Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Reservation of jobs in private sector

The issue of reservation is coming to the centre stage, as some are flexing their muscles without as much as an awareness of social context or contemporary reality. Meanwhile the matter of reservation has been hijacked by spurious people masquerading as messiah of marginalized. Undoubtedly the intent of reservation is now corrupted and degraded, working on political expediency and clout rather than any logical or compassionate reasons. It is no longer the support the state extends to the marginalised and exploited, and is mangled beyond its original intentions. The issue of reservation should be revisited, as also the idea of merit, and a comprehensive debate and policy re-evaluation is needed. Clearly it is not reaching the people for whom it is intended. 

As is the case in India most things are manipulated or kept subjective, rarely do important issues affecting common people get debated in its logics or entirety, as also the policy makers carry the biases and prejudices of increasingly polarising views hence look for short term gains. Society pays the price of these quick fixes as it adds to the miseries. There is no doubt that reservations is indispensible in a crudely oppressive society like India, where discriminations are rife and nepotism a way of life, but the way reservation is being disseminated has to be revisited. As is the case these significant issues doesn’t get discussed, due to clout and threats, in a logical manner indicating the calibre of Indian society, the arbitrators and its elites. Democracy seems to be accentuating the mess rather than finding solutions, it is therefore giving leeway to manipulators hence powerful. It is in this uncouth context that likes of Hardik Patel has significance, he is bulldozing an argument that is quite pertinent, his mode acutely contemporary. Mediocre Indians need these necessary anti-thesis, violent/threatening posturing to their lackadaisical ways. It is clear that he is pushed by some powerful people, and surely has mass support and it is set to grow as it traps the angst of urban youth. Hardik Patel is in for a long haul, and this could be game changer in context to the debate on reservation. Meanwhile opportunist sickular liberals too are exaggerating and siding with this movement as it gives them gravy points against traditional squatters. Casteism, and its horror, in this depraved world has high value as it seeks to feed the mullah, it keeps Hindus divided. It is an amazing conception that gives the sickulars an extra charm in their uncouthness as they negotiate market hedonism and liberal values (indeed, likes of Kasthuri&Sons have taken it to philosophical level in their characteristic semantic jugglery, always the torchbearers of miserable world).  

Discrimination is an overwhelming Indian reality, and these get reflected in the lack of path breaking policy changes that seeks to assuage miseries of common people trapped in horrendous realities for centuries and break the hold of crude form of traditions and oppression. The leaders were not only enmeshed in this feudalistic notions but actively pandered to the powerful. Lack of land reforms and effective legal redressal falls into these, hence the feudal structure was kept intact as also the crude traditions. Changes, if ever, were due to exigencies and rarely for egalitarian reasons. Reservation though a path breaking idea has been reduced to another manipulation and misery. This nature of society is the product of uncouth ways of elite section, these barbarians kept discriminative divisions and miseries alive, played on with it by keeping people at loggerheads as also usurping the benefits. They will carry on as long as they benefit, this will go on forever as they have the control over the narration. As mentioned uncouth sickular liberal squatters and traditional squatter belong to the same depraved context, they will perpetuate the misery as it benefits them meanwhile hiding their mediocrity.

Though I am not entirely against reservation, as also caste is significant factor for discrimination and oppression, known too is the caste-class collapse. There are also successful and commendable initiatives to train and absorb people with talents from the oppressed sections, government should commend these efforts by private firms as also provide tax rebates for such efforts. It is in this context that this blogger call upon the MNC investing in India to strongly negate the discriminative nature of Indian society and uphold moral values. There should be zero tolerance for casteist references (unless ofcourse it is an effort to bring in the context of discrimination). Casteist surname doesn’t have any place in civilised world; this unethical attempt at camaraderie shouldn’t be tolerated in enlightened surroundings. These primitive references are carried by the section that is part of the debauched nature of the society and seek to perpetuate these. MNC should set precedence by preventing these primitive people to enter their precincts. Don’t allow the muck to come in. People with casteist primitive and feudal patriarchy references should not be considered for a job.