Saturday, December 19, 2015

Making a spectacle of tragedy

Nirbhaya’ was a gruesome tragedy, that it took place in Delhi is what changed things. The complacent policy makers were awakened by startled self-obsessed media. These things are unfortunately ‘normal’ happenings in most part of the country over ages. It is also reflection on mediocre Congress leaders, ruling for last six decades, who eked on sycophancy and manipulations, that these feudal lords were out of touch with people’s concern is exhibited from ineffective law&order machinery and archaic laws that were essentially cut and paste job of colonial rules without any context or relevance. Meanwhile we have to watch legal luminaries of all shades pirouetting the power centers with faintest of bearings and slickest touch to reality.

In this high profile case of ‘Nirbhaya’ (revealed by parents as Ms Jyothi Singh. Sardesaiji’s**t channel was playing on caste reference in the name with gusto, wherein the mother didn’t carry this demeaning reference. They have been milking this in every possible way, asking sickeningly personal question as the camera close focus the face of the victim's family, in gleeful anticipation of tears. Sadnezz Sellz. Sardesai with his appalling anglicized hindi, as if nobody else is suitable for this job, using his personal reference to try to get his branding going -an art you learn from self-obsessed mediocre protagonists of Bollywood and cricket -calling them artists/sportsperson is a stretch) the parents are easy low hanging fruits for manipulators. The family involved in the tragedy should be now be concerned on how they are being used. It is amazing reality of this uncouth society. 

Jyothi Singh’s family should be very careful, they are unfortunate novice in the murky world of power brokers and brand positioners who swarm like vultures on any hint of tragedy. Yesterday CrudeWoman was seen positioning herself for better camera angle next to victim’s mother. She has been languishing in the sidelines for sometime now, I guess now the itch is unbearable, with power and clout evaporating she is zeroing on this one. Victims are generally unaware of these higher stakes games, indeed you could almost see CrudeWoman salivating. Beware, very soon she will push the victims out to grab the center stage, then it is furious brand packaging to stratosphere of celebrity activism and gourmet spread. Her PR (fed lusciously for last decade of unbridled power and nepotism) is working overtime on this. CrudeWoman is fighting her own grim battle, as they snarl and claw in the stampede of staying relevant. All for our sake, saviours of people. Meanwhile fixers later meet to check the performance and plan further action as camera is readied. CrudeWoman&fixers have cleverly worked out their rojiroti except that for people around it's going to be just roti while wily CrudeWoman is already aiming for bhatoore.

Generally victims of any tragedy have best of intention that this misfortune (in Indian context it is never about tardy system or irresponsible policy makers but misfortune/fate of people. Guess which section has this tilted against? It is emulation of squatter template) doesn’t happen to anyone, and they genuinely expect changes, sometimes as redemption, as restoring dignity to departed souls in an amazingly crude society. The mother/father have best of intentions and we admire them for their courage that they use their immense personal tribulations to set the tardy system right. The system with amazing legal luminaries sidestepping to grab every type of gain possible as sycophantic politicians wait for signals from unknowable above. Meanwhile Ms. Jyothi Singh’s parents should be careful that they are not used by vested interests. To start with, no sharing of dais, keep an eye on creeping small time celebrities from the sidelines. These creeps will tomorrow emerge from some gala events with enhanced brand value.

It’s unfortunate that the parents have to undergo this nonsense, ideally the system should have been compassionate, if not, realized the mistake/lacuna and rectified on its own. A juvenile cannot be considered a juvenile if the crime is of adult nature as also carries the awareness of consequence. Is that difficult to comprehend?

PS: **Henceforth scoundrels with regressive casteist references will be encapsulated (choicest invective added) with their degraded identity and added "ji". That is Gandhian way of dealing things, i guess (Visit me at to get the context on this). It is amazing that Indian elite is so disgustingly depraved. I am understanding their existential angst and consternation as the rug is pulled, all nakedness and depravity out in the open. The liberal high moral ground has hole bigger than all clan can fill in. No verbal dexterity is going to be of much help here. Now only the monarchy references of the West can save their entitled souls, the parity in unethical ways is an opening for Indian elite.       

PSZ: ZK says ‘budiya ka brandingz ab Vibhushan levelz ka ho gaya hai. Bohuth aage nikal gayi hai ye. Koi nahi rok sakta isko”. When asked about climate change ZK scowls "Carbonz footprintz ki ma ki ankh"...more on these hedonist's conspicuous consumption as they try save us. Some other time, believe me the degradation is breath taking.