Monday, July 22, 2024

Dangers of divine rights and coronation


US is a flawed nation. But despite its horrible flaws it continues to be one of the few spaces on earth which values democracy, liberty and equality -how much of it is practiced can be debated but structure is intact and intend is valued. Much of best human endeavor originates in US hence to a large extent path of humanity’s progress and hope. US remains a significant nation and indeed a positive presence despite the horrors. It is for no reason that much of the world wants to, and continues to, migrate to US as it provides opportunities and freedom. It provides the best of the world, and ofcourse the worst of what a liberal progressive society can bring. Open societies expects responsibility and awareness to sustain, and this is where it is collapsing. Neoliberal hedonism can give impression of liberty and freedom but it is severely limited and sets the rot. Rule of law is collective will that comes with awareness of duties of citizens, or else we get violence and police overreach, there is general lack of trust on individuals and institutions which gives way to authoritarian rule. Neoliberal hedonist values breed pernicious nihilism that is mistaken for individualism. It leads to alienation and regressive collective consolidation. Lulled into alternate reality, consumerism sedated reasoning faculties, fantastical grandeur that opulence presents creates vision of chosen people, abstracting worst template from religion for atavistic consolidation. In a very riveting way, you could trace Huxleyian indulgence consolidating into Orwellian nightmare. Lack of awareness and irresponsible ways also means they are incapacitated to fathom the loss, the irretrievable nature of collapse. It happens when all the breathtaking human progress, unique context of evolution, is lost in daily inanities and bickering. Degradation of democracy is a loss to humanity. This becomes critical considering that much of world is deeply enmeshed in primitive swath -the evertightening grip of uncouths that is also actively nurtured by opportunist manipulators in liberal world. Democratic institutions, defining values of human progress like freedom, equality and liberty, are constantly being threatened, weakened and compromised, not only by fascist forces but also by dangerous liberal posing debauch persistently undermining ideas of diversity by encouraging regressive as collective identity. Semantics of primitive horrible past is being carelessly used to forever freeze narration and condemn humanity into recurring hell. Trapped in a fantastical alternate reality they are incapacitated to glimpse the profound progress all around nor are equipped to realize spectacular opportunities to evolve and understand. Exciting possibilities and hopes of future are lost in limiting intellect and instead constructed past becomes dreamland of perfection. Insatiable neoliberal wanton greed and omnipotence of opulence gives way to visions of mythical grandeur of past devoid of any context or care. From this putrid cesspool the calls of revivalist con artists gains credence.

The foundation of US is consolidation of republic that defeated monarchy, the british monarchy -theatre of absurd is still kept intact as a tribute and sustenance to feudal values across the world. US, despite problems, stands as beacon of democracy and liberty. Recent ruling by SCOTUS giving immunity to charlatan Trump invokes medieval concept of divine right -an exception not meant for common people, this british value system is a severe assault on progressive ideas, liberty and equality, it is an affront to modern world we live in. Now, anointing Kamala Harris as successor without due process is another blot on democracy. Democracy is not about coronation with cabal of nodding elite, blessing media and hooting plebs. Democratic party is in increasing danger of becoming like Republicans in their pursuit of power.