Friday, June 28, 2024

Deeply upsetting

Watching American presidential debate upset me in no uncertain terms. And this from a person who is located thousands of miles from USA and has no stakes in US elections whatsoever. Narration in US has substantial impact on humanity, as also, despite grievous problems this is a region that has provided for much of liberal space that values human liberty and freedom. It nurtures best of minds to channelize for progress. There are few evolved spaces left around the world and is being rapidly diminished by market, religions, feudal values and opportunism. US elections does matters to humanity.

I am sure Biden is a nice man and much liked, and that makes it terribly upsetting to see him struggle, not because there is anything wrong with him. He doing his best as the physical self allows him to. It is obvious that Biden is not what he was few years back. Some people age faster, some people slower, it becomes difficult for some people to do things that was much easier few years back. A politician at such high stakes situation must be alert in his/her demeanor, sharp in communication, appropriate in choice of words, ready with forceful ideas, emphasis of nuance that syncs with people, subtle humor that consolidates empathy and charm, exemplifies human condition and ofcourse heightened awareness of context and responsibility of his/her position. That an elderly man with weakening senses is being put through these angers me (placed in front of a charlatan who should have been easily muzzled in his own lies and deceit), watching his desperate pauses and prime time scrutiny on his loosening grip also crumbles something existential in us too, it was excruciating. This was not a debate it was a spectacle. A spectacle of callousness. A disturbing confluence extracting contemporary uncaring world into focus. No caring person would like to see their loved ones to be in such a position for crass cruel scrutiny. Democratic party must be ashamed of itself, they suffer from such amazing sense of entitlement is truly shocking. It also puts focus on the system that connives to place an elderly man in such state of desperation for world to gawk and comment, as also nurture a con artist to be his adversary. As they say democracy is like an egg shell weak from inside if the checks and balances are corrupted, nepotistic and infected with crony capitalism.

Surely Democratic Party will have their own mechanism to find a suitable alternative at the earliest. As an outsider I see Michelle Obama as a brilliant possibility.