Thursday, April 20, 2023

AI’s riveting narration


The way AI is progressing is quite interesting, and ofcourse kept me riveted for last few years. It’s not really about AI; whatever concerns humanity concerns me and I am quite habituated to get into depth of things. It’s something I always find exciting. Having wide range of knowledge without any concern for created boundaries helps to probe. So, no knowledge is waste. Childhood spent in reading encyclopedia for random knowledge stimulation is how I got into this frame I guess, and ofcourse keenly observing insects/ants for hours is another matter that creates network in impressionable brain. So, all the cynical view on AI -specifically in context to LLM models/GPT, apart, these progresses are noteworthy in many ways. Ofcourse one should be beware of hype, also be aware that this science fiction hype of extrapolating reality has steady enthusiastic milieu of racism and violent narcissism pegged in virtual games.   

As we strip the hype, we find something immensely significant transformative happening (much of which is in AI’s narrow/discreet setting leading to halicin or protein folds so on which were discussed over the months in this blog). LLM is ofcourse limited in its potential for AGI to pose a threat, and was caricatured in my last blog as Andavar! (its Tamil reference for god or godlike). Though LLM is no AGI but it has come a long way for AI hence can accelerate programs towards AGI. LLM iterative learning has limitation as it built from very general dataset sourced from whole of internet, transforming that through neural network doesn’t really represent intelligence, it’s quite shallow and really at surface level. Significantly with its incremental iteration it cannot fathom breakthrough creativity, ideas or inventions. Quite clearly human like generalized intelligence needs a technological breakthrough of sorts, and ofcourse Turing test is quite a low benchmark for AGI. What is clear is that AI has much superior computational capacity than a normal human and can detect pattern that humans are incapable. The question here is the necessity to put such rigorous definition of AGI. Indeed some define AGI as complex systems maintaining its boundaries while seeking to transcend for new functions. This then is more realistic and less of science fiction hype. It is here that LLM models show intriguing ability of GI, and is able to make some leap beyond training data (ofcourse it also makes equally stupid extrapolations) that is not fully understood and makes the endeavor at an entirely different level of reckoning. There is a very limited level abstraction that creates theory of mind is being speculated.

Progress in AI is moving towards hybrid systems that brings neural network and evolutionary algorithms with logical systems wherein LLMs is translated into structured logical statements capable of abstraction (Ben Goertzel). So, unlike the present LLM, which fixated references from past, it can reason whether its thoughts and statements are consistent and logically coherent. In human brain’s cognitive architecture formation of concept and self-concept shows similar pattern. So, it is suggested self/agency or conscious would emerge from abstraction.   

Interesting though these potentials are the real impact of AI is seen in much prosaic relevant goals like raising the living standards of people and sustainable goals. This is what the book Human Compatible by Stuart Russell is discussing. With AI “there would be no need to employ armies of specialists in different disciplines….every one could have at their disposal an entire organization composed of software agents and physical robots capable of designing and building bridges, improving crop yield, cooking dinner, running elections, and doing whatever else need doing”. Education is set to be revolutionized. “With AI tutors, potential of each child no matter how poor can be realized”. In the area of health AI systems can “gradually banish all diseases”. Anyone could have “high powered lawyers, accountant… on call at anytime” so on. Potential of AI is immense, and is set to change the world in a significant way. For systemically discriminated society with nonexistent community values India has appalling education and health standards it is expected that AI creates a compassionate space that is accessible to all.