost two decades as it was considered illegal, as he assiduously went on with his work!!. What a remarkable guy, in the overwhelming mediocrity that is getting louder and louder these days, here was a brilliant man and a rare Indian. My condolences.  

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Distinction between pride, preference and prejudice…the frogs in the well croak

The depravity of Kasthuri&Sons is an unending pit, that they mask their depravity with characteristic ease is what defines deviant elite of this amazingly putrid society in more than many ways. Lump of humans coalesced in their primitive norms and values that masquerade itself into subtleties of higher being is a habit that is common in this part of the world. They have been negotiating these deviances, that violates basic human rights at every step, with self-assured ease, unchallenged by strict scrutiny or basic sense or thoughts of compassion (in this crude world words like compassion remain words and thoughts or else you need nothing less than a mahatma or miracle). With firm grip on narration the voices of brutalised protests are dealt with ease of neglect, if it gets louder stamp it, ignore or else push it as subaltern, finally if nothing works, as an act gallant, include in as any contrarian view. The unity in diversity primetime show continues. The avuncular benevolence is the focus here, the tradition of tolerance is throttled in from nowhere, the halo is much more than aggregate of the society can even muster. These therefore is added as necessary embellishments to the main narration, meanwhile brutalities is sought to be packaged as benign traditions.   

It is in this context that Kasthuri&Sons use their slaves to croak. They seek to distinguish "pride, preference and prejudice", elucidate their primitiveness in garb of choices and diversity. They assume the role of benevolent guardians. Only fascist, likes of Nazi (a narration that West understands quite well), comes close to this sick world that seek nuances in utmost bleak reality. Mozart in concentration camps is chilling. It’s a reminder of brutalities that depraved mind seek to savour, its degeneration of humanity at a colossal scale. In this brutal world where ethical norms are ambiguous it is the question of where you are placed. Kasthuri&Sons (by them, I mean the primitive Indians who seek to give moral bearing to the horrifying realities) are direct beneficiary of the primitive framework, the assiduously accrued spin offs have been capitalised with much ease. Hence “taking pride in or preferring a particular caste, either in the case of marriage or while voting for a candidate during elections, is not necessarily considered prejudice in India”. According to the logic of this world, anti-semantics or racism is matter of choice, it is how you play it. The key word is “not necessarily considered prejudice” it’s a leeway towards liberal, a hint towards rapprochement, a higher self, a space for experimenting with truth. In this world of ‘not necessarily considered’ what is not ambiguous is the smoke from the chimneys, that people are being burned alive. Read the audacity in these lines “…this is only limited good news, because it unfortunately aggravates the prejudice against Dalits and Adivasis”. Unfortunately?! So these are matters of fortune. Hence Nazis not so bad treatment of non-Jews treatment (I was reading Jehovah's Witnesses were among the few who could leave the concentration camps by renouncing their religious beliefs) but “unfortunately aggravated” atrocities against Jews. Systematic annihilation of humans, systematic brutalising of people is, according to Kasthuri&Sons part of fortune. 

Nazis had their own logic while Kasthuri&Sons trace their hogwash on acts of previous birth. Amazing travesty these people. What makes it grievous is that they are very much aware and are in the midst amazingly brutalities in the name of caste, particularly in TN. That what Kasthuri&Sons consider as identity is tethered to untold misery, a framework that degrades and decimates humanity in individuals, seems not their concern. It is the easiest route to power structure. We are being informed that we are living a life of ‘identity over system’, they quote fellow Gupta (sideshow intellectual alibi). I need to bring in here: the humanities and so called art stream in Indian context are worse than the science rot (engineer/doctor). What goes in the name of sociology/anthropology consists of books that spread amazing nonsense. There is difference between documenting and expressing ‘pride, preference and prejudice’. Most of these texts are written from colonial angle that quite well morphed casteist/racist ideas, indeed most of these books cannot be part of any civilised setting, forget school or colleges. Likes of Dipankar Gupta comes out of these holes tethered to brutal framework, hence can only see things as ‘phenomenon’ and will go back to their caves for further research. Our man has a tough life rollicking between Gandhi and MN Srinivas. I am not going further into these, the muck gets deeper but yes will remind a note of protest I wrote on my visit to Tribal museum at Silvassa.

International community needs to take these transgressions of human rights in all its seriousness. The brutalities is institutionalised to such an extent that there is a persistent effort to see it as normal. So far it had some success since the brutal elite had firm control over narrations hence they twisted depravity as some wonderful exotic tradition. The intellectuals, particularly in West, too have been complacent hence coopted into this nonsense. Casteist/racist based references should not tolerated and must be dealt severely; since Indian society is in the morbid grip of primitive who have stakes it is for the international community to initiate actions. In the meanwhile shops run by likes of Kasthuri&Sons should be denied dealing with civilized world, they shouldn’t be allowed cut paste from reputed columnists. International newspapers and the columnists concerned must take a stand on this. Newspapers that promote primitiveness in its pages (while actively censoring news related to or from the perspective of brutalised sections) through write ups/views that masquerade choices and matrimonial ads that seek to anchor these must be dealt severely. Their attempts to play benevolent figures in international scene are a sham and an escape from home truths. They try to portray themselves as liberal, egalitarian…by hitting gravy pointers.

PS: Spotted: Kasthuri&Sons at marina beach pleading amused passerby ‘Kapathingo french muslimgale kapathingo’. A century back they would be riding on downtrodden, literally, as they espoused grand ideas, now it’s a subtle metaphor. The myriad ways of the deceitful world. Meanwhile if anyone is interested all the justification and reasons can be traced to family vagina (in the streets of Delhi they have much better way of elucidating this), the distinction between pride, preference and prejudice. 

Friday, June 05, 2015

In the traditions of Mir Jaffars and Jaichands

All kind of nonsense are there on offer, pretty faces play on our emotions with endearing lines and compelling expressions, hawk all kinds of junk. No wonder the sellers from abroad, who consider lives of Indians much cheaper (consider the low standards they adopt for Indians, right from automobiles to food), boost ego of the elite by assuring them the status of service industry giant. India is seen as junkyard, a place/people who can be unscrupulously exploited (godforsaken economist use euphemism like investor friendly as embellishments for growth) they are catered for big moneybags, it’s a place to multiply their money without much care. The impunity is such that they even dismiss government reports. It is clear that Maggi (Nestle) is only the tip of iceberg. Indians are consistently exploited by paying the complying elite, the charming facilitators, who in turn give positive spin to exploitation with compelling ease. It is a framework we all know quite well. The tradition of Mir Jaffars and Jaichands is very much alive. The compliable elite are now in investor friendly role. Throw some more money and perks they will do worse, with charming ease and niceties. The sellers (service industry representations) are giving the impression of professionalism and competent work culture; meanwhile the brand values of care and compassion is all a spinoff for easy money. We know these are just packaging and superficial matters. The price the society pays is much high. They are quite consistently pushing in lifestyle that replicate American wasteful ways, hence consumption, thus growth, therefore development. They have destroyed a lot in the name of development. When Nooyi is declared as greatest Indian, hosted very much by Pranab (wonder what is the deal about Presidents/Governor that they are given such obnoxious deference, clearly they are trying to recreate the darbar. The unelected lords, the template that seeks to put every elected leader in his/her place), we know who is great and for what reason. Indeed Nooyi is appointed for very specific reason, her charade of competence withstanding. It is India, the hapless people (in particular impressionable children) and the natural resources, that is the target.

Technology led democratisation is the reason why people are finding their voice, their vigilance is being reciprocated and consolidated through social media. These are finding voice in the popular media, who are still controlled and manipulated by powerful forces. The political elite who have traditionally serving the entrenched groups, as also moneybags too are becoming circumspect. Indeed internet and the spin off herein has been the greatest leveller and liberator. Nothing has been as spectacular for human race as this has been. It is such a wonder that it is beginning of history. It is individual, it’s personal and connected, it is defining the way society functions, redefining arbitration of power, meaning of authority. It is selfistory.

Indeed few decades back Nestle would have easily wriggled out by paying off. It is not the consumers who are ‘confused’, it is powerful whose reduced space for manipulation that is creating the confusions. Indeed Nestle should be asked to pay compensation that should go to cancer patient funding. These people are worst, must add, extremely dangerous sociopaths. The neighbourhood restaurants can only be blamed of hygiene matters (which too are important and should be checked regularly by authorities) not this kind of depravity. Anyday stomach problem is a better option than stomach cancer! 

Post script: there is an excellent and thought provoking article written by Kancha Illaih recently. This blogger hopes that it is translated in all languages and published in all newspapers and websites.