Saturday, July 20, 2024

When evil is beyond Kafkaesque

The conception of evil arose from alternate reality of religion, the intention was ofcourse betterment of individual hence society, simultaneous evolved awareness with degradation of hedonist world makes conceptions of alternate reality -conceived in medieval times, inadequate and meaningless to deal with complexities and urgent emergent realities of contemporary world. Evil was created as neat binary of good (which extended to juvenile conception of heaven and hell) for ease of convenience, a simplistic premise of moral for people to latch on to. In the uncertainties of medieval times, it worked to create workable ethical standards and synergy of dealing. You can deal with evil, or atleast equip yourself with an understanding, if he or she is a human. A human despite flaws suffers from human condition. Despite the megalomaniacal sickness and grandeur infected from alternate realities of religion and market they will have to face existential doubts and weaknesses that are too human. Now imagine an evil beyond human conception, an evil which is no longer human, an evil that is not contained in the binary of good or evil but carries complexities of good and evil. An evil that is beyond Kafkaesque -a suffering of modern times that mix existential and human condition into neglect, a bizarre and illogical world of total alienation and utter horror. An evil so logical that it questions our hold on reason. This has never happened before in human history, it is unprecedented. This is what is unravelling.

In the recently concluded G7 meet in Italy Pope Francis addressed the group on dangers of AI. This is significant, now I do have strong reservation on religion as also its pernicious presence in contemporary world but I do find Mr. Francis interesting and indeed a valuable and influential presence. So, whenever he speaks about anything other than religion, I give it due importance to probe further. The risk of autonomous weaponized AI is real. AI weapons that are trained and authorized to select their own targets and attack without further human authorization. It an evil that cannot be adjudicated with human reason nor contained by human condition. It augments ‘conventional, nuclear and cyber capabilities in ways that makes security relationships among rivals more challenging to predict and maintain and conflicts more difficult to limit’. AI is set to become indispensable part of defense system as it provides invaluable strategic advantage and insights that humans have no access to. It has capacity to identify patterns beyond human conception that even adversary did not plan, and then, recommend most optimal dynamic strategy to counteract in realtime. The simultaneous transfer of information to top decision makers in crisis situation is matter of concern since these become black box decisions -not accessible to human logic or reason, indecipherable to humans -that may leave them unsettled, but nevertheless certain of its strategic advantage. AI is superior to human reasoning with access to deepest pattern of reality in a way that is beyond human capacity, indeed range of human thought. There are two immediate issues here when non-human logic is introduced into military strategy; firstly, the strategic advantage created cannot be halted since enemy will be perceived to have formidable advantage, and secondly, since these capabilities are undecipherable accountability cannot be fixed hence severely impinging democratic discourse space and diplomactic negotiation imperatives. AI already has an upperhand over humanity. The race for strategic AI advantaged formidable defence system has already begun, and most likely is being used by IDF. There is a need for international moratorium on destabilizing AI capabilities that has exceptional destructive capacities. It is an arduous task since AI’s separate logic system by its very nature is incalculable hence generates autonomy and is adaptable to extremely volatile reality. Human oversight is essential before it spirals into most optimal strategic advantage bypassing humanity. AI cannot be autonomous. Transformative AI capabilities needs verifiable restraints and authorization for irretrievable actions where human lives are at stake. This new emergent reality needs entirely new vocabulary to deal.