Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Creating history. Wrenching the narration.

History is not attacked. History is created by wrenching the narration from those who seek to control past. From those who use brutal narrative powers of past to hide the memories from the present. Those who seek to alter memories of atrocities in the memoirs of nonviolence and trophies of tolerance. Entitlements of atrocities is presented as benign version to fatten on misery. There comes an occasion when reality is excavated and flagged by dislodging the statues of horror and stamping the semantics into forgotten meaning. There comes an occasion when reality is forced to be pushed down the throats as a lifesaving tonic against illusions.

What is happening in the streets of US and UK (as also in the campus of Ghana few years back) is the expression of people who have been oppressed for too long, who have been forced to adhere to normalized narrations of atrocities as history while hideous protagonists celebrated and pedestaled. There is no reason why these symbols of racism (and caste) should exist. The reason why they exist point to tacit acceptance by powerful controller of narration, an attempt to put common people in their place. It is also opportunist benefit from the system by playing for the entrenched values. That this obnoxious slave trader’s statue find a place in public space is gross, an insult on the memories of people who underwent unimaginable horror. These presence shows moral vacuum and inability to be even decent to the memories. Manipulative fattened fluffs who manufacture high moral angst by playing local guardians to herds (the worst the better) are very much complicit. These lazy patronizers look easy references to latch on for gains. They adhere to feudal structure, and work out their increment gains by normalizing these while pointing to save the different “other” (the more the “other” plays different, indeed uncivilized regressive, better chance that they be herded into narration of benefit). The elite section who vehemently and vociferously position as liberals on every passing occasion are very much complicit. These kind of symbols of horror wouldn’t exist in public space if they valued people, if they were concerned about their pain. They celebrated festering wounds of discriminated, marginalized and exploited as representation of their reality and even have the audacity to patronize these as their benevolence. The way colonial feudal legacy is being presented in UK is a study on how barbarism is sophisticated into the garb of democracy. Monarchy is being humored as royals. It is the same structure that orchestrated colonial loot and atrocities all across the world. They nourished native nincompoops who promptly created narration of colonial benevolence as history. They also meanwhile worked to replace their own horror in the garb of democracy. 

History is always rewritten. History as continuous narration of war, megalomaniac kings and kingdoms and destruction, as a source of revivalism to assert herds into religions and a space of jingoistic fiction to work herds into nation, is creating much problems.  The apt version is the one that create understanding as part of humanity as also create a sense of humbleness and unique fortune as member of humanity. It’s the democratization of history. It’s essentially the beginning of history. It is being written by people. With their own hand. Their own version in social media without any need for any arbitrators. It can no longer be ignored.         

Monday, June 08, 2020

Evolving a humanistic language game

So the popular illustration goes like this: What if lion learn to speak English, will you understand him? Wittgenstein, a prominent philosopher of 20th century, says I cannot understand the lion’s language because I don’t understand what his world is like. To imagine a language is to imagine a form of life. Language has natural setting of interrelations that form the language game. You have to be an insider to understand this game, or shall we say the nuance.    

The earlier Wittgenstein proposed that we cannot talk anything meaningful about religion since these are something that is unsaid like moral, good, so on that the use of language are meaningless noise. The later Wittgenstein gave space to religion, and was no longer dismissive of religious talks. He sought to understand the language game in religious context to describe what role does this play in people’s life? This is the point of reference. He insists that religious language game is different from scientific language game hence these shouldn’t be mixed and used as judgment specifically by scientific over religious. Sure, the way language is used in religious context has different connotation but words do belong to the ‘same family’ hence there is an umbilical link that connects despite these negations.  

I reckon we can easily propose, extending the same line of argument, that there is as humans evolve and enlighten an understanding of shared humanist language game. A collective alliance of higher thoughts for instance like democracy, liberty and freedom. This therefore becomes overarching parameter and the basis of evaluation. So this attempt at mystifying religion into some other realm must be checked and negated. Every system that impacts human and seek to control must be demystified and deconstructed. It must be scrutinized and not be allowed to be reduced to problems of semantics. Primitive anachronistic system that create regressive mindset, segregate humans and isolate them from reality and surrounding with juvenile conceptions feeding on insecurities should not be allowed to be mystified, to dehumanize. This kind of special consideration to the system that is having serious impact on humanity because we may not understand its context is a dangerous position especially in the contemporary world we live in. It is diminishing the capacity to think as also negating possibility to evolve into better. It is a source of degradation as also uniquely irresponsible. It suits the purpose of status quoist and exploiters. We have to keep evolving to use humanistic language game as a parameter of reference for any transgression of freedom and liberty.

It is no surprise that Wittgenstein found quite a receptive audience in Britain that seeks to preserve feudal systems like monarchy (in the western euphemism of royal) as also its religion-church as part of democracy. The impasse that UK finds itself in during this pandemic has very much to do with these compromised foundation. It is also not surprising that mediocre Indians latch on to it since they hinge their high morals by mystifying putrid pit (it ofcourse works with colonial angst suffering fattened fluffs ready to patronize lowest denominator –that in itself is extension of racism). For mediocre Indians with limited philosophical tradition (juvenile conception within the mainstream squatter frame are embarrassment that is being constructed as Indian philosophy –absolute waste of time and energy except maybe for the likes of intellectually compromised word defecators. What is relevant, indeed refreshing and humbling, in Indian philosophy is found outside the putrid pit. This is vibrant philosophical-spiritual-social space that traces from Buddha to Nanak to Kabir to all the enlightened saints that in recent times have been severely undermined by castetva forces, indeed desecrated with manipulation of casteist as mahatma –it’s a serious transgression on ideas of enlightenment) mystification was easy way to present itself as exotic. I seriously object to including squatter ensconced juvenile wastrel thoughts and packing it as eastern philosophy. Much enlightened thoughts have come from East Asia. It cannot be mixed and mystified with squatter’s BS. One may argue that other societies from where compelling philosophies have emerged had slavery, colonialism, racism and misogynism so on. Ofcourse it is disturbing to know that beloved Greek philosophers had no problem with slaves or that Kant was racist. Not trying to condone but these were atleast based on physical demarcation, some objective facts, people who were outsiders-defeated soldiers, race or even gender, but caste (extending to casteism –that is cunningly sought to be separated from caste and normalized) is unlike this -as also it is sought to be normalized making it a grievous matter. It finds difference among similar people, living in same society and deviously seeks through insecurities of faith. This makes it a worst inhuman conception that creates a cannibalistic society that seeks lowest reference for the best ideas. A mediocrity thriving society that really haven’t contributed much to humanity except population as cheap labor -a modern form of slavery. The casteist feudal deep state nurtures replicators. Rare instance of smart sensitive people, especially children, are easily cannibalized by the society if not by the family itself. Such is the level of degradation this society has achieved (now you see spewing garbage by youngsters in social media, the worst kind that only religions and market have capacity to produce) but the constant self-assurance as god’s chosen one’s –the incorrigible psychosis of entitlement, is what makes it dangerous.                

Wittgenstein, like Marx, is excitingly insightful and helps us understand the reality better but these arguments are flawed in many ways. There is nothing wrong in intellectualizing (this particularly true in frivolous nature of world we live in wherein the market onslaught posits thinking as waste) indeed it is needed. Where one completely agree with Wittgenstein is the assertion that language cannot be taken for granted. Though he was working in different context (structure of the language is defining the world) but it cannot be denied that language is source of control, it is used to control narration. The reality, history and even future is sought to be controlled through clever use of language and power. Market, religion and politicians -dictators have but used language to control.  Semantics is part of the narration, it is very much the agent of control.     

Philosophers, over the centuries, who have contributed and extended human thinking and thoughts have immensely contributed to evolution of mind therefore the way we associate with the world in heightened responsibility and freedom. All the modern values and progressive thoughts have insights and contribution from enlightened thinkers. Yes one would agree with Arendt for active thinkers, those who engage with emerging reality and threats, and provide compelling humanistic alternatives and insightfully reveal human nature. Wittgenstein is very 20th century philosopher, and he better stay there. There is truly nothing for him in 21st century. This is the age of Spinoza. As Einstein wrote, he believed in “Spinoza’s God –who reveals himself in the lawful harmony of the world, not in a God who concerns himself with the fate and the doings of mankind”. This calls for an evolved language game that doesn’t seek to mystify but encourage inquisitiveness and engagement. 

PS: unfortunately I got diverted by religion. The original reason to put in Wittgenstein was to bring out the point that when West deals with complicated societies like India (where things are not as apparent as it seems) they tend to be complacent. They borrow words and associate with their own context but it is from a different language game that has its own nuance. Wittgenstein was quite prescient here (again that doesn’t mean it cannot be understood nor it must be mystified, nor that one can completely agree with him). Casteist feudals therefore used words like say nonviolent and vegetarian which in western perception comes out egalitarian but in Indian context extremely disturbing. This different language game (as also patronizing low expectation that fails to get involved…indeed racist) is the reason why there is confusion. What cannot be accepted find acceptance because it is mystified, and there is no attempt made to demystify since it thought to be different alien language game beyond our means to comprehend. This has led to increasing misery as also normalization of worst forms of human dealing. Indeed west owes (particularly Britain) an apology for nurturing worst kind of people and systems. Also, I do admire Wittgenstein but his subtleties seem to have given space to religion to firm itself (I even happen to watch a video of preacher introducing Wittgenstein). This really cannot be a reference for challenges of 21st century. It must be understood, thanked for the insight, and firmly rejected.      

Friday, June 05, 2020

Environment day

Witnessed a Python roadkill on morning walk

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Walk on the beach. Murky sea merges in the horizon to define itself from the overcast sky as the wary dog watch. Magical.  

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Termite alates

Found this on the morning walk. Scores of shedded wings of termite alates in an overnight rain puddle.


Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Pandemic poem

On the dot in the galaxy
Dot on the earth
A dot in the mucous  
Simple logic that define different scales and leaves gasping breath
A consciousness that finds atoms to arrange a deeper thought
From the depth of the ocean like a humpback whale call
So it conjures all the stories again
By feeding on shifting silvery shapes 
So it goes on   

Monday, May 04, 2020

Neo-liberal strategy

Delhi is seriously afflicted with corona virus. Everyday there are hundreds of cases. The situation is grim. So when the CM says "We will have to be ready to live with corona virus. We will have to get used to it". What does it really mean? The congested part of the Delhi is inhabited by the poorest and lower middle class, and these are substantial in population. There really cannot be any concept of social distancing in such places, think of single brick multi-storied hellholes in Pahar ganj, karol bagh, madangiri, east of kailash so on. These sections of society doesn't really have access to better medical facility, hygiene conditions too are limiting, as the cases are mounting they will find themselves in dire situation. People are mostly careless and lack civic sense. Its a jungle out there that checks your fitness to survive at every instance. They live in congested places, they travel in congested places, they die in congested places...there really is no escaping. Its fate at every step.  

So when it is said "learn to live with it" what it really means is that substantial number of people are going to get infected and many are going to die, its inevitable (depends on your luck ie fate, and in certain places it runs too thin). There is very likelihood that Delhi CM's strategy will be copied by most CMs (CM of Andhra -who hinges his popularity firmly on slave morality, instead of sticking to facts did a Trump by saying "its just a flue"!). It is the easiest way out, significantly it keeps the powerful section that control the system happy as we go back to "normal" ways while herds are habituated to blame their fate. It can easily be understood by the way Trump is working. You will rarely see such carelessness in civilized sections in Europe or caring societies around the world, or even educated society will not tolerate such wanton transgression (I really don't think CM of Kerala can make such statements and get away with it. There will be serious consequences). There is no cure to this pandemic. Vaccine will take time. Many people are able to recover but many are not. What impact does it have on long term health of those who have recovered is also not yet known. Community immunity means lots of people's life is going to be compromised, and in a malnourished poor society this is going to be substantial and very definitely going to be from less blessed sections. This society suffers from serious systemic biases and ethical ambiguity so when push comes to shove things will be quite ugly. Arguably economics is a concern, there is serious breakdown happening and this could lead to social repercussions and strife. Policy makers are acutely aware of this. But that doesn't really mean that we have to learn to live with it. It leads to lackadaisical ways in a society famously known for its lackadaisical attitude. Hopefully stringent measures are vigorously pursued to contain the impact. Situation is closely monitored through health workers and local volunteers, and areas isolated on continuous basis. We have seen enough videos of Iran, Italy, USA and China of people dying on the streets, hospitals overcrowded (patients lying on the corridor unattended, bodies dumped in rooms, mass graves dug) and other horrifying scenes. Livelihood is important but that is not the reason to take neo-liberal strategies that puts humans at lower rug of the deal while the moneybags influence the policy makers. If it goes to community spread (which probably it has in Delhi, hence this defeatist attitude) then we are looking at a wave of untold misery compounding the economic crisis. People will then be living with possibility of death at every step. Hopefully policy makers are fully aware, and are equipped to take judicious decisions. Most importantly they know what they are talking about, and not jostling to posture as saviors. Squatter ensconced have such problems, they have incorrigible urge to showcase blessedness.     

Sunday, May 03, 2020



It spirals and dizzy the mind
Tracing graph of expanding minutes into inevitable
Striding the days in escalating vortex that expands and expands
Into infinite  
Is it pulling in or is it pushing out you never know
It throbs and churns like a mobius snare in the subconscious 
no end, no beginning  
It settles on silent days to blooming hibiscus rushing in the breeze
Sneaks at purple-rumped sunbird’s rap on the window pane
It’s curved beak shaping the time at its leisure.

The thought splinters to search million nooks
A brilliant flash coalesce the space onto the edge of time
An instant awareness
Sets things in place
It was so obvious 
(shucks I knew it all the while!)  
If you know you can’t tell, if you tell you won’t know
If you choose, it disappears, if you ignore, it appears
Like fireflies it knows when to flicker to synchronize the dance.      

Friday, May 01, 2020

Life, paused
Blue carpet of flowers settle like a mist
A faint heave of breeze rise without a hint
Floats into the deep wood
Seeks a new home in dark recess
Listen to the muted sobs that trails the scene.
And yet, the final tug.
The final tug
Pleads to begin it all to the better times.

Tiny lanterns on paddy fronds
Light up the morning scene
Like awakened eyes
Splitting the air in rainbow swirls.
Butterfly chose some
Rest is all green

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Fighting the "corona demon"

Since privilege is very strongly hinged to entitlement it seeks worst reference in every opportune moment. The country is in lockdown. Millions of marginalized exploited poverty stricken people are in serious crisis. The society lacks egalitarian context while the foundation of state was consolidated by dubious feudals hence common people face mounting miseries. Mediocre effete elite meanwhile are busy consolidating the narration of benign trustees while some are positioning as kindred souls normalizing worst references.

People are trapped in their congested homes with limited amenities and untold stress meanwhile children face bleak future since they lack modern gadgets to connect and learn as also their parents aren’t literate enough to guide them (not that people with all the modern amenities are faring better. Habituated to nonsense they teach garbage. They also sit together to watch gaudy religious serials desperately searching for any hint of morals in divine actions of ego driven gods appearing as humans in the violence driven appalling myths and cringeworthy stories. This then also becomes a reference for humans who have decided themselves to be god. The blessed. This template that is being drilled into people is the main source for degradation of this beleaguered society). Only essential services are being allowed one of them is media. The media is expected to synergize with the government and agencies to fight the virus. They are to find out the lacunas in public distribution of essential goods and services. They have to speak for the marginalized and desperate people while disseminating correct information and updating the latest. Media person are given this responsibility that is why they are allowed to move around while people are locked up at home as millions of daily wage earners face serious crisis. 

Mediocre as they are brought up in worst dehumanizing references these incorrigibles will showcase their limited attributes. Exaggerating and inflating minor matter to gain mileage as also creating narration of binary where they spread thin as saviors of different warring sections (these fictitious divisions are persistently nurtured as desperate humans are assumed to be herds) and then argue and counter argue till they start frothing. Then there are investigative types. As I was channel surfing one inanities after another, intercepted by crude actors desperately enticing to buy as they effortlessly amass money, I came across this fellow “reporter” who found a cave full of hundreds and thousands of bats, who probably were living there for ages, these were introduced to the viewers as corona demons “corona rakshas” occasionally even as “Chinese demon” highlighted through tone deaf loud ominous music with people in hazmat moving in slow motion to nowhere. Hapless semiliterate villagers were informed and interviewed about “corona demon” who, till recently were least concerned about these bats, said they are now afraid.  Even if they are literate and able to use internet they will very likely end up visiting conspiracy theories and worst self-consuming sites. It is as if these are programed to gyrate to the degradation. Ideally the license of this channel must be cancelled and the reporter shouldn’t be allowed to report but when standards are so low where do one start? While on another channel another "essential" program during lockdown was in progress wherein a fellow in fancy dress (attributed to squatters in sh*thole north indian villages) was predicting future of callers during “corona kaal” as also dispensing advice to viewers in general on all matters as humbly as he could quite aware of the heavy burden he carried as arbitrator of unknown indeed unknowable knowledge. How did this charlatan reach the studio? On what basis are these scoundrels allowed to move during lockdown? Why are these even part of news channels? While some religious nutcase need communitarian solutions others expertise in social distancing to degrade people.

Post script: Semantics are important. It has a significant use in controlling the narration. In a primitive society where control of narration is the only competence you need to be careful. These charlatans are devious and have inbred capacity to not only influence reality but change it altogether. The commonly used words today, in this pandemic time, is sanitizing, disinfecting. Now in Hindi (same root in Malayalam) the word being used is “shudhikaran” which in English means purifying. Purifying is not same as sanitizing or disinfecting. It is not surprising considering that the devious society that is obsessed with purity doesn’t even have words for disinfecting or sanitizing (and even if they don't have they could use these English words but being shudhta minded they prefer using pure language instead of being right. Typical). What to say when they don’t understand basic hygiene but are high on cleanliness. Whatever maybe the case the use of squatter ensconced disgusting words that has strong connection with putrid pit is problematic. You cannot assume too much intelligence to market driven media slaves, who are superficial people here to entertain without any context. It is important to raise objection. Sinister people are always on a look out to push their agenda even in worst of times. Use of semantics to control narration must be resisted.                       

Saturday, April 18, 2020

It’s a violation of humanity

As the crisis unfolds it is noted that apart from cash rich Christian nutcases in USA Islam is finding itself wanting in theocratic states (like Iran, as also Pakistan while feudals strictly control Saudi hence pass writ undermining religion) and in poorer democracies like India where theocracy has a limited control over common people the impact is still felt. It has to do with communitarian nature of Islam (in that sense in comparison to viciously segregatory values of hinduism it fares better but again fails when it comes to women) however single source as revelation –which is strictly codified, as also lack of renaissance like reformation finds itself majorly primitive in dealing with contemporary crisis. This is not to say that reformation helps. We have well passed reforming religions as a solution. Challenges of 21st century can be handled effectively by deconstructing religions and working on reality based community association which cares, and is secure, in synergizing with individual liberty and expressions. Fantastical fictions of religions are becoming a serious threat and wasting precious time and energy. Also, people with religious mindset are inherently unsuited to be part any solution least wherein path breaking innovations are needed. World has changed quite drastically in a century, particularly so in the last few decades. Reality therefore cannot be understood or defined from the point of view of impressions of last century. Hence these debates of science vs religion is quite obsolete. Rational values, logical thinking, inquisitive mind, empathy based value system, seeking spiritual connections is all expressions of evolving mind. Science is a necessary extension of these expressions. Therefore primitive systems that stratifies mind, segregates human and seek to assert codified insights of past as the only truth (indeed miracle) doesn’t really measure up to even common sense. It can be source of entertainment but cannot be taken seriously nor given any importance (even if lots of people are hallucinated), and surely the attempts to express these as defining identity of human being must be strongly resisted. It is a violation of not only human right but is an assault on humanity.  

Market media in India is hinging on divisions to work out a beneficial narration. It is also scheming and predating on the fear that has enveloped common people. A compelling story works when villains are identified. Predicaments of some muslims are in focus. These are undoubtedly responsible for spread of the disease. Data points to about 30%cases spread across the country (it is responsible for spread in Pakistan too where clerics have become a serious nuisance). This need to be taken seriously. But more than any conspiracy, which may be investigated –religious nutcases can go to any extend, it seems to be case of plain stupidity that only religion can inspire among its followers. Unlike hindus gathering such muslim gatherings in the capital attracts foreigners (this also true about buddhist gatherings I happen to notice in Gaya many years back) this therefore went out of hand, ofcourse buffoonish religion driven justification of omnipotence of god by the leader of the gathering helped the matter. The leader (mullah saad) was working on narration of religion that focuses of communitarian gathering (ofcourse women not allowed, and are to be kept packed in houses) as an expression of consolidating faith. Unfortunately (or rather stupidly) for the gathering the way this disease spreads went against them. While some went into quarantine there were many who still carried the omnipotence narration as also habituated by medieval mindset and hatred against non-muslims they created ruckus. Some sinisterly went hiding creating fear and revulsion among common people. They created much nuisance. The narration of blaming these muslims has some truth but the media went overboard. In the meanwhile attacks on medicos added to the narration as also videos of misguided youths nurtured in omnipotence of religion blurting out nonsense added to the problem. You cannot always blame fear of state as argument. One need to consider why some people are susceptible to rumors (anti-vaccines movement among materially comfortable literate christians in West, anti-polio attacks by poor semiliterate in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Hindu nutcases are different category, it starts from the foundation itself unlike miracle books it’s the sanctum fictions…). In the meanwhile apart from regular dose of astrology (a “science” that only nutcases understand) they didn’t question the PM on goodness of lighting of lamp for 9 minutes (?) at 9oclock. He could have said “before going to sleep lets light lamp for them at 9oclock”. I too didn’t consider until when I started getting messages about the “significance”. Morons quoted from mysterious world of numerology (that blessed are handed as entitled knowledge which the world is yet to know) to planet alignment (even NASA has confirmed it…this acknowledgement from NASA even if spurious is high on the list of buffoons to consolidate “scientific intelligence of ancient civilization” narration). Recently I came across news on religious superstition driven handling of virus techniques – including conducting ‘havan’ in ayush ministry (taxpayers money misused obviously by squatter officials revealing community garb) for purifying the air. In this primitive conception of dimwits smoke is purifying hence improves immunity, indeed “scientific”. There may be some trace elements in the smoke that may have some properties but majorly smoke is CO and CO2 that is indeed quite bad for health particularly for those conducting it. Same is the case of repulsive nutcases take on cow urine). The primitive society based on religions will always finds it expression that will baffle. While virus need to be fought by coming together and sharing religious humans are getting divided by hallucinations of superiority over each other based on fantasies and uniting in its stupidities at the expense of life.  These pathetic squabbling during these serious crisis boils down to how much religions have degraded humanity and difficult situation it has created for common people who are trapped and exploited for their insecurities. It is quite clear that medieval frameworks are incapable to handle the realities we live in, infact it doesn’t even inform anything at all. It takes us away from reality into some hallucinatory response thus becoming threat to others.  

Enter people like Arundhati Roy who are very strongly ensconced in western narrations of fattened fluffs. Ofcourse there are benefits of aligning with these influential sections who control the dominant narration and pose as guardian angels. You get to travel, as you are now “representing”. Then there are strong interest groups that give and share awards. I wasn’t aware of these in the beginning but having observed some devious people I am quite certain that some people work on established narration to accrue benefits from the entrenched and therefore position themselves. Indeed these influential groups have a strong hold over narration and like to keep it as such so as to showcase themselves as benign guardians generally at the expense of common people wherever they are located. They may not follow religions but would strongly identify with religions and seek to perpetuate these under the garb of minority-majority narration. They position as savior while using common people as fodder. They insist on sticking on to the established narration without scrutinizing at the expense of people. They patronize segregatory and demeaning religions in the garb of human rights least bothered that religion itself is the source of human rights violations. They degrade humans by fixing their identity on religion. They undermine humanity by nurturing deviant values and traditions emerging from religions as culture. Finally they insult decency of common people by being superficial and showing least concern as they continue with clique agreed intellectual narrations. As they push humans into religions (which by its very definition is anachronistic patriarchal feudals vicious intrusion into reality) they also create competitions among other religions. They climb high moral grounds as savior and show themselves as evolved. Meanwhile the viciousness of the majority as a reactionary forces gains credibility among common people. In the process hard earned egalitarian value systems are undermined as jingoist revivalist take center stage. Urgent issues and existential matters are sidelined. Worst kind people, charlatans, capitalize the scene. The rise of xenophobia and worst kind of leaders across the world has this as a major factor. Systems that seeks to capitalize on herd look for easy outing hence corporate and market media will authenticate. 
To face the emerging challenges of 21st century medieval value system based on religious fictions is going to be a major impediment. These are an affront on humanity and always seek to undermine individuals.  To start with you will have to deny religions and all the birth based value systems and identities (including hilarious thick skinned royals as also feudal patriarchy that is carefully nurtured under the garb of faith).You will have to deconstruct systems, closely scrutinize it, remove and reject them if it doesn’t pass the basic test of egalitarian values that is necessarily hinged on individual freedom and liberty. As Walt Whitman put it so succinctly "dismiss whatever insults your soul". Authoritarian values are consolidated when there is ignorance, when reality is denied, by submitting to authority and by the lack of intellectual capacity and fearlessness to ask pertinent uncomfortable questions and insist on answer. Therefore by its very nature religion works to authenticate authoritarianism and degrades basic foundations of democracy. Hence apart from denying immense possibilities as individuals religion also converts humans into unthinking entities (what can be worse than this violation) who could easily be manipulated.           

Friday, April 17, 2020

Fantasy is making it difficult

When your dealing with life is based on fantasy, exaggeration and omnipotence then it is going to be problematic to deal with the emerging reality. The kind of nonsense the world is facing from Asia to US to Brazil to Europe has undercurrent of religions that is working to undermine the threat humanity faces. Christianity is working very closely with capitalism to undermine humanity specifically in countries like US and Brazil. Anti-vaccination campaign is part of this balderdash, that is also making fighting with COVID difficult. Conspiracy theory easily find place in such people’s mindset when they are overwhelmed with fantastical narration of religion. Islam is working to help create and fuel narrations of conspiracy at the expense of common people who are being manipulated. Previously polio medical volunteers were attacked in Afghanistan and Pakistan, now medical staffs are attacked in India. There is also overplay of 'religion will protect us'. Hindus, quite used to ideas of social distancing (indeed the hindu priests in Kerala holds PhD in social distancing), are using this opportunity to showcase themselves as sane, and indeed scientifically minded (the irony of it). Meanwhile I am told there are astrologers who are able to predict future of corona, and the religious zombies lacking common sense and nurtured in nonsense eagerly await these. There are other religion too like Buddhism, Sikhism, Jews...i am not getting into these not because of any respect. Once it falls into framework of religion -that is working on specifically written knowledge and rituals/miracles of the past as guidance to create followers instead of possibilities of knowledge that is yet to be acquired, when it actively works against inquisitiveness, open minded pursuits, individual expressions of creations, then it is working against humanity, it is indeed working against life itself, therefore nothing much is expected. It's a dreary dangerous place that religions create.  

Religious herds are fighting with each other viciously in virtual world. The kind of views and counter views, abuse so on based on prejudices, fancy notions is shocking (I too participate sometime to provoke, and get into thought process. Making sure to target all religions and not any particular religion). Most of these people are youngsters. It’s a failure of education. It's outcome of primitive elders who haven’t been able to provide sane humanist value system. Religions are itself problematic so the solution cannot be found by placing oneself within it. Religions segregate and are based on fantasy hence finding egalitarian narrations from different religious contexts so as to connect with humanity doesn’t really work. Some people valiantly try these but these are futile. Accommodating religions is pushing humanity to lowest commonest denominator of dealing. It is so 20th century solution. It’s foolhardy, and is wasting lots of precious time. All that is wrong with humanity can be traced to religions. Fantasy is helping to create fake narration and superficial humans who are reduced to herds that persistently works against individuality. These herds are valued by politicians as voters, market as consumers, entertainers as audience and fattened elitist savior fluffs as victims. These therefore will constantly work against humanity and individuals as they will keep feeding religions as special identity for nefarious reasons therefore undermining humans. The reason why religions are becoming emboldened in their nuisance value in recent times as the world comes closer is a serious issue that has grievous ramifications. The challenge of 21st century cannot be faced by tolerating religions. Tolerating religions is tolerating nonsense. Religion has become an affront on humanity. It is a threat to all the things beautiful. It is a challenge to sanity. It is undermining humanity, the knowledge and wisdom we have acquired all these centuries.                    

Monday, April 13, 2020

Doctors are not needed

Not really sorry for the provocative heading, it may even sound ridiculous in the times of catastrophic health crisis. But when one is located in primitive society one can only be aghast by the way things are handled. It’s a hierarchy driven society hence will always find its crude references. It is being drilled in that doctors are in higher status compared to nurses. Naturally when someone is put at higher status it automatically makes others lower status. And lower status means inhuman dealing that characterizes this society. The rising cases of nurses getting infected with virus reflects this lackadaisical ways. Many Kerala nurses have related dangerous life threatening condition under which they are being forced to work, specifically, in places like Mumbai.  Most have complained that they are not getting even basic amenities and are being exploited. Many nurses (mostly from Kerala) in big cities are paid pittance as they stay together in small rooms in appalling conditions while they work in super specialty hospitals catering to richest people. Disgracefully some see them as nothing more than house helps. There are cases where nurses have threatened to suicide if their salary is not increased (i recall few years back when few of them climbed highrise to suicide). These crucial jobs are being taken for granted. Not at all surprising considering the nature of society. Now that we are in midst of crisis it should give insight as to what is to be valued. There are no menial jobs. There are crucial jobs and there are BS jobs. Its difficult to get these into the minds of primitives wherein success is epitomized through IIT-IIM-and then sniffing for big money in a well entrenched BS network of professionalism. That these wastrels are elevated as standards of intelligence and success is a study on this society.           
Most doctors have spent a ransom to achieve this status. And in a status driven society they seek to multiply these by working to extend these into lucrative career hence strive to specialize in latest fad so as to be in high paying super specialty hospitals. Hospitals are profitable business and many moneybags are salivating to multiple their investment. The way things are dealt in this society doctors are also seen as marker of intelligence. Ideally anyone who is interested to have a career in any field must be encouraged and the society is expected to provide facilities. To be a doctor is no big deal anyone who is literate and interested can become a doctor if he or she is ready to invest time and energy so as to pass the MBBS. Though India has acute shortage of doctors these career are restricted (this is nothing short of sadistic value system that defines the policy makers –not surprising considering most were casteist feudals with minimum intelligence but surfeit blessing). There are entrance exams wherein they are tested in fields like physics, chemistry so on within a set time to pursue a career as medical doctor! They are asked to solve questions in fields of science in shortest time that in itself is an affront on science and an insult on the whole idea of education. Short cut based utilitarian valuation of education is a reflection of sick society that is infected with memorization and recitation as standard of achievement. Those who qualify these inanities are seen as epitomizing intelligence thus tarnishing these youngsters (both who qualify and those who don’t qualify) for life. Another achievement of this primitive society which is not evolved to value humans.   

The job of doctor is to diagnose, as also show empathy and concern to patient. To expect empathy and concern is asking for bit too much when they are here to get back the investment. Patients are exploitable commodity in most hospitals. With rare exceptions most doctors are money sucking leeches who run a racket with hospitals and pharmaceutical conglomerates. While poor die for want of basic amenities. Public health centers lack staff. So primarily a doctor’s job is to diagnose based on the evidence. These can be easily be automated. Robots (like IBM Watson) are able to do much better and precise diagnoses as compared to doctors. It is able to compare millions of cases, and with deep learning able to even predict, to higher level of success and doesn’t show any emotional fatigue. It is not shocking that what was classified as “intelligent” people by this society don’t pass the scrutiny. The profile that really matters (not surprisingly undermined by this society) is that of a nurse. Not only do they have knowledge of medicines but are expected to carry qualities of caring since they spent more time with patients unlike doctors who diagnoses, prescribes and checks feedback. A good nurse should be necessarily be having qualities of empathy and compassion. Attributes that cannot be automated. Attributes that defines a human. Doctor’s job therefore should be redundant and routinized into some technical application.
So when I see these doctors pouting their opinions in market media it makes me sick. What exactly is their role here? They haven’t done any research on this virus (indeed most doctors cannot they are practitioners) so how do they know about it to give opinion? Further, the diagnosis, prescriptions and care are already streamlined in epidemics as also pandemic by high end research and protocol. Doctors therefore becomes an overpaid presence without much use. I dare say they maybe just crowding the place. Doctors therefore are more suited to run clinics in small town. The job of nurses therefore becomes much crucial in health crisis. What differentiate nurses and doctors is mostly class factors (in casteist society this is source of much degradation) that is sought to be consolidated as blessed intelligence hence competence. The reality is ofcourse different. Society is making wrong investments. Nurses are qualified and competent to make preliminary diagnoses before referring to a robot (at the moment occupied by doctor) who refers back patients to them for treatment and care after accurate diagnosis and necessary prescriptions. It needs to be noted that Scandinavian countries value nurses and they are paid in par with doctors. It’s about time that world realizes and recognizes the crucial role nurses play. They cannot and shouldn’t be subservient to anyone least the doctors (who are mostly going to be obsolete). Their job profile is to be valued by humanity. Their role should be augmented so that they can head health centers. This is crucial considering health crisis that are set to rise in future with climate change and increased possibilities of epidemics, also consider doctors don't like to work at grassroot level while health centers prescribes the need for doctors while these could be handled by trained nurses who are also connected to grassroot reality. Instead of wasteful colonial jobs like IAS that cater to feudal values system and sucks away too much resources we need Indian Health Services (with nursing as qualification) that is adapted to changing reality (apart from ofcourse Indian Education Service). Health service professionals must play a crucial active role in local administration unlike generalists colonial administrators who are ego driven dead weights. Casteist feudal policy makers who ruled this beleaguered nation for 70odd years were intellectually incapable and morally deficient to understand the needs of this society hence replicated what was handed over to them by colonial masters –with whom they have embryonic relations. The way hindutva is moving nothing much is expected as it is increasingly getting clear that they are trapped in castetva fold degradation. The castetva narration is too entrenched in zombie populace. That can only be exploited while feeding fictions of greatness.

The reason why Kerala was able to handle the pandemic (despite first case reported on Jan30, and substantial viral infected expatriate population returning from Dubai, Italy, China so on) is because of investment in primary health that created grassroot level infrastructure and trained health workers. As also investment in primary education that created threshold for qualified health professionals as also a population that is able to understand the gravity of the situation and take informed precautionary actions. Ofcourse literacy to education takes effort which is a big deal that Indians are incapable of. These reflected in amazingly trivial crude ways in which they entertain themselves, indeed in the last two decades, with influx of market, kerala is digging into its primitive self. So despite having health standards comparable to Scandinavian countries (quite an achievement considering low per capita income) it remains intellectually and morally challenged hence settles in cruder expressions. It doesn’t show any indications of coming out of its pit in near future, and considering the wasted potential of literacy this seems like impossible. 

Last but not the least the catholic christianity that values care and nurture of sick and lonely hence became an inspiration for youngsters (particularly girls in Kerala) must be appreciated. This has therefore helped other sections of society to seek these as career all across the world without any inhibitions. Kerala lady nurses are working all across the world. Considering how patriarchal and deviant the society is this is quite remarkable (there is also claim of matriarchy by casteist feudals, its laughable nonsense spread by mediocre sociologists without any context). Apart from nurses kerala also exports school teachers to different parts of the world. This ofcourse is not an endorsement for religions which I maintain is an anachronistic nonsense based on fantastical fiction that degrades reality. But we need to appreciate where it is due.                                          

Thursday, April 09, 2020

Celestial snapshots

Celestial snapshots
Life is honored in the periphery
Where the light dims
Gust of air eddies into itself
Words halt in jagged fractals
You look at the streaming feathers of peregrine
Very much aware of the beetle dancing on the dung
Seeking guidance from the heaven    

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Fiction cannot tackle reality

Meanwhile, i read, there are rising number of cases of stigmatizing and ostracizing taking place. Fear of the dreaded virus is legitimate but the methods adopted in reaction by people wielding societal influence smacks of deep rooted depraved value system. Many doctors, nurses (even air hostesses) are being asked to vacate by despicable house owners and rent seekers. Imagine that these are the people who are putting their life on line to serve. Instead of providing moral support (that the PM so admirably initiated) some are being called "dirty". That is how they treat crucial and essential occupations. Dirty. Don't think these are coincidences. These are legacies from sanctum very much nurtured by purity seeking squatters and the ecosystem that thrived through castetva forces severely degrading this society. Corona is only a precursor to some serious cataclysmic challenges that the society is set to face as climate breakdown related changes gain momentum. This society is not really conceived to deal with these challenges. It lacks basic humanistic foundation of compassion and decency. One respite is that their influence is relatively less in the world than monster mullah's degradation that is spreading at an alarming rate and gun trotting life denying horrendous white racist Christians of US who wield immense power over the world.

Its amply clear that fiction minded (read religious) are constant threat to reality. These regressive values work to deny most of the crucial problems humanity face. When it is god's wish how can you take responsibility?! These segregation thriving fantastical fictions are going to be serious threat to communitarian response and humanitarian concerns. Further, these fiction minded who stick to the frame that deny reality in the garb of faith cannot be part of path breaking solutions (at the most they can be minor accretional contributors with all humbleness that religion inspires and denies). Innovative mindset needs a searing contact with reality and an openness to question and logically construct. Religions actively deny it, and is indeed a virus of mind that seeks to destroy humanness. Religions are freeloading on humanity, and its quite clear that its a dead weight nurtured and authenticated by some extremely devious section at the expense of all that defines humanity.       

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

We must thank unfortunate Italians for warning

These are the worst of the times and best of the times (apologies to Dickens). The virus is making a relentless march. Cities after cities are in lockdown. It is sad but the silence is overwhelmingly satisfying. Considering that India is overpopulated and psychopathically noisy this is such a respite not only for people who value silence but for other species too. It is as if earth has started to breathe again and a pernicious virus in its system is checked. Irony.

Sometime back a very interesting book was on the rack: Bullshit Jobs: A theory (by anthropologist David Graeber), he argues that there are millions of people across the world — clerical workers, administrators, consultants, telemarketers, corporate lawyers, service personnel, and many others — who are toiling away in meaningless, unnecessary jobs, and they know it. Bullshit jobs are jobs which even the person doing the job can’t really justify the existence of, but they have to pretend that there’s some reason for it to exist. There is a difference between bullshit jobs and shit jobs they’re not the same thing. Graeber elaborates “Bad jobs are bad because they’re hard or they have terrible conditions or the pay sucks, but often these jobs are very useful. In fact, in our society, often the more useful the work is, the less they pay you. Whereas bullshit jobs are often highly respected and pay well but are completely pointless, and the people doing them know this”. This is another irony and in a primitive society like India bullshit has always been prioritize over essential. It begins from the deviance of the sanctum. The only parameter of blessing is money and power. So we have scenes of youngster leaving essential jobs to join administration –the one that is elevated as epitome of intelligence among the unthinking populace and carries the perks and power assimilating all the feudal trappings. Few weeks back I was with these retired administrators in some interview panel (probably one of the least sick jobs) and asking question to the candidate as to “opportunities for india in corona spread” words like “supply chain disruption” “advantage over china” were liberally used for intense satisfaction of retired bureaucrats posturing as intelligentsia (they do have body language and compelling semantics though, clearly being in BS jobs with lots of power have taught them tricks of con artists. I too keenly learn this!). And this was in delhi, and I carried my sanitizer and was quite sure that the virus was in the next turn. When you are aware of what is happening around the world and take news in its seriousness, and not as an entertainment, then you will be concerned. You may even panic considering amazing level of ignorance and nonchalance of people around. You cannot blame the people they don’t take warning seriously because they are not aware. They are not aware because this society values bullshit. Literacy rarely becomes education hence they are easy fodder for manipulators. News is about entertainment and touches lowest commonest denominator at every available opportunity. With no moral ethical context conscience is rarely an issue. They normalize third rate movies and stupid game of cricket as news, they nurture manipulative mediocre actors and cricketers as influencers. A microorganism is here to sieve the bull shit. Primitive societies are in for a soul searching moment of meaninglessness.  
Thankfully India has the lessons of unfortunate countries like Italy and Iran. If we didn't have these warnings marketers would have scuttled all efforts for profit and hundreds thousands of people would have died by now. It is the same motivation that influence the biggest con artist of all time: Donald Trump. He is a breathing slimy feed appropriating everything for market to nourish. He epitomizes its crassness to dangerous insulating bullshit grandeur. He represents the degradation of the world we live. He is a constant reminder of what will happen to humanity.

As India is in lockdown PM Modi has taken some rightful actions and shown to be a compelling motivator in these bleak times, and to the chagrin of castetva forces posturing liberal saviors who seek to band him with rightist nutcases across the world with the help of fattened western fluffs, he is a seasoned and matured astute politician who knows how to work the deal with much restrain. He has been consistent when it comes to focusing on emerging challenges such as renewable source of energy, climate change matters so on. It is however necessary that neoliberal context needs to rethink on basic income to the unorganized sector. 

A society that doesn’t have much sense to distinguish right from wrong nor any parameter to decide these in such instance righteous authoritarian interventions works well. Mr. Modi intervened at the right time to drill the seriousness of the situation. As a political leader he has been a great communicator. Most Indians are incapable to take decisions that has concern for society as a main context, being blessed they are incapacitated to conceptualize themselves as subservient to crucial social restrictions that is indeed matter of life and death. Many see these as affront to their special place in universe. In their grand world every occasion is an occasion presented specially to them to capitalize. It is a society in prisoner’s dilemma with no basic communitarian understanding. Hence it is important that rules are strictly enforced. Again we must thank unfortunate Italians, Spaniards and Iranians. We are incapable to be proactive nor can act with conscience. We need to be shown, and convinced, of the consequences with gory details with repeated requests. Since even this is difficult to get sense of the reality to zombies –who have been isolated from reality for too long, severe action must be initiated against the violators.