Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Unprecedented win


BJP emerging as largest party (wee short of majority) and the NDA alliance comfortably crossing the majority required to form the government is unprecedented in many ways. It is despite ruling for last ten years -surmounting anti-incumbency factor, and crisis like pandemic that shut down the world, positive progressive role India played during this crisis is noted (ofcourse there were systemic problems but this needs to be seen as foundational issue, also note attempts were made by entitled cunning castetva to use international media to bracket PM Modi into nutcases like Trump or Bolsonaro while he dealt with pandemic quite logically). There are also other major issues of price rise, rising unemployment, climate crisis…dwindling resources so on. Despite all these BJP emerging as largest party, more than total seats won by opposition parties put together, is remarkable. Not only that it has expanded into new regions (initiated cataclysmic changes in Kerala -trapped in binary chicanery. Though one would’ve preferred a grassroot worker and not someone from entertainment industry. It also needs to be noted that castetva media -essentially christian minority tagged dwindling legacy media, dismissed him to finish third while he won comfortably! Binary of ‘godi media’ is much worse and have contributed in serious degradation of Indian society in last many decades, now posing as benevolent savior. Congress has mostly been a regressive feudal force in Kerala, much of state's progress can be traced to grassroot involvement of communist -now trapped in sinister family hold). Though BJP has faced setbacks in this election but considering the context it is indeed remarkable and unprecedented. It is a clear indication that hindutva has become central to Indian politics and will remain so despite setbacks and opposition consolidation.

Nationalism is closer to common people’s aspirations and expectations in the contemporary world if not posed as jingoism unlike patriotism that is couched in liberal sounding castetva convenience that can be bartered as we saw in the aftermath of Mumbai attack. Rustic hindutva is new to the game while cunning castetva is aware of the nuance and is inbred to play the West -who consolidate the narration with colonial hold. Take for instance the issue of Gandhi. Mr. Modi is not entirely wrong. What is wrong is the context and timing. It is true that Gandhi movie was essentially a promotional movie sponsored by Indian Govt, made by a british with colonial angst, carefully toeing castetva narration control. The movie had serious flaws and even negates, reduces, the role of other great leaders like Ambedkar -who was crucial in understanding myth of gandhi -indeed if colonial minded british were serious in atoning itself then they should have considered an unbiased movie on Ambedkar which would’ve ruffled castetva’s constructed world. It cannot be denied that Gandhi became a popular name among common people across the world after Gandhi movie. What is also true is essential nature of gandhi or gandhian is still manipulated, and is essentially imposed on common people through castetva control that hindutva has adopted to bask in the mythical legacies. It is a case of Wittgenstein misinterpretation. What is meant by nonviolence in Indian context and what is carefully manipulated by castetva word defecators for the world is essentially contradictory. Also, Modi’s critical thoughts on reservation is spot on. There is no provision in constitution for reservation on the basis of religion. But the language used was provocative and indeed polarizing. This is where hindutva will have to work. What is also true is that reservation was meant to be only for a decade wherein cunning castetva used it to work on consolidating caste and posing itself as benevolent blessed arbitrators of snarling competing herds. Almost all so-called leaders of castetva congress were caste feudals and inbred squatters (indeed our savior claims to be jenue dhari shivbakth while hindutva falls for essential patriarchal reaction of c*nt/d*ck check for the primitive claim! What great culture. Extremely deft manipulators with negligible skills of even public speaking or empathy or even emotional control were airdropped as leaders to keep the competition under control among themselves while critical issues were dealt with more manipulation and blessedness). This was the standard template to deal and mediocre inbred media analyzed these to keep the herd tagged. Modi referring Nehru as 'pundit' is ominous indication of hindutva falling into reactionary caste cannibalism. Castetva has infected hindutva, and indication is that herds will be fed and kept snarling at each other for gains. What is also true is that substantial number of muslims are poor (there are many reasons, and yes nature of religion is also a significant factor including diminished role of women in public space, crude patriarchal values, as also poor quality of religion-based education) and must have access to reservation. If provision can be made to give reservation for economically weaker section in hindus then it must also be extended to muslims and other religions. Modi, who is also the PM, must have included these to sound logical and empathetical, as a concern for every Indian. But he fell stock and barrel for castetva trap and exposed hindutva hooligan bearings. Ideally reservation should be removed completely and must be based on economic reason applicable to every Indian. Meanwhile huge investment must be made into primary education, as also caste must be eradicated. Judiciary must intervene to reign in castetva media. For instance, dalit is not an identity and is a construct that castetva has worked to milk benefits. Dalit can only be mentioned in context to discrimination because it indicates systemic issue. Castetva is trying to play liberal for West by comparing dalit as black and posing as savior. Hindutva needs to negotiate these traps that castetva will trigger for benefits.

Leader plays a role but democracy is sustained by vibrant institutions. Party cannot be about one person. It can be used to impress people -who indeed are herd and need assuring figure, but political party needs to understand pitfalls. Modi is ofcourse an extremely popular brand that is not really a mask and has taken decades of grassroot work and dedication. It though cannot be overplayed. Western media really went for his claim as ‘chosen by god’. Well, ofcourse in the context of Indian ways he is ‘chosen by god’, when most Indian live in fate dictated miserable insecure unpredictable lives a powerful leader is ofcourse embodiment of blessedness, also this is quite common claim and well documented from history to buttress hold over people -something that squatters expertised to control people. Also understand that almost all political parties (except maybe communists in Kerala) are due to hereditary or feudal reasons which is essentially impressing on common people of ‘chosen’ blessed status or else why will these manipulating wastrels get elected? What is there credibility if not claim for blessedness, 'chosen by god'? Modi was attempting to work his brand to match castetva forces (indeed, many Indians do take him as an avatara which goes with the tradition of recognizing good work or exceptional ability). Megalomania maybe a possibility and many leaders suffer from god syndrome but lazy arrogant West need not condescend to understand Indian context.           

Empathy also means to be concerned about common people including the fact that will they be able to go for voting in heat wave conditions. Primitive Indian systems have emulated colonial british legacy to showcase blessing hence lack of concern. Many people have died during polling process. This cannot be allowed to be classified as fate. It was intentional. Why is nobody held responsible? Voting percentage going down has to do with these factors. Understand this political parties have nurtured herds -that is their core base, who will go for voting even if there is a flood or fire. It is undecided concerned common people who matter and are real reflection of consolidated aspiration and valuation of policies. Voting percentage going down is suppression of voices. Hopefully care will be taken next time. Most importantly a new law to consolidate all election into single process must be brought in immediately. We cannot have the worst of society taking center stage every now and then analyzing with their limited mind and degrading agenda as ace evaluator of Indian society while earning easy money and importance. Primitive society brings in its worst during elections. All kind of charlatans become experts. Also, what remains constant and without scrutiny is crucial issues like capitalism's neoliberal hold. Each will speak wonders of GDP without being aware of implication or indeed incapable to change the idea into sustainable mechanism to value growth. Since much of the world lacks competence and is constantly in beggar’s mind mode it is for civilized spaces (increasingly limited) to work on new modes of evaluating human progress before the resources of the world is depleted and biodiversity irreparably lost.