Saturday, July 02, 2016

Recalling Syzmborska

Wislawa Syzmborska has been an elemental influence. Today being the birth anniversary I thought about writing about this. This blogger started to take reading seriously in his mid20s, before that reading was confined to prescribed texts, encyclopedia and comics, hence didn’t have much exposure to poems and prose. I had started to scribble few lines, that too with left hand –a kind of slow laborious construction of lines, that grew interesting as it developed. Meanwhile I was also taking part time classes for GK that gave me ample money. It is during this time that I had to discuss on Nobel prize winners, and this name came into focus, the year was 1997. Didn’t think much about it but as I repeated this name few times I kind of start liking it, and found myself repeating it. Very soon thought of reading her, and boy what a way to get introduced to poems and prose writing! Terrific. She explored the spaces that are hinged in everyday, in quite simple language but with profound meanings. She still remains one of the best in my list of all-time greats. Simply adorable. Nobel prizes were something that was part of international news and nothing much was added to it but with Syzmborska I understood that I could get access to the best of writings by following the list of winners. Later in Delhi I was able to locate few authors, but the torrent started after I got into internet and that was entirely a new exciting world. Very soon I was keen to understand the minds and influence of these spectacular writers, and rightly stumbling upon Syzmborska’s Nobel speech and that open up the door for further explorations and discoveries. The adventure really hasn’t stopped since then…

The reclaiming
Tsunamis, earthquakes, cyclones, floods and whatnot
In the calamities that strikes every now and then
nature has least of concern for life 
ticking off humans -the one that has highest estimate of themselves
pampered by religion and anthropomorphized sugarcoats
bewitched in their own spiraling grand selves.
They are tossed around without a thought.
Mega structures cleaved, submerged, cleared off in an embarrassing hurry.   
Ardent prayers of surefooted faiths and fate vendors
fetching absolutely nothing. 
Mangled bodies are dropped on the wayside to rot
gnawing soup for worms  
in final ignominy of sort
as the primal force sets out to unequivocally establish its will.
In the higher scheme of things human life is a non existent speck
at the most a carbon unit whose atoms are now reclaimed
by the elements to randomly refigure
without any excuse or thought.    

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The employment generation bogus bogey

You hear this almost on daily basis, the talisman of Employment Generation that is expected to bring all the goodies, the ideal world that justifies all incursions –ethical/environmental, by the moneybags in the name of development. All kind of sociopaths morph themselves as avuncular evangelists of better ideas for a tremendously inviting world. So you have the economists coming out with compelling statistics while moneybags appear with magic wands of investment that we are told will generate more employment, the market media and its manipulators see these as enactment of high truths that we common people are meant to bow for our own good and everlasting happiness that comes with this acquiescence. The politicians and elected representatives are hence meant to implement these without questioning, indeed their say on these matters are much reduced with international pressures in the increasingly pernicious world of brand globalisation that definitely doesn’t encourage knowledge sharing on the contrary these critical matters that is part of humanitarian progress have become much inegalitarian and exploitative as money gets accrued into smaller and smaller cliques.

I have worked in different places across the country (that include long list from Chennai, Delhi, Pune, Trivandrum, Ernakulum, Gurgaon, Bangalore, Mysore, Bellary, Mangalore etc. to the jungles of Kanha, Munnar, Ooty, Coorg  etc. as also travelled and stayed in different places as iterant vagabond from Rishikesh to Gangtok and as a tourist intimately connected to the places like Udupi/ Pondicherry/Talashery, and as cycling environmentalist to wide areas of the country and so on, while studying tribes/birds/nature of religion/water exploiting corporates so on took me to remote regions in the country that includes days of enchanting walk through Narmada valley)  in different profiles as trainer, naturalist, copywriter, journalist, salesman so on, thus my understanding does carry some credibility of an acute entrenched observer. The significant one being that there is no dearth of jobs in India. Again and again you come across people ruing the fact that they cannot get the right kind of people with requisite competence. Even the people who are in the job almost always (ofcourse with rare exceptions) are not up to the mark or are generally lackadaisical in their dealing and approach, significantly and damningly these amazing irresponsible nature doesn’t even scratch their conscience. It is as if job has become extension of entitlement, and being careless comes easily as part of the legacy from crude nature of society, it really gets worst in government jobs. There are ample numbers of jobs but not many competent people around is a sad fact of mediocre nature of Indian reality. We also have millions and millions of people stuck in jobs that they have no liking, inclination or talent what sustains them is probably the available option are much worst or a match of nepotism, habit or opportunity/good fortune or parasitic family/pride. Indeed those in the job are exploited too and are mostly not adequately compensated or taken care. This particularly true where the physical nature of jobs is on priority whether salesman, labourer, or in the lower levels of service industry -even in luxurious hotels or resorts. I have seen sights where guests are served gourmet platter while across the wall the lower level staff don’t even have proper space to sit to eat. It is that horrible and it is undoubtedly lack of intent than anything else, a mindset that is a strange mix of crude feudal ways and entitled world of squatter that gives wonderful vision of grandeur in slimmest of competence. It is part of nature to be exploitative and domineering with slenderest authority. The reason why majority in this society crave for authority than anything else, ditto why dumb jobs like army, police so on that even diminishes human being, as they are reduced to uniformed entity taking/executing orders are elevated and celebrated. The hierarchy, in particular, nourishes the parched souls used as they are to the crudest nature of society hinged on deviant ways, the world of superior and inferior, the pure and polluting fancies. The reason why oppression and sycophancy becomes the defining nature of job, as patronages are distributed on compliance and nepotism replaces professionalism.

In recent times, as moneybags look out for easier ways to double their godforsaken money, newer and cruder market friendly strategies are being sought, hence an exploitative and extremely systematised aka professional ways are explored. So we have people who are qualified and competent but end up as conduit in the exploitation. Where they could have contributed in a meaningful ways they are now reduced to multiply money as efficiently for richer people to get much richer. In the process they get adequately paid but have no qualm being a participant of exploitation of people/environment/culture. It’s an ethical vacuum created by greed filled framework that spreads rapidly into other spheres of life. Hence fertile ground for Trump like figures, it is but natural evolutionary process if one is successful in corporate. It is the reason why we are at the crossroad of cataclysmic environmental events. It is also the reason why despite enough evidences why market cannot be bothered. It is a framework of deception that has capacity to negate fact in clever manipulations.  

Meanwhile as market spread its tentacles, the degradations are set into motion. Jobs are created that suits these and appalling type of people thrives while reason and common sense loose. With market choices regret gain prominence and occupy space of aspirational mobility. It gets belligerent and raucous, so the crudest type spread across and set alight to redefine all that we value. They pose as social leaders/artists/media while genuine people and valued thoughts and expressions are side-lined. The lowest denominator and posers haggle for spaces that critically define freedom and its expressions. The possibilities of latest technological marvels are reduced to crass and crude, as commodification sets in. Ideally with absolute understanding of freedom these have space, and that is precisely has been the case in West/USA, but simultaneously there are also some amazing and spectacular people working at the cutting edge that stretches our understanding of life and human progress. Unfortunately in a mediocrity thriving and entitlement driven society like India with effete elite and traditional ethical/moral vacuum is stuck forever at the lowest and crudest base. The values of rigor and deeper involvements that forms basis of competence and excellence are shunted to lackadaisical and irresponsible ways as the society suffers while neo liberals and corrupt have free run.                                 

Saturday, June 04, 2016

I am the King

 If there was a king then it was Muhammad Ali. When we were kids he was the guy to watch out for. I recall my favourite T-shirt used to be one with colourful picture of Muhammad Ali ‘I am the King’ written over it, and I used to wear it almost every other day. Muhammad Ali was beyond boxing, he transcended borders and barriers, race and religion. He was a legend and will remain one for a very long time to come. It was truly sad that he couldn’t articulate for last three decades, his thoughts would have added to the enchantment that he was and to the increasingly bleak world we live in.   

When facts and argument becomes irrelevant: The neo liberal disaster

Neoliberalism sees competition as the defining characteristic of human relations. It redefines citizens as consumers, whose democratic choices are best exercised by buying and selling, a process that rewards merit and punishes inefficiency. It maintains that “the market” delivers benefits that could never be achieved by planning. Attempts to limit competition are treated as inimical to liberty. Tax and regulation should be minimised, public services should be privatised. The organisation of labour and collective bargaining by trade unions are portrayed as market distortions that impede the formation of a natural hierarchy of winners and losers. Inequality is recast as virtuous: a reward for utility and a generator of wealth, which trickles down to enrich everyone. Efforts to create a more equal society are both counterproductive and morally corrosive. The market ensures that everyone gets what they deserve.
We internalise and reproduce its creeds. The rich persuade themselves that they acquired their wealth through merit, ignoring the advantages – such as education, inheritance and class – that may have helped to secure it. The poor begin to blame themselves for their failures, even when they can do little to change their circumstances….
…Freedom from trade unions and collective bargaining means the freedom to suppress wages. Freedom from regulation means the freedom to poison rivers, endanger workers, charge iniquitous rates of interest and design exotic financial instruments. Freedom from tax means freedom from the distribution of wealth that lifts people out of poverty.
…”The words used by neoliberalism often conceal more than they elucidate. “The market” sounds like a natural system that might bear upon us equally, like gravity or atmospheric pressure. But it is fraught with power relations. What “the market wants” tends to mean what corporations and their bosses want. “Investment” … means two quite different things. One is the funding of productive and socially useful activities, the other is the purchase of existing assets to milk them for rent, interest, dividends and capital gains. Using the same word for different activities “camouflages the sources of wealth”, leading us to confuse wealth extraction with wealth creation.
A century ago, the nouveau riche were disparaged by those who had inherited their money. Entrepreneurs sought social acceptance by passing themselves off as rentiers. Today, the relationship has been reversed: the rentiers and inheritors style themselves entre preneurs. They claim to have earned their unearned income.
(George Monbiot’s How Did We Get into This Mess?)

It is this ecosystem of fake and perceptions hinged on selling and consuming that has become the defining aspect of human transactions and indeed the source of warped development. It has enveloped all the mediums that we seek to understand and know the world. It acts as arbitrators sourcing itself as model that insures prosperity. The crassness spreads and we have role models emerging with products and brands. The society that had dubious moral values to start with, ethics cleverly contextualised to the situation and aggregated as values, really doesn’t have a chance. The alarming degradations is but expected. There are people like Trump who become billionaires in this nourishing ecosystem that has completely and effortlessly acquired into Indian ways. Some even try Bhagavad Gita to feed the frenzy, like any ‘holy book’ this one too has some amazing crap is now taken to fit modernity, indeed brazenly suited to science too. The crudest and illogical claim to be rational and scientific, it all is reduced to perceptions and subjective. The crude ideas of success and market dexterous ways of life are now established as meaning of better life. There are millions of minor Trumps in this part of world who now guide us, and Indian society lacking ethical bearing and functioning on moral vacuum gravitate effortlessly meanwhile the squatter camaraderie have consensus on ‘great and ancient culture’. The worst of US is constantly pushed as aspirational frame in this part of the world, and they supplicate to these as if of some great value. Trump’s obnoxious were regular fixture on Indian TV (indeed they even had dimwit Palin) and part of entertainment that is fed by mediocre elite seeking to multiply money, the lack of mind is amazing.

In this degrading milieu therefore it wasn’t surprising that ‘learned’ judges -in consonance with elite sanctum, thought defamation was a criminal offense hence should be dealt severely. Clearly only the elites are meant to have reputation, it’s an entitlement, the purity of which needs to be fiercely protected from any polluting influence. The garb of modern ethos and well placed quotes (in itself a high art) is what makes this playact compelling. Meanwhile on the other end of mainstream narration the crude progenies aka demographic dividends are fiercely dredging freedom and expression. With characteristic mediocrity and entitled impunity they crass the reputation of well-respected people that is built on lifelong efforts. Not that these need to be always put on pedestal they have grievous short coming and that is what was to be focused and shredded. But in the crass competing fueled by market (‘bania’) media these craps are now quick packaged as new era champions of freedom, meanwhile very cleverly subverting real issues in the element of crude and tasteless low calibre fun that is set to grow among the entitled progenies and a new means of hedonism that market favours. As it is the muck will excite muck, hence they are now threatened by extreme groups. And like always we have the armchair view of low brow haggling as immense opportunities of democracy stunted and stuck in minimum denominator of possibilities. This is constant Indian narration while champu (in market driven sickening good nature) give us ways to whiten skin and gulp coke, all sacred part of development while India languish at the bottom end of human indices. The unearned income that too by the least of competent is what sustains the growth as also art. Hopefully racist Indians are taken to task by African nations at international forums.

We had a brief respite of ‘vendetta’ politics but unfortunately it fizzled out. The elite coterie had momentary breakdown and the dirty linens were being taken out but truce was called. The debauched framework of sanctum is what instigates camaraderie, they also fashion these cleverness as diplomacy (Mukherjeejis are known to be high on this art). There was an indication of politicians misusing judiciary. Aren’t we aware of this? Aren’t we aware that everything is misused, entitlement is always a blessing! Months after retirement a CJ of SC was appointed as the Governor, ideally the fellow should have turned it down, basic propriety, indeed decency, demands it but not our fellow he saw it as divine blessing (and went all the way for thanksgiving and gratitude –a characteristic that is precursor to humble ways. The pic herein). The deal was sealed with debauched blessings of golden gods. Incidentally the first citizen of the country dealing with gold inside the sanctum in the presence of golden gods was a defining moment of this crass society. It’s a deep pit, and thank the golden gods for small miracles of modern gadgets and choices of market that showcase us as liberals. This fertile space is where the elite section pupates for higher intentions.

Back with con couple: ZK was showing pics to assert their credentials as icons “sab janthe hai humlog iconz log hai” CrudeWoman nodded vigorously, “madamzee isko godh me bita ke desi ghee ke laddu khilathi thi. Ekdam pure desi ke laddu” It was clearly photo-shopped pictures this one had CrudeWoman face on a baby being fed laddus by mother Theresa –whose face was replaced with that of ‘Madamzee’. It was hilarious but con couple seriously held that they could pull this one. It was their servant (not domestic help ‘we don’t need help. kissi ki himath nahi hai hamko help karne ki’) who pointed that it was not laddu but golgappe. Clearly the shoddiness was beyond reason. ZK had already slung back from the upset and tried his sanskrit that he has been practising to influence the changing realities, the one that Senbabu tried so very subtly, “madamanaam budiyanaam golgappeyam toosanthi”        

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Death of a photojournalist

Recently a photojournalist died while trying to take picture of water train, he was attempting a high angle shot when he got electrocuted. While the high end squatter saturated media take higher moral grounds in the comforts of studios and columns, as they negotiate, arbitrate and bond in characteristic dexterity of words, ofcourse for the sake of nation, there are people who are underpaid, exploited and neglected. They are also part of media. Meanwhile mainstream media infotainment includes some amazingly third rate media controllers, stupidity of celebrities, the movie cheapskates (indeed they also have intense gaze on US entertainers and little degrading bits they offer is seen as high art) and the amazingly mediocre cricketers. When asked to circumnavigate the world, Karthikeyan went about it earnestly while wily Ganesha took a round of God Shiva and Parvathi. The interpretation being parents are the world. The latch is on the cleverness, wiliness significant part of narration while anger/celestial curse constant backdrop of godly affairs (compare this with compassionate Jataka tales). The squatter degradation is obvious, hence positioned as interpreters, the arthaarth leeway, is a licence to include any nonsense and assert their disgusting ways in elaboration. While amazingly despicable elders are sought to be equated to gods and asked to follow, that therefore seals, or will complicate, any dissent to these ethical deviances that forms culture. This therefore acquires religious values that percolates as family traditions and hence contribute to the putrefication of society. The muck has centuries of making. The humble Pavlovian creatures of habit. Back to the story, like wily Ganesha, media too covers the world by taking the round of lawyers, politicians, mediocre actors/movies as art while stupid game cricket as sports…as these frogs croaks in the well and define, redefine the world they also wonder why such wonderful world is being ignored by international community. So while people get ready to defecate along the railway tracks and wherever the squatter saturated columnist defecate in queen’s english (please Word NO CAPs FOR queen’s q, no way) and pat each other for unheard nuances and turn of sentences. As they consolidate the degradations and seek cosmopolitan ways. 

The vulgar sight of wallowing in money reminds of maggots feasting on fatty carcass. Money is reduced to muck while some pedal all day to earn few hundreds in crowded cities. No wonder people are so religious and superstitious, while the elite section too are aware how precarious their claim is hence this miracle seeking camaraderie. Having least of talent they even disseminate their personal secrets and whatnots to salivating media as news, while the so called media  -a clever business venture no doubt, degrades itself to get its share in the raining fortune, sometime they snarl that is referred to as debate. The kind of money they make by misusing and manipulating, what is referred to as branding in higher echelons of decadence, is absurd. When scrutinised this is nothing but unethical and serious moral breach that is constantly gnawing into the fabric of decent ways. There is a serious gap between talent and earning, so much gap that talent becomes abstract as they end up doing anything from dancing to singing to acting to playing cricket (probably the only game around that gives hope to even the worst of sportsperson, there are ofcourse commentators and columnist who will pack and elevate this crudeness into olympian levels of subtlety) as they hog in limelight for whatever reason and with desultory ease multiply their money. Some have even monopolised the definition of talent and are redefining it to the lowest possible denominators. That may look enticing for common folks, and give feeling of hope, but these are strongly walled.  And yes those outsiders who do get in don’t try to reform or be ethical but join the loot, indeed compete as vicious insiders to grab as much the easy picks as possible. These lewd exaggerations must be severely taxed as these are nothing but unearned income based on manipulation they use business jargons but this is an open loot by louts. Will they severely tax these unearned incomes?

I was reading an article by another photojournalist (Anand Shankar) and is quite revealing… 
The media loves to call itself the watchdog. But it utterly neglects basic practices that other industries rigorously follow as a routine. In my almost eight years in the media, not a single supervisor of mine (or the human resources department, since that is the fashion now) ever did a programme on occupational safety.
I remember the year was 2006, I was being sent on an official assignment (junket) to Malaysia. The logistics of the assignment was being paid for by a sponsor. I enquired whether they did the travel insurance for journalists too. When the reply was negative, I knew that the insurance had to be done. I went ahead and purchased it myself.
But I was in for a shock when I asked my employer, a grand old newspaper from South India, for a refund of the policy amount, since I was travelling on duty representing the organisation. My employer refused to pay the insurance for its own employee, a paltry Rs 700. What is the employee supposed to do if taken ill or in an accident abroad?

Grand old newspaper from South India?...aha and which one could that be? Despicable. I gather it is a sinking ship. Debauched tirupathi and intense camaraderie worth tonnes of ill-gotten gold should produce long traditions of miracles!  

Monday, May 09, 2016

Inheritors of a "refined and ancient civilisation"

We must stop comparing it to the Delhi gang rape because the similarities exist in their horrific death and not in the lives lead. We must acknowledge that our motivation at the comparison is to drag the Kerala woman’s life into a setting that we are comfortable in – urban, upper caste – and not confront the realities of caste violence across India…Instead of the comparisons, the victims will be better served if we started acknowledging the vicious effects of caste and start working against it; if we see that recent violence against Dalit people has come on the bodies of people trying to assert themselves and breaking free of caste shackles: a law student, a nursing student, a bright school student, a PhD student; if we admit caste is present everywhere in our lives.

It is rare to find these kind of lines in squatter saturated ‘bania’ promoted shubh laab ventures that posits as media. With god’s grace the technologies keep innovating and fall on their lap (minor miracles) to further promote their primitive ways and reach. Meanwhile the people who have morphed their primitiveness in social indices so as to be referred to as progressive are being questioned. Kerala is a putrefication that Indians will meet on the way –with rising literacy and income, as they progress negotiating market enlightenment with cruder culture and depraved traditions. These will get intense everytime they showcase their humble ways and simple nature. Some rue on memories of matriarchy! Matriarchy my foot. In an overwhelmingly primitive society (that left even Vivekananda baffled) these are earnest hallucination of grandeur, property transfer has much cunning reasons some may give impression of matriarchy. Clearly the socalled matriarchy followed all the primitiveness of patriarchy, nothing remotely enlightening as is being posited. This blogger has maintained that cunning elite women have been positioning themselves by exaggerating gender matters to usurp advantage, and have been making attempts to impress West by playing victim while the reality being they are firmly hinged to primitive world and are active participant of the structure that nurtures and thrives on misery. Indeed a just society will be based on gender equality. While the pertinent question here is the victim’s name can be revealed because poor people, that too the most marginalised and traditionally brutalised, are not expected to have privacy? The law is not meant to be applied in these cases, by the prejudiced police and disgraceful media. That caste is major pattern in these despicable shows is sought to be censored.

Meanwhile Pavan Verma, who has carefully calibrated his career on upward trajectory (nothing wrong in the arena of market driven ecstasy, as also it is a justification on ordained self, but when it is meant to assert the mainstream narrations and pander to power then we know the clever fellow is aiming big. Urdu connection with muslim elite gives him serious gravy points, and claims of much sought feudal refinity) is ruing the trolls. Trolls are generally aimed at the powerful by the mass (atleast the one who can use Net and can understand English, the numbers of which are increasing exponentially), there maybe some excesses but it is nothing compared to the nepotistic and irresponsible elite. Get used to it Vermaji, if you can vouch for freedom of expression for the market media (and whatever is served as infotainment) then you should have no problem with trolls. To be able to abuse is part of free expression, indeed that probably is only viable option of marginalised/powerless, and yes nothing is sacred. Not the least religion, this relentless march of ‘sentiment being hurt’ is curtailing the freedom. Blasphemy has no place in free world, you cannot freeze anything in timespace. The reason why enlightened societies/people should be worried of primitiveness encroaching in the name of religious expressions that seeks to bring in discriminations and prejudices in the name of faith. This blogger will not prefer provocation of faith for the sake of freedom, but if it is discriminatory and reduces the space then it will be resisted. Patronising Britain has always got it wrong, muslim london mayor (indeed his lack of decency towards Corbyn points to serious hedonistic tilt, that seem to define some who use muslim card as liberal) doesn’t help the case, they nurture and export the vilest kind of people. Worst of religious ways living in harmony is a truce not tolerance, and a degradation that constantly eats into ethical core. The result is never positive. It’s like inmates of jail, enforced and indeed menace to freedom. Societies don’t become syncretic in degradation, it is like Indianisation that will see harmonious thriving mediocrity, numbed to all kinds of nonsense and exploited in the name of faith. It doesn’t pass the scrutiny of logic and enlightened understanding. Religion seems to be having a free run and severely degrading all that is valued in free world. Verma claims, after much mainstream chicanery of greatness, to be “inheritors of a refined and ancient civilisation”. This is the kind of garbage that is being fed for too long now, and many have made career by acquiescing to these in well-orchestrated debauched connection that very effortlessly reinforces camaraderie. Thankfully internet has given voice to people, and yes these vicious responses are only tip of ever increasing iceberg. The reason why political/social/media elite are viciously targeted.

Meanwhile Raghuram Rajan has come out with a gem “It is because money has no odour, because it is the great equaliser, that so many people across history have been able to acquire resources and invested them to make the world we live in…Rather than prohibiting the use of money and wealth, let us think about increasing society’s tolerance for its use.”. There was a study done on careers with high level of psychopathic behaviour. CEOs, lawyers and mediapersons were on the top of the list, that includes everyone of Indian socio-political elite spectrum, then there are people who exist in buffer zone like market driven NGOs, writers, sellers…with potential to be successful CEOs err psychopaths. When someone at IIT shifts towards IIM that is a clear indication of psychopathic intentions, Rajan like any well-meaning ignorant economist is beyond redemption. Now the question here is will capitalist torchbearer Rajan play his sickular liberal card effectively and enthuse the camaraderie that pseudo commies Kasthuri&Sons desperately crave. All eyes on golden lords of tirupathi, only gods can understand these murky devious world, or atleast the squatters for god sake and matrimony!!  

Brutal murders are extreme but persistent realities of the traditionally marginalised sections ie dalit (this reference can only be used in context to discrimination any other attempt should be quelled, as it is clever attempt by the elite to normalise and gain credibility tethered to their primitive realities, also an attempt to liken it with Blacks in US so as to equate these degradations and gain as patronisers and conscience keeper) but there are brutal discriminations all the way along. It’s a ruthless society that tries to cover itself in high sounding nonsenses of ‘culture’ that Vermaji spews, and now ‘unity in diversity’ crap. Meanwhile market has taken the baton from the realities of primitiveness and very viciously trying to fit it into modernity. The technology and talent subservient to selling and buying, the exploitation and exploitative mindset incentivised.
There was a video circulating in media of a youngster being tied to the window of train bogie, that could have quite easily got him killed, and brutally beaten. The reason being his father drank water from their bottle, and yes they knew each other. Obviously you don't become community by staying together, Kasthuri&Sons will vouch for that. Why would anyone have such brutal response to something as innocuous as sharing water? Media will not explain these and they need not we Indians know it, westerners may do sudharshan kriya for world peace and turn a blind eye on the primitive realities that defines this society in meditative silence.

The brutal realities of caste will not vanish away, water being elemental part of squatter ensconced puke purity that is taught as part inheritors of a “refined and ancient civilisation” (Vermaji). That the ‘demographic dividends’ had problem with sharing water with elderly man, and in turn nearly killed his son, shows deeper malaise in society.  And yes they could have thrashed or broken bones, that banal act would never be reported. It is this impunity (as also presence of camera) that exhibits the audacity of depravity so common place in this land of mahatamas and pundits. The one that is justified and celebrated by the mediocre Indian elite, and here the fellow goes moist over trolls. If someone asks how to caricaturise Indian elite, I would put them as a hybrid of Trump and Kim (North Korea). Everything about them can be found here, the despicable in modern, the high sounding nonsense in ordained reality, the hereditary mediocrity in money and scientific achievements (read nuclear/missiles) in buffoonery. The scenario that entitled create as they dispense patronage.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Moron of Mediocre times

When the going was orgasmic fun the dubious fellow was celebrated as King of good times, as disgraceful elites stampede for the lick till it hurt. That he was only a façade for much cleverer people to grab is becoming clear. He was used thoroughly, and the attention seeker enjoyed the limelight, the habitual affliction became the catalyst for the downfall.

Vijay Mallya is a clear case of fall guy in a coterie working and furiously scratching each other and grabbing whatever they could lay their hands on while it lasts. The moment one of the primate is declared a fall guy they mob him to show and maintain a semblance of ethical concern and righteous placing, ofcourse law will take its own course while CJ will plead for more resource. Sycophantic leaders are easy to trap as they lack credibility or responsibility, they are ever enthusiastic for any deal for gain. The deal makers, manipulators, perception creators etc. have field day as the nefarious acts are carried with impunity while Indian democracy is celebrated in all its mythical glory. The so called Indian corporates (mostly high end dealers) thrive in this ecosystem, as money is handed, directed, distributed and patted with subtle business school jargons to give semblance of professionalism to what is essentially thuggery at colossal scale. The slaves in media are taken care with media management money sacks addressed carefully with pincode, hence miraculously thugs becomes movers of economy and generators of precious jobs   garlanding it as incredible India’s success story. Now that he is being mauled badly and it has become open for all Mallya tweets from his hideout "Let media bosses not forget help, favours, accommodation that I have provided over several years which are documented." Capitalism is bad enough but crony capitalism takes the life out of the society, it saps and degrades what already is of low credibility.

Mallya’s carefully crafted checklist for success is ticked in all possible squares of devious ways. Cash cow of business empire and property that he inherited and ofcourse much facilitated due to lack of any check on these transactions. Subsequent policy makers, clearly part of the patrilineal thriving ecosystem that perpetuates disparities, furiously flicked their tongue for social justice during election time as much celebrated Indian competence/merit chugs on into its graveyard. Wonder how lawyers do such wonderful job as finance minister? Mallya used his liquor empire to surrogate ad all that he could lay his hands on as mediocrity thriving game called cricket had men competing for different brands of liquor, and soulful singing the brand, cricket is just a ruse for transaction. This blogger holds the view that prohibition of liquor is not the way but be tough on surrogate ads and placing of these products. There are even awards named on liquor that depraved decorate each other with for all kind of achievements in this ever limited world, some use this occasion for wisdom. He also exhibited his deviant market media friendly patriotism by wanton fossil fuel guzzling and massive carbon footprint irresponsible juvenile events like Formula One.  

With big money and nepotistic delight Mallya went about soliciting the ever ready to sell the nation for money politicians, he was elected to RS not once but twice for whatever reason except that he was dripping in currency. The fellow, as expected, blatantly used the occasion to subvert highest body of Indian democracy as he went on promoting himself and his brand’s worth as charming marketer. He donated, indeed bricks of gold and even navigated his godforsaken airline’s first flight around the debauched temples (Even
donating a golden door (?!) to Kukke Subramanya temple, a temple known for such disgusting practices that it will sicken any sane person. A practice so heinous that it should be a case study for world community to understand this primitive society. To call this putrid pit a place of worship is a disgrace, in a civilized world this place would either be cleared of brutes or flattened. What was the motivation of this scoundrel to donate such huge amount of gold to these disgusts? Clearly these are the pits he is now going to knock, debauched blessing should create miracles. Meanwhile will the gold door be taken back or most appropriately shouldn't these disgraceful people return it?) Unfortunately the debauchery and camaraderie have short life cycle, squatter’s blessing is ineffectual when the venture needs high level of competence for running an airline. If it was based on perception and manipulation they would have easily pulled it off but sadly this venture needs high calibre hence it could nothing but fail, humble sycophancy withstanding. Meanwhile debauched blessing worked wonders as he set about multiplying his business and ofcourse ego. The coterie cleared the patch as banks were more than keen to extend loans. I read that public sector bank is another pit of nepotism and harbinger of crony capitalism. As everybody gets their cut the loans are approved by pliable heads of banks, indeed these attributes are the very reason why they are made the head of banks. This is how degraded the system is as they favour their own without any compunction millions and millions of people’s money are exchanged and pocketed. Even words like nepotism and crony capitalism needs redefining. That an employer is not paying the employee should in itself an apt case for arrest is a minor matter. There are so many breaches one wonders whether there are any laws applied for these people or is the law meant to control common people while they carry the loot.    

What spoiled the cosy deal was Mallya’s flamboyance, the arrogant attention seeker oddball with a penchant for buffoonery, and in the ecosystem of god fearing debauched blessed humble operators he was going to be in trouble sooner than later. And that is the reason for his fall, there are defaulters worse than him, there are people worse than him but he was marked out. If he had stayed and manipulated under the radar he would have quite easily escaped and even won the business icon of the year award from none other than the FM. Few months before the hell broke loose on him he celebrated his b’day in lavish style that made ‘prescient saint’ of a RBI head to blurt some saintly advice. That the policy makers were aware of the misdeeds of Mallya and action was not taken is ‘prescient’ in itself. The incompetence of it. While FM was found to be rather patronizing “it is good that media is focussing on this”!! So what exactly is his job? To be fair the exaggerated presence of some TV channels, mostly English media (that the PM so very rightly avoids) did try to underplay Mallya’s gargantuan fleece initially. It is only when the barrage were broken that too by some really persistent and committed few that the mob joined in, it is the same with the defence scam, they ignored, underplayed and then once it was going out of hand joined in for high moral ground. Media management fund cannot really guarantee fool proof silence (this blogger wants the list of people who were paid including the journalist knowing fully well that is not going to happen…this only much bigger scam while smaller one’s are being pocketed on daily basis under the euphemism of media management).

Postscript: It is clear that Mallya played it well to attract big lickers –the cunning sycophantic politicians, through them the pliable bureaucracy and banks, facilitated ably by creating debauched blessing as he donated loads of gold to squatter temples hence open the door wide for higher echelons of camaraderie. He even ticked the sickular box, hobnobbing with pretentious money sucking sickular, and took it to the next level with Tipu’s sword. The attention seeker was having it all, and with half naked calendars and furious hedonism he took the liberal values and modernity over the roof.  As Mallya face the music, the coterie who provided the service got ample cut remained low key and have since vanished with their bora bistra leaving no trace but you can see some footprint of these manipulative scoundrels who severely degraded the institutions. This blogger was able to trace one and the web of manipulation they work on. Wondering how a pedestrian award manipulating actor who is not at all popular, and not suited for the role of a Punjabi (wherein there are so many better options) could be considered for a movie led me to look at the producer. This fellow turned out to be a photographer. Now how is that a photographer able to make so much money was cleared by the revelation that this fellow worked for Mallya. One could therefore conclude that this was in some way returning the favour, that CrudeWoman must have played some part in the manipulation can be conjectured. It is not for no reason millions of rupees is extended as a loan, and then not asked to return. It is high profile web of deceit that is so cunning that you will never be able to pinpoint it. That is how these scoundrels work, always under the radar, leave no footprint. This pattern of camaraderie is something quite common among the cabal parked around the power centre. As ZK says jab madamze ki dukaan khuli thi tho hum log do ka do lakh karthe the, aaj sirf do ka dai kar pathe hai…mahol kharab ho gaya hai

Meanwhile there is an argument going on: ZK believes in choos choos ke khao while Crude Woman is adamant on niglo school of thought. As I left the con couple CrudeWoman looked at ZK’s gene, who was furiously noting the salient of the argument, and sympathised “muee bal kat kat ke naak kataake chali gayi”. ZK looked at the ceiling and muttered “Iconz logon ka dard sirf iconz log he samaj sakthe hai”       

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The charm of defence spending

This blogger does not have much respect for the Defence forces though they are a necessity for the integrity of the Nation State. That patriotism becomes last refuge for the pretenders is clear but the exaggerations in the popular culture are a reflection that the societies have not evolved yet. The more Army personnel are seen or are part of mainstream discourse, and mandatory eulogising by the public, it indicates that we haven’t really moved up in the evolutionary scale. Nothing can be more tragic than to train people to be in uniform, segregated into ranks and grading to follow orders to kill and maim others for protecting what is demarcated on geography by bunch of homo sapiens is a colossal waste of human potential. It is also clear that countries that have more intervention by Armed forces in policy making have seen amazing levels of degradations, take Pakistan for instance. Organised religion and armed forces have embryonic relation, and in some way precursor to expansionist mindset that seek to subjugate and destroy. The illogic of religion fuels the barbarism of violence on others through brainwashed soldiers. The technological advancements may have replaced market hedonism in place of religion and gave a false hope of modernity but armed forces have remain a static presence. There can be umpteen arguments and dire necessity for these forces but it also is an indication that humans haven’t really attained the sophistication that is offered by the promise of universe and hopes of better world.

Few hundred years back, as the societies were primitive, there was impetus on soldiers but now these are becoming increasingly anachronistic. The societies that celebrate these ready to die hare-brained killers as brave and role models are looking at long treacherous road of destruction. That the world instead of becoming liberal and secure, as the possibilities increases with modern advancements in ideas and technology, is seeing more strife is an indication that majority are still primitive. The insecurity clearly is not confined to national borders but each individual seems to be in sense of despair. Religion and irrational ways are therefore consolidating its presence, the more organised get to capture the unthinking naive minds into downward spiral. The collectivism is not only failing the individual but is subjugating into irresponsible ways. Material surplus or immense possibilities of wealth doesn’t really open to fresh benign understanding and thoughts that matches the prospects of the time we live in is clear from the way USA is gathering into smaller minds with bigger mouths. As deviant norms of market spread and consolidate these are set to replicate across the world. An increasingly sinister form of religion will therefore be revived in these degraded values that seek to amalgamate market in prosperity and amazing levels of irresponsibility in self-contained and ever perpetuating faith. (The pit of state called literate Kerala has faithfuls celebrating the impoverishment of gold jewellery, the world seemed to have well passed the apocalypse for these wasted zombies. What kind of conscience they hold and what hope they seek?)

It is expected that as the artificial intelligence takes technology into next revolution (Revolution 4.0) the soldiers will be replaced by machines. Antiquated ways of life mistaken for bravery and patriotism will be things of the past. The question therefore is where does Indians find themselves in? Why is this nation not able to manufacture sophisticated defence equipments? Is helicopter a rocket science that they have to seek from Europe? Is manufacturing a sophisticated fighter aircraft difficult than sending a useless mission to mars or whatever? If Europe/Japan sent mission to Space they also manufacture best machinery and have high standards of HDI, and yes very essentially critical mass of rational people who understand the context of logical reasoning, scientific temper and clarity/priority of purpose. These are comprehensive ways of human progress, not to assuage egos ordained selves proving a point of superiority and debauched blessing to go with. While they celebrate (and ofcourse fervently pray) for irrelevant mars mission precious money is spent on defence spending/purchase at the expense of education and health or research. It is clear that cunning politicians and depraved elite see these defence purchases as avenues to make easy money. And you will see almost all these defence dealings, right from India's independence, are dubious and has created lots of multi-millionaires over the years, they then invest these ill-gotten money in all kind of exploitative businesses and help consolidate regressive religious practices as the Saudis and far right in US do and become constant source of misery. It is a common symptom of the ecstasy of easy mindless money, the thanksgiving and the gargantuan greed to multiply the blessing. Most in Indian corporate –that is behind India’s growth story, will easily fit into this pattern. The unearned income and providential lives, the crony capitalism and crooning coterie that seek to ensnare the very foundation of democracy, if there was one. If French army contingent was made fun for their tacky parade in the Indian republic day the joke is essentially on Indians. These fancy marches and bravado have no much space in advanced world when the focus is to improve technology. It is pertinent to note that India is the largest importer of arms (with enviable company of Saudi and Pakistan) while a small country like France is leading exporter. Get the drift you supplicants of Bharat mata?      

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

If it isn’t purple rain?

The going
There aren’t any secrets no more
The soaring sky closes in sudden
Traps the bird in its closing act
The air thick as the curdled blood
Light dims and the candle flickers
The barren metaphor
Not suited not any more 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Into an ever purifying world let the ego sink

I was listening to a lecture presentation by Baldev Raj, a prominent nuclear scientist; he is the former director of Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalapakkam and now serves as the Director of the National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore.  His talk focussed on renewable energy and so on. One thing that really struck me was his mention of space technology having achieved so much while we even lack basic technological advance in Renewable energy, taking the instance that India imports every part of Wind turbine. I found that admission astounding. Juxtaposing this with antics of space scientists led to a revelation. It need to be put into the context of the social reality of this society, the insight is significant. What is scientific achievement and how does it matter to whom?

It is becoming clear that money is being pumped for the sake of assuaging egos and showcase one’s superior bearing in international forums. It is known fact that most of Indian scientific/technological strides in Space and Nuclear were possible because of active help and support from Soviets/Russians. Indians were mostly replicators, and yes searching for cheaper substitutes. Indian scientists don’t seem to match up to the rigour and calibre. A society that lacks any scientific temper or understanding/connection with surrounding it is no surprise. The foundation from which these so called scientists/technologists emerge matters of rational and logic is peripheral thought the ordained soul’s entitled world search for providence and blessings. Some call it technology demonstrators but this blogger asks what was the need for Mars mission? There is no achievement here, just replication that, if provided sufficient money and knowhow, even the aboriginals in Papua New Guinea can perform with much ease. Incidentally PNG is one region that has amazing level of diversity, and yes it is not the kind of primitive conception that Indians celebrate there is a genuine diversity here and some amazing people. If they were the size of India they would easily represent all that is beautiful in the world to cherish.

Indian mediocre elite’s intentions were also quite clear as they celebrated primitive squatter world while damning the Buddha by crudely coding the nuclear explosion with Buddha smile, this sacrilege is astounding. That a soul as peaceful and evolved as Buddha could be connected to depraved and violent act is telling. Now though, as I get firm grip on these primitive people and their cunning ways, the choice of Buddha is no surprise. And as Courts are waking up to the discriminations and actively seeking to end atrocities in the name of squatter’s primitive take on Hinduism (that has been consistently strangulating this way of life) the entrenched power structure has start to squeak. Debauched blessed Mukherjeeji was quick to point out the judicial overreach; meanwhile squatter saturated media (the one that pretends itself to be caretakers of democracy) was using ingenious ways to underplay. Take note: in an amazing camaraderie Uttarakhand HC observation ‘President is not a king’ is actively censored (meanwhile they celebrate some Queen’s b’day!!). This is only a simple example to show how these scoundrels have been playing their game while actively thriving on benefits of primitive values and miseries. And yes women entering part of temples that is reserved for male squatters are only a sideshow. The elephant in the room: the caste –the worst form of discriminatory violence that humans could conceive, that even racism look benign, is trumpeting all the way. Who will smoke out the scoundrel squatters from sanctum sanctorum? The source of deviant ways and crude framework that gnaws at the conscience of the society, and that which keep replicating in all institutions while degrades democracy and morally corrupt people. 

Shiv Vishvanathan writes on the “Question of forgiveness” (ofcourse in space provided so gracefully by Kasthuri&Sons, debauched gracefulness is another of expertise, now they are aiming for blue and red mix et al Ambedkarities and Marxists. Now that “Dalits” have been suitably packaged as seeking redemption and a surplus of redemption givers to care) though the backdrop is of Sikhs in Canada and that too in early 20th century he traces brief history of forgiveness, even the high moral ground mandatory Modi in Gujarat so on in all these instances he quotes he couldn’t see the heinous caste atrocities and that which is sustaining it right into the so called modern world. His usual dexterity with words (which ofcourse Kasturi&clans will appreciate) will conceive lines like “It was a sheer act of courage, responsibility and humility, a statement of a colossal mistake that needed redemption” could easily and effortlessly miss caste atrocities is telling. It is characteristic nature of those posturing intellectuals of this primitive society to take higher and rarefied moral grounds on all that is happening around the world, it is a constant strive towards mahatamahood that they bestow on each other and showcase as apostle of peace in what is essentially violent crude society which they so enigmatically pamper. I guess in all fairness to apologists like Shiv the question of forgiveness doesn’t even arise when the misery is on going and one is an active participant, so either you stamp it if not morph it, use cleverness to redefine words like community, syncretism, tolerance and grand illusion of unity in diversity that the world is suitably awestruck. The fellow even carries the same mainstream squatter hallucination of hindus as “Kashmiri pandits”. Well done fellow, should give him brownie points on sickularism. Meanwhile nobody is going to ask mediocre Indian elite “What would you have done?” since we know what they can do: Manipulate. Piggyback riding mahatamas and pundits they ransacked the unsuspecting world dripping in conscience and signs of compassion. It’s an amazing chicanery and characteristic humbleness of being to be able to pull this one off firmly entrenched in crudest of world.

 India’s souls reside in great saints and spiritual beings who firmly negated squatter’s primitive conceptions. In the last few decades many charlatans have emerged hinged tightly to squatter’s while trying to usurp the great spiritual traditions. They have been provided for by the moneybags who though entrenched in primitive conceptions and crude ways looked for solace, something that could explain their depraved world in soulful ways that rustic squatter and his godforsaken rituals couldn’t (that ofcourse was competing the grandness in building bigger and taller in an urge to take on spuriously spreading uglier semantic religious structures).  This urge to show themselves evolved was how these modern spiritual gurus –traders, took shape. It is clear that they remain as primitive from their action and intent as they too look for grander and bigger spectre to showcase with necessary modern pointers to attract the corporate driven and market excited. Sri Sri’s penchant for hundreds of musicians, the numbers, is not at all baffling. The so called spiritual leader is bewildered “why only one sitar player why not hundreds?!! Let’s have a celebration!!”. Yes you can celebrate but if connected to music then that is not how you propose to listen or celebrate. This is in the garb of music and celebration arrogance and exhibition of power. The super ego that is natural for a squatter ensconced guru. If he knows anything about music he will get it from that one string of baul singer that an enlightened Tagore could fathom.  

It is also telling that lack of any connection to life and myriad life forms makes them immune to realities of environment. Afterall when people paid obeisance to life giver tree/river/natural forces the cunning created a structure around it and then prescribed rituals, cordoned off and created a business of misery as they pushed out the Nature from the equation except maybe parroting shlokas as compensation that nobody cares but are ready to quote to showcase their high bearing. It is the same mindset Sri Sri of the world exhibit: the affliction to bigger and grander, the inflated ego that doesn’t even understand basic subtleties of life. What looks like barren river bank does hold myriad life that is threatened by human encroachment and that river has a system that actively includes its surrounding in an intricate web. In the competitive world of gurus and corporates these sublime ways are sought to be lost in arguments and perceptions.  It is the same muck that enthuse scoundrels to compete on massive and bigger firecracker to showcase competitions as part of temple festivals. With amazing crude values that has no respect for any lifeforms, humans beings figure much low in scale. Primitive traditions are now our right as democracy. Does this crude society even understand what it is to be living a responsible life in a free world? No it doesn’t. They are such habit driven insecure acquisitive lives that meanwhile seeks death as redemption. What kind of people are these?  

It is into this mucky water the depraved clever try to showcase their entitled worldviews to the world (West being a specific target) and attempt cement their evolved claims. So a squatter blessing a muslim woman is seen as flagpost of religious harmony. For Kasthuri&Sons these are eyewatering instances of tolerance that their depraved world so acutely cares. That humans are being divided into religions and fancy dress to accompany the division is not the matter, as we collectively decided (with mullah feeding enthusiasm) that religion can be the only and paramount identity, anything else is not worthwhile in the schemes of things indeed wasteful ways. Significantly, primitive squatter is being pushed to represent hindu, hence in a clever deal the crude world too pervades rather staunchly (this is how these are being pushed into hapless, now ofcourse the narration is representing syncretic wellbeing). Islam, though has incredible levels of absurdity that has since become source for wahabi happy jihadis, but one thing that is appreciable is impetus on human dignity and denial of mediators (though the uncouth mullah does come out with his deviant interpretations) it is a faith that has negated rituals and focused on almighty as a source of simple access to the faithful. Therefore the woman bending to squatter’s sacred whatever (which ofcourse only he has access to) is an insult on the idea of Islam. These kinds of practices are not representing syncretic ways on the contrary these are crudest practices that is being sought to be mainstreamed and celebrated in the name of religion. They should be curtailed by those who understand the evolved meaning of religion and what it represents. Squatter and their debauched blessing have no space in egalitarian society however hard mediocre elite may attempt. This nonsense has been stretched for too long.

And yes gender issues should not be allowed to hijack the fact that elite section is depraved lot, women included. I was reading this article “I Know Rohith’s Story Because It Could Have Been My Own” by Manisha Mashaal who belong to severely caste subjugated section (sane people shouldn’t fall for the use of ‘dalit’ or ‘community’ these are ruse) writes  “But, even as women – Dalit women’s politics are at odds with upper caste women. When Nirbhaya happened, I pointed out in class that these cases of sexual violence happen all the time to Dalit women and are never paid the kind of attention that Nirbhaya received. I referred the case of the young Dalit woman who was raped and killed in Jind, Haryana. The whole class and the professor began disagreeing with me vehemently, arguing that rape is a “gender issue” not a “caste issue”. I thought to myself that this was the rotten level of understanding in a Women’s Studies program. Being women did not mean much when they could not even empathise with the vulnerabilities of a Dalit woman who had succumbed to severe violence”.  

  How much havoc and misery depraved Indian elite have given to people is common knowledge and that these deviant ways have severely intruded into their innocent world into their very being that make them caste zombies. So more the hapless people express their faith more they seem to get trapped. It’s like an animal in a snare more it tries more it gets enmeshed. And cruder it gets. It becomes part of their attitude, psyche and being, the damage done is immense. While the depraved elite, benefiting from the misery, gets down to packaging as sickularism/tolerance and all that West find attractive, indeed tap dance to the requirements, creating illusion of wonderful peaceful world. So while squatter ensconced scientist –who haven’t ever dealt scientific temper or the mindset that comes with it, takes us to heights of achievements, that ofcourse finds nothing new (Indians have no business to be dealing with neutrinos or gravitational waves, this society doesn’t have the right for such esoteric indulgences. It should be dealt with societies with money and mindset. What is needed is impetus on crying essentials that needs serious technological input) but assuage their egos and establish as specially entitled souls and blessed beings (aka Ramanujam…poor fellow I feel sorry for him, any other society he would have done wonderfully well. Inhere it messed up his mind and was almost wasted thankfully before he was cannibalised he could contact West, a bit could be salvaged) while the so called intellectuals take it to another level of purity as they seek to provide humanitarian standards and values to killers and criminals. It is amazing detachment to social realities while trying to hook up and showcase to the world as kindred souls. In the most violent sort of society, that even targets the soul of individual through faith, the squatter ensconced is so eloquently preaching such higher human values makes the depravity furthermore astounding.                                                                      

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Look at the rise in Temperature!!

A primitive society like India with high claims and entitlements will not be much concerned with these cataclysmic changes (so will the god fearing far right uncouth in US) -that will surely affect billions of people, as the mediocre elite hook up to fervently multiply their privileges, unearned incomes (also referred to as competence/merit, an important ingredient in development/progress, now morphing into startups) and replicate the monetary gains (also entrepreneurship modeled on Trumps of the world, indeed there are legions of Trump like role models in here), a framework ardently looked upon as model to emulate for the intense social climbing by scampering millions. The ground is slipping all the while for 18% of world’s population squeezed in 2.4% of land –that in itself should be seen as a crime on humanity, like sacrificial lamb they swagger with consummate self-worth. Surely with more automations and technological innovations (which ofcourse cannot be expected from this mediocre bunch, enmeshed as they are in their own depraved ways and entrenched crude bearings) the nuanced world will need less of humans, who can use their mind innovatively that which AI or intelligent machines cannot accomplish. So to start with the world is getting smarter and leaner, and yes evolved societies and responsible people are limiting their populations and reducing their footprint, that leaves Indian demographic dividend scrounging the dustbin. Not at all undesirable scenario, true value cannot be manipulated by perceptions nor can it alter the objective realities that knock the door. Indians are the worst of the lot is becoming amply clear, fig leaf of low capita emission will not diminish the celebratory regressiveness that degrade the delicate ways of life. Cannibalism is inbuilt nature of this society that will keep gnawing all that is precious in the world.