Monday, July 29, 2024

When death is murder


Weapon of murder is callousness, apathy, a characteristic disregard for human life. These deaths are not accident or fate but murder by well-nourished system orchestrating against vulnerable. Time and place keep shifting but the template of gross violation on life continues. The play of blessedness and fate is iterated as eternal and a lesson. A cyclical nature beyond our control, so it is cleverly posited as nothing to do with corruption, greed or criminal negligence, even with evidence they are brushed aside or undermined with alacrity, the sinister system is too seeped into soul that it is incapacitated to be reformed. It is cunningly appropriated as fate and an occasion to drivel into people their precarious existence. The only option presented with much fanfare and testimonial from sideshow celebrities and attention seeking dopamine is to better your fate. Here too are charlatans ready with ritual of solutions to fleece. Since fate is death and misery while blessedness is money and power so this stampede to acquire, capture, grab, by whatever means. In this skewed degraded system, that conceives every occasion as an opportunity to make money and increase power and influence, majority are fated to be crushed while few emerge as winners to be emulated as lessons on inspiration. There is rarely any moment of self-reflection since critical foundation of society (religion/tradition/market/culture/relations/elders) is compromised and streamlined to serve these aspirations of success. Thus, the richest beggars and most powerful beggars are compelling role models for aspiring beggars. They provide meaning by compulsive exhibitionism of their shallow vacuous lives to enthusiasts incapacitated of any discerning skills or nuanced understanding whatsoever. This self-consuming loop is fed by institution under the garb of freedom and choice. These infect every aspect of life whether education, entertainment, art, spiritual or leisure. Nature, environment, humans, animals, are transactional in this worldview and its value to be assigned in the matrix of benefit. Every possibility of better human being is reduced and aggregated to means of intense social mobility of gathering power, money and influence. This journey, the desperation and final accomplishment of goals, is what makes life story simple and easy to understand. Complexities and vibrancy of living is rarely attempted, if ever, as minor sideshow, detour, character fault, to main story -established life pattern. The mind is cherished in juvenile, intellect celebrated in adolescent glories. What possibility do you see of such a society?

Three youngsters drowned (few days back one was electrocuted) and died horrible deaths trapped in shops tailormade to lowest evaluation of education. They were milch end of horrible operators including greedy authorities, irresponsible administrators, fleecing property dealers and hawkers of short cut knowledge. Almost three decades back I was in the same situation. I stayed about 100m away from the scene of tragedy, I know the place very well, the horrible value system and transactional objectified deals of greed, abject neglect, an overwhelming sense of insecurity at every turn (carefree youthfulness probably helped). Water clogging and drowning the area is not uncommon in this place (I recall a neighborhood boy washed away in the drainage few feet away from where I resided -an intensely polluted, noisy and congested locality, it affected me deeply and I really couldn’t sleep for few days until they found the body -essentially skeleton about a week later, had a sense of closure), so the claim that those who constructed new posh glittery building, as a façade to churn money by trapping the hapless, were not aware of recurring flooding in the area and so conveniently allowed basement into paid libraries of death trap are deceitful awful people an essential abstraction of characteristic values that define these cesspool of humanity -not that all are nasty I knew some wonderful people too but these were almost always exceptions.

I too was an extremely vulnerable youngster very much enmeshed in the degraded system, a simple pawn with no inkling of sinister forces at play. Not much reading, brought up in simple worldview, good thing for me was unlike other youngsters I really had no much aspiration (it wasn’t really thought driven but since I was messed up and would get things wrong hence the idea of trying within the defined didn’t work, and what I liked didn’t matter), when people were planning future of going abroad and corporate jobs I took the decision of moving to Chennai (then madras) ostensibly for ‘career’ but really I was tired of sunset at beach and wanted to see sunrise every day and that is precisely what I did! Those were my motivation. Very soon I realized “preparing for competitive exam” was an excellent strategy to immune oneself from surrounding, so from ‘preparing for MBA’ I stumbled upon ‘preparing for civil services’ quite accidently and found that it was long drawn out hence perfectly suiting my singular struggle to be left alone. I was quite a slow reader but what I read I found extremely interesting. Frankly I wasn’t into any matrix of power aspirational career or ambition to prove ‘intelligence’ that motivates these kind of career but somehow along the way reading became a motivation (lot of time in the name of ‘preparation for exams’ suited me immensely which slowly but deliberately led to serious reading, quite surprising shift since my recent obsessions were war comics), very soon I forgot about these exams and was reading beyond, and so shifted to compelling world of fiction, and soon realized I had lot to read meanwhile searched for reading related jobs and then finally to part time jobs that didn’t consume me (now that itself is another parallel struggle of skilling in public speaking, play act so on). Concentration was not a problem but shifting it from making spitbubbles, and let it land on page and rounding the random word, to reading was a challenge! Soon reading became central to my being, and for about three years I was just reading and reading the better and best. I used to shock people by saying “man you can murder someone if you want but don’t forget to read good book a week, and when you read good books you realize murder is futile, a waste of time!”, everybody is in existential mess. Realizing appalling limitedness of Indian writers, I was into best of the world, soon became a discerning reader. It is about this time I got the urge to write. I never really got a sentence right in my life, and I messed up everytime and so very soon gave up the idea of writing as too farfetched unachievable framework (framework are nuanced understanding and works on increasing probables unlike binary crass ideas of target or goal), but the urge to write was strong (it is not to be mistaken for motivation and fall into regrettable self-help industry cliché), very much fueled by overwhelming self-assuredness of mediocre Indian writing, and so I wrote a paragraph every day and compared with master writers so on. So, from reading, to writing, to public speaking, as also interacting with strangers was a struggle, I somehow worked it fairly well. I took up jobs that gave steady income for daily expense without consuming time, and gave me lot of free time to explore as also gave impetus to pursue jobs that were entirely new and interesting. I even tried HR related nonsense called personality development. I took it for fun and soon realized they pay huge amount but found it stale, superficial and against my value system. I stumbled into Civil service interview only a decade back, and found it immensely interesting as it needed depth of knowledge (as also suited my middle age increasingly bored mistaken for stern demeanor). This helped me to channelize the latest innovation, expand my understanding and finetune my reading. I also realized that like ‘preparing for exams’, after certain age, people voluntarily leave you alone! It is extremely gratifying in an intrusive crude society, ofcourse the context shift is from hopeful to hopeless that never really bothered me. 

The intention of writing these is to show that apathy by responsible makes life miserable for vulnerable, it leads to death and misery. Vulnerability leads to anxiety hence the system must not only be responsible but empathetic. A primitive society degrades and restricts choices for youngsters, it straight jackets life into narrow degraded deal. It makes it immensely difficult, therefore takes enormous effort, to find oneself. Most are not able to and gobbled up by insouciant negligence, many are oppressed in the weight of the struggle and taper off into vacant life. In rare instances the oppressive system can create positives. I never ever thought I will take up writing (and people around me still don’t know I do write), and I am able to express myself the way I want to is immensely satisfying meanwhile tighten some screws and hit some nuts to work the complacent.