Friday, October 05, 2007

To bring down ruthless dictators of Burma boycott …

People of Burma (Myanmar) are being ruthlessly oppressed for about two decade now. It is therefore not surprising that the recent popular and peaceful uprising against the junta has been brutally dealt. According to the reports emerging from this unfortunate country- clandestinely available on Net, thousands of people are illegally detained, killed or seriously assaulted. Dictators are also quoted saying yesterday that Aung Sang Suu Kyi ‘should not pursue confrontation’! The fact that she has been in house arrest for a decade, the fact that democracy has been cruelly suppressed is a coincidence!. Burma junta is a shame on humanity. The international community need to intervene and sought out this problem. If UN cannot do anything here then its credibility in handling such crisis is questioned. It is paving way for violent societies.

Propriety or rightness should predominate strategic interest, ideally. While India did some Gandhian talk in UN about non violence in the sidelines they were negotiating with Burma!!. Diplomacy almost always lack sensitivity to reality, propriety. It is a kind of custom meant for media, the smile, shaking hands, so on. This meeting was ‘strategic’ I am told. To help us people. Most of the ministers (and babus) who are desperately trying to help us Indians have spend almost all their life in few Kms of Delhi is also not a coincidence.

The concerns of Indians are not entirely unfounded since the border with Burma is a very sensitive and vulnerable region. Also China it seems is having a march over India in this region. The ‘balancing act’ by India has more to do with these realities. Of course that doesn’t take Indians out of blame.

The Dictators of Burma get their support from China is not rocket science. China has been sustaining these dictators for more than a decade or so for its ‘strategic interest’ is very clear (the kind of things ‘leaders’ do for people is astounding!!). China in recent months is trying to show its be
st behavior to international community since it is hosting Olympics. So it doesn’t want to be seen on wrong foot. It has rectified its stands in Darfur after coercion (not the least by Spielberg). Precisely that is how Junta in Burma could be brought down. If China doesn’t act now then the Olympics are in peril. Ideally sports should be kept away from politics but we are not living in ideal world. This suggestion might seem a bit hyperbolic but 18 years of brutality is too long a period. It is time to think in terms of boycotting Beijing Olympics.