Wednesday, April 26, 2023

This Man Is Death


Look at this man. This man is death. Each cell of his body stinks and each carbon molecule -that hold this assortment of life form, is seeking to escape for better purpose.  

Unless the system that nurtures man like him is called out the world is not going to be OK. He must be dealt. People like him played havoc over the last few decades as they amass wealth and influenced the worst kind of people and narrations into important positions. Their role, specifically in last few years, must be securitized and be held responsible.  

Also, to be noted is that herd churning systems have made people vulnerable to these charlatans all across the world. They easily fall for conspiracy theories, they refuse to use their critical thinking faculties, the ego driven framework -that provides them all fantastical answers, incapacitate them to uniqueness of life nor it exposes them to existential insecurities that essentially awakens senses with primal need to connect to surrounding, to know, to understand. The glitter mirage of safe world arrogance provided by the market capitalism and the nostalgic securities and fantasies that religion presents have made the situation worse.