Friday, October 02, 2015

Imposing way of life on others

Why is there a ban on meat/butchery and liquor today? Gandhi jayanthi is being celebrated is a nice thing; afterall he was one of the tallest leaders who strived to bring in morality into politics. But what has vegetarianism to do with celebration, as also being blatantly enforced with the use of State machinery? This framework and the intent/attitude behind these are the beginning of the problems; the fundamentalists are only extending/consolidating these, soon State is replaced by vigilante lumpens. This is a grievous matter and an assault on individual liberty and culinary choices, not to mention it being amazingly undemocratic. Further, the purifying intent that is associated with these celebrations is severely questioned. That this is the elevated way of life hence must be imposed, even if it is for a day, is what makes its reprehensible. Importantly, the insistence on vegetarianism, within a framework that is deeply inegalitarian and crude, makes it a sham. It is power play and debauchery at work. That this society has horrendous history of barbarity when it comes to primitive squatter’s ways of life, imposing and dealings herein needs to be emphasised and put into context. Also the fact that these matters have not been questioned or challenged shows the firm grip on narration by those entrenched in squatter’s and their dubious ways. Nobody can or should be allowed to impose on anyone’s eating habits. Most importantly to classify Hindus as vegetarians is questioned, and will be resisted. Indeed, Gandhians, if they truly believe in human rights, must protest and see that vegetarianism is not imposed. That, they haven’t for last many decades only goes on to prove what was always suspected.

Then there are hedonist marketers who seem to have taken non vegetarianism to a level of most enlightened expression of liberty, the one symbolising firm hinge on modernity. So according to this worldview non vegetarianism is liberalism personified, many feudal lords take these shortcuts to measure up to the West. Liberal sickulars too usurp these to distinguish themselves from traditional squatters, though sticking to vegetarianism does have an advantage in conservative section as also those tethered to squatter as mobility aspiration. The amount of non-vegetarian/red meat driven culinary programs that seeks to copy West (specifically USA, India being a vassal state in this conception) is amazing, and many times repulsive, as they try to extend the craving into impossibly cruder levels. It only shows how much they are unhinged from the society as also demented ways of dealing, a characteristic immunity to degrading environment and dwindling surrounding. These competing forces can only create depravity as they up the ante on morality and individualism. Control of narration is where the power is, squatters work it with purifying reasons for morality while marketer push in the hedonism as individual expression.

Post script: sometimes the vegetarian puritanism can take unfortunate turns that may even make some incapable to take on new ways of understanding or pursue truth, it becomes handicap to growth. Few years back I was on a nature walk with a group, I was speaking on the strength of elephant trunk so on and was explaining an amazing program in one of the TV channel where they do detailed post mortem on dead animals to understand them better, cutting into half and going into minute details, explanation so on, it’s a compelling watch. I mentioned this to the group, one lady started showing signs of disgust and fainting. I had to drop the topic, what was an interesting area of discussion was cut short, probably banned! The impact of this mindset is severe and telling as lack of serious documentation and study of other species, these were negated in this puritan enthusiasm and horrendous upper mobility crave. A land with amazingly variant biodiversity is dependent on outsiders for knowledge and initiatives.